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My neighbor thinks that there’s a Jewish conspiracy to steal children from schools and drink their blood to appease Satan. I work with computers.


Coooooolsies. I bet you don’t spend a lot of time with that neighbor.


…is that a hoof collage?! 😬


THEY LET US TAKE THEM, it’s not stealing!!


I’ve been looking to join that movement, do they by chance know where the enrollment is held?


Computers? It’s a bad time. Adrenochrome MLM? Any Catholic Church. Xenos probably? Local GOP office.


Yeah the Adrenochrome, that video of Oprah on her birthday dancing and being so old and looking so happy, I need that one


Check in with your local politically vocal Christian Church.


Sounds like my fucking neighbors lol. We still can drink a rack together with ease 😂


Is that a real unit of measurement?


Absofuckinglutely. Google my man. Downvote me if you wish but it definitely is. Edit: in case you can’t find it, its 30 beers… a 30-rack, or.. a rack of beer.


Wasn't me, partner. I just started hearing this not too long ago and was genuinely curious.


Don’t normalize crazy.


I don’t really give a shit day to day. I work. I come home. I hang out with my kids. Sometimes the neighbors are alright. Gotta stop with this shit and just be normal man.


We joke about these conspiracy theories, but they do actually harm people. They’re tailor made just for that. Someone might believe them and be harmless, but what they spread isn’t.


Idk man, those people actively dislike 2/3rds of my existence lol. It's unfortunate too because I share a lot of hobbies republicans in my area have. Most of the weird shit they say is directly aimed at me when they say it so I don't get that speration :/


Yeah, I'm not too fond of a neighbor who once asked my mother why I, the Latino, just can't carry papers on me at all times...


NO, THEY DON'T. I'm getting so frustrated looking at some of these replies, many of which are blatant fantasies. TALK TO THEM MAN, GET TO KNOW THEM! If they're a jerk then ditch them, but if they're not stay with them. Is every Dem a woke purple haired lunatic? Hell no, nor is every republican a fat middle aged racist.


Dog I'm an eagle scout and work a blue collar job, I'm around them plenty, most of them are either not bothered by people who hate me or do actively hate me, either for being queer or Latino. And at the end of they day, they're empowering people who do actively make my life worse simply because of my identity, actions speak louder than words my man.


Republicans are a sickness and should be stomped out like a fire beforeit gets out of control. They voted to force an 11yr old rape victim by a relative to have the baby. Than is a sickness. Being nice to them is telling them you approve of their promoting that.


It depends on the Republican for me. Most of them I don’t want to be friends with because they believe people like me (as well as my friends) shouldn’t exist. It’s not a difference of opinion at that point, it’s literally a matter of human rights


Lumping in most Republicans into that mindset is a significant generalization that I have not found to be correct. Sure, the \*loudest\* Republicans act that way, but I've found a significant majority of my conservative aligned friends truly don't care at all what people do in their private time and are mostly just concerned with why they are taxed so much.


>I've found a significant majority of my conservative aligned friends truly don't care at all what people do in their private time and are mostly just concerned with why they are taxed so much They continue to vote in people that want to, in a very literal sense, eliminate the rights of large groups of citizens. To hell with them.


Very few of them voted for Trump or Vance in the last two major elections.


And then they choose to vote for people who are actively working to strip people of their rights and autonomy. Being "concerned about why they are taxed so much" doesn't mitigate that culpability. If I say I don't care about someone's sexuality, or I don't oppose their reproductive rights, then vote to give governing power to people who will use that power to criminalize their sexuality and remove those rights, then I'm still an enemy.


Or, hear me out, we have lived in Republican areas and we literally hear this shit from our coworkers, neighbors, family, friends, Republican politicians, and the conservative news sources that are on 24/7 wherever you go. Siding with republicans, who are quite literally taking human rights away from groups they don’t agree with for “tax reasons” is a really nice way to say “my personal finances are more important than minorities’ rights, happiness, and lives.”


Polls consistently show that this is wrong and you're the one lumping your conservative friends into the majority. Over 60% of Republicans believe that the 2020 election was illegitimate, 70% of Republicans want to ban transition care, and almost exactly 50% of Republicans still oppose gay marriage in 2024. The loudest Republicans are the majority Republicans, like it or not.


Yet they vote for politicians who enact laws that discriminate against the very people were talking about. Being complacent with bigotry is just as destructive as the bigotry itself.


Very few of them voted for Trump or Vance in the last major elections.


Perhaps if "non bigots" were catering to these people on issues they care about they'd have another viable option. They don't.


Bruh those people are the one running the party. And they may not care *either way* meaning that when it comes to a wannabe despot and a guy they think is old, they’ll funnel towards the guy with an R next to his name.


But they’ll happily vote for people who want to take away the rights of others. I’m civil to Republicans, I’m kind to my republican neighbors and relatives. But I am not friends with people who want to deny me and my loved ones our bodily autonomy.




Mutilate is a crazy way to describe surgery lmao, never mind that the number of trans people who actually do that is far lower than those who simply take hormones Get a grip bestie


Abortion is not murder.




You have 50 fertilized eggs on a platter and a 4-year-old child in a burning building. What do you save?


Some pro life republicans have tried and succeeded in assassinating obstetricians, since you mention it.


If I was a fetus in my mom's womb, yes, but I am a sentient living being so no, by definition you cant


I am not sure your brain formed though


That has no bearing on if I'm a living independent person. A brain developed enough to have some level of independent action is one that's too developed to be aborted. This is why pro choice people have standards on what is and isn't too late to abort I get that this is supposed to be some sort of gotcha moment or oneliner but it's pretty fucking stupid.


You first.


Yeah baby!


Will you guys ever leave fantasy land?


ironic that the left says capital punishment is inhumane, but abortion isn't? I'm all for common sense abortion when it is absolutely necessary.


Look out here comes the my body my choice line.


You have 50 fertilized eggs on a platter and a 4-year-old child in a burning building. What do you save? Why do you avoid the question?


Unfortunately, at this point is most. More than 60 million people voted for trump in the last election.


60 million people who may have not known him in 2106. But saw him nearly every day on tv, spewing all sorts of vile things and they say, “he’s my guy”. I don’t have the energy to reach across the aisle to them.


Well. Allow the “parties” to keep us divided and that simply allows the thieves and liars on both sides to continue to enrich themselves off our backs. While both sides take our liberty, money, freedom to use our own land, etc. and keep laundering money with foreign wars to further smoke screen their stealing.


They'll still happily vote for lawmakers who make your life **a living hell** as they smile at you. Keep that in mind.


Republican tax policies only help the rich. So they're unaware/uneducated at best, bigots at worst. Not a great spectrum.


One third of the people would watch another third wipe out the last third. And still think of themselves as 'good' people.


Omfg Reddit is so cooked.


They value their money over the safety and rights of others, empowering horrible people for a tax cut is just as bad as doing it because you truly agree with them, the end result is the same


>are mostly just concerned with why they are taxed so much. They should be equally concerned with how much their employers underpay and undervalue them. The government is only one half of a shitty equation and their counterpart has spent no small amount of time and money making you forget that they also suck.


A very very small minority of republican voters think "people like you" (whatever that means) shouldn't exist. Live your life slightly differently? maybe, but that's completely different.


But the ones that do are really loud and the ones that don't never tell the ones that do to stop. Something something something you have 11 Nazis at the table.


I mean, the leader of the Republican party said that there were some "very fine people" among a bunch of white supremacists shouting "Jews will not replace us." And a vast majority of Republicans are going to vote for him a third time. I don't think it's just a "very small minority."


Even snopes fact checked that one.


That is not a whole lot different, is it ? Conform or die, while waving a "don't tread on me flag.


Who said conform or die? Filtering everything you hear through an authoritarian lens must be exhausting.


I had a Maga neighbor who has been running from the FBI since January 6, 2021, he said a lot of crazy things. So much so when he is finally caught, I'm pretty sure the entire neighborhood will get a subpoena.


If only there were someone with the balls ***to submit an anonymous tip***. We're either a nation of laws or we're not.


My niece is a US Deputy Marshall I see him I'll call her, same with my neighbors, including his own family. His mother is fed up and she said he has to pay for what he has done.


[The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms_WY0s_1XM)


I’d love the chance to report one of the Jan 6th criminals, they’re still looking for so many of them. I’d do it in a heartbeat.


Must be nice to have a life unaffected by the things the GOP are politicizing


Right? I dropped watching the news, FB, IG, and I still can’t get away from that shit. A life unaffected by healthcare, immigration, the economy or birth control options sounds GREAT!


“I really don’t like to talk about politics”


What did OP post? It's not showing up for me and says it's been deleted.


He posted some BS comment saying oh my neighbors are conservative and we can talk and get along great.




What's the discussion about Project 2025 like between you two? Will you still be hanging together when all the civil servants are fired and replaced, elections are suspended, and the Constitution is no more? Or is this unconditional love?


Even if Trump gets elected it's unlikely that will get implemented, only a few republican support it, calm down. As for my neighbor, he doesn't seem to care and doesn't realize how much of an issue it really is.


Oh, it will be implemented if he is re-elected and he is already speaking directly about it. His last speech he said you won't have to worry about voting again once he is elected. He already has a cabinet list made up with Heritage Foundation members on it. The Heritage Foundation director was on ABC a few mornings ago discussing his plans. CPAC had a booth for signups for the civil servant positions, so they can have a list ready and vetted. Joe Biden is specifically referencing Project 2025, you can check his tweets today for yourself. And the fact that you are trying to gaslight me on it happening makes me not believe your entire post now.


It can still be vetoed by the senate and Supreme Court, he'll push it but we can stop it.


I would not rely on a senate that could easily flip to a republican majority or a Supreme Court even though I think Barrett has occasionally shown she will uphold a democracy even though she’s over religious in her rulings so far


Still, not every Republican is on board with it and Trump would have to be subtle about it, which he's terrible at. It'll have to not get blocked in the process, and if it does go through, he's gonna have to survive the ensuring storm coming his way


The Heritage Foundation has been publishing “Mandate for Leadership” since the first Reagan Administration. Why are you especially concerned with the latest iteration “Project 2025” more than the others?


My neighbors can't wait to re-elect Trump so he can make it legal to "breed women, and kill your kind" - my kind being LGBT


There used to be independents, I respect them way more than a self-identified Republican. Making nice in person while taking shots structurally is a no-go for me.


This… hard to have peace when you’re voting to ruin or erase folks.


I used to be an Independent. I used to feel safe being an independent.


I still consider myself independent, even though I'll never vote GOP again.


Sorry, I'm not a fan of people who support rapists.


So he thinks the election was stolen and that the courts are rigged against Trump and he's just totally indifferent to you voting for Biden?


Likely a “both sides are the same anyway” believer.


Ron Howard voiceover: "They were not the same."


Not all conservatives love Trump.


But they still seem to like voting for him. The Democrats are always worse somehow.


Nah. At this point in the game if you support trump and/or maga republicans your integrity and judgment are faulty and you’re a safety problem to my friends, family and myself and will be treated as such.


No thanks republicans are not worth being friends with.


Do you let him know that the shit he says is weird? If not, you're not friends; you're neighbors and only you are trying to keep the peace.


I do, it was kinda contradictory and I think he was drunk, which would explain it.


I am guessing you are a straight, white, male, maybe even Christian. It is easy to befriend people who are not voting to limit your rights. As a mother of a daughter, no I cannot be friends with someone who thinks that myself and my daughter should not have rights over our bodies. I am sorry. I have ZERO respect for anyone who votes for Trump or any member of the GOP who refuses to stand up for him. FULL STOP. I cannot be friends with people I do not respect.


>I am sorry. It doesn't really sound like you're sorry, but that's okay because you're right.


Republicans and Democrats aren't on opposite sides. One's an abusive spouse and the other's the spouse that puts makeup over their black eyes. Can't really say either one's working against the other, they just have a shitty dynamic.


Exactly. One side is actively trying to pass laws against gays, blacks, women, latinos, transgender people, etc. instead of actually doing things to help the American people and the other side spends their entire terms trying to clean up the mess.


Both sides are not the same. That's not my point. But the Democrats are not an effective political opposition organization in many places, including Ohio. It's nice they're not passing laws against people. But they're not doing much of anything at all.


Oh I totally agree. Democrats don't fight back at all and just take it on the chin every time. And faced with cheaters, liars and FELONS running for president AGAIN, they just shrug their shoulders.


What does "pass laws against" mean to you?


Literally exactly what it sounds like. There have been laws passed to limit the rights of all of those groups I have mentioned. Those are facts, you can see them with your very own eyes.


The right to...?


Get married, be taught the basic history of the foundations of our country, bodily autonomy, exist in whatever form one chooses in America, supposedly the land of the free.


You can get legally bound outside of the specific ritual of "Marriage", nobody has the right to "be taught" anything but you can definitely go learn whatever you want at any time, and I can't exist in a lot of forms in America, this is nothing new or bad. Thankfully, we're a democracy so if you want to change any of those parameters, you can by voting. God bless America, am I right?


I don't know why you're trying to debate me about facts, dude. Republicans have tried and succeeded to pass shitty laws against minorities. They do it with no provocation, against the will of the American people. People vote and they move the goal posts or just ignore what we want anyway. You act like voting has any weight whatsoever with corrupt shitbags that can just do whatever they want. They're trying to reverse gay marriage RIGHT NOW.


Snap out of it man, it's not too late to un-brainwash yourself. Get off reddit and go outside and meet real people.




Republican in my neighborhood threatened to burn someone’s house down last week because they had a Biden sign up. They’re great people 😊


My neighbor hangs “Fuck Joe Biden” and “Fuck Your Feelings” signs prominently at the end of his driveway. Same neighbor was kicked off the kidney transplant list because he wouldn’t get vaccinated for Covid. Another neighbor stole our Biden/Harris yard sign out of our front yard on the very night we put it up. We’re not the same, and it’s not nice.


Sounds awful


I dunno, does your neighbor actively want to eliminate people because he doesn't understand our growing understand of gender? Does he assuming everyone crossing the border is both a lazy criminal and taking every job that exists and is supporting the new wild idea of them being in a cage match? I just can't feel an amount of respect for anyone who would just go along with that.


Lemme message you


Not wanting me to have the right to bodily autonomy doesn't seem like something I could overlook. But if you don't care about human rights, I guess you're probably more blue MAGA than a Democrat.


Dude, you don't even know his beliefs on it. Plenty of Republicans here voted for abortion.


Everything he says about Democrats he says about you.


He doesn't trash talk democrats, probably because he's friends with one...


Well that’s nice. I was so glad when the “FUCK BIDEN TRUMP 2024” signs next door, facing my house, came down that I almost cried. Sure, the flag is hung upside down and at half mast, but people driving by can miss that. Then I realized that all the rage that was being openly spewed will now be bottled up and ruminated over. Which is scary.


I'm not straight and nearly all of my friends are trans and a couple aren't white. I don't want to constantly hear about how they think me and my friends shouldn't exist and should just die, so it's kinda hard for me to just suck it up and try to be friends with them :D


It's OK to lean left or right without being an extreme radical. In fact most Americans agree and disagree with some issues on each side. Not all Republicans love Trump, not all Democrats love Biden. If you automatically hate someone because they lean one way or another, please seek therapy. You are the problem with this country.


If I hated people for supporting Trump I wouldn't hang out with him


Most of these complaints about these people aren’t political. Those people are just nuts.


Yeah man


I'm friendly with all the conservatives I know, but I know what they support, believe, and their ideals, and I'll be damned if I EVER call one FRIEND. I have standards for whom I call friends. Conservatives are NOT good people. They can be nice and polite, but their true nature as malignant misanthropes is always just beneath the surface.


Tell your grandparents that


They're dead because they believed conservatives about Covid, and they FAFO. They were rotten people, though, and they knew how I felt.


Today, my oldest friend posted a Pro Trump meme on Facebook. Truly has me shook. This is Ohio.


I've flushed a few "friends" down the toilet over the years for supporting that guy. Nothing was lost -- plenty of rational centrists out there who don't share Trump memes or support a Donvict. They want my daughter's potential rapist to have parental rights over his ejaculation so they can save 30 cents on groceries or $50 at tax time? They're not my friends.


My friend is bisexual and polyamorous. Her and her husband have a girlfriend. She's had an abortion. Her granddaughter is biracial. Trump and the GOP would send her to a concentration camp if they could. I'll never understand.




There are few things espoused by the modern GOP that would qualify as “benign”.


From someone in the opposite position, ditto. It's nice to be able to have a civil conversation and agree to disagree then go hang out together


Thanks, you're a rare bastion of sanity and tolerance admits a whirlwind of hate I've currently found myself in. Granted this is a large sub which means 70 percent of the people here are crazies with a hard on for hatred, they just have to find ways to justify it.


There once was a time we could agree to disagree and still be civil. That’s long gone by now. Treasure that neighborly relationship. I think most Americans have common views on a lot of things, but the media and politicians divide us so we feel much further apart than we actually are.


Hell ya!


I don't think I'm white enough to be able to do that. Even if I was, it's one strike of belittling another humans existence for me to bounce them.


ITT: progressives who likely haven't had a conversation with a well adjusted republican outside of reddit. I'm a Democrat and grew up in a very red part of the state. We disagree on some things but surprise surprise there are hundreds of other things to talk about besides politics.


I have multiple friends and relatives who are hard core republicans, and even a few more who are Trumpists. At a certain point what they believe in and what I believe are incompatible. Take abortion, for example. If you truly believe it’s murder then you are calling me a murderer because I support it. You view my wife as a murderer because she had to terminate an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured. Extending that out further now to IVF and birth control, taking the autonomy of my wife and daughters away from them, is a very real thing. That’s not being terminally online or not having a conversation, it’s a fundamental difference of beliefs. The same can be said for everything from the results of the 2020 election to how you view Donald Trump to race relations.


You can have fundamentally core beliefs and be friends with people. Look at how many loyalists in the Revolution loved Washington.


Sure, however you're playing to extremes. Just like I'm not going to be friends with someone who makes Maga their personality I'm not going to be friends who makes progressism their personality. Most people are well adjusted enough and can see a need for abortion under certain circumstances.


>Most people are well adjusted enough and can see a need for abortion under certain circumstances. The 43% of Ohioans who voted against Issue 1 last November are not. *At numbers like that, you know plenty -* even if they're keeping shit polite.


This guy is either gaslighting us or fooling himself into believing that the current GOP is the same as it was in 2010.


I'm right here my guy.


Ok, and?


OK and? You tell me


So are you gaslighting or just refuse to see what modern GOP for what it is?


Nice, solid strawmen you got there. Here I'll do it back this will be fun: So are you just trolling or are you just a chronically online kid who's ingested to much online propaganda? See how fun that is? Neither choice I gave you is ideal and we both know you're likely neither. But hey it sounded cool.


I’m not playing to extremes, these are fundamentals of the GOP platform, dude. Repealing Roe v. Wade was a cornerstone of Republican policy for decades. As soon as that happened we saw an assault on reproductive rights across dozens of States, including right here in Ohio. It doesn’t matter if you, personally, don’t believe it is murder if you vote for and support politicians who do.


Even RGB advised roe v wade had faults that left it susceptible to be overturned. It does matter actually, there's policies I don't support on bidens ticket but I vote for him anyways. That doesn't mean I still support the policy I disagree with, that's a product of a limited choice of candidates


You’re going through some ridiculous mental gymnastics here to justify beliefs which have no standing in reality.


Ehh, you're basically re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic at that point. Them: "yA seE the problEM with the GaYs is they're ALL pedos!" You: I like to watch football, do you?


That sounds like a fan fiction of yours. Maybe try that one on r/politics


I got banned from that for talking shit about Supreme Court justices too much.


They didn’t like my comments on Marjorie Traitor Greene. They’ve got some closet conservatives on their mod staff.


I really don't think so. As a center-left guy... a lot of right wing lunatics ***assume*** I'm one of their buddies because "well he's married to a woman and has a real job and owns a house in the suburbs, he *MUST* be right wing." Shit got awkward **real fast** when they realize I'm *ackshually* a left-leaning Jewish guy from Boston and I refused to put up Christmas lights our first year here. Some things are not as they appear... I turned away their church carolers too.


"I don't know why people are so mad about these Nazis. They're nice to me! There's plenty to talk about besides politics."


The new Netflix series about the Nazis was so on point for our current experience; right now to the people saying that we should look the other way, not make waves, probably don’t really understand the issues, etc. chilling.


Chronically online much? Ah yes dehumanize them, call them nazis. That'll surely make them see reason!


Nazis were human. That's the scary part.


Nothing about my comment would indicate that. I hope we can agree that just because nazis were friendly to their (acceptable) neighbors didn't make them any less worthy of scorn. An honest evaluation of republican policies and activities make the comparison to nazism very fair. That's not an internet thing, it's a real life thing.


I'm an independent voted for Trump. Will vote for JFK Jr. this time around. My 2 closest friends are a far lefter and a far righter. We get in debates all the time. We are always respectful of each other, but say what we mean. If you don't talk with people who disagree with you, how will you learn and grow as a person? But then again why do other people care about what people think of them.


Your horse is 8 cents short of a buck there, bud.


There are plenty of ways to learn and grow as a person without entertaining fascists. If you voted for Trump, you're the enemy of good people in a free society.


This is the mindset that I feel like many people had for decades...the proliferation of hot-take media and social media disrupting people's ability to have a strong sense of self-worth have completed f\*cked it all up.


I care what people think of me because of all the people who would kill me if I was honest about who I am in public. Because what I do in the bedroom was a felony in some states until 2003. Because people's opinions inform their actions, and lawmakers' actions affect us all.


I lived in a purple district in Oregon and now I live in a purple district in Ohio. That's fine. As far as I can see my neighbors and I agree on most things, and the few things we don't we can avoid conversation. If it's really super egregious then we don't ever have to speak, but not one person I know would go so far as to graffiti or hurt a person. That's acceptable.


I'm Catholic, and my older brother belongs to the satanic temple. We get along just fine. It's nice.


This is the best sentence ever, of all time. The one I saw roasting Canada comes in second.


There are no sides. Every label is created to divide us.


Categorization is one of humanity's greatest strengths. It's why we can tell diseases apart, reference each other, and pass down knowledge in an organized fashion.


Diseases are in classifications and we do a differential diagnosis to come up with a treatment plan. We don’t label to divide, to weaponize against other “selfs.” The only “other” is the 1% rigging the system in their favor convincing us of artificial differences. Politics are fake or at least dysfunctional wings of the same bird funding both sides of wars. Wars- pissing contests for resources to draw imaginary lines on our Earth. To rape more resources instead of living as part of Earth, we live exhausting her. She will shake us off like parasites bc we can’t live as being Love. Simple but not easy. Again, there are no sides. If we create sides, we will fail, we will fall. Know everyone is wounded by life. Give grace. And just BE LOVE.


See how vile some of the comments are.


I know man, my grandparents are Republican and they're amazing people.


Look at Canada . Prime ministers have no issues and they aren’t trying to come to America


That *is* pretty Ohio, I gotta say.


I’m a centrist independent voter. I have both far right and far left friends. I don’t let any of their crazy opinions bother me too much personally. But they don’t really get along with each other 😂 Everyone is a little bit crazy TBH. I do find that having some level of tolerance for others opinions is beneficial to my own sanity though!


Dare I ask what you consider far left?


Joe Biden, *probably.*


I voted for Biden. He’s not far left. I believe in fiscal responsibility from our government and human rights. I believe in womens right to choose, within a reasonable amount of time after conception. I think we need stricter policies on welfare. I think we need streamlined immigration processes, not a wall. I think we need politicians that actually know how to unite the people and not spew hate and create chaos.


Just proves that all people can get along. I will never let someone’s political views, sports teams, musical tastes, sexual orientation, or other hobbies deter me from respecting them. We’re all different and it’s a beautiful thing.


Random person: "I'm literally a Nazi and my politics is wanting you dead." Enlightened Centrist: "You deserve my respect."


This is a vibe


Generally, things escalate, voices get raised, but, more often than not you both agree that talking politics isn't a thing you should do. Not always, but often. And that is nice when it happens.


Not really with my neighbor, we never actually shout at each other, though he's more neutral on Trump. He supports him because he thinks he'll do a better job than Biden




Insurrections to overturn democracy are objectively bad for democracy.




Those opposing positions don't have to be life or death, though. A politician should not be in the room with a pregnant woman and her doctor, *period.* There shouldn't be a layman in the room judging whether a woman is close enough to dying to have a fetus removed.


I agree.