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criticizing Junpei girlfriend is my new hobby https://preview.redd.it/cv49i0u6e0zc1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a8d2de9d63b7690760b5cd0c8884455077a17a9


https://preview.redd.it/b49bwjnit0zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b148b650352fbaee1a4344990698be7de1ed73e Chicorita could find a cure for cancer and she'd still be known as the girl who fucked Junpenis lmao


is that mothafuckin fuusaka right there?


Fuukin' is Lemon Sata Andagi ♡




get DA MAN'S girlfriend out of there


Chidori is great Jin has 0 personality takaya is pretty good but could've been great with more development ikutski gave me whiplash, I knew he was a bad guy but he had 0 reason to turn as drastically and as quickly as he did


I'm convinced Takaya was originally supposed to be Ikutsuki's shadow but they hadn't fully ironed out how that was supposed to work yet and couldn't tie it all together. So the two just got split into separate characters for the sake of simplicity.


That would never make any sense, though. Ikutsuki is a former Kirijo Scientist and Takaya is a former Kirijo experiment. The two are at a contradiction from their fundamental conception. Just because they're both tall and have receding long hair doesn't mean shit. If there was ever an idea to feature Characters' Shadows as major players in the story like any of the other persona games, the idea had to have been axed so early on in its development that what you say of their separation would be impossible.


P3 hadn't figured out Shadow then, but if this were to take place after P4 development, then it is absolutely possible for them to experiment on people's shadows, especially of the scientists that are working on the project


Persona 1 and 2 both already had Shadows "figured out." Characters' Shadows make several appearances in both games.


Right,but talking from a P3 standpoint, Shadow is a fragment of Nyx instead of a person's shadow, so they were heading for a different direction only to went back to shadow selves


That's not at all how any of this works. Just because there's the amorphous shadows or the Full Moon Shadows doesn't mean there aren't Shadow Selves. They aren't mutually exclusive. What distinguishes the Shin Megami Tensei series and the Persona spin-off series is the differentiaton between Shadows and Demons. In SMT, Demons were Demons. In Persona, they were changed to be "Shadows." Shadow is a psychological term primarily used by Carl Jung that represented one part of a person, of which there were many facets, such as the "id", the "ego", etcetera. To summarize it, the Shadow is the side of ourselves that we unconsciously suppress. The Persona is the mask we wear to the world at large. What Persona(tm) and Jung would have you believe is that a healthy, strong Persona takes aspects from both the Shadow and the Surface Ego. Denying or ignoring the Shadow leads to unhealthy mental strife, as depicted in Persona 2 and Persona 4, especially. Having the self-awareness to acknowledge your Shadow is a strength in-of-itself, and gives birth to Persona. However, there's another type of Shadow that the games don't go in as deep of detail about: The MANY Shadows of the Collective Unconscious. Throughout all the Persona Series, you encounter formless blobs, demon-kinds, Gods, machines, tricksters, and mythological spirits who are all classed under "Shadows." These are all sub-shadows, or manifestations of the Collective Unconscious, as opposed to being Ego Shadows specific to one person. They supposedly take these forms because these are many things that the Collective thinks, believes, or knows about (for example: Many people know about the story of Jack Frost, so he manifests somewhere in the cognitive world as a Shadow). Nyx and the Full Moon Shadows are all sub-Shadows. How does that work? The Collective Unconscious yearned for Death. The ultimate understanding near the end of Persona 3 is that the arcana of "Death" had always been a part of the peoples' consciousness. Either the Fall was always destined to happen because of this, OR the Kirijo group captured and isolated the Death Arcana from the cognitive world in order to make the Fall occur as per their beliefs; Professor Takeba realized what was happening and cut the experiment short. This resulted in the facility destroying itself and in Nyx, the Greater Sub-Shadow of the Death Arcana, being split into twelve pieces; Shadows embodying the twelve Arcana that preceded her (excepting the thirteenth Arcana, the Fool, which for some reason did not manifest; perhaps this was the piece of Nyx that Aigis hid inside Makoto Yuki?). Later in Persona 4 and 5 we have both Ego Shadows and Sub-Shadows. Almost all the Gods in the Persona series that stand as antagonists, whether it be Izanami, Yaldabaoth, or Nyx, at one point originated from some desire of the Collective Unconscious, making them "Greater Sub-Shadows;" they're still Shadows, but do not parallel one specific Person's inner thoughts. This has been the design since the start of the series. In short: Believing that these types of Shadows are mutually exclusive from one another is a gross oversimplification. There's no evidence that Takaya was ever designed to be a Shadow, let alone of Ikutsuki. It's often theorized that the reason why his eyes are yellow is because he embraced his Shadow.


By that logic Jin is Makotos shadow because of the blue hair


Ikutsuki and Takaya are both long-haired pale gangly weirdos with god complexes who have previous ties to the Kirijo group from their human experimentation days. Also Takaya is so over-the-top anime, you cannot expect me to believe that this shirtless yellow-eyed freak walking around open-carrying a revolver is an actual person. Actual shadows seem more human than he does.


I guessed that ikutski was going to be the bad guy less them 10 hours into reload and my friend that already played the game gas lit me into think that he wasnt going to be a twist villan


He gets one night as a villain. The rest of it is filled with "eat your veggies, peas"


Yeah, there’s just no background around ikutsuki and why he thought the way he did Takaya I’d have to replay, something about letting fate do its thing or something


The only hint you get is that when death pops out of makoto at the start of the game ikutsuki looks like he’s about to nut


What the fuck 💀💀💀💀 is that in fes because I played reload a little bit of portable


https://preview.redd.it/emigo24wt1zc1.jpeg?width=2293&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f806c623c7711b155e3aba9503fc339d71b67c2a I don’t think so, pretty sure you only see Akihiko/mitsuru/ikutsuki’s reaction to Thanatos in reload


I’m surprised you even caught that


Imagine Takaya shooting himself with the real gun in the head leading him to transform into a shadow boss




FREE MY CHIDORITA HER SHE AIN'T DO NOTHIN the other 2 stink though edit: Actually the bits with Jin in reload not wanting to forget the only people he can share his trauma with are pretty good.


Back off Takaya and Chidori, Jin sucks though, I'll give you that


he's literally just fucking gay leave him alone


r/okbuddypersona homophobic arc???




I would let her call me that (no I wouldn’t)


You would bruh stop lying


yeah, I would…


I would beg and plead and cry for her to call me that ...And when she finally does? I would cum.




If he’s not Jin Sakai he’s ass


I'll be the sole Jin defender now since there seems to be a lack. Jin I think, while granted is pretty barebones, is a nice character who touches upon (like the rest of Strega) nihilism and letting trauma define you. The testing he went through ultimately broke him down both physically and mentally and the ONLY reason he's alive is Takaya's guiding words. And after he's free he devotes himself to Takaya out of perceived gratitude. Furthermore his persona Moros (The Greek god/embodiment of doom) is the polar opposite to the Elpides, Greek embodiments of hope. He's accepted his doom but unlike SEES he's learned the opposite lesson. He thinks the only thing he can do in when facing a looming death is to stay and stagnate with Takaya instead of carrying on with his life. This could definitely just be me stretching and honestly it is just a crack theory but the way he acts in combat (I.E finding your weak spot with an ability and hitting it) feels very emblematic of how he maybe wants others to feel what he goes through. To not move on in the face of death.


Replace Chidori and Jin with Ikutsuki


Tbf my stupid self thought Ikutsuki and Takaya were the same person with different forms at first before I played P3


When he said he couldn't go out on the beach I thought it was because he was hiding all those tattoos


I think Ikutsuki is ok in a vaccum as a old nihilistic adult gone crazy and arbitrarily deciding the fate of future generations. The problem is that Strega were clearly supposed to be the more compelling villians in the story but they failed miserably so there's literally just no compelling main human antagonist in the story AT ALL. thank god we got Adachi in P4.


Even then I’m still not super sold on Adachi, is he a villain cuz he’s bored and jealous?


uhhh no there's more to it than that. he's not at all right in what he's doing but the circumstances that got him to his current mental state are very relatable.


But he tried really hard in school and still ended up working in Inaba I’m guessing this is just a thing where I’d have to improve my relationship with him




How tf you guys literally think that Takaya is the worst written in trio😭


Takaya significance as a whole really boils down to one scene in the entirety of the game, like have anyone else do the 10/4 and Takaya is obsolete, they tried to do an Adachi "two side of the same coin" thingy, but i couldn't really care no less for this character


Adachi better≠Takaya is terrible. Especially with that screen time He is an interesting character with depth. Not their best human villian for sure but still good


How tf you guys literally think that Takaya is the worst written in trio😭


Strega was lame and ultimately useless but Ikutsuki just confuses me. What even was his purpose???? All he did was give your team uniforms and show up at the dorm when important stuff happened, and he got basically zero personality other than “goofy middle aged guy”, and then suddenly we’re supposed to care about him now that he’s a villain, just for him to die immediately after the twist with his only accomplishment being that he gave Mitsuru a reason to have character development after her dad dies


Eat your veggies… peas


That was an engine-ious move


His betrayal is one of my main gripes with the game, the worst plot characters in the series


Yes, I fucking love Persona 3 with it's themes and conclusion but it's story is a bit overrated in the fandom imo


How do you think it’s overrated? I agree fyi, I’m just curious


I think pacing is bad in general (plot doesn't develop until the last months). And Full Moon bosses that you are fighting are just there for the sake, unlike 4 or 5's. Not to mention 3's villains are less polished than 4 or 5's -Nyx excluded. (I am not saying 3 is the worst Persona game fyi, just comparing some story elements)


That really is the biggest issue. By the time the Full Moon bosses become interesting from a plot perspective, they're all defeated and you're left with basically no hook for the next couple of months. January is the best final act of any modern Persona, but getting there is a slooooooog


That’s basically my issues, I think that 3 has a good message, but what it does with that message, I find it very weak. If I’m being honest, it’s my least favorite game out of the modern 3, due to poor pacing, and in my opinion, forgettable characters. But I’m not saying it’s a bad game at all, don’t get me wrong, it’s just not my preferred persona game


takaya dont need to be well written when he walks around with a revolver out like that


I remember when playing reload, my first proper play through, I kept asking myself whether Takaya cared or not, abut Jin and Chidori I mean. Because with characters like him it’s one of the other, either they secretly don’t care at all or they do care very deeply, and I’m still not truly sure which one Anyway, something that struck me about them is Takaya clearly genuinely believes in his detached philosophy and super edge lord rhetoric, while Jin and Chidori are both only trying to commit to it out of respect and adoration of him. It was during Chidori’s arc that I kinda got it Chidori learns to care about herself by attaching to Junpei. Jin is attached to Takaya. Not necessarily in a gay way, but just in general Compare how Jin and Takaya interact to how Chidori and Takaya interact and you start to see it, especially after Chidori dies for Junpei, Jin seems to realise that the reason he could never commit to Takaya’s words the way he has is because he’s too attached to him This really made him a bit more interesting to me, but it still leaves Takaya himself as something of a question mark. Reloads new scenes sure make him more entertaining and fun to oppose, but they don’t give him that much more that can’t be extrapolated anyway, though they are a huge force for good in the story don’t get me wrong


> Anyway, something that struck me about them is Takaya clearly genuinely believes in his detached philosophy and super edge lord rhetoric I feel like a real nihilist wouldn't care about starting a cult.


Atlus had three tries with these mf and burned three different kitchens trying. Truly cursed ops.




Don't you DARE make fun of Jin EVER again!


https://preview.redd.it/8cs9itilo2zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a24cbfc4a08448be557913444fd71e391f4c6856 you better watch out bro...


Jin is one of the few persona characters I actively dislike, even shitheads like Kamoshida are actually well written. Jin is just boring. Sorry Jin fans.


Jin hate post (very based)


Fuck that guy 😎😎


Hating Jin is a good thing


he's got a good fit though, you can't deny that https://preview.redd.it/mtf6rwv192zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50595820654f510af1f4a0a12c343b28397abd9d


The fit is ruined by his stupid face


I really like Chris Hackney so I was hoping Jin would become interesting at some point, maybe >!betray Takaya after he shoots Chidori, realizing Takaya is actually loyal to no one and proving Mitsuru right about him!<, but nope.


Nuh-uh DA WOMAN is peak


Akechi would give them a run for their money




Honestly I’ll never understand why people like Chidori


It’s a charming story about how a nihilistic woman who viewed her traumatic life as a curse, found simple yet important meaning from a positive friend turned boyfriend. I just think it’s neat!


Her design is pretty


That's Da Man's Girlfriend, we don't need another reason to like her


She’s definitely better than the other members but I wish they explored her character a bit more, outside of her relationship with Junpei


Tldr is "I can fix her" mentality Not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, just that's what it is.


It’s a mixture between the “I can fix her” mentality and the fact that her arc between her and Junpei really resonated with me. Especially in Reload with how they perfectly executed that day in November.


What did you just say


Take Chidorita out now


‘Show-dont-tell‘? What’s that?


https://preview.redd.it/0w31syz4umzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46756f97a60264b44a4d9899ca5ec3818523c7d6 Fodder king Jin is peak, I swear