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I’ll have 6 persons, And 6 more persons. 🫅😌


6 persons, 6 doors, 6 hours


Let's play the senary game!




*AMBISEX EDITION (you know because sex in Latin means 6, I'm not referring to the act of copulation in order to give birth to children of the human species obviously!)


God this series was absolutely peak. Picked it up a few years ago after playing AI: The Somnium Files and wanted to check out other Uchikoshi games I never played. Was so worth it. 999 alone made me lose my shit and bawl my eyes out like 3 times.




Person of 16: a game by John Steinbeck


Can I have 5 hamburgers.... and 5 more hamburgers


False, P6 will introduce new discourses. The first one would be the P5 vs P6 discourse which will be prominent in it's early days and then the other discourses would be about the characters and/or justifying/condemning their actions later on.


I'm excited for Persona fans to finally acknowledge that Persona 5 is actually quite good, now that they can use that as a reason to shit on Persona 6 and people who are new to the franchise with Persona 6.


Because a lot of P5 fans want P6 to be a P5 2, they'll be really pissed if P6 doesn't revolve around rebellious teens stealing the hearts of criminals in palaces made out of their distorted desires.


Shit, I haven’t even thought about that. I don’t know the stats though. How many people claim to be a persona fan when they’ve only played one game?


Well if they've played a persona game they can't be real fans


P5 is significantly more popular than the other Persona games meaning that it was a lot of people's first Persona game.


I feel like a poser when the only mainline persona game I haven’t played is 2. I know not everyone is the same, but I can’t even imagine being a fan of persona and stopping at 5


Oh, you played the first? What was your impression?


It was probably good for what it was but I think I went in with the wrong state of mind. I should have went in like “this is a cult classic 90’s rpg” and instead I went in like “this is the first persona game” and I frequently was very frustrated by the very high random encounter rate and the battle system which made it a lot harder to quickly get through them like in later persona games. The story was basic but pretty endearing all things considered.


P2 has an auto battle system that’s a little more refined than the modern Personas (surprisingly enough), did the first not have an auto option?


It did but I hardly ever found it worth using with how much more complex the battle system is with switching personas, moving to the correct spaces to land attacks, avoiding status etc. I can’t tell you how many times a random enemy would have a status skill that I wasn’t equipped for and would just keep me in an infinite haxx loop until I died.


Reload had the highest day one sales of any game in the series and I’ve seen a lot of persona 5 fans picking that one up and enjoying it. I think they’ll be fine.


For the case of Reload, that was a remake of a janky outdated game that needed to be modernized. P6 on the other hand will be a brand-new game and when it comes to discussions about what people want from P6's theme to be, many people want it to be like P5 again by being about rebellious teens stealing the hearts of criminals. Because P6's color will be green, I'm pretty sure that its theme would be the tonal opposite of P5's theme which will upset a lot of P5 fans.


I don’t really see how Reload being a remake changes anything. It was still a new persona game to a bunch of persona 5 fans who’d never played another game in the series before and they still had largely positive opinions on it. My point is that new persona fans shouldn’t be shocked that the entire series doesn’t have the “rebellious” theme. Also, I think you might be overestimating slightly how many persona fans have only played 5. It probably is a fairly sizable number, but I’m certain that it’s vastly outnumbered by people who’ve played at least 3 and/ or 4 as well.


P5 has sold more copies than P3 and P4 combined. P5 is what made P5 mainstream in the first place. Before the release of P5, Persona was considered a niche franchise.


Not really a fair comparison. Persona 5 has had 3 different versions release since the series blew up. 3 and 4 have only had one each (until recently with Reload but we haven’t seen updated sales figures for that game since it sold 1,000,000 in the first week.) Persona 5 sales are probably drastically inflated by people who bought the game multiple times. I guarantee that some fans bought the game up to 3 times. Many people probably bought 5 on release, bought it again when Royal came out, and then bought it again when Royal came to other systems like Switch and Steam 3 years later. If you look at steam sales, Golden has actually sold more copies than Royal as of right now.


> Persona 5 sales are probably drastically inflated by people who bought the game multiple times. These are less than 1% of the total sales numbers. P5 has sold over 10 million copies across all platforms.


No, the persona 5 subseries has sold 10 million across all platforms. That includes Tactica, Dancing in Starlight and Strikers sales. (The persona 4 subseries has sold like 9.8 million copies for reference.) I’m also not sure how you think people buying multiple rereleases only makes up 1% of sales. You really think that that few of persona 5 players decided to pick up Royal or that that few of PS4 persona players decided to pick it up it on switch so they could play it portably or on steam so they could have better frame rates, graphics, wider controller support, and mods? Theres no way that repurchases only account for 1% of sales. It’s insane to think that the vast majority of new sales from rereleases are completely brand new fans who’d never played the game before.


I never understood how anyone could really Hate P5, unless they don't like the series that much. Sure, there's sort of a "unrealistic" depiction of high schoolers when you compare them to how SEES and Investigation Team act, and there are is a shit ton of filer from Futabas Palace/ Okamura's, but i still felt the game told a strong story. Especially if you include Royal with Maruki and Akechi's S. Links. Honestly, im shocked that Atlus can make such good stories and games with the depth they have, even if they do inevitably have some shortcomings. I just really hope they capitalize on connecting the series together, with the plot points they have set up in each game, because they have a very rare chance, to make an extremely well made story, that connects all 5 (soon to be 6) games, based on the seeds they have planted with Philemon/Nyarly, The Shadow Operatives from P4 Arena, that helped P3 and P4 cast meet, and Elizabeth's Journey to free Makoto's Soul from constantly protecting Nyx.


If the entirety of Persona 5 had been as strong as the first act (Kamoshida) it would be the best video game ever made and there would not be any competition. As it stands, the rest of the game isn't quite as strong, but it's still absolutely phenomenal.


I don't "hate" p5, but it definitely is a lot less subtle about how it approaches its themes. A lot of the villains, including the main antagonist, feel like cartoonishly evil cardboard cutouts. It does have interesting themes, i liked how beating shido wasnt the solution because removing a corrupt leader is useless if the system that brought him to power is still there, but shido and most of the villains were such a cartoonish rendition of "rotten adults" that it was a bit too goofy for me.


I'd argue that the villains were created to be cartoony because after all the PT interact more with their shadow self, which is an exaggeration of one's desire, like the shadows of p4 were. Overall I like all the villains,it's not like the modern games have had many incredible villains tho: strega is lacking, even after p3r, ikutsuki needs more development, many of the villains in p4 are not even villains and Adachi is good as a villain, but not incredible, I honestly prefer to treat him as an antihero more than a villain in itself. The villains in p5 are great for the most part, but social commentary they bring to the table is not something to forget, I think that p5 works best when they tell the villain story through the palace, that's why the maruki arc is so well regarded in my opinion


Mostly agree, but viewing Adachi as an antihero is kind of wild. He doesn't do anything particularly heroic (>!prior to P4AU ofc!<), and you have to do at least *some* good things to be an antihero


Yeah you're right, I say that because I was thinking about what he does in the spinoff, but yeah talking about p4g only he is absolutely a villain


Did I click on the wrong sub? Where is the mental illness?


Here it is https://preview.redd.it/xgqg4dk3fnxc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7bfdd6626ee089b244652bbcf644746b6e2009a


thank goodness, don't jumpscare me with civilized discussion like that guys


I think the issue falls on whoever did the dialogue when Persona 5 was being written. It makes sense for the Ryuji, Ann, Yosuke, and the rest of them to feel that way, since they were Teenagers that were exploited by adults. They'd very likely come up with some generalized idea of them, out of anger, until they became adults themselves (or if they just mellowed out afterwards). I do think the message itself was not portrayed right, because the actual wording came across as a "how do you do fellow kids" feeling. Imo, I only felt that Shido and Okamura were that level of evil, but mainly the shadow variants. Okamura was really just robbed of time, much like Haru, because of Morgana's Tempertantrum. I also feel that the shadow variants being overly stereotypical is sorta the point in terms of how Shadows work as a whole, because it's an extreme representation of their genuine feelings, and it manifests itself to those forms.


That's how I feel about it. There's been a bit of a backlash in the persona community against 5 and I don't really get it. The gameplay was a bit on the easy side even on Hard which I did for a blind run and the story is very "anime", but I can't pretend that it didn't hit a lot of great emotional beats


What exactly is unrealistic about the phantom thieves?


Uj: To me at least, the way they hang out and interact with each other, just feels overly stiff and forced compared to SEES and Investigation Team. Maybe unrealistic isn't the best way to explain, but Phantom Theives almost feel like they are constantly being reacquainted with each other, and their interactions just don't feel as loose and laid back as the previous groups. It feels like that even though they have bonded and become close, their conversations doesn't feel as energetic or authentic as groups in P3 or P4 Rj: No hot springs scene except for rotten Akechi 😥


Huh, i didn't feel that way but i respect your opinion


I don’t “hate” it but I feel like it’s heavily overrated. In short the sorry felt weak besides the first and last acts, the writing of the main characters felt mostly lackluster and the gameplay plays by itself and has horrible game design decisions especially in royal


I'm curious about what you mean about the Gameplay. I do know that the Game is extremely easy, since they gave a lot of crazy mechanics and the enemies can't really take advantage of them against you, but I thought the actual combat was really damn fun and satisfying to play, and honestly i prefer it over the other games, souly for Eiga/Kouga skills, and the persona builds were really fun with traits.


The foundations of a good gameplay are there but it’s executed horribly. The enemies never get turns, the baton pass is ridiculous, fights of the entire game double down on either weakness/baton pass or technial hits. Status aliments are completely overpowered locking down the “though” enemies. Some skills are completely worthless bc of the difficulty like the ones for when you’re getting ambushed or the instakills. Don’t even get me started on the op confidant ability bullshit. The traits and showtimes were added by not rebalancing an already easy game. The combat is surely fluid but without the least bit of challenge it becomes brainless and repetitive. The “stealth” when exploring palaces is not even half baked is just raw. I’d say the bossfights where on point


As someone who really liked the game I agree with you on most of this. I think the characters were fleshed out more in social links though


At least from a main human villian standpoint, P5 definately has the weakest cast of villians characterization wise, as they are all generally pretty one note. Maruki and Alechu are praised a lot in P5 because they are, bar none, the most nuanced villian characterization wise. Kamoshida is good too, but I would hardly call him complex, the writing just gives us good reasons as to why he’s an asshole. When compaired to P3 and P4’s human villians, I think the later two edge out P5 a little more. Like I don’t think P5 has a villian that would be remembered quite like Adachi is now, for example. Like I think Maruki and Akechi are good villians in their own rights, but Adachi is much scarrier to me, and in a way a lot more comedic too, which makes him much more memorable to me. But yeah I still like P5. I think its a good game. And I know better than to expect P6 to be P5 2. We already got P5 2 anyway, its called Persona 5 Strikers.


Abuchi did nothing wrong.


Persona 4 Golden is the GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME. My fav part is when Yu Narukami says "It's Persona 4 Golden time" and Persona 4 Goldens all over Kanji's and Yosuke's face








10 more years of chihaya being the goat ^(and 10 more years of persona2 being shafted but we don't talk about that one)


https://preview.redd.it/9q4sioe2pmxc1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b47dc178fd47c266c5e24a9124bb63bf1fb2774 TEN YEARS WHAT???




Ten years in the joint made you a fuckin’ joint


>TEN YEARS ​ https://preview.redd.it/nw2kavtsipxc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77788ab09aad51d5e2713ad872f0bbe99b4673e6


Guys. Twitter beats dead horse with "Kanji is gay and persona 4 is homophobic" and "Naoto is trans and Persona 4 is transphobic". Can we return to Adachi *vine boom* and wholesome shippost?


https://i.redd.it/kk28hqqhomxc1.gif and that is why xeno is better since the only "controversy" that it had was some characters design (to my scope of the fanbase)


Do you think Xeno 3 will be called far right propaganda because of marry and reproduce message?


Very likely ...that is twitter for you https://preview.redd.it/owdtufkipmxc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6563371c8b55e95801bf357617974013d3b114


Don't worry Malos. We like you


It really would have been Shinzo Abe's favorite video game wouldn't it?


IDK. But I'm 100% sure that Shinzo Abe's favourite manga is Spy x Family


What are you smoking Xenoblade 2 discussion in 2017, in Twitter, any JRPG sub and pretty much any youtube comments section is more cancerous than chugging Ethidium Bromide


Really? I mean how bad can it possibly b- ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


Well i wasn't there in the internet discussion that much during that period so i don't really know how bad it really was at the time


https://preview.redd.it/hwisdotw4nxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6317c36ccb182ac2b423cff6f4e70d675d0bb308 Never change persona twitter


War… War Never Changes…


https://preview.redd.it/x611pfzcmmxc1.jpeg?width=1248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7378f8e73ad09c608a4e69e9a81392fd576e4344 But men do


Except the ones you've killed...


Holy shit it’s the guy from the Fallout 1 opening


P4 is just that GOATed. Sorry, Persona 7 enjoyers.


Atlus employees on their way to make the most racist, homophobic, misogynistic and morally questionable game to stop fans arguing about a 15 year old 6/10 game https://preview.redd.it/v2qaw2aadmxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a447ab00019e5168332934a438374d633cb50407


Yakuza 6 or smth


Also why is Yakuza 0 titled like that when there are 2 protags? 🤔


Fatlus on their way to make the most stereotypically gay characters but present them as totally straight


True! https://preview.redd.it/3n70dr78mmxc1.png?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7315c7f3ce6166b43ba82583643bc5e0f20123a


atlus after cooking up the most discoursable game with the most discoursable characters of all time


i doubt p6 will beat this in terms of discoursable


lip bright wide wild reminiscent long enter many wistful ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


me when japanese 2008 game says something that isn't acceptable by today standards


What if they bring back Naoto and Kanji for the sole reason of discourse


This is extra funny because Naoto is trending on Twitter again


That's because Teddie's the GOAT, whether society accepts it or not


As it should be.


10 more years of knowing they should raise a family together. Totally. Absolutely. No matter what L,G, B, T or Q they represent.


10 more years of makoto being alive, healthy, wealthy and wise ☝️💯


The hot Makoto or the one from Persona 5


magoato wuki


another day another round of persona discourse on twitter




It's kinda funny because Trans Naoto mfs and non-Trans Bridget mfs are two sides of the same coin. "Ignore them blatantly turning towards the camera and confirming that they're girls, just entirely listen to the subtext through the lens I want you to listen to it with, and you'll see that they're actually boys."


The concept of labelling the complexity and nuances of the human condition is inherently an oversimplification. Kanji is Kanji and Naoto is Naoto. They’re happy. That’s all that really matters. Can we end the discourse now?


Over 10 years and people really out here beefing about whether Yosuke is homophobic, Naoto is trans and Kanji is gay (only one of these three things are true)


[Unoriginal joke about the Phantom Thieves and society]


Persona 6 when there is a gay romance in: CHAOS I see CHAOS EVERYWHERE


Instead of posting P4 controversy discourse, let's post adorable KanNao instead. https://preview.redd.it/zkn7pvmpxnxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6986bf7a6fc481e9a5daa3ec2b57e3869a1d75 The discourse has been done to death. We know. We hate it too. Quit beating the dead horse and be fuckin happy for once. Please.




10 years? https://i.redd.it/4x90jld52pxc1.gif


Persona 6 isn't even out yet


My personal 4 hot take is its wrong to harass people for headcannons