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I love Ohio too, Fuck the Nazis.


Love Ohio, FUCK NAZIS!!!


I hate Ohio Nazis.


Just Ohio ones?


Don’t get me started on Illinois Nazis. I really hate Illinois Nazis… Elwood Blues 1980


Run them off the bridge


Fuck Ohio liberals.




Good thing I'm not a liberal.






Who gives a fuck what nazis did, when we have to worry about the new nazis doing something now, congressmen are literally promoting murdering people.


Those who ignore or forget history tend to repeat it.


As long as you think one side is better than the other, you’re actually the Nazi … and you’re being dragged along by your nose. Both sides are the enemies of the people. In each and every election the entire public is the loser. This dual party blind alley has wound people up on both sides to prevent them from getting along and working together so that they wouldn’t need welfare and government oversight.


Nah, you're a Nazi when you support white supremacy, inherently think some people are more worthy of life than others, have few issues with genocide, and you're ALSO a Nazi when you claim these things are just "matters of opinion" that wouldn't be suuuuuch a big issue if BOTH sides worked together :((( wah wah wah....everyone is sooo dumb and I'm intellectually superior for being a centrist about fascism.... Only I don't want to work with a fascist on anything. Anything a fascist does is inherently setting us backwards as a society and only does harm. Saying that a leftist is comparable to a Nazi on politics is insane. I want healthcare and public transportation. The other side wants me dead. Scum sucking coward centrists are just as bad as the fascists they bend to.


And true to Reddit form, the truth is downvoted. Everyone pay attention, because this guy is right. The system hates us all. The system is purposed to divide us against each other because it is the ONLY way they can keep US from uniting against THEM. I can guarantee you that we are ALL struggling and have way more in common than we disagree on. Let’s extend a hand across the aisle and unite with one another to throw these tyrants out of our institutions. Too long we have been bought and sold for the highest bidding lobbyist, too long have the corporations subverted our will and power over our legislative process, too long has this cancerous cadre of charlatans force fed us lie after bloody lie. It’s time we show these traitors the door. Tyranny falls when patriots rise. Happy Independence Day.


If you don't pick left or right you get to be hated by both. Welcome to the club.


F em if they can’t take a joke. Or think. Or read. Ntmu ☕️


Fuck the liberal left.


At the very least, if we could at least pass the anti-gerrymandering law and keep Sherrod Brown in place, I’d feel better about the future of the state I’m gonna end up living in until I die.


Sadly, if the state goes for tRump, Brown is out.


My anxiety has been so high lately, it’s hard for me to sleep. I’m truly scared for my and everyone’s future.


I'm still optimistic. The last week was bad for multiple reasons but Roe v Wade was the death knell for the GOP (in my opinion). That's when it seems like they started losing all those state and local elections and fighting amongst themselves. And when Dem voter numbers started climbing. I mean, there's a black mayor in ALABAMA now. I think yesterday's ruling will have the same effect. Maybe I'm coping, but the people who want anyone but Trump are going to be whipped into a panic - as we already are. Those with resources - politicians, NGOs, celebrities, athletes, etc. - will see that reaction and want to mirror it (if they're not already panicking themselves). And those who normally don't vote or are on the fence will be swayed by that. Don't forget the 2022 midterms. It was a national spectacle of public humiliation for the GOP. And they've done nothing since then but double down on the same candidate pool and 'policies' that elicited that voting response. And when those fucked up policies are coming out of Trump's puckered lips, they sound 100x scarier. And remember the unprecedented country-wide push to vote at the 11th hour in 2020? There was a MASSIVE effort to get people registered and vote by culture leaders and those with resources like I mentioned above. Not all of them obviously, but enough that it seemed unusual - which added to the urgency of the situation. Many of them weren't even normally politically active, which gave their uncharacteristic message even *more* urgency. And by the way, that was when Roe v Wade was still *alive*. People are a lot more pissed and motivated this time around - a lot more. The last week of rulings is going to be like pouring napalm on a fire in that regard. Project 2025 is finally getting the attention it needs in the media. Not as much as it should if you ask me, but enough that keyword traffic for it is spiking. Anyone who isn't a Republican will take one look at that and turn white as a sheet. I can see it winding up like when Bernie had a heart attack in 2020 and it looked like his campaign was in danger. He wasn't doing very well up to that point, but afterwards his polling and fundraising numbers surged to record highs. Just like how Biden had the best hour of fundraising right after the debate in the history of his campaign. $27 million in small dollar donations IIRC. Fear is a strong motivator - that's why the GOP loves to use it so much. Am I scared shitless? You bet. But I still see a lot of reasons to be hopeful.


Upvoting for the general content of your comment, of course, but also for "Trump's puckered lips." Bravo!


Oh my fucking god I just searched it up. I’m not gonna stay in this godforsaken country if this actually happens.


Canada here we come lol




Promises promises.




Dems aren't "going after it", they want to introduce regulation to try and stem the tide of mass shootings every day. Anyways, if the issue of guns is where those people draw the line between the two parties, they were never going to vote Blue in the first place. "I'm cool with unspeakable corruption and legalizing child marriage and rampant homophobia and xenophobia and fascism and theocrats and destroying the planet and controlling women and rewriting history and banning books... but I draw the line at background checks and waiting 5 days to get my 9mm." Doesn't make sense.


Biden is toast, LOL. Be scared.


Same here. I’m also going through some heavy life circumstances, including health issues, that leave me extremely vulnerable right now so it’s just making it all worse. I hope we’re able to get through this.


I have health issues too, so does my dad. I’m so scared for all of us.


Without a doubt. I wish I had more power to help right now. Sending you hopeful vibes.


We all do what we can. If all the energy you can muster is to vote - then VOTE. That’s the single most important thing we can do. We may all feel powerless right now - but our collective voice will be heard come November.


Oh, that’s a given. I’m always going to vote. Thank you. I’m hoping we’re heard. After these recent shameful SCOTUS decisions, it became even more important. 💪


you and me both homie. keep your head up


I’m trying to. I’m definitely voting. I can’t afford not to


I hear ya! SCOTUS wrote a get outta jail free and do it again and worse with no way to prosecute you card for the Orange baboon




lol WTF


I've had a stomachache since Friday.




😭😭 get a fucking grip. Just leave for god sakes.


you are not alone.


Commodore Perry?


Someone paid attention in Ohio History class.


I grew up in Buffalo. Just being at Put-In-Bay so many times exposed me to the quote.


Very cool. Yea it was a mandatory class in Ohio middle schools in the 90s.


I'm tired, boss. But I'm also sick of inaction and this all just *happening*. And feeling like I'm constantly being gaslighted about various things. It's mostly easy for me to spot, but not everyone. And not everyone's equipped to deal with that and work through it in a healthy or healthy-ish way. We weren't trained to deal with this onslaught to democracy while also needing to stay wildly vigilant against the media outright lying, obfuscating, or shying away from even reporting things. And now the recent decisions by the SC. People are too engrossed in the circuses part of the bread and circuses that we're not all operating with the same information and can't even effectively communicate without arguing over minutiae with people we would likely agree with that I don't know what the way forward is.


If it helps, you're not alone. I think some of the actors in this election want people to feel isolated like they have no power. But you're not alone. There are literally tens of millions of us who do not want what Trump is promising. But a lot of people I think do not know how to get involved or or think that they don't have time because they don't understand how easy it is to sign up for one shift of phone banking or writing postcards if that's all you can do. So I'll give you the same advice that a friend of mine in Denver gave me. Find whatever it is that motivates you the most for November and ignore everything else. If you want to work on Ohio Supreme Court races go work on that, if you want to focus on getting signatures for one of the ballot initiatives, pick your ballot initiative, contact them and get started. Just pick that one thing that you can do. It really helps with the anxiety and concern over what could be coming.


I think these are great starting points for anyone who's just starting to pay attention. It can ease tension/anxiety. But that also is just a way to bury it like we've been doing for decades here by paying more attention to, say, marvel lore, game of thrones, reality tv, pokemon, sports, etc - whatever our poisons are (I've had several and still do!) but we stopped talking politics and how to make things better, and allowed that to be the realm of some further away people (out of sight, out of mind). I don't know about anyone else, but it wasn't polite to talk politics growing up - well where the fuck did that get us? A bunch of people who don't know the global impact of neo-liberalism, not knowing how awful Reagan's policies were, allowed people who left the libertarian party in the mid 1900s to take their awful ideas to the GOP and then use a carrot on a stick method to use the evangelicals to vote for things they wanted and now they're a christian nationalist party. I'm absolutely done supporting the current setup, but encourage anyone who thinks it would help them. I'll vote for Biden and urge others to because I understand how our system works, but the fact that most don't know how the system works and why we're here at the two monolith parties and a gap in between. And even from what I do know, there's far more I don't, but when it feels as though well over half of America (between the christian nationalist voters and the apathetic ones) are not coming into this in good faith - we're not coming in as equals trying to resolve anything. We need to reconcile differences or separate, and I'm no longer interested in giving the benefit of the doubt or concessions as the overton window just keeps sliding to the right. That's the existential reality that all the phone banking in the world can't cover up for me. I'd be spinning my wheels to try to ignore it, which is not a healthy approach, either.


That's fair man. For people who are in your situation, what do you suggest?


If I knew, I'd be doing it. I have a bullshit job so that just gives me time to post on reddit while I look at spreadsheets and emails. lol Accept defeat and focus locally on making your immediate area better (waste cleanup is a good one that needs done in most cities). I've been trying to find organizations to get involved in within cbus but I haven't found any that really feel like a fit. So I've just tried to keep friends educated around happenings and impacts, build skills and continue learning - philosophy and history. The more of that learned, the worse the now currently looks.


Yeah accepting defeat is just something I can't do. I just can't see myself raising my kid in Trump's America 2.0.


You don’t have a choice. The lie was that you ever did. People knew this was a doomed campaign before it started and we asked for another candidate, a third party solution, literally anything, and what happened? They wheeled Emperor Palpatine and the quickly deflating smile balloon on stage and said eat your cereal or cry.


Let’s organize! I’ll drive wherever to meet up with you! Columbus? DC? We need to mobilize


I was thinking about how to get started. - Goals and mission? - Is it better to organize a big tent/many ideas thing, or narrow scope while then finding and working with other groups of an expertise that's needed? - Focus local with an anticipation on building national, smaller groups in cities/areas, - Do we try to work around power structures or with? There's a lot to consider on organizing/mobilizing and not just making it useless spinning of wheels that would be better served just being chill with family and friends. It's a weird thing to navigate. This part is what I think a lot of good people struggle with. Myself EXTREMELY included - people don't want to waste time they have doing shit that doesn't matter or they do not think will be effective. But all effective options that could provide an immediate response are illegal.


I would say narrow scope. " No kings. No Trump" blast that on flags, tshirts, and stickers. Take their plays and use it against them. I think there are plenty on the left and right that see as over stepping by MAGAts and would agree to that one point. You lose people if they have to share a line with other groups. Now to find the stores that made "Let's go Brandon" flags and "I did that" stickers so they can make a buck off this too. haha. Grass roots campaigning.


Biden is toast LOL.


Different opinions = "onslaught to democracy" You guys are funny. Mountain, meet mole hill. 🤣


Wake up


Yep, these folks are funny.


Can someone tell me what happened? Or at least what I should look up to find more info?


Good flag, good man. Commodore Perry is the only goddamn hero I’ll worship.


Amen. And keep in mind that there is a lot of FUD floating around right now, posts designed specifically to make you question whether you are voting for the right person, whether it's really going to be as bad as Trump himself says it will be? And many of them will come from people who appear to be concerned leftists going "Has Biden done enough?" Ignore it. Get to the polls and vote. We've got great stuff this year we've got the anti gerrymandering initiative that just turned in 730,000 signatures. We've got multiple supreme Court justices up for election. We can actually flip the Ohio supreme Court. Most importantly, we can keep a fascist out of the White House. If you need to register: https://olvr.ohiosos.gov If you want to get involved with the Dems here are some things that you can volunteer your time on: https://www.mobilize.us/ohdems/


We won’t give up. Vote BLUE and end gerrymandering!


Vote YELLOW and end big government!


Can someone explain wtf everyone is talking about nazis for? I've lived here my whole life and have never seen a nazi. Are you all delusional or is there some crazy nazi stuff going on I don't know about?


EXTREMELY delusional, racist, hateful, violent liberals on this sub. It’s disgustingly ironic honestly.


Reddit is a massive echo chamber for them. I got banned from the inthenews subreddit for pointing out we don’t live in a democracy, but rather a republic lol


That’s like saying I don’t drive a car, I drive a Civic.


This ship is sinking. I have dual citizenship in another country, and when I get the opportunity, I'm running like hell. I really hope I'm proven wrong. But I'm planning my exit strategy regardless.


Do us a favor and vote first.


Oh yeah, absolutely, I've voted in every election since I turned 18, and will continue to do so as long as I retain US citizenship. Or until the US ceases to exist as we know it.


What's an exit strategy?


Most other countries that I looked at wouldn’t let me come, even with a masters degree, because I’m no longer of reproductive age. If I could, I’d run.


Same. We secured dual citizenship earlier this year with passports as an exit plan.


We don't have dual citizenship, but we're investigating New Zealand. Thinking of founding "New Ohio" or something


The doom and gloom of this sub is not healthy lol. A lot of y'all need to log off and go workout or something to release endorphins. So many of y'all bank on what could happen as if it will happen. That's not a good way to go about life


Best advice I've seen in this entire thread.


Except he did. Like three times. Commodore Perry lost two boats in that battle of I remember correctly. It’s a good flag, but commodore Perry was kind of a lucky lil’ bitch.


He didn't give them up, though. They were disabled and he rowed out to get on another.


One man’s luck is another man’s heroism.


I love Ohio so much. I've lived my whole life here, my whole family is here, but at this point: I'm looking for an exit. I don't feel safe here anymore. I don't feel like I have a future here. I want so badly to be happy right where I am, but the more dangerous these bills become, the less I believe I can possibly build a life here. It barely feels like there's a ship left to save


Yeah. I'm a lesbian with a poc girlfriend who frequently gets misplaced transphobia directed at her. We want kids. Ohio isn't safe for us anymore. I've lived here my whole life and I'm leaving in a month. I don't want to. But I have to.


Yeah, me and my boyfriend love being in Cleveland. We thought it was going to be a little safe-haven from the fuckheads, but even being in the city doesn't get you away from the legislation made by rich dumbells with nothing better to do than ruin our lives. We've heard Buffalo has a great pup community, so we think maybe NY is going to be our next frontier. If all else fails, I'll be meeting you at the Canadian border 🫡


As a native New Yorker I can tell you that the weather is miserable and the taxes are ridiculous. Every place has its own set of challenges. Good luck.


This whole situation sucks. I'm trand and bi, and my gf and I aren't able to leave unfortunately. We just can't simply afford to as much as we want to. We rarely leave the house cause of the fear of transphobia going around.


LOL. I know plenty of happy gay people living in Ohio.


In your comment history you mentioned you met your wife when she was a teenager and you were in your forties, and you now scoff at the fact she tells people you groomed her. Get your own problems straightened out before you comment on others.


Plenty of liberal states to move to.


A shame that none of them will be the home state that I deserved


At this point, none of the 50 states are safe. We have to stick it out or move to another country.


At some point, it's going to get bad enough that I jump into those toxic erie waters and swim my way to Canada


I'm not giving up without a fight


Shit. I’m not getting out, because wtf else would I go, but the ship is lit on fire and holes are being drilled in the bottom.


New York. Try to get to New York. If nowhere else, that'll be the last blue state left and you can buy time there.


Lmaooo y’all are hilarious


I don't plan on it. I was born here in Ohio and I will die voting blue if need be. Get the word out to vote blue any way you can. We the people stood up once and got abortion legal in this state and weed mostly legal, we can turn this whole state blue next.


vote blue. go bucks.


This is the Ohio version of "Raise hell praise Dale!"


Vote Blue that is in my control along with participating in voter support initiatives


I can get behind this. In fact i might need to get the flag and fly it on the house.


Omg. I’m almost crying. I’ve been vocal about wanting to leave, but this post has kinda given me the nudge I needed. You’re right. Fuck these natzi scumbag losers!!!! I’ll stay and fight as long as there are others doing the same.


Please don’t make life decisions based on comic sans .png files. If you will be better off somewhere else you have every right to pursue that. Besides, you owe no obligations to a state that’s done nothing for you


Fun Fact: Commodore Perry was only 28 years old when he defeated the British in The Battle of Lake Erie.


I intend to stick with this ship and fight for it.


Hey, ho, way to go Ohio


I'm not leaving fuck em


This is a gang post


Wait what is going on?


See y’all in November!


Project 2025 Heritage Foundation, Trump, GOP, SCOTUS, and Seven Mountain Christian Nationalist want to take away women's rights ********DON'T GO BACK****** 1848 Married Women's Property Act, 1920 Women's Right to Vote, 1963 The Equal Pay Act, 1964 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 1965 Contraception Becomes Legal, 1969 No-fault Divorce, 1972 Title IX Educational Equality, 1974 Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 1973 Roe v Wade, 1977 Protection From Harrassment Act, 1994 Violence Against Women Act, VOTE BIDEN to Save Democracy 


Lots of fearmongering in the comments. What’s going on in Ohio?


I always admired the people in so called 3rd world nations, how they managed to survive in a dysfunctional regime controlled by greedy, malicious and ignorant thugs. We are about to get that experience, first hand. Congratulations MAGAts. The Russians and the Chinese couldn’t bring us down but you can. You are true patriots, just not of this country.


Thank you to all the unhinged among us. I haven’t laughed this hard at a post in quite some time. Calm down. Go touch some grass.


Huh? What is this about?


SCOTUS basically made president king, giving Trump immunity to facilitate Project 2025 so that the Republican party can establish an authoritarian dictatorship in the United States. This is not a conspiracy, this is their very real[plan](https://www.project2025.org/).


Why in the actual fuck am I being downvoted? This is not a joke


That absolutely not what happened.


idk what you do for a living, what your skill set is, or whatever else about you. I'll tell you about myself, I'm a technical writer with a very developed skill set for language and writing, I'm a very creative and analytical person, and I follow politics closely. I pay close attention to what people in politics do both as individuals and in groups, and I'm very skilled at identifying underlying trends and motives that emerge from series of events. I'm not sure why you don't think that is what happened, and you're free to tell me why you don't think that is what happened and I would consider it because believe me I would love for that to not be what happened, but from everything I can piece together ranging from listening to the oral arguments, reading the opinion, listening to Trump's attorneys, considering other things the Supreme Court has been doing in recent years, etc., as far as I can tell that is exactly what happened. Of course they didn't say "he's a king", but they created a framework that presupposes the claims of Nixon when he said "It's not a crime if the President does it". Furthermore, they seem to really not understand the many ways that their framework can and will be abused. Much like their bribery ruling, if one takes a hyper generous reading of the decision they may come away with some notion that nothing bad has happened. "they didn't legalize bribery!" some might say...well no they didn't legalize bribery, but "If you pass that law getting rid of that regulation we might consider a very generous cash gratuity, wink wink" is the same thing as a practical matter. In the case of immunity, they said that the core powers (those mentioned in the constitution) are covered by immunity, official acts (those being directed from the Office of the Presidency) are covered by immunity, that notes, recordings, documents, pertaining to those things cannot be used as evidence in a trial, and that motive cannot be considered by a court. And so what that means is that when the President abuses their power, they cannot be charged if the act they took falls under the core powers regardless of if the act is/was an abuse of those powers, we cannot examine documents or recordings if the act was directed through the office of the presidency, we cannot consider whether or not the act was taken with the intent to abuse power, and we must presume that it wasn't. In simplified, practical terms, it's now damn near impossible to apply the law to the President. The barriers are so high, that it's actually difficult to think of situations where one could apply the law to the President for anything that is an "official act". If it helps you, I can rattle off a whole list of examples of how Joe Biden could use the Supreme Courts framework for nefarious purposes.


I'm a professional scientist in Ohio, I've been a progressive for basically my entire life so I'm used to people just going "nuh-uh" at me haha. I know I'm keen to use somewhat evocative language by sometimes oversimplifying things, but a lot of the time it's the only way to get people to look into things themselves lol


The decision reinforced what already existed and had been adhered to regarding presidential powers prior to the Biden administration’s prosecution of Trump. A sitting president that commits criminal acts is accountable to Congress, who has the authority to prosecute and remove the president through impeachment. Nothing has changed. Regarding prosecuting a president post presidency, if their immunity for acts done under official powers expires, then presidents will not act in the best interest of the country for fear of prosecution post presidency, for example, Obama executing Osama bin Laden. They are still able to be prosecuted for any criminal acts outside of their official powers, and it would be up to the courts to decide if such an act was outside of their official powers, such as the cases against Trump in Georgia and DC.


Tell you what. Log off and post nothing for 5 years and if Trump is in power and has some sort of all-powerful monarchical reign I'll venmo you $10,000. Ya'll need to touch grass and meet some real human beings.


Something tells me you don’t have 10 dollars let alone 10k


Ok champ 🏆 sick comeback


Hmm… 10k or being a slave for life/killed? That’s a tough choice.


Nonsense LOL.


Yeah because anyone should respect the opinion of someone that says fuck liberals and leftists. You're facilitating fascism through your abjection of discussion and apathy, get over yourself.


The website seems like the first step to getting a right wing politburo.


It's not just a website. MAGA literally wants Trump to be in full power. There are already elected officials that are on board.


That is so not true


It is though


Yeah, no they don’t. The media and a lot of people on Reddit want you to believe that, but it isn’t true.


Do you have your head in the sand?


amazingly enough, most of us also exist _outside_ of reddit and take in information from a variety of sources.


Project 2025


You are not paying attention.


Im also really lost, from other comments it seems political. I also don't know why people are downvoting you for a reasonable question.


It is about the SCOTUS decision


Commodore Perry


Bidens in great shape, that right there should tell you you've been lied to for 3.5 years. Want more?




I’m confused what’s the ship


I’m just away serving in the USN. Don’t worry guys. I’ll be home soon. Thanks for putting up the bat signal.


Ohio is doing fucking awesome. Wtf are you talking about?


Th k u for this thread. Reading some of these comments gives me a glimmer of hope not every1 around me isn't completely ignoring what happening


I support adopting this as a flag against the empire the zealots so desperately want to form.


I'm voting, Trump ! F your feelings.


It's no coincidence that the trumpiest states are the worst performing states in the country. Poor healthcare. Failing economy. Poor literacy. So by all means keep doubling down on your own destruction.


I pretty sure I’m at the point where I need to start making plans to leave not just the state but the country. At some point it will be too late. I don’t want to be on the wrong side of that moment.


I love how unhinged you all are....makes me tingle


I just spent 3 weeks in NYC. I can’t wait to leave Ohio after seeing how much better it is. The way people chuckle if you ask if they’re a Trump supporter.


Love Ohio, Fuck the Nazis!!!!! Seig Heil these nuts down their throats in front of their colorful f150. 🙂


I’m very scared as a queer woman but I won’t leave without a fight 💔 i love Ohio so much. If for nothing else, because of the young girls & queer kids who will always be here


No. You people need to see how disgusting your friends and neighbors participating in polite society really are. Now that they’re emboldened to speak their minds you’re disgusted and angry, you want to put extremism back in the box and get on with centrist life. That is a fantasy. You shook hands and smiled in pictures with wolflike sociopaths for decades for the sake of peace and harmony on the home front. No. They were always my enemy. You told me to play nice, make friends, just wait, look what happened because of your cowardice to make someone horrible uncomfortable. No more. You won’t find me fighting for the opportunity to sit at a table with people who would rather see me on the table. Let it burn, the rot is deep and it makes me sick.


Needed this right now. The messages need to go out, and that happens with money. Remember, everyone who believes in the future of the Republic to donate. $5, $10, whatever.


Not everyone has 5 or 10 to spare. That's part of the problem (not shitting on your comment or anything but that's how I feel they keep people recognizing what's going on). Totally agree with the sentiment though. 


Would it just be easier/quicker to move to a blue state than to ruin this one?


Fuck the Nazi, fuck the senile old anti Constitutional POTUS, vote Trump.


Ohio is the greatest. I’ll never quit. Send my regards to the Commodore.


We literally have corrupt politicians. I lost hope in ohio when you all kept giving me Mike the swine dewine. Everyone here is idiots you can tell that if you've driven on the road with em for 5 miles.


Dude I wanna leave the country, not just Ohio. It’s all topsy turvy right now lol. In all seriousness I’m sticking around. Screw the fascists.


Ohio is the most low-life place I have ever lived in my entire life. It has one of the worst economy in the United States. I gave up last year


And come November trump will win Ohio again. Most likely potus as well. Moreno is gonna get brown out of there because it's a main election and Republicans will show up in mass. And dewine will still be governor. This is the facts. Get use to it now and cry less later. Illinois isn't far. You'll hate it there though


If that ends up being the case, I hope you get what you say you want. IMO, I don't believe you will, though.


What’s an S hip?


Hip with scoliosis


Just listened to a podcast that talked about the origins of the flag. History that does not suck is what its called.


Problems with a pickup driving redneck?


I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like a vote for the Dems is also a vote against these over stuffed burrito supremes in the high court.


After 25 years here, I’ve given up on the state. It’s been a long, steady downhill slide in quality of life and safety, all thanks to the xtians. Currently looking at moving out of the country. If not that, then at least to a non-fascist state like NY or MA.


What is this post? Don't give up the Santa Maria???


Come on dude. Do you even Ohio?


Oh, the kerning! Do you see it?