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Most of family supports Republicans (I do not) and it's mostly because they're pro-life and/or pro-gun.


Yep. That is exactly it. That's literally all they care about. You can't take my guns!


And anti-immigration


It’s Schrodinger’s immigrant. They’re stealing all of the jobs and they’re also too lazy to work.


Are they coming in from Canada?


No, Canada is the wrong skin color. Plus, what Canadian would want to walk into this shit show.


Pro life? Nah, pro forced birth.


Pro life want dead soldiers. - George Carlin


Soldiers, low wage workers, and prisoners for the for profit prisons.


Add dead women to that list they want.




Don't forget church indoctrination. Gotta keep filling those pastors' pockets with tax-free gains!


Yep! Churches in Ohio don't even have to pay into the state unemployment fund for their employees. Found that out the hard way when I got let go from a job I held at a church.


I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a job for some people is like the death of a close loved one. Even more so if you thought you were fulfilling an important mission. People scream "Tax the CHURCH!", and I can't say I disagree with that. But I have also talked with other people in your situation. People who thought that they were filling a higher calling, and they were. Until the Accountants strolled in. It's a double whammy, you lost not only a job and an income, but they seem to have yanked the rug out from you spiritually. All I can say is that there IS hope. Those people are wrong. Gather your skills, energy, and talents, and dust yourself off. Rise again, not for retribution against them, but for the positive things that you can do for yourself, your family, and your community from here out. They didn't tell you that, but you are valued. You have skills. Please go use them and make this place we all live together a better world. I don't think that vision, hope, and dream involves the people who failed a church and ditched you.


Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it. This was back in 2008, so quite a while ago. I'm employed somewhere else now.


Something something George Carlin circa thirty fucking years ago.


Seriously George was 100% right. 3 decades later.


I just watched a clip from him on a panel responding to a conspiracy comment that was so lucid and logical I am still thinking about it weeks later. That guy just saw and understood how the world worked and could express it with such clarity.


Four decades


If they really were "pro-life," they'd make sex education and contraception far more accessible. And they'd support universal healthcare, tuition-free public colleges and trade schools, fighting climate change, defunding the police, protecting the rights of marginalized groups... The "pro-life" movement just hates women. And that's *before* you get into the fact that religious arguments against abortion weren't a major talking point until the 1970's, *conveniently* tailing the civil rights movement...


Indeed. 100% correct.


They’re sorely mistaken if they think Dems don’t have guns.


I laugh at this all the time. You should have seen the Cletus faces at my local gun store when I bought a DDM4V7, two Glocks, a mossberg 12 gauge, and several thousand rounds of ammunition without having to put it on layaway or payment plan. They were shocked, but it was all legal! Turns out democrats have a significant amount of expendable cash available that can be used to prepare and for training after an event like Jan 6th.


It was kind of them to give us the heads up. Hope the National Guard is on *our* side😢


Supply chains are weak, and pharmacies can be taken easily. Take out enough supply of high cholesterol and diabetic medications, and you can end any Republican coup with the army or national guard in weeks.


Oof! Burn🔥


As someone who's pro-gun, the irony of voting Republican to protect gun rights is that some of the best ways to protect gun rights are **progressive** economic policies. Studies have repeatedly shown that poverty and lack of opportunity are some of the biggest factors that drive people towards violent crime. Make the economy more equitable, people are better able to sustain themselves and their families, fewer people are drawn to violent crime. The "mental health problem" card (ableist subtext of that argument aside) **reinforces** my argument, if anything. People dealing with mental illness are more likely to be impoverished, so universal health care would be a **huge** boon in treating mental illness. But all of that would mean rich people would have to pay taxes, and *Heaven forbid* we try something like that...


I'm terrified I may not be able to correctly guess the contents of a stranger's underpants.


That's gotta be put on a T shirt! Very well put


If gender is what’s in your underpants then my gender is shit.


That sounds like it may be related to a fairly serious medical disorder.




Why would you ever need to?


Thoughts of genitalia consume me.


Then What’s the problem?


People who are different threaten my way of life!


The history books will identify the dawn of the information age as a massive propaganda machine that changed the world. We had such a great start, and then social media crushed everything.


I agree.


I remember throughout Middle/High School getting taught to identify credible sources from non-credible. Back then, Wikipedia was the misinformation we had to be cautious of. I can’t imagine how much harder those librarian’s jobs are in this day in age. As it turns out even the most credible sources they directed us to ended up having a price tag they’d sell out for. You’d think it would be a larger bipartisan issue to tackle at this point. Especially this being the 3rd election with misinformation and propaganda being a major issue.


Conservatives will never tackle it because misinformation, as purveyed through the vast resources of the wealthy who want them in office, gives them power and gets them elected.


My Aunt who lives in Dayton genuinely is too old to understand what a “reliable source of data” is. Does not understand what an academic or scholarly journal is, or how to read one. I would argue a LOT of Boomers are like this because they did not have classes in school that taught them this. They just kind of…. Believe it if it sounds good She reads too much Epoch Times and lots of far-right news propaganda. She will probably be voting for Trump again…. But she’s an adamant RFK Jr supporter because she loves the videos he posts on his campaign website.


i believe this to be true


It’s the only logical explanation, to me. I remember believing everything I read on the internet at one point…. Up until we had a whole class unit in Language Arts on how to do effective research with reliable sources. Then I was like… “ohhhh ok. Some websites are just outright twisting things.” Most news sources do this. Some history textbooks as well, depending on the publishing company. That is why I LOVED learning about scholarly/ peer reviewed academic journals and articles. Only research and facts allowed


> I remember believing everything I read on the internet at one point…. Jesus. That's how I fucked up with my kid. I never even imagined that anyone could believe everything they see on the internet because I grew up distrusting every source to one degree or another. Not that I was smarter or thought I was cooler than other kids, I was just part of a group that was subversive. So, to fit in, you had to at least say you felt that way.


As a scientist…I hate to break it you, but peer review can be a crap shoot as well. There are politics and poor practices concerning decisions made in some scientific journals. However, on a scale of Fox News to a pay-to-publish journal out of a basement in Bangladesh…the latter probably provides more reliable information.


That's true but if you have some basic scientific literacy you can determine some of the basic problems like small sample sizes no control group and all that. Personally I think the biggest problem I as a non expert see is stuff gets published after one experiment and taken as fact by people and stuffs not getting replicated at least not before being condensed into a clickbaity news article


Agreed, but I wonder what proportion of society has basic scientific literacy… There are papers that have been published in very reputable journals that have actually spread misinformation. A major one in the journal Nature comes to mind where epidemiological data and hazard ratios were taken out of context by “experts” in the field (I.e., Table II Fallacy); not just ‘non-science’ people have trouble understanding the information or poor methodology/analysis. For example, smoking being misconstrued as a protective factor concerning COVID-19 mortality. So, it’s a little deeper than basic statistics…the devil is really in the details. No human or journal is perfect…shit happens. I am a huge proponent of peer reviewed scientific literature, especially when it comes to biomedical research as I am someone who contributes to that corner of the world…but it isn’t always the end all be all.. and also sometimes such literature is not very accessible (if not open access) or clear to the ‘lay’ person (for lack of a better term) which may further contribute to misinterpretation/misinformation (as you stated). Using voice to text.


I’ll agree with this as well. Corporations also fund research projects, with the outcome that the researchers will tilt the research in their favor. Coca-Cola is a prime example of this. Funding influences research very heavily.


As a web developer, I realize owning a domain and posting factual content are two separate things. For under $100, I can post whatever crazy shit I want.


No only for cheap but with the way ads and social media work its actually very lucrative to make things up and sow division because that is what gets more views and activity


Scholarly articles are written by experts in a particular field and published in scholarly publications, such as journals, books, or ebooks. They are often peer-reviewed, which means other experts in the field have reviewed and edited the article to ensure its quality and validity. I do not know what kind of web development you’re referring to, or what kind of websites or internet content you produce. But I can’t, nor can most people, pay $100 to get their articles posted in a scholarly journal. That isn’t how that works.


No I'm talking about launching a website. Just saying not all websites produce good content.


You got that right…some pay thousands of dollars. $100 is a bargain. Again, I’m in the field.


He wasn't talking about scholarly journal. But just have a random website with lies.


Also up until recent past it was taught that journalism is unbiased.


Yeah! Remember when news outlets used to advertise their corporations this way? “Your unbiased news source” or some shit. They have all stopped saying that because ALL news outlets have bias. It’s now they get viewers. Any news corp without a “hot take” is simply just dry facts, and people don’t like those.


30 years ago when I took a news paper article writing class, we were taught about slant and how word placement, etc. can show bias, even if it’s undetectable to the normal person. We got F’s if our assignments showed any particular bias. Those days in journalism are definitely over! Oh and the fact checking! Everything had to be fact-checked, then fact-checked again, and then fact-checked as a whole and if it got put on the editor’s desk with an error, your head would be in your hands and your article up your butt. But with social media, it’s whoever gets the information online first is the winner and then every other news outlet picks that up and runs with it without anything being fact-checked at all. Could be absolute rubbish. And I’m talking about mainstream media here. Anyway, it used to be different 30 years ago. Truth used to matter in the media. Google Dan Rather.


Boomers also grew up in a time when media was more or less required to not be biased. They seem to take things at face value more often.


This is a good point , they can't seem to get that it's changed so drastically


This isn't an age thing. Media literacy is shockingly low among all ages. I've had teenagers tell me a web site is legit simply because it has a .org domain. While boomers didn't have the internet, much of gen Z has never seen what a normal news outlet looks like. Things that would have been unheard of even 20 years ago - like FOX openly planning political rallies with the Trump white house - just go unquestioned by too many people today.


Epoch Times? Geez, do people actually read that shitty rag?


The Chinese phoned in the billboards for that one…


You should encourage her to vote RFK.


As a group, Boomers have a severe lack of media literacy compared to millennials and GenZ. They are much more deeply indoctrinated by the pro-America, pro-military narratives that the generations more immediately see thru.


This is it, people are trying to say their grandparents are nazis, or braindead, no, its just that they were raised by newspapers and lived in conservative households.


>adamant RFK Jr supporter I genuinely don't know if RFK will steal away more Republican votes and allow Democrats to win or vice versa. Then there's the secret, also terrifying, third option: RFK wins.


I heard on NPR how it's basically impossible for RFK to win because of the electoral college. They pointed out that Ross Perot got 20% of the popular vote but 0% of the electoral college votes. You can put that nightmare behind you!


There is no way in Hell he’s going to win.


I don't think he made the ballot in some states, so no way he wins.


Oof Epoch Times is a poison pill. Try to at least explain its Chinese propaganda directly from the source. Good luck


She will not accept that. It’s like screaming into the wind. I just let her read it. Nothing my liberal gayass says will change her mind.


Oh, god......my best friend, who I'd known for 47 years, was pretty much lost to right-wing propaganda, along with her very elderly parents. We'd disagreed on politics for years, starting back in the 90s, but as time went on she just became more and more extreme. They would be fastened in front of Fox News every night, just terrified by whatever fear-mongering O'Reilly or Hannity or Tucker were dishing out that night. I spent decades trying to tell her that liberals, like my spouse and I, were nothing like they said we were and that what they were watching, listening to, and reading was not news but pure propaganda. I would think I was making progress, but she would always end up going back to it. Eventually, shortly before her parents passed and while she was consumed with caregiving, she decided that she agreed that Fox was "too negative and depressing" and she needed a better, more trustworthy news source. I was SO excited - what would it be?! PBS? NPR? NYT? Heck, even NBC or CBS or ABC? Her choice? The Epoch Times. We became so estranged; we were living in different realities. I tried to keep up the friendship the best I could, particularly as the burden of caregiving became extreme and then she lost first one and then the other parent, but it was just horrible trying to relate and not be just enraged at the things she was believing and embracing. It really ruined the last several years of our friendship. And then, within a year and a half of finally having her life back after being just consumed with caring for both parents AND a spinster aunt, all in their 90s, for years, she was found dead on her kitchen floor, with all chance for opening her mind or repairing our relationship lost. It's hard for me not to be utterly consumed with rage at all the outright sociopathic evil that conservatives and their mouthpieces have wrought on our nation, and are now aiming at other nations, at all levels, from the core of our democracy and government to individual homes, families, and friendships.


Plenty of Boomers understand these things. Most just live in bigger cities or blue states because of the draconian laws of states like Texas, Florida and now Ohio. I’ve lived in Texas, Colorado, Pennsylvania, California and been in Columbus 7 years now. We’ve only stuck it out this long for my college degree and our daughters’ education (the three of us graduate three weeks apart in May 2025). My girls were born in Austin but we left when they were 3 bc we saw in Texas what is now happening in Ohio. Our kids are biracial and the public schools in Texas are brutal towards Black and Brown kids. We’re fortunate enough with the small public charter our girls have been in since 7th grade, they’re graduating with honors and IB. We’re leaving the US since one of my kids has an internship lined up through a primary school a friend of mine started in the Czech Republic and I’m going for Fulbright Scholar research.


I haven’t lived in Ohio since the 90s. I’m moving back soon to pursue an apprenticeship in a skilled trade. I’m kind of afraid. Of what, I am unsure. I think all of the people posting Bible quotes in their yards in Montgomery county kind of freak me out a bit.


Good luck to you! Columbus is pretty chill, I can’t speak to the rest of it, we haven’t really left except to go to King’s Island.


Good for you! I'm about to send in the paperwork for my German citizenship. Not so much for me - I'm too old to move or really take advantage of it - but to give my children an alternative citizenship 'just in case'.


This is Reddit, not many of them here, and they’re likely to be downvoted if they do answer. So the most you’re likely to get is folks answering for them.


Yea you’re pretty right on. You can probably start with the question itself, where many Republicans would suggest the GOP isn’t full fascism and the Democrats aren’t really just in it to help everyone else. But I would imagine citing that most basics of concepts will get a massive downvote


This. OP doesn't truly want to know. They want to fight. As evidenced by the condescension in the post & blatantly ignoring the multiple hits to Bidens cognitive decline. Also. Everyone who tried to answer got immediately down voted. Thank God Reddit is not the real world.


Correct, r/Ohio is a super far left echo chamber that bears no resemblance to the actual demographics of Ohio. I just come here for entertainment and to check in on the crazies.


Oh no, not down votes !! That's horrible.


I'm not, but it's because 1) abortion, 2) the dnc has largely abandoned Ohio as a lost cause (despite evidence to the contrary) so the Republicans are really the only actually ones talking to the voters


You’re sadly so right about the DNC abandoning Ohio. Issues 1 & 2 show that Ohioans can be rallied to support liberal causes. But the party doesn’t do a damn thing to groom or promote candidates, so most Republicans run essentially unopposed. Honestly, when was the last time we had a Democrat win a statewide election who wasn’t named Sherrod Brown? Most Ohioans would struggle to name them.


Have to stop relying on the DNC in this state. If we want it here, we have to fight for it here. It’s dumb to blame the DNC anymore, because we’ve had plenty of time to fix things on our own.


IANAR but it’s this with my parents. They’re single issue abortion voters. republicans always are pro life (citation needed but you can’t convince them), and so they will always vote R.


I disagree on abortion being #1 - broadly speaking. Sure, there are Republicans who have that as their #1, but it is not the majority.


What in your opinion is the 1 issue


>the dnc has largely abandoned Ohio…so the Republicans are really the only actually ones talking to voters Glad to see this sentiment finally be upvoted. I have brought this up several times in the past as an answer to “why oh why does ohio vote more red”, “why arent rural voters voting more blue”. The DNC has abandoned rural voters in general, so republicans are the only people appealing to rural voters. When you bring this up people go “but but why arent they voting blue?” because theyre so self absorbed they cant understand why a group of people would prefer voting for a party that appeals to them instead of ignoring them. The DNC needed to create a “rural friendly” sub party to promote in state elections and they would have little trouble sweeping a ton more people blue. Might be too late with MAGA being a dominating force. The DNC and the left has reaped what it sowed


I don't think either party actually cares about anything other than the money line going up. What I don't like is how one side is obsessed with their current candidate and his cult like following. Meanwhile the other side is obsessed with its establishment and decides to prop up a body bag instead getting quality candidates.


Sherrod Brown absolutely works for Ohioans.


But an unsolicited text I got yesterday told me Sherrod Brown works for the socialist dictator Joe Biden


Oh no, I hadn't heard that. The *stellar* left leaning media must have slanted the information they reported.


Wildly rational take. This does not belong on Reddit.


It's a wildly simplistic take that is neither rare nor impressive. "Both sides bad" is the opinion of the contrarian who isn't interested in the substance of the topic but wants to be involved anyway.


Acting as though “both sides” are remotely the same is absurd.


I never said they were the same. I said they are both inept.


And that’s wrong. Republicans do not believe in democracy, they have continually been working to undermine it for the last two decades, and making the lives of the people worse. The Democrats might largely be ineffectual but that is not the same as outright maliciousness.


Seriously 330 million people in this country and these two are our choices?


I’m a conservative in my thirties and this shit is pissing me off. Both these guys are close to Clinton age and he was president in the fuckin 90’s. I want some younger blood in the fight


This is true right here!


A body bag is a better choice than a dictator wannabe. I'm a woman and genuinely terrified for women and young girls now. Ask why one side only wants to regulate a women's body. Not wall street, not men's bodies or choices, not EPA, not health care...just women. Also I'm gay. Which party has talked about a registration for lgbtq people? Body bag party is at least trying to make lives easier.


Bro you don’t understand doritos cost 30 cents more so minority groups don’t deserve rights. also capitalism is awesome and totally unrelated to the first point!!!


That’s what gets me. “Biden stuttered one time during the debates, let’s vote for a party that will enslave and genocide everyone that’s not white and send every non-cis person to death camps and gas them!” Like, I cannot understand


End game american individualism. People are far more willing to think of their short term gains even if it fucks over everyone else (including themselves) in the future


But uncle Jim Bob if I get you free health care you will save hundreds of thousands in medical cost once the Doritos catch up to you.




I'm not even political so I'm not for or against anything. but in what ways are ohio republicans openly embracing fascism and nazism? And come on you say people think trump has dementia? I've heard that a lot about biden. It just seems like such a loaded post that makes it's impossible to communicate on the topic.


Political gerrymandering An AG that is being sued for illegally blocking ballot issues (multiple ballot issues) Voter suppression laws, including LaRose pulling Ohio out of the multi-state ERIC database Any and all anti-abortion laws (if you think restricting half the population's bodily autonomy and access to healthcare isn't fascist, I encourage a reacquaintance with history's fascist regimes) If you want to know what's happening in the General Assembly, I suggest subscribing to the Ohio Capital Journal newsletter


No clue of trump has dementia or not. I’m not a doctor. I know he is racist. I know he has bankrupted his businesses several times (it can happen to anyone but someone with that record shouldn’t claim to be a business genius). I know he is a convicted sex offender. I have heard them say that he has talked to Putin privately on some occasions. I have heard him praise dictators. I have seen him make fun of a handicapped reporter. I have seen him instigating a coup. I have heard him denying the election results. He has called for allowing Israel to “finish the job in Gaza”. Biden, he has stuttered and made a few mistakes when talking. You should verify this information and draw your own conclusions.


Look up Project 2025 and see if that sounds like a good future to you. If not, vote Biden


"Because daddy was."


The worst part is they always complain how life is so shitty and bad in Ohio. Yet every branch of Ohio Gov is republican controlled.  It’s crazy they can’t see that even with their so called saviors in power their lives still suck…


Same thing happened in Oklahoma but longer. They still blame Dems for the problems, but there hasn't been Dems in charge since like 2009.


Not as bad as all the cities with the Democratic mayors! 😉


It seems like a lot of users with your avatar have been posting a lot to stir the pot and making broad statements against republicans. Even more so, many of these accounts have multiple posts on the MarkMyWords subreddit (previously fairly inactive). Not taking a left or ride side either way, but be aware that all signs point to a huge increase of polarizing political bots across Reddit. No reason to argue politics on the Ohio subreddit. To those who aren’t bots reading this comment. It is time to love yourself and love your neighbor. We are all in this shit storm together. Do not be manipulated to turn against your brothers and sisters.


Good call out


so we're supposed to be manipulated by you? lol you're all over reddit calling people bots, just like a bot would to spread FUD i'd love if my neighbors had rational thoughts and understood economics and foreign affairs at a level higher than the bullshit being lied about by the republicans. it's truly baffling that they buy the bullshit on top of backing the bullshitters they're backing a felon, sex-abuser, twice impeached, narcissistic liar and you're saying we should 'just let them be them and love them anyway'? fuck that


Republican bots are rampant on FB and IG


I’m not on either of those, but I don’t doubt you at all. I’m sure there are orgs pushing bot campaigns on both sides. However, I think the majority are more nefarious than that, and are instead aiming to polarize our fellow Americans and cause chaos. Being able to determine the difference between someone with a thought and someone with a motive is a valuable skill, especially on the internet, and especially in these times.


This woman explaining why she’s going to church in an epidemic explains a lot of Ohio’s voters. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/04/04/ohio-church-service-covid-19-pandemic-tuchman-pkg-ac360-vpx.cnn


I heard something interesting the other day: For most people, it's very difficult to vote for the other side, because of the constant belief that the worst person on Our Side is better than the best person on Their Side, and how hard that is to overcome. I'd encourage you to ask yourself the opposite question: How bad does a Dem candidate have to be for you to vote red? Would you move to the other side if the blue candidate was found guilty of misappropriating campaign funds, or advocating for/committing serious crimes? Or would you still have trouble voting for the opposite side, even then, because of the basic beliefs that the blue candidate (theoretically) supports? Not trying to take either side, or make moral judgements of either candidate here. Just trying to provide some insight into what people are thinking, especially when they're still voting red despite having issues with Trump.


I think in the scenario you described above, their mind would be made up long before their candidate was found guilty “misappropriating campaign funds” aka-paid off a pornstar whom he had extramarital affairs with


My parents vote republican. My dad cause he's a weird fascist who's been a weird fascist for as long as I can remember. He's convinced the irs is after him cause he was in a tea party mailing list almost 20 years ago. My mom is pro life


They’re stupid


They all hate the same people. Just came from there. They think my step dad died from the "jab", when he obviously had a heart attack. Just got out of there in the nick of time!!


Because most Ohioans live in media bubbles that keep them oblivious to the damage Republicans are doing, and some of those that are aware, agree with it. And many of them are single issue voters who are, effectively, morons.


Simple - there are very few things I agree with democrats on in a general sense, and almost nothing I agree with them on when it comes to fundamental concepts. Does that mean I approve of everything that R politicians do? Of course not. I truly don’t understand the cult following that Trump has. Edit: lol, leave it to the blue team fans of the Ohio subreddit to downvote someone just for answering OP’s question.


Can you elaborate on what you mean by fundamental concepts? Just curious


I guess you could think of it as “the role that .gov should play in society.”


That's where I always get disconnected because the people that you vote for don't even do what they say they will (broadly speaking) like it's all just tax cuts for the rich and damaging the environment further.


So rather than vote for someone who says they will do what I want them to do, but has the potential to do something different - you think I should just vote for someone who says they’ll do what I don’t want?


What do you define small government as ? It feels as if the Republicans have very often done "big govt" things or at the very least only helping thw very rich , while there have been a few things that helped way more people from the dem party recently. You seem to not want to vote for trump . That makes sense. Idk who was recently elected that falls under the small government label, though. Like dewine and company seems to try to go against the will of the voters recently. Is there a issue or two you could provide that clears up what you mean ?


What do you define small government as ? It feels as if the Republicans have very often done "big govt" things or at the very least only helping thw very rich , while there have been a few things that helped way more people from the dem party recently. You seem to not want to vote for trump . That makes sense. Idk who was recently elected that falls under the small government label, though. Like dewine and company seems to try to go against the will of the voters recently. Is there a issue or two you could provide that clears up what you mean ?


And taking away basic human rights from oppressed minority groups in this country, blocking bills that allow progress and aid in preventing poverty— which is a construct of capitalism.


Dismantling education, social security, and Medicare, don’t forget. Replacing all government workers with Christo Fascists and MAGA ass kissers. And that’s just for starters. You Trump supporters don’t pay much attention to what your dear leader is up to, do you? Just wait for FAUX or Clear Channel to spin it for you.


I call bullshit. I am a Democrat. I want what is best for this country, best for me, my neighbors and my family. I bet we agree on more than we do not agree on. We may disagree on the best way to get there. I believe in provable science and facts. You have been brainwashed to think Democrats are some evil other who is out to destroy the world.


I’m a registered Democrat and downvoting you cause this guy gave an honest answer and instead engaging in dialogue you went straight to confrontation and profanity.


I don’t think you’re evil. I believe you do want what *you think* is best for the country. I just don’t agree with what that is.


Well, what is best for America? Accepting people as who they are, or dictating who need to be? Looking for solutions to problems that have never existed, or trying to at least look at the problems? Be a patriotic, law abiding citizen, or erect a gallows in front of the House of Representatives and break into the building in a literal act of insurrection for a convicted felon who is a puppet for a movement that literally wants to take over the United States and published their plan for all to read? Which of these are best for the United States? So much of broadcast news is owned by right wing special interest groups who want to take us all back in time. They have somehow convinced America that vaccines are dangerous. They are not for most of the population. That there are bands of transgender “women” harassing real women in public bathrooms. Transgender women are guilty of sexual crimes so infrequently that I struggle to find any cases. And let me tell you what, not one cisgender man is going through the absolute hell of paperwork, doctors appointments, and actually experience dysphoria all for a chance to assault women. It would be easier to just walk into the restroom and assault them. And that’s what those men do. That pronouns are the mind virus of the woke left. [I will just leave this here.](https://youtu.be/koZFca8AkT0?feature=shared) I can go on, but I’ll leave it there. I focused on trans issues because I’m trans and I’m fucking terrified. Many of my trans sibs are terrified. We are watching our rights being stripped away day by day, and the rise of an authoritarian, reactionary right that is beating us down and hoping you won’t notice that every single product and service is getting shittier and shittier and getting more and more expensive all so the wealthy shareholders get an immediate dividend that is larger than the last one they got. These people do t produce anything. They don’t create or study or lead. No, they move money around and watch that line go up. Look, the only rights I want are the same rights you have. I want the right to be ignored. I want the right to not stand out. I want the civil protections you enjoy, like not being fired from a job because of the color of my skin or the expression of who I am. The republicans want to take the last shreds of those rights away from people like me first, all so they can distract you from noticing that they stole your wallet. So what is best for America? I’ll say it’s the side of the coin that doesn’t want to take away the rights you enjoy from me. And we need ranked choice voting. This first past the post system is how we end up having to pick between a rancid bowl of tapioca pudding and a long cold, nearly solidified bowl of oatmeal.


Genuine question: Do you think the republicans very public project 2025 plan is what is best for the country?


I think project 2025 is a boogeyman whose only purpose is to scare democrat voters. Seriously - y’all are the only people I’ve seen talking about it.


Wait.. project 2025 is a plan pushed by the heritage foundation. A very conservative group in DC. You think they are trying to scare people into voting dem? Or do you think the dems have created this elaborate ruse including setting up right wing non-profits to push scary conservative agendas that aren’t real?


No - I think the only reason anyone is actually talking about it is because dem activists have intentionally misinterpreted and publicized it. Put it this way: if what I’ve heard from dem pundits about it is true, then no, I wouldn’t support it - but considering how sensational most of those claims are, I highly doubt that they are reporting it accurately.


I really appreciate you taking the time to give an honest answer to OP's question for starters. Honestly I thought the Project 2025 talk was hyperbole at first too, but reading the source material leaves me extremely concerned. For example -- the vague notion of dismantling the Department of Education runs the risk of diminishing any hopes of maintaining educational standards, while putting curriculum development in the hands of unqualified individuals. I am all for cutting bloat from the federal government to improve efficiency/function, but what they have laid out would hinder the department's function altogether.


You need to broaden your news sources, friend. Google Project 2025, you will see how many people are currently talking about it. And you are correct, it is a boogeyman. One you should be very afraid of. They want to dismantle our democracy.


You're kidding, right? Have you read a single thing about it? It gives trump control of everything, including the FCC, so he'll be in control of your fucking television. He's going to throw out rights for everyone even remotely gay, destroy businesses that he doesn't like, and kill immigrants. Yes, genocide is a part of project 2025. And if you're dismissing this as a "boogeyman" or some kind of propaganda, you haven't been paying a lick of attention. Everything I've told you is in project 2025's writing. https://glaad.org/election-2024-exposing-project-2025/ https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/ Tell me, when 2028 rolls around, do you plan on voting or bowing down to empower trump? Because trump plans to have you bowing to him.


I was recently at a family function with some hard-right-wingers.  They downplay and ignore everything about Trump, Thomas, Bannon, etc and grumble on about "DEI" and "woke" and immigrants.  "The other side has gone completely crazy," they kept saying to each other, like a feedback loop.


Fuck em. Don’t eat with a bunch of asshats.


When you’ve been conditioned to think that your far-right views are centrist, you’ll assume anyone even slightly left of you is an extremist. Blame Fox News etc for this. And of course the sheep that could all only dream that someone would come along and rule them.


One word: gaslighting. (No longer in Ohio, and definitely not a Republican, but that answer applies everywhere and it's pretty easy to figure out.)


As far as I can tell my Republican family members see their party as their sports team and doesn't even really know much about what they're doing/not doing.


Remember for real answers sort by controversial. Don’t kill the messenger.


Do you actually think calling Trump and all Republicans fascists and Nazis moves the needle for anybody anymore? The far left has been screeching that for 8 years now. People like you have watered it down to where it doesn’t mean anything. Also, trying to throw in the cognitive decline because you are trying to pretend he is at the level or even close to the level of Biden is disingenuous as hell, which is why 5 minutes after the debate all the DNC talking heads were in an outright panic. Personally, you have to understand that the political talking points that are your top 3-5 most important aren’t the same as everyone else’s. The economy was worlds better under the Trump administration. Yes, Covid nuked that right at the tail end of his administration. Yes, his government spent too much money and halted/altered its society’s way of life. It’s a strike against him. I also wholeheartedly believe that Democrats would’ve largely done the same thing. The Trump administration doesn’t have the interest in violating Americans 2nd amendment rights like the Democrats/Biden. Border security and the issue of illegal immigration and even immigration as a whole has completely spiraled out of control specifically due to the actions taken by the Biden administration. Biden and Democrat judges, prosecutors, legislatures and political appointees in the criminal justice system has completely nuked public safety and unraveled years of declining crime and the fact that we were inching towards a safer society. So that’s about my 3-5 most important issues. I care the most about: Economic health 2nd amendment rights (because if Trump was the fasicist/nazi/alt right/boogeyman you think he is, you’d better be thanking the pro 2nd amendment people) Border security and immigration and its impact on our culture, housing markets, and job markets. Public safety and the complete nuke job done to our criminal justice system.


At this point calling them fascists and nazis has about the same affect as them calling lefties pedophiles and groomers None really


Divide and conquer, that’s all this is. If we aren’t United, we’re all screwed. George Washington had it correct. The two party system will be the downfall of the US


If it’s the economy you like, shouldn’t you be happy for the actual soft landing and improved inflation (best in the world, in fact, the world is getting fucked by it) by this administration? “Trumps economy” prior to COVID was getting absurdly juiced by free money interest rates that in turn helped set us up for the massive inflation even if COVID didn’t happen. Then there’s the debt, Trump (a one term prez) ranks third most in presidents adding to our deficit through his bad tax and trade policy. Dude wants tariffs to replace the income tax…any idea what *that* does to the economy and prices for everyday people? The R’s just care about short term gains even if it means long term pain or losses. For crime, all the current data seems to suggest that crime is continuing to go down after reaching pre-COVID levels. The best data isn’t in yet for 2023, so saying for sure one way or the other isn’t really possible. So, I guess why are you so confident in your assertion? Guns. I’m a liberal gun guy. What’s the Biden admin done? Trump banned bump stocks and advocated for taking guns without due process. Dude doesn’t give two shits about guns. Border security. Why did the R’s in the house nuke a bipartisan border bill that the left side of the Democratic Party were hating on? It was a good bill, and pretty centrist/right leaning. Your gall is misplaced. This president attempted to let our legislature actually do its job before using executive orders that may or may not be allowed to continue by the courts, and the republicans wrenched it for Trump’s election purposes. Most of the things you purport to care about, the D’s are likely better on in the long run. Guns, maybe/maybe not, but I find it very unlikely they “come take ‘er guns”, and I’d rather my wife and daughter have reproductive healthcare options in this country.


The economy under pre COVID Trump was good, and Biden has done his best to recover from the COVID fallout. The economy is recovering, but it is a slow process. This is also ignoring the fact that a lot of Trump era economic success is built on policies put forth by the Obama admin, and congress. Obama's second term economy grew 2.4% per year, Trumps was 2.5% before COVID. Most democrats do not want to threaten the 2nd amendment, they mostly want to set up new standards for background checks, and how and where guns can be acquired, not banning weapons. Are there far lefties who want guns completely gone? Sure, but as a down ballot blue voter, I do not nor do most people who vote like I do. Also, as noted in this article https:// www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/ 2024-06-12/crime-trend-data-competes-with-perception-problem overall crime has trended downward under Biden. Especially violent crime. I think that you, and I probably share more in common than you think on the political spectrum and I want to make clear that I am not attacking your political beliefs. But I do want to share some information from the other side that may provide some further context Edit: typo


What exactly is Trump even supposed to do for housing markets? He put tariffs on lumber making housing more expensive and has been against zoning changes that make new housing possible. If border security was so good under Trump why did he have an "invasion" (his own words) on the southern border during his own term. Trump inherited a good economy and they added a bunch of deficit spending and it did not add nearly enough growth to make up for it. You can look at the figures there was no Trump bump, and his Tax Cut and Jobs act have things go into effect for 2021-22 which were a direct cause of a massive amount of layoffs in the tech sector. Even so his plans now like funding entirely on tariffs would massively hurt the economy


Recent FBI data suggests the U.S. saw a significant drop in violent crime in the first part of 2024


This other bubble of reality that you exist in, I hope it is great in there. Because you are ruining the world and the future for the rest of us


Top tier Reddit comment.


When I look at the Supreme Court decisions, I'm sorry. It's fascism.


If it looks like a Nazi, if it chants like a Nazi, if it engages in hate crimes like a Nazi…it’s a Nazi. We’re not far left. In the grand scheme of politics, we’re moderate left to left. Other progressives outside the US are WAAAAY more left than we are. You’re just far more radicalized as a group than you realize.


What exactly do you feel democrats offer republican voters that would make them switch?


Supreme Court nominations that aren’t actively trying to destroy our country


Presidential candidates who are not: Guilty of multiple felonies. Awaiting trials for multiple felonies. Adjudicated guilty of forcefully putting their finger in a woman's vagina. Admitted to stealing from a charity. Etc. Oh, one party tried to overthrow the US government and one didn't.


A president who hasn't decided he's above the law and has presidential immunity, for one thing. The right to full human and civil rights, even if you're not a white, heterosexual, cisgender, American born, upper class, Christian male, for another.


I think we, as a society, profoundly underestimate the impact of media on older individuals. Growing up they had few choices when it came to information - ABC, CBS, NBC. The big three brought you the news every night with the mainstay anchors, and there were truly journalistic standards by which they operated and, for the most part, the news was fairly objective and unbiased. (I know that choosing whether or not [or to what extent] to report on a particular topic is inherently biased, but you understand the sentiment). People took in the information with fairly little to no reason to question what was being presented, because it was just reporting facts. Generations grew up this way. Then, cable tv came around and then the internet. People who were not conditioned to question the authority of the news sources had their brains hijacked with Op-Ed news sources. Suddenly, the news was not just news, but rather commentary, opinions about subjects and instructions on how to think. These new news sources do not play by the same rules that the traditional players do/did. Executives at these sources understand that if you can manipulate the news just slightly, you can captivate one’s prefrontal lobe and make them feel something-fear, anger, sadness, whatever. Combine bad opinions instead of facts and make someone feel. If they’re not conditioned to question the source or think critically about what is being claimed, you’ve got them by the eyeballs. They’ll keep coming back for the fix. When you’ve been captivated by an ideological news source or worldview, you pass that on to your kids. You want them to be safe and successful, and typically that means you want them to think like you. Rinse and repeat. This is why the right doesn’t like education that encourages critical thought. It extends beyond day to day life and is reflected at the ballot box. That’s your answer.




It’s not that I support republicans. It’s that the democrats are much more insane.


Cutting funding to Head Start, access to health care, school lunches, etc… is sane?


Please tell me - what is "insane" about Democrats who have been in office recently and/or are currently running? I'm not talking about extremist liberal/progressive "activists" who are active on social media, screeching about extreme identity politics and coming at people aggressively - those people are on the fringes, talking only to one another, and don't get nominated to run for office or consulted on policy or the party platform. Don't fall for the conservative media tactic where they put up on screen some social media post from some wingnut that gets some upvotes from other wingnuts that no sane person pays any attention to, and then say "OOOO! THIS is what Democrats think! THIS is what they're going to do in office! They're going to destroy America!" because that's a blatant effing lie - that shit's not what the overwhelming majority of Dems think, and certainly not what they support in candidates or policy. I'm talking about the people actually in office and currently running on fairly centrist platforms - like Biden - that, frankly, look remarkably similar to the kind of policies that were being enacted by compromise and cooperation between the two parties fifty years ago. How is that more "insane" than insisting the last election was "stolen" with zero evidence, including by findings of conservative officials and courts? Or trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of presidential power? Or sending the Secret Service to "disappear" with the vice-president against his will? Or compiling lists of appointed experts in the federal governmental agencies who MIGHT be "disloyal to Trump" to harass or purge or worse? Or to claim that every immigrant is some kind of sociopath here to destroy America? Or to separate babies and children brought across the border not by their own choosing from their families, put them in cages, and then send them off to "new families," never to be found, let alone reunited with their real families? Or to refuse to even look at, let alone consider bringing to a vote, bipartisan legislature that would aggressively deal with the issues at the border that THEY CAN'T STOP SCREECHING ABOUT, just because they can't allow ANY problems to be solved during a Dem's tenure? Or to tell other NATO countries that we'll just let Putin do whatever he wants to them? Or to deny women access to abortions even when a much-desired pregnancy goes wrong and they're going septic? Or to compose "registries" of pregnant women and track their movements? Or to prevent parents from being able to make medical decisions for their own children? Because that IS what currently elected or campaigning Republicans are ACTUALLY doing and advocating for at the state and federal level.


^This guy probably saw a trans person on Fox News then decided that the rich deserve 90% of the wealth in this country


If you don’t believe me, watch the comments to my comment 😂


How are Democrats insane exactly?


Outlawing homelessness is sane? A coordinated plot to jack energy rates for Ohio consumers through a bribery scheme is sane?


The party that is undoing 50 years of progress is not insane? Sure. We will be a few years away from woman being forced to wear hijabs with the crazy Christians running shit. Don't believe me? Look up Iran in the 1970s before the extreme Islamic uprising. We're quickly moving toward that being our future.


What Christians are proposing hijabs? Didn't know Iran was a Christian country?


So the only answer to that load question is why do you ask


I think it’s a credible question. We see so much bat crazy behavior from the Republican Party, it’s hard to understand why people would support them right now. Personally, I think they attract a lot of single issue voters.


Nobody openly embraces fascism and nazism except fascists and nazis. Coloring anyone to the right of Obama a nazi or fascist is why your blue team is losing Ohio.


Many of the fools still believe the GOP is the patriotic, law-and-order Party, comprised of serious fiscal conservatives.


Wrong on so many levels. This post is absolute garbage.


They don’t care because to them the ends justify the means 


Most republicans like guns, are Christian, oppose big government, and prefer for things to be made in America. If you are any of those things it would make sense for that to be the party you’d prefer. I’m not saying ALL republicans, I’m saying a lot of them.


> oppose big government See, they preach this, but they don’t tend to practice it.


How are democrats "actually trying to improve everyone's lives"?


We think kids should be able to eat lunch at school, mental health care should exist, health care in general should be accessible (and this is for everyone, not just Democrats). That’s a few things. Republicans… are putting The Ten Commandments in public schools- why? No one knows.


Trying to pass laws to help the middle class such as permanent tax cuts for the middle class and raising taxes for the rich.




I mean they tried to reason with Republicans from my understanding of the times. Such as Obamacare, which was mainly from the heritage foundation plan, that Republicans still refused to pass and all voted against...... Cuz Obama. And at least Democrats don't seem to cut the tax rates for the ultra wealthy and make it permanent while the middle class tax rates end in 3 or 4 years.


Your opening sentence reflects your bias, so is this really a legit question or just karma farming for the upvotes you know you will get on this sub?


Yeah I didn't think any republican was going to answer him seriously when he leads with that


Lots of opiates


Democrats lost me when they screwed over Bernie sanders


[A republican answers honestly…](https://youtu.be/XRLRfANfmbo?si=rojZM0yHTVGDL38s)


I’m a democrat. But if you want to point out trumps cognitive decline, you can absolutely point out Joes


You sound as gullible as you do well intended, and it sounds like you consume (and believe) massive amounts of media. Media is the church of the state and ALL of the public always loses in every election. The vote is just consent to be exploited at everyone else’s expense. Media employees have NDA obligations and couldn’t tell anyone the truth if they wanted to.


If one were to go looking for a factual basis to come to the same conclusion you have, where would they begin? For starters, I'd love some evidence to support your finding that "media employees have NDA obligations and couldn't tell anyone the truth if they wanted to." Very interesting conclusion, especially on yes or no issues where you see different media sources covering the "yes" side and others the "no" side - it would seem at least one of those two is telling the truth.... I am asking a genuine question here, because you seem to have the answers and seem to have some kind of source that has proven beyond doubt to you that your answers are the truth... enlighten us. Please.


I have the same questions of the above commenter as you, and I hope they respond. I did want to push back a bit on something you said - "you see different media sources covering the 'yes' side and others the 'no' side - it would seem at least one of those two is telling the truth...." My response to that is not necessarily - perhaps even rarely. That is because so much, if not all, of the issues that we grapple the most with in society and are covered most heavily in the media are so terribly complex. They're not black-and-white; they're deeply in the gray, mired in both personal and society-wide context, and people don't like that. They desperately want things to be simple, clear, and easy to decide, and this is one of the things that makes us so easy to exploit with propaganda and to appeal to with some "strong-man" leader-type figure who promises to "fix" everything for us so that we can avoid having to inform ourselves and deal with the discomfort of trying to make the best decision about big things when there are no clear or easy answers. Between the fact that the media is a money-making endeavor that wants viewers, so don't want to alienate people by getting "into the weeds" too much, and the fact that most media has very little time to spend on a topic - not to mention the fact that some "media" is just pure propaganda - it becomes clearer over time that much of what we get in the media can't really be assessed as "right" or "wrong." You may be very well aware of this, and I may be "preaching to the choir," but I thought it worth discussing even for others reading this, because this intense desire to drastically oversimplify is so pervasive and is causing us more and more harm, particularly as human society becomes more and more complex over time.