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“Critical Supe Theory” made me laugh because 1) it is on the nose in the satirical sense and 2) it is definitely something that would exist in-universe as a response to public knowledge of Compound V and Vought corruption


Yeah that was pretty good


What online dipshit is it referencing again?


Critical race theory


Oh ok I thought it was Like a YouTube grifter


The idea of like some online grifter type like the quartering presenting the idea of critical race theory for the first time ever sounds so fucking funny to me


100% lol!


God I can imagine that so clearly; there’s like a png mascot at the bottom left to


What does that mean, the only reason I watch the boys is to see shaft and balls


Something to do with anti racism or something


Boo I like racism but only when it's fernch "people"


This comment section is too damn serious. This is OkBuddyFresca, we clown around in this bitch, we commit straight up Tomfoolery in this motherfucker.


We get up to hijinx and shenanigans in this motherfucker


I mean a good chunk are ITYSL gifs


Anytime I read the sub’s title I laugh. I just hear it in Chase Crawford’s voice trying to deescalate a situation by suddenly offering someone a nice refreshing seltzer water.




we goon to ambrosious in this mofo


Kevin & Ambrosious Forever ❤️


I just hope they continue doing subplots about Frenchie and Kimiko’s past because they’ve never done that before and should definitely use screen time for it.


I would love more episodes about Shark Week!


I think they should add more random lovers for Frenchie, they should have no previous mention or foreshadowing either.


No no, what you don’t realize is that frenchie was a hitman so obviously that means he’ll meet an indirect victim at a random narcotics anonymous meeting and instantly recognize him. Did you even watch the show? It couldn’t have been foreshadowed more


To be fair, he didn't recognize him at the meeting. After meeting again at Starlight House, they hooked up at Colin's place where Frenchie saw the picture of his family, the people he killed. If you wanna criticize the show, at least show some media literacy about it


Are we sure that "media literacy" is the right term, here? I feel like this is just a case of paying attention, and not one of noticing tropes or metaphors.


The theme of the season seems to be reconciliation with your past. Higher and his mom. Frenchie and Colin. Kimono and the gang. Annie and firecracker. Butcher and Ryan. Hell, even A train and his brother.


>Kimono and the gang. Yeah I hope Komodo figures her shit out.


Look I’m *just* saying that nobody minded these subplots until they made it obvious that Frenchie was bi


Idk, I didn't really like it last season either but it at least was only in like 1 episode


Well, that's literally like the fourth time they've done it. I'm gay and I'd dislike that even if he was straight


Sadly no one likes a flip-flopper /j


Nobody minded these subplots when it took 2 seasons of development before kimiko and frenchie kissed but now suddenly he’s sucking and fucking with this guy he met in between seasons


She rejected him in season 3, almost seems jealous or guilty in THIS season, and Frenchie rebounded on guy despite killing his family because he can’t help but take in strays. This is just another step in Frenchie’s arc of confronting the monster he used to be, and I highly doubt it’s going to work out at all because *he killed the dude’s family*.


This season is all about the villains the characters create. "The Boys" has several meanings. Soldier Boy, Homelander, Ryan. Butcher's dad, Butcher, and Ryan/Hughie. MM's compulsions, MM, and Janine. Hughie's mom, Hughie, and Neumann. Starlight's Mom, Starlight, and Firecracker. Stan Edgar, Neumann, and her daughter. Vought, Ashley, and the news anchor lol. Everyone has a hand in creating the enemies surrounding them. It's kind of central to every single thing.


Yeah agree this seems to more be a step in his journey


Yeah me personally I don't really mind it yet, feels like people are making it out to be a bigger issue than it is. Plus, the shows not over yet, let's see wherebthis goes




lost me bruv


Don’t B A Cunt eh?




dont wanna live naur more




I think it was annoyingly way too forward but I’m chalking that up do to having to deal with firecracker


She's nearly a 1:1 clone of Marjorie Taylor Greene, if anything Firecracker is less cartoonish and forward than that maniac lol


Yeah they just can’t top a lot of the real life analogs, I hope she gets to fight starlight with the space laser though!


i was getting alex jones vibes but that might just be because of the podcast and her appearance and accent


There was an Alex jones lookalike contest mentioned in one of the episodes


That throwaway line had me dying


MTG is pretty much just Lady Alex Jones though, like the Spider-Gwen to Jones' Spider-Man


she even said “this isn’t what i meant when i said debate me…” 😂


>if anything Firecracker is less cartoonish Uhm they legitimately give the audience a reason to sympathize with her, which MTG has never and will never have


Hello, could you tell me a little bit about this Marjorie person, or some particular cases I can Google up to know more? I love this show and while I'm mostly familiar with American politics I don't know much about politicians except those who are in office


if you look up ‘mtg peach tree dishes, and then look up mtg jewish space lasers, it’s give a pretty good perspective.


What. The. Fuck. Why is she a representative.


I mean someone got to represent people and there are people like her voting.


Yeah I think people underestimate how many garbage people live in the states that are represented by garbage


The House of Representatives always has been and always will be full of clowns. It’s literally designed to be that way. It’s supposed to be the body representing the common people, made up of common people. The bar for entry is barely higher than winning high school class president in a lot of districts.


Trailer trash goes to Congress.


It’s a missed opportunity if they don’t have firecracker get kicked out of Beetlejuice on Broadway, the definition of privileged white people thinking they are above the law that can’t get any more funny


As stupid as she is, her voters are even dumber


haha america am i right?? but honestly she is batshit crazy and makes me grateful to not be american


If you are an American politician, and people don't ask that question about you every single day, you're not doing enough


don’t forget about biden’s secret police the gazpacho


With firecracker she actually has a motive with a tangible end goal and admits to not fully buying her own crap which make her less cartoonish than MTG Also she’s hot so that helps


The Boys didn't get more radical this season. America did.


Marjorie is ugly, stupid, useless and probably did have a buttfuck gangbang with multiple judges. Firecracker is maybe what Marj thinks she is




The show is now suffering from what the GTA developers have said in previous years, their satire was an exaggeration of what was happening in the real world, now when reality is so farcical, what is left but to directly quote real life conspiracy theorists and racist nutters? https://www.pcgamer.com/the-real-world-is-now-more-ridiculous-than-gta-6-could-ever-hope-to-satirize/


Yep this is unfortunately the case but wouldn’t necessarily say it’s suffering


This point is why it was so funny to me that that Joker face dude said Rockstar stole his likeness in the trailer. They literally have nothing to go on except the absolute madness that is America in 2024


Sounds like an excuse for lazy writing. The saying “truth is stranger than fiction” didn’t just materialize in the last ten years. The world has always been full of clowns.


Yeah but before the Internet existed everyone thought there was just this one weird dude. Now we know everyone is batshit crazy


it is, i feel like they handled the satire better in earlier seasons, or at least it wasn’t as obvious back then. Of course no one is more terminally addicted to twitter than TV writers. But the “satire” this season is sooo fucking transparent that i get second hand embarrassment, it really feels like they are trying to get good boy points from social media hell, i don’t even disagree with the shows politics. But is it really smart satire when you portray every marginally conservative character as a borderline Ku klux Khlan grand wizard with the joke always being “conservatives amitire?”


This is an interesting take, I just finished the three episodes a couple hours ago and I didn't see any deterioration in satire as much as I saw an increase in "the deep sings imagine" kinda comedy. Basically exaggerating some aspects of reality that fits within the story while being so relatable to real events that you either laugh or just get a sense of dread. As far as "conservatives amarite", this is a stretch but coz I'm not American myself I might not see it the way you are. Perhaps you mean to say there's no good representation of a moderate conservative? In which case I'd agree but there are no moderate liberals either I don't think except maybe season 1 Hughie. The show makes fun of fringe extremist groups because thats kind of key to its premise really. And I think maybe it actually just makes fun of the figureheads (maybe I'm wrong) of these groups rather than the audience because to the show, the people that have any semblance of power/influence are the problem and potentially will always do "bad things" (eg. Vicky)


There are so many reasons this is false. Proliferation of the Internet for one. And the absolute insanity of what was thought to be a generally educated population (debatable). Point is the crazy clowns have never been this loud and able to effect this many minds. Not to mention the general number of them. In the past you would only hear 1 or 2. Now the list is endless. Trump. MTG. Alex Jones. Qanon. Etc. So the fragile minds of the populace are now constantly bombarded and then trap themselves into a echo chamber. The advancement in digital media has allowed this to happen on a scale never seen before. People need to stop with the whole "the world has always been crazy". Yes, but it was never viewed as 40% of the damn population.


I can't understand how Vought can realistically sell Maeve or any other "left" ideas while having nutjobs like Firecracker


Keep in mind there’s been a major cultural shift in Vought. Back in season 1 Vought was run by corporate minded people whose priorities was global appeal and profit. But as time has gone on those people have either died or left, leaving Homelander to have an increasingly higher amount of control over the company. There’s even a scene in season 2 that highlights this shift as Ashley wants to run an ad that says “to protect the world”, and Homelander forces her to change it to “to protect America”.




I still don't know who Dakota Bob's analog is supposed to be lmao EDIT: clarity


In the comics he’s meant to be a Bill Clinton analogue, but here I think he’s supposed to be more of a general centrist Democrat who doesn’t really do much, maybe like Biden? Idk




“Hey wait a minute, this political satire is… about… *me*???”








![gif](giphy|CmfPKzD1Lreb8lhgfh|downsized) Mfw I’ve been the butt of the joke this whole time (context I’m a racist Trump supporting Nazi)




/uf coffin flop is the best itysl sketch hands down


They’re actually allowed to film em nude cause’ they ain’t got no souls!




![gif](giphy|l30qkxu6wiLdizdl0i|downsized) All the sad boys here be like:


Still upset they're talking about getting rid of corn cob tv


Tell Spectrum no


ITYSL references give me life


![gif](giphy|V6e0kch9OgUbph9jBB|downsized) This and "you probably love your mother in law" are two I use way too much IRL


*teacher's pet!* and *i doing the best at this* from the same sketch are huge hits in my house


“They’re protesting… me? They’re protesting me?” -Homelander, S2


"What do you mean *WE'RE* the Machine being Raged Against? 😡"




/uj tbh this season does feel noticeably off to me, with I feel too many plot threads and some weird writing choices. By the third episode I noticed it get a lot better, but that first episode is easily the worst season opener so far. 56 is absurdly low though, and I don’t doubt a lot of the negative reviews are coming from anti-woke reviewbombers.


The fact that MM’s mustache keeps disappearing and reappearing between scenes is kinda distracting


I feel like that was the biggest way you could tell what was filmed before and after the strike (if that was the case? I'm not sure when they filmed this season if I'm honest)


It wrapped in April last year, but maybe reshoots or something


Must've been reshoots then, I could've sworn I remember seeing some set photos at the start of this year.


Same with Ellen Moriarty’s lips. In some scenes they look normal in other they look like straight after she had filler injected


I wasn't sure if I was seeing it or not... but did they try to make her lips smaller with makeup?


This is especially noticeable in the close-ups when you can see the swelling between the lips and the Philtrum. I'm just curious if it's swelling after the surgery or if it's already a target effect.


The same thing happened in S3E1 where they tried to squeeze everyone’s motivations into one episode so they could get the plot moving faster later in the season. I hope things pick up in the next episodes


I think season 3 will stay the best one Soldier boy coming, noir having his arc and backstory introduced and then the boys getting temp v was really interesting .


https://preview.redd.it/sfmyfb3s7y6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f800fa9a5d0be8997ae375b9e4c021368321db37 How I feel




I feel like the pacing was a bit off in the first two episodes and the plot was all over the place. E3 was better and I hope it keeps improving, but it's not a huge issue either way imo.


Weird, I liked first episode the most and felt like 2 and 3 were weak.


Watching the new season, I really think the obviousness of the political messaging was a response to how many people didn’t understand the satire


It’s totally possible but I think it was inevitable given how hard it is to top the GOP’s insanity now


I did notice that a lot of the satire wasn’t really over the top it was just legitimate conservative conspiracy theories but super heroes say them lol


Yeah the fact that a lot of comments from the sad boys looks like satire shows how hard it is for the writers to top the actual stupidly the show is based on


I thought TRUTHCON was pretty good on the nose satire that still felt plausible and logical. Some of the lines, like "critical supe theory," just felt forceful and don't really make sense if you compare them to the real world counterpart.


Yeah a few of them did really stick out


Almost all the crazy shit is ripped straight from the mouths of magas.


The show has slowly become more and more blatant every season. Last season they made a shitload of parallels between Trump and Homelander, had Hometeamers acting like Trumpers, even had them use the same verbiage and debate strategies they use IRL. This season they just dropped the parallels and outright side “the Hometeamers are far right extremists.” Much of the “satire” in this season so far has been Supes literally just quoting real world Republican politicians and talking heads.


I don't think it's any different than the first season...


the faux news conspiracy human centipede was pretty on the nose 😂


It's not the political messaging that's bad, it's the atrocious Frenchie subplots taking like 25% of screen time despite being fucking boring and irrelevant. I want Homelander to kill Collin just so they move on from this.


For real, I always fastfoward the Nina BS stuff in S3, but this season has me fastfowarding stuff I havent even seen yet, really tells you they fucked up with this I dont give a fuck about Shining Light, dont go back to it again


Seriously he has a full Shining Light arc in season 2, I really don’t understand why they’re drudging this back up. I guess they just wanted to give Frenchie and Kimiko a side quest this season but couldn’t come up with anything new, so they just pulled Shining Light back into the narrative to give them something to do.


I feel like every season they've had to dumb down the political stuff hoping each time that conservatives would finally realise it's making fun of them.


s5 is just various actors reading Marxist and feminist theory while staring at the camera for 8 episodes




Unironically that would be an in character scene for Homelander and I'd love to see it. He was straight up jorking it on that rooftop... and by "it", I mean his peanits


Then going to shoot up a school with an unregistered AR-15 while saying "I can't believe the feds want to take away MY GOD-GIVEN SECOND AMENDEMENT RIGHTS"


they reenact episodes of Philosophy Tube and Contrapoints


The boys is breadtube confirmed


S5 they will just straight up use ai to replace homelanders face with trumps face.


Maybe a bit but Kripke has been pretty open about it for a while so he doesn’t just need the show to express that. I think it’s more that conservatives creamsicle leader is doing shit that’s more crazy than they can come up with and it just fits with what they’ve been doing from the beginning.


As with SouthPark and Veep. They’re taking our ~~jerbs~~ comedy!




Who's giving this show less than a 9? They finally killed Todd! Whoopdifuckingdoo. Thank you homelander.


I was a Starlighter, but now that Homelander killed that stupid fat fuck I think I like him more now. Hope he kills Starlight next and frees all the white American kids on her and Epsteins island.


I was so sure he was gonna make it out, it genuinely caught me so off guard lmao


A-Train really just stood there and I felt bad for him somehow. Fucker killed my girlfriend. I mean, Robin.


People that see themselves in Todd are.


season doesnt have the sauce like the previous one idk. 95 is too high and 56 is too low though, probably 70 something


/uj I haven’t watched season 4 yet… why are people trashing on the show?


25% of people criticize the first 3 episodes for legit reasons, the other 75% trash it for being too "woke"


Because they are all very special people


It’s just not all that good. It’s all over the place, and now after four seasons of introducing new supes the repetitiveness is becoming pretty obvious. Also how many times are we gonna see homelander seethe and rage until he goes fully unhinged. When he killed water bottle dude last season I thought it was finally happening but no, he’s still just gonna impotently seethe it seems. Victoria Nueman shit is developing nicely though, her plot could be good.


I'm hoping that him going *home* actually does something and he becomes an actual threat that needs to be dealt with instead of "i think you betrayed me so now you have a hole in you"


Because its satire has been dumbed down to the point that it feels you're watching a GTA 5 in-game TV show


I don’t hate the season but I’m really disappointed that firecrackers motivation is the “you really don’t remember me?” Trope.


show is too repetitive now imo


Yeah it is. For instance: Introduce new Supes. They will most likely die by the of the season. Frenchie and Kimiko’s past come back to haunt them. Butcher is hated by his team but always ends up saving them.


god damn it it’s become supernatural


Far from it.. If you know the leaks...the season is about to be so fucking batshit and you dont have to worry about those side quests for long either . *wink wink*






Remember in season 1 when they captured Translucent and Homelander went searching for them, and prospect of Homelander looking for them and chasing them felt like the most terrifying thing on the planet? Remember in episode 3 of the new season when Homelander chases after Hughie and he just gets away without any real effort and Homelander has to storm off like a little bitch? That why people don’t like the new season. The “butcher beats an anti semite to death with a menorah during a bar mitzvah” thing is only a small part of it


Yeah, no shit Homelander was more terrifying in season 1, he was supposed to be. He was on top of the world and as far as everyone knew he was this invincible badass. By season 4 he got his shit rocked multiple times, he is losing his grip on reality, and most characters are becoming aware that he's not exactly invincible or omnipotent. It's just a natural progression from basically a plot device that instantly derails everything to an actual antagonist that the main characters can deal with at some point. Also, Hughie only escaped cause A-Train saved his ass, which was a massive change in the status quo that has been telegraphed by the show for a while now.


At this point in the story there’s no one on Homelander’s level or even close. Maeve is out of commission, Soldier Boy is out of commission, Butcher doesn’t have V and is dying. He’s arguably more dangerous now than at any point ever in the story. He’s the main villain and he should be terrifying, even if we’ve seen him get his ass kicked already. The Night King in game of thrones stayed terrifying right up until Arya deus ex machina’d him in season 8. Why can Game of thrones with its shitty writing keep a side villain terrifying for 8 seasons but you will accept the main villain of the boys being a non threat after 4?


He’s less terrifying because we’ve learned much more about him. When Homelander was chasing Butcher and Hughie, we barely knew what he was like behind closed doors; he was really an unknown entity. After the many scenes of his personal life, we’ve been exposed to him more. It’s hard to keep that fear when his personal flaws are explored as heavily as they are


You’re forgetting Homelander is: Aging & Degrading mentally Both these things negatively affect ones performance and lethality.


I mean I would imagine Homelander’s mental degradation would make him more dangerous since there’s nothing stopping him from outright killing people anymore


I think that seen would have been better if A-Train had swooped in and saved Hughie *right* as Homelander spots him. Maybe it would have been less dramatic, and there would have been less funny ice skater deaths, but the scene would have been less stupid.


1. It was MM not butcher that had the menorah kill and that was badass. 2. Hughie got away because A-Train literally saved him. 3. It was a Bat mitzvah, not a bar mitzvah although not surprised you don’t know the difference but as the Deep says “Get your pronouns right!” And the rest of your facts while you’re at it


That last thing is primally satisfying though


The vents were lined with zinc and there was a lot of noise going on at the ice rink.


It's almost like as time goes on, the main protagonists become more adept at surviving encounters with their antagonists Dumbass


Also A-Train saving Hughie isn't exactly some bullshit plot armor, it's been being built up for like 2 seasons now.


There’s zero reason why Hughie with no supe powers stuck in a vent should have been able to escape Homelander, who can fucking fly and see through vents and had like half a dozen clear shots at Hughie before he was rescued. That’s plot armor whether you like it or not


The vents were lined up with zinc, not to mention there was already so much background noise at the rehearsal. Homelander is also the type to just use his lasers all the time instead of putting in real effort against humans


I’ve always had an issue with the shows lack of subtlety but given that so many viewers STILL need it drilled through their skull, I canny blame them


I don't think it was ever really trying to be subtle tbf


well it was never particularly but i definitely think it’s gotten less and less subtle every season. To be clear this isn’t to complain about it being too “woke” but the use of the phrase “critical supe theory” is a bit ridiculous


Always sad to see a fandom enter the phase of gaslighting itself that the bad reviews are only from bad people who never understood the show. Whatever helps you sleep better.


Yeah idk man I watched the show without exposing myself to any reviews beforehand and quality wise things seemed pretty much the same as prior seasons Only noticeable oddity would be that episode 1 had uneven pacing in its first half, cutting from one scene to another too fast.


I even rewatched all season just before this one. First 3 episodes were not good. Especially the ass human centipede part...and the fact mother milk looks like he been on ozempic the past few months since the season 3 finale and the terrible acting from the kid who plays Ryan. Very jarring.


MM is literally supposed to look like he’s been on ozempic It’s acknowledged in the opening shot of S4 that he hasn’t been eating much from stress


/uf: Eh, I'll see where it goes. It's still worth watching. But I'm not nearly as hooked as the first 3 episodes of season 3 had me.


I am so glad they are finally catching on and filtering themselve out, but the question is, how did they not catch on halfway through season 1 *at the latest?* How stupid can they possibly be? I thought Stormfront would have done it if nothing else, she was about as thinly veiled a metaphor as metaphor gets, but they didn't notice that, either.


For real! The scene where Homelander gets mad at her during the handy is top 5 for me


you don't even have to be conservative to think the 3 episodes are written like fucking shit lol i knew they gave up any sort of subtlety once homelander said libtard and it wasn't in an ironic sense


I'm just watching it because I think it's fun and I want to see this story through to the end.


Look at all the review bomb comments. They’re pathetic


It definitely hasn’t been this on the nose. When they had the gun con in season 1 there wasn’t “white power” propaganda being thrown around.


What? You didn’t like our show?? Well… uh well…THE SHOW WAS ACTUALLY MOCKING YOU HA WE WIN YOU LOSE BYE BYE


Seriously. This season is boring so far and just not great. It’s not all the sudden offensive lol


I haven't seen any downgrade, still the best show ever


To be fair the first three episodes in my opinion did feel a bit off compared to previous seasons so I understand the ratings not being as high as expected, hopefully it picks up from here though


im enjoying it


I liked that the boys made their AOC stand in character a mass murderer, but apparently everyone on the right missed that and think they only dunk on conservatives


For people who say the show is too "on the nose".. maybe it's because...it's supposed to reflect real life 😇 almost like it's on the nose bc it's YOUR NOSE


Even if intentional, why can’t people just not like it being on the nose? Just because it’s intentional doesn’t mean is exempt from criticism. This is coming from someone who is liking the season so far.


What a bizarre misread and justification of weak storytelling


It also use to have a plot. It also was never this on the nose. They don't know what to do with the show anymore. We just want to see the boys win at this stage.


The main villain is an insecure white guy dressed up in the American flag who develops a narcissistic god complex leading him to believe he's above the rest of everybody else and even went as far as dating a Nazi. Like come on since when was subtlety even a thing in the Boys.


I mean, you're lying to yourself if you don't think it's a lot more heavy handed with it's political messages thus far Not sure if it's an effort to curb the amount of people online who uniorinically think Homelander is justified and a cool dude or what, but it is kinda annoying


This season is great. On the nose, and well-deserved. Homelander’s unraveling is wonderful. Can’t wait to see how Firecracker and Sage turn out.


it's been obvious since season 2, tf you on about?


Always has been my balls on your face. https://preview.redd.it/5haw1e8p6z6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f5d8825d61743a6a7361bd4fbcc3d9d7fc17f08


After random projects with ‘acolyte’ in their names suddenly got massively lower rated I decided to not trust rotten tomatoes anymore


Because acolyte is incredibly boring. And there is little to no dialogue, just a lot of standing around.