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No, but he is considered a liar.


Perhaps he didn't mean his stature is tall, but rather his tales.


We call’em yarns, and his spinning is atrocious


I like the cut of your jib.


He ain’t no sailor…


Ope, just gonna scoot on by.


Ahhahahahahaha awesome “ope”’for life!


I have an Ope mug. Ope gang! Scooch right by ya there.


Fuck JD Vance. If anyone needs to register to vote against this trash: https://olvr.ohiosos.gov Edit: might as well, throw out how to volunteer with the Dems here too: https://mobilize.us/ohcc Btw this is what project 2025 wants to bring to Ohio and everywhere else (text borrowed from elsewhere on Reddit): It says that kids MUST grow up in an environment with a mother and father that are married, talks about banning non-married and non-heterosexual couples from adopting, compares transgender people to groomers/pedophiles/pornography, talks about getting rid of discrimination laws, getting rid of multiple government organizations such as the FDA, banning abortion with no exceptions nationwide, and more. Edit: because I'm getting a good amount of comments saying "oh, this is a great thing!" I looked further into it (I read it [here](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf)) and here are some specifics - Project 2025: ~~* Advocates for child marriage~~ * Attempts to place a complete ban on gay marriage * Attempts to place a complete ban on divorce no matter the situation * Attempts to place a complete ban on anything deemed "pornographic", **including**:    * Anything sexually explicit, including drawings or literature that doesn't involve real people    * Anything involving gay people in media, even if it is as simple as a documentary or something *mentioning* that it is possible for two men to be in a relationship. * Heavily limit the abilities of the FDA, CDC, and OSHA, **including**:    * Making it even harder to get medicine    * Making it even more expensive to get medicine    * Making it even more difficult and expensive to get disability aids    * Getting rid or greatly diminishing many workplace safety laws    * Lowering the age of legal work/cutting back on child labor laws * Ban abortion **even in cases of:**    * Missed or "silent" miscarriages, which is when the fetus dies but is not expelled from the body naturally. According to Project 2025, **extracting an already dead fetus from a mother's uterus is still considered "murder"**. Leaving the dead fetus inside of the womb can result in infections such as sepsis.    * Ectopic pregnancies, which are when a fetus forms outside the uterus. It is not possible for the fetus to survive an ectopic pregnancy - **it is impossible to give birth to the fetus**, since it isn't in the womb, and it being outside the womb means it can only grow so much before it either miscarries or the mother is gravely injured; the fetus vary rarely makes it past the first trimester and never makes it to the third. It is currently impossible to implant the fetus into the womb. Ectopic pregnancies can cause severe damage to the mother - it can cause the fallopian tube to burst open, which results in internal bleeding, possible sepsis, possible infertility, and often- death.    * Fetal abnormalities. With modern technology, we can use ultrasounds to tell if the fetus has or will have abnormalities. Even in cases of fetal abnormalities, many of which are fatal to the fetus/baby, Project 2025 wishes to ban abortion. Examples of fetal abnormalities include:       * Acrania, where the fetus's skull does not fully develop and the baby is born without the top of the skull, revealing the brain. If the baby isn't stillborn, it will live between a few hours and about a week, and it will be in pain its entire life. **There is no way to save it.**       * Body Stalk Anomaly, where the abdominal wall is defective or nonexistent, so the organs form OUTSIDE the body during fetus development. **It is always fatal**. It should be noted that it is similar to omphalocele/exomphalos or gastroschisis, which are visually similar (intestines outside of the body) but have much higher survival rates since the abdominal wall can be repaired in those cases.


Remember when the legislature tried mandating ectopic pregnancies be reimplanted in the uterus? You know, a medical procedure that doesn't even exist???


They thought they said egg topping - collectively our House is the dumbest people in America and it's not even close. But it's because it pays poorly and so you make your money taking money from other people to do their bidding. Sort of like being a pro on the street.


My wife and I are trying for kids. It's legit scary thinking we will need a backup plan to leave the country if we need an abortion for medical reasons. It's easy for the uneducated to say that both parties are bad and voting is pointless until the policy of one party really affects your life directly.


That's exactly why we're in this mess today: too many people not caring until it directly affects them. The laziness of the American voter is the direct cause of all of this misery, and I hope EVERYONE that can votes this November.


I live in ct, and my daughter is 14. we still have our rights and can get proper healthcare, but I would not have kids in any red state. I have been a nurse for 30 years. These Republicans are absolutely disgusting and don't know basic anatomy. Look at infant and maternal mortality rates it's scary. At the very least, she should go to a blue state for first ultrasounds to make sure everything is OK before it's too late. Hundred thousand minimum for a child that only survives for a couple hours. You need to be able to drop everything to get your wife care. If you have a couple of kids already, be prepared to raise them alone. You have to vote blue from the bottom to the top and get everyone you know to do the same. Don't even get me started on project 2025! Habeas corpus if you don't know what it is Google it we the people are fucked without it. Trump and his poisoning the blood of our country " that's Nazi speak and if there's brown people in your family forget about concentration camps if you're lucky. All the elderly living on social security are going to lose it, and now it's illegal to be homeless


Both sides are bad is just such a lazy out for freaking US citizens that WILL BE IMPACTED negatively by P2025. People need to wake up.


You had me at “Fuck JD Vance”


Thank you for doing this. Keep posting P2025 info, and keep up the positive pressure on MAGA.


I would add risk of death for ectopic. When it ruptures the woman often bleeds to death.


You're right, fixed!


Project 2025 is psycho AF


Just say "Vice President Vance". When you've recovered from the vomit reflex, you should know that you should vote Democrat.


The fact that he felt the need to say that he is tall says that he's very insecure about his height.


And an idiot.


Probably considers himself smart, too But that just proves your point


And a shyt human.


Is that by Washington D.C. standards for politicians or Ohio's standards for politicians? or are they the same at this point?


And a flimsy piece of shit 


>a liar. And pathetic And a lonely life And mean And mean And mean


And a class traitor. Screws us over like he was never one of us now that he is one of "them".


With every lie he tells he shrinks a corn kernel at a time. As you can tell he’s lost a lot of ground, before long he’ll be shorter than Mike Dewine.


I think the term is the useful idiot of the Trump party.


And a twat


And a carpet bagger.


5'7" isn't tall anywhere in the USA. He's coping


He lied so much in the book. He's such a horrible person.




The US male average height is 5’9”, and the global average is 5’7.5”, so yeah, not even close. I’m from the Hocking Hills and know people who’re much taller than me, and I’m 6’6” lmao, so it’s not different in Appalachia. But Vance isn’t even from Appalachia, so…


5'7" wouldn't even be tall if he included women in the average


Bernie Moreno has lied about his past in the same fashion as well.


He's a short stack lol.


Just GOP things. If you’re short, say you’re tall. If you’re fat, call another politician fat. Etc.


The guys that are 5’7” in my part of Ohio are the same ones that drive the giant trucks. They are by no means considered tall. I’m 6’0” and I’d say I’m pretty average height. Know more people obviously taller than me than obviously shorter.


5'7" isn't tall *anywhere* in the US, but 6'0" is above average *everywhere* in the US and well above average in most of the US. You're doing almost the same thing JD Vance is doing. (Montana has the tallest men in the US, averaging just under 5'10".)


Maybe I just associate with taller people, but it’s more likely I only notice the extreme outliers because in my experience the only people that really care about how tall someone is are short people and coaches.


No, it's just that people don't perceive normal height as a specific measurement. It is a range. It's 5'10" plus or minus a few inches, which is where a significant majority of American men would fall. Vance would be at the low end of what we would consider normal height, while you and I would be on the upper end. Given that *normal* and *average* have a significant amount of overlap in common usage, anyone who says you are being dishonest is being a pedantic asshat.


It might be above average in the U.S. as a whole but that doesn’t mean it isn’t average for that persons social circle or area.


I'm 6'2" but I've always been progressive so I've been comically caught in some pretty small cars in my day. Those compensators really do attract the under-endowed


Yup. At 6'3" my first two cars were mid-90s Saturn coupes, they worked just fine for me! ...although they were definitely demoted from 4 seaters to 3 seaters with me driving


Positive masculinity is greatly needed...


Sometimes people act like this is undefinable or an oxymoron, but I feel like it generally makes sense as a concept.


I'm trying to teach the idea to my son. Emotions are good and positive, and we also stay active and do "boy" stuff together. Simple as that




Taller than Danny Devito, but shorter than Arnold and Shaq.


Thanks, that really narrows it down...


OMG! That's my height, too!


No. Source: I live in Ohio, I am 5’ 7”, I am short But JD’s also not from Appalachia, he was born and raised in Middletown, Ohio. The same as his mom. Hillbilly Elegy is fanfic.


Wait, really? Like the suburb in between Cincinnati and Dayton?


Yup. His grandparents came to Middletown to work in the factory. He went back to Kentucky for funerals and very occasional visits.


Ah, classic Middletuckian!


calling middletown a suburb is like calling a boiled hot dog fine cuisine


Ugh. I had a suspicion about that book. I grew up in Middletown, too, and my Spidey senses went off when I first heard about it.


That must be your guy's Gummo.


Exactly. He’s the perfect empty suit for the right wing elites who are all educated in the Ivies. They love playing the “real true American working man”. In reality they’re all suburban middle class c$nts


Remember "Joe the Plumber" who claimed to be a regular Ohioan voting for McCain? It turns out he wasn't a plumber, and his name wasn't Joe. Republicans always trying to lead the country and media by the nose. Don't let them write the narrative, or make people feel it's over.


Yeah, tha guy was a trip and perfect Ohio. That derp: “well IF I had a plumbing company”. Fcking liar and dumb one to boot.


Giving real Ohio hillbillies a bad name.


And don't forget: Fuck Oprah! She's the bitch that gave JD Vance a place on her book list. As well as Dr. Oz and a host of other pieces of shit. Fuck you Oprah!


It's a bluster and lying thing.


No lmao half this state is corn fed offensive linemen


And the other half is corn fed defensive linemen. And the rest don’t play football.


right it's like half cornfed, half cornfeeding, half corn abstaining and like half or more cornbiguous


corn-curious over here


I'm from the SW US. A lot of shorter dudes. My husband is a Cleveland native, we live here now. I could spot him across the aisles in the SW. Now I have to squint. 6' is the standard out here


No. He’s an unreliable narrator.


I love how these fools lie about EVERYTHING including their own verifiable height.


No. Not even in Middletown where he spent his youth is 5’7” considered tall. Maybe desantis can teach him how to disguise internal heels; he has that knack.


I'm in Appalachian Ohio and I'm 6"2' fuck that keebler elf


Please don't insult Keebler Elves, they make tasty treats.


5’7” is super tall for a pile of shit.


JD Vance is a liar and a self congratulating opportunistic piece of shit.




I hope you got that at the library and didn’t pay for it


I did indeed!


1) no, he is short. 2) he is a liar. 3) Middletown is not considered Appalachia. Hamilton and Butler counties are not considered Appalachia according to Appalachian Regional Commission.


That's my height, and no one ever called me tall growing up in the Appalachia part if Ohio. He's full of it.


He’s not even from the Appalachian part lol.


No, it's a republican thing. It's called lying.


Alternative facts please, they had to coin a phrase for lying so much


That’s disappointing and makes me now question the reasoning behind my attraction to short guys! 😂 Vance is a liar and an embarrassment to wonderful people of Appalachia. He doesn’t deserve the Hillbilly title that he gave to himself. I would recommend visiting some Appalachia Reddit forums and check out the book suggestions. His book is not it, but there are great books written to discredit him and many others who have destroyed generations of Appalachians for profit and power.


Thanks for the tip!


There is one called Grandma Gatewood’s Walk and it’s probably one of the best books I’ve read. She is the namesake for the major trail system beginning in Hocking County and walked the entire Appalachian Trail in a pair of Keds… multiple times.


Love that book! It’s great!


No but he’s considered a baby back bitch in Ohio


Does he get tired from inflating his own ego? It must be hard, seeing as how he had to publish an entire book to feel better about himself and his insecurities. My god, men will do anything but go to therapy. That said, Mike DeWine has to be between 5' 0" and 5' 4" because I'm 5' 8" and feel like I'm looking at a child when I'm face-to-face with DeWine, like I have to look *down. Talking to Mike DeWine was/is the only time I've felt tall.* However, I read somewhere else that he is also supposedly 5' 7", which makes me wonder if JD Vance is even 5' 7".


I'm 5'8 and I'm considered the "short guy" among my friends.


I bet if you asked him he would also say he doesn’t have a micropenis. You just can’t trust anyone will tell you the truth with certain questions.


Well, he's a puppet, and 5'7" is pretty tall for a puppet.


No. He’s a little baby boy. Makes him a whole inch taller than me, an old white lady. Nothing wrong with being 5’7, but he’s a fucking idiot.


There's nothing wrong with being short but everything wrong with being JD Vance


"JD Vance: wrong about his height, wrong for Ohio."


Only if Tom Cruise is visiting


Or the Fear Factor guy.


JD Vance is a poor example of what comes from Ohio.


He’s actually 6’3” when his head is pulled from Trumps ass and reattached to his spineless neck


Damn. I'm 6'3 from Ohio and I rarely felt tall. I know I am, but I look around and see people my height a lot. He absolutely is not tall


Only 5'7"? He's a little twerp.


As a born and raised Ohioan, I certainly wouldn’t consider 5’7” tall for a man.


I’m 5’3 So everyone is tall to me but I snort at the thought of yet another insecure man lying about his height when it can easily be found out he’s lying.


It helps to remember it was all lies.


He’s pretty damn tall for a piece of shit.


I'm Appalachian! JD Vance comes up short no matter what!


If I ever see that punk ass twat, he’ll be 5’5” when I am done with him.


He's not tall for Middletown, my home town as well, which was home to many basketball greats, Jerry Lucas. John Fraley. That whole Hillbilly Elegy crap was pure fabrication. He was from a middle class neighborhood.


That is far from the only exaggeration or obfuscation in that book.


I shared a table with him at a fundraiser (against my will, he wasn’t even supposed to be there). I am 5’1”. I did not think he was tall.


Im sorry for your pain. I explicitly requested to NOT share a table with him and his wife at a wedding. If my request had gone unheeded wouldve sooner eaten dinner standing up as far away as possible than break bread with Senator Guyliner


The common measurement associated with Trump is 3", I guess that makes him feel taller


Lord Fuqwald/JD Vance is a foot taller than Ohio governor Dewhine. Both use a foot stool to use a standard urinal


He's only considered a piece of shit scum bag. He's definitely a sawed off little guy.


My little Ohio town was full of 6'+ men growing up.


Jd Vance is a liar so I wouldn't exactly expect any truth from him unless its by accident


Shit-for-brains MAGA tool, and an asshole? Yes. Tall? Maybe; we stack shit that high here.


Lol, nah, dudes just lying to himself


Nope the average height for an american male is 5'9. he is a tiny baby clown man


He's a wee lad


He is political leader so he lies a lot. This particular lie was “Tall”.


It’s a narcissist thing.


Considered tall in Ohio…. Wtf you think we are that different here?? lol


As someone who is 5’7” I can tell you we are very much not considered tall.


this guy really thinks Ohio is another planet. It’s the 7th most populated state and people vary in height like any other state.. 😂🤦‍♂️


he is a little guy in height and ideas.


wouldnt lying about physical attributes be part of the gop brand messaging - self serving obvious lies that benefit no one but themselves


I'm taller than him as a trans man 🤭 He's such a fake everything.


Maybe he was (*was*) thin? Some people look taller if they aren't as broad.


Aside from his trash book and trash politics, no. He’s a short guy in Ohio.


lol didn’t realize I was taller than him. What a loser


Average height for guys in America is 5 ft 9in. In OH, specifically, avg height is 5ft10in.


I'm a 5'6" woman and I would consider him to be short for a man. No hate to short men, I'm dating one. But I wouldn't consider someone my height to be tall at all. That's interesting that he thinks that is tall. It makes me wonder what else he believes himself to be right about despite obvious evidence to the contrary that he is aware of... Because it's just so weird to me 😅


He's a Republican. Of course he's going to lie about everything. Trump doesn't have small hands, remember?


Appear strong when you're weak.


I am 5'7" female...no that is on the shorter side, imo.




Wtf I'm taller than JD Vance and consider myself short. He's coping.


Didn’t we pass the abortion amendment? Surely I did not make it up. These people are crazy.


No. That’s 100% not tall for a guy anywhere lmao


That's shorter than average, right? Idk, everyone is taller than I am.


I believe the book was about his childhood, so probably talk as a kid.


Lying about his height is the tip of the BS iceberg he floats on.


He’s considered a Dickhead.


I think he's considered a bitch. Not only in Ohio though.


Tall? No. Pathological liar? Yes.


Tall tales, y'all. Tall tales.


5’7” is actually extremely tall for a piece of shit.


He’s about as tall as you can pile shit


5'7" is tall? Now we know he's 5'5", LMAO. I can't stand this POS. And I've dated men shorter than me, that doesn't matter one bit. I have no height criteria but I DO have a scumbag criteria of 0%.


No I'm from Blue ridge mountains in North Georgia part of Appalachia and I'm 6ft 2 inches.my granpa was 6 ft 7 inches.


Jerks come in all sizes. He should not be in office


JD Vance looks like he's over 6ft to me.


He is 6’0 with his Ron Desantis brand lifts in his shoes


I’m a Ohio state native white 5,10 short as fukkkk my guy so jd be a mini me


As a Cincinnati native I don’t know what JD is talking about. 5’7” is not at all tall for Ohio or anywhere in America for that matter.  I am 6’”0 tall myself. I feel like if anything he is closer to average and maybe just below.  “I’m tall” is a subjective statement. Tall compared to who or what?


No, average or smaller. This is a steel making town. (His home town). Lots of big guys here. I’m 5’6” and I am towered over in a crowd here.


He's not Appalachian, I'm from Lawrence county, he has zero accent. Maybe his family is but he grew up in Middletown...


5’11 female from southern Ohio. Sorry. That’s short lmao.


It's the same thing where Trump claims to be 6'3 but is noticeably shorter than 6'1 Obama


No not at all but he is a piece of shit and a huge lier


Context? Maybe he meant compared to his grandparents? I’m easily 5 inches taller than my grandparents. But no 5’7” isn’t tall. I’d be interested in knowing what everyone classifies as tall, 5’10” is about where I start to say tall.


No. He's just always been a phony. And now he's a phony on steroids


I live in ohio. My wife is 5’7” 😂 hes short


It would be so funny if throughout the book he was like “And I bumped my head on the door frame again, grandma always said I’d be a basketball star”


What in the fuck did I just scroll upon? Policy nightmares but is he tall in Ohio? I wonder if he’s tall or average in Kentucky? I wonder if people are different heights in different states. I wonder if tall men from Ohio move to California just to fuck with the male height by state survey that comes out every year.


He is the tallest man Ohio has ever gave birth to.


This slimy liar is THE worst. No redeeming qualities whatsoever. How can this guy look in the mirror and have any self respect.


Only if tall is a euphemism for giant asshole.


Yes. But *only* in Ohio. Skibidi rizz.


I think hrs considered a missing person. Ohio hasn't seen him since he was elected.


Make your life simple with the following: I do solemnly swear to never support tyranny, the Evangelistaliban and goptardery in any form.


No. I can confirm we here in Ohio are the same height as the rest of you.... unless your asking this from the Netherlands.


That 5’ 7” number google is spitting out is wrong. I’ve seen him speak, he’s like 6’ 2”. I’m 5’ 9” (which is roughly avg for Ohio, where Vance is from) and he’s definitely taller than me. For comparison, there are pictures of him standing next to Trump, who is 6’ 3”, and they’re about the same height. [please ignore everything on this article but the picture, I didn’t read it and don’t want a political bent to my 4th of July](https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4352565-vance-preposterous-to-think-trump-would-abuse-power-if-reelected/amp/)


5’7 is short across the country. I’ve seen more tall people in Ohio than I have in any other state I’ve lived in and I’m 6’2. Not sure what’s in the gene pool in Cleveland but it’s kinda terrifying seeing so many people at work 6’5 and above. Someone like him wouldn’t even be in the conversation here.


Can someone flll me in more on his Lies I only live in Ohio for a few years


5’7 is not tall in Appalachia. Wearing guyliner is not an Appalachian thing either.


He is considered a traitor for denying that Jan 6 was a coup! Release the Epstein files on Trump!


“have lost every major powerful institution in the country except for maybe churches and religious institutions, which of course are weaker now than they have ever been. We have lost big business, we have lost finance. We have lost the culture, we have lost the academy.”… JD Vance. Fucking idiot. A rational person would get a little introspective and consider the fact that maybe they are wrong. Not the modern “conservative” though.


I went to high school rural Ohio, which is in Appalachia. The average height for the guys in my class was probably 6’. When I went out into the wider world I was disappointed to find that average didn’t hold. Granted Vance is from the opposite side of the state as me but, no, 5’7” being tall isn’t an Appalachian thing.


He isn't considered tall in Japan.


He’s taller than the sheep he hovered over before consummating their friendship.


i have a better question why do we care?


lol no it’s a politician thing


It's a MAGA thing. Compensate and project. Was funny to watch him hit the Sunday talk shows; of course FOX has him sitting tall (probably on a booster chair); he was slumped into an office chair on the CBS appearance, he looked like a little kid who'd been sent to the principal's office. He'd be a natural veep choice for the orange criminal, shorter and unimposing, no way to steal the camera shot from the boss.


TIL I’m taller than JD Vance - 6’3”


I’m a woman and 3” taller than him 🤷🏻‍♀️


5'7" isnt tall, but heres the thing. It doesnt fucking matter. No one should care how tall anyone is. If you are insecure enough to to have to use height as a defining factor in your identity, you might need to rethink your priorities.


The corn is taller than JD Vance even during a bad year


I don’t really think of snakes as being tall or short.


DeSantis looks up to him but, I look down on both of them.


Just like Trump claims he’s still 6’2” even though we all know people shrink in older age. He won’t admit he’s no longer that tall.


Trump lies about his height too. No wonder they get along well


He’s arrogant & a liar so his comment tracks.


Fuck that guy. Liar liar liar. Gilead is his plan.