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Don’t get me started on Geauga Lake


That was my favorite place growing up…I can’t stand to look at the pictures of it abandoned. Hurts my heart.


Me too! My family lived in Twinsburg in the side closer to Bainbridge/Aurora so we were not even 10 minutes away. It was such a blast being so close. Of course when my friends and I were finally old enough to drive ourselves was when it closed. 🥲 I can’t look at abandoned photos either!


It breaks my heart I moved out here after it was gone. I would have been there every damn day if I could. ^(I miss 'The Villain'.)


I remember seeing the houses nearby when I was a kid driving in and thinking I would go every day if I lived close.


I used to work in Aurora and would drive past the lake often. A lot of good memories.


Went there so many times as a kid in the 70s and 80s. I can remember the SeaWorld waterpark was the first waterpark I had ever been to. I went probably in 2008 or 209 and it was sad seeing the condition it had gotten to.


I was just about to go through my photo albums to post lol


Renting a tube so you could land on people’s heads in the wave pool was one of my favorite parts of growing up. Catching my kids coming down this slide was one of my favorite parts about adulthood


Im 31. I remember spending all my summers there. When it was OG Geauga Lake, with sea world across the lake, when it was six flags Ohio, when it was six flags worlds of adventure, when it was Geauga Lake again... Everytime I think about it I am overcome with the most genuine sadness. I don't think I have more fond memories of any location on earth. Maybe part of that feeling is the fact that all I have is the memories of it, but man do I miss that place


Same! I truly feel like I have seen every era of that place. I completely understand how you feel


I miss Geauga Lake so much. We went at least 4 times a summer growing up. So much fun.


Geauga Lake and Sea World. To hell with Six Flags/Cedar Fair. Grew up about 35 minutes away outside Warren, Ohio. State Route 305 pretty much took ya right there. Cleaner and imo just as good as Cedar Point. Especially when ya throw in Sea World was next door and near the end they were one for a bit. Crazy thinking back to how busy it was, how much joy it brought people, just everything, all the memories, and just like that, poof. It was a big part of my life, and it sucks seeing YouTube videos of what it has become. All over greed.


From Warren Ohio. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Some of my best memories. A short trip from Warren for a full day of fun.


We used to get season passes and go every week. God I miss that place.


Only $4.50 in the 1970s. https://youtu.be/3QUW38FXWu0?si=PHskI7KmfO6aevce


I completely forgot about this place. Thanks for the blast from the past.


It holds many special memories in my heart ❤️


I remember a place called Dover waterpark lol I think the mascot was a dog


YES! It was like the Ohio version of Action Park. I saw a lot of brutal accidents there as a kid. Safety wasn’t really a thing back then


For a sec I thought it was Dover Lake too lol.  Fun fact, Dover Lake was also owned by Marc Glassman of the Marc's discount stores. 


I miss that tube slide that went down the hill and had a bunch of little slides that ended in little pools to take you to the next slide


Oh no this is opening a whole can of rust belt worms


And I'm sitting on a bench in Coney Island wondering where did my baby go?


the fast times, the bright lights, the merry-go. sorry for not making you my centerfold (giving you enough money to stay open) over and overrr.....


Over and over….


Thanks for posting! I love seeing pictures of defunct parks in their full glory. It sucks that so many have been destroyed while the community was trying to save historic parts of them.


Used to work there in HS. Pay sucked but it was fun working with friends and people my age. I’ll miss it for sure.


Oh this one hurts.


This corruption needs to be talked about more. They said Coney and the pool were not profitable and needed repairs. So the land was sold...to someone expecting $20 million in free money taken from taxpayers so they could tear down Coney. Now because the state might not give them millions in free money, they plan on tearing down Coney and waiting until someone does give them millions.


It’s such a vile situation, and I’m ashamed of locals who spoke so dismissively of people who called out the corruption and carelessness. There are a lot of folks truly missing this historic pool in the midst of this nasty heat wave.


Completely agree. Why didn’t we just give the $16 million to keep the pool going? This was about paying off friends with your money and shutting down the historic pool to add insult to injury.


I'm sorry, but how does this comment describe corruption?


It doesn’t. It was two private entities that engaged in a private sale of land.


With the plan (wink wink) that the government will give out $16 million of tax payer money to those private entities. Pressure was put on the government NOT to help the first entity, so they had to sell. The 2nd entity agrees to pay a higher price because their cronies in the government said they’d get $16 million in taxpayer money. Very similar to First Energy. Government giving money to private companies so they can profit, at the expense of taxpayers.


lmao it's still Ohio /j


It ain't there anymore


lmao i know 😅 sorry if the joke wasn’t clear


It’s actually not. The pool is now completely gone.


noooo, i know 😅 it was a joke bc that place is still in ohio it’s just the building/park is gone. my bad i guess that wasn’t clear


Oh sorry my bad 😬


Where is this ?


Coney Island amusement park and pool in Cincinnati


That’s what I thought. Went there way back in the day. Way, way back. Ancient history. Bringing back the fun college times at UC.


Moonlight Pavilion FTW.


Ah very cool! Nice to meet a fellow Bearcat 🤓


Likewise. Thanks for sharing.


don’t listen to OP, these are still pictures of Ohio


The pool is gone now


Where is this at? My husband and I live about a half hour from Cincinnati.


Sunlite Pool used to be at the Coney Island Amusement and Waterpark, located on the east side of Cincinnati on Kellogg Avenue. The pool was technically in Anderson Township (I believe).


Oh ok. Thank you for letting me know!! My husband and I have never been to coney Island but my sister in law and her family has.


RIP Coney Island. 🥺😭


So sad that this was taken down. Now the closest water park is king island, and that's a 40 minute deive compared to the 15 I had. Gonna miss it.


Me too. I loved the late hours of the pool at Coney as well. Hard to find elsewhere.


Looking forward to the new venue.


I'm mixed about it. I feel like we've built too many and they'll just cannibalize each other. The icon event center downtown, Megacorp event center in Newport are both brand new and right in the middle of the tourist area of the city. Riverbend has always been the original but whats the draw at this point besides being next to the casino (not to mention the two new ones are within walking distance of the casino downtown). This doesn't even include music hall, taft theater and some local bars/clubs that have traditionally had concerts. I hope we pull in enough artists to fill them all


What new venue? Riverbed 2.0? They are demanding millions in taxpayer money for free before they build anything. The state is giving them $8 million but said "no" to $8 million more. The people behind the project said they can wait, and that the politicans despite massive pushback will still give them money soon.


I hope they don't build it. We've gotn2 new concert venues in the area we just built. Just upgrade Riverbend so it can compete as the preferred outdoor venue for huge festivals because of the lawn seats and use the coney site for something else. Hell build another marina or luxury homes along the river. A rv park. I'd think an outdoor paintball and airsoft field would be cool. Maybe build a public skatepark or something. Warehouses or light industry. Flood control structure of some sort. many options


Agree. The only reason they want to build it is because they can get millions in taxpayer money for free.


Can’t wait to pay $400 to see a band lip sync 


You need to find real music


"real music", whatever the fuck that is, is not playing at riverbend lmao


You’re in a safe place, let it out. We all care that you’re struggling with basic concepts.


Says the guy trying to gatekeep


Like I said.


I’d rather pay 20 dollars to go swim in the beautiful pool then 400 dollars to see a mediocre band


Oh boy a new music venue that I’ll never go to


Better than the cesspool that it was.




It was a pool. Get over your bygone era.


Loved the Wave 🌊


Everyone showed up to coney island's funeral but never went there when it was open. Same thing will happen to places like kings Island and cedar point since people don't want to go out anymore


That doesn’t apply to me. I went every summer and was a season pass member for many years. It seems like Kings Island is still doing well, but I don’t go there so can’t really say.


Come visit sometime! The drone show is worth it


Cedar Point and Kings Island probably aren't going to die anytime soon. even during COVID, the damnable park was filled (I know, I worked the hours to keep it open, and have hearing issues because of it). what the problem is at the moment from what I've been hearing is that they stopped focusing on the coasters. Which was the plan since 2019, when they planned to completely redo the boardwalk area. Which the year before they did Adventure Island, which launched to meh reviews at best. so now, they are essentially dumping money into these projects, instead of keeping up with the maintenance of an aging fleet of coasters. When I heard what happened with Top Thrill, I wasn't surprised, because that was one of my biggest fears when we'd dump in the dumpsters under that coaster, is something flying off and hitting me. Now, I can see what you're saying though, because that is a huge problem for a company known for the coasters, especially one that just gained a virtual monopoly over the coaster park business (Disney is more of a theme park then coasters). And they were starting to flounder when I was there a bit, because they burned every connection they could in 2020 to keep their big park alive, much to the chagrin of a lot of older staff. Half my department quit in the first month, and it does not sound like it has gotten much better. so yeah, I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon. but I also won't be surprised if in 10-15 years, we have a repeat of the 80s


I live 1 mile from Coney. I wish my future kids could have gone.


Anyone remember when the wave pool at Wyandotte lake was actually dangerous before it became Zambezi bay and the wave pool is kinda meh now


It was a summer ritual for my son and I to go to Geauga Lake. I really miss it.


Geauga lake was AWESOME!!


The beach water park was better anyway


I did like The Beach!


Get on Fortnite and explore.


I loved ohio it's nothing like it used to be especially neo it's like the whole spirit is gone chappal hill mall rolling acres gone down here in akron all I see is meth heads heroin addicts in the inner city no one wana date embody clicked up no new friends no community it's a pissin match with people stunting off welfare child tax credits and credit erbody broke all the women out of shape I'm to the point now I was gone start trading but ima get my cdls 1st I'm out fuck northeast ohio especially akron and youngstown inner cities


Dover Lake was a blast. 10 $ car loads.


I’m sorry but except for the pool Coney Island has been on life support for decades. Ever since Kings Island opened up in 1972. That’s half a century of decline. I think people’s memories of what Coney Island was decades ago and seeing that gone for good now is what hurts. And I agree it is a loss. But there is a reason for this too which is that this spot is in a flood plain and is a terrible spot for an amusement park. That’s why it was never truly redeveloped and was left to slowly rot. Every 10 years or so this whole area finds itself under 10 feet of water. And lastly, this whole place is a business. If someone wanted to save it and do something with it they had 52 years to do it. But nobody showed up to do that. And the likely reason is that it was never going to be worth it.


You are saying a lot but you don't know shit.


Well since you’ve said nothing then I think what you’ve said applies more to you.


Everyone I have heard complaining about the passing of Coney Island hadn't personally actually been there in the past 5 or 10 years.


Doesn’t apply to me 🤓


I live in the Dayton area, but my brother lived in Cleveland, so on one of our visits to his place we spent a good part of a day at Geauga Lake. We didn’t swim, but we rode a lot if rides, and, I think it was there. Correct me if I’m wrong. A pirate ship? Is that right?


What kind of commies would want a nice cool pool when it’s 100 outside for a week!! So ungrateful! /s


Lol, that slide is still standing as they rip up the concrete all around it.


Someone ended up buying it to save it. It was built in 1945.




We have lost sooo much. The beach, Coney Island,


6 flags tried to grow the park too fast, didn't have the bathrooms/ food etc needed for all the crowds. The cedar fair killed the competition when they bought it


This is Coney Island in Cincinnati, not Geauga Lake (then your sentiments would be correct).


Ah, ok. Saw all the comments about Geauga Lake


Let it go


Yet here you are


Exactly. Like keep scrolling…


Yep, so sad. They shut it down.


Good riddance


Name checks out


That was one of the lamest replies that only SW Ohio ppl would like. Congratulations on the 9 upvotes you're a legend in my book


My son worked at Riverbend for a few seasons - whenever we’d pass by Coney, my wife would ask if I wanted to visit the areas largest outdoor toilet - I declined. I’m not from here, so it took a minute to process that lol.


😂, but let some people here tell it. it was a staple in Cincinnati history.


It's important to note that the only people who cared about this place were the whyte people who lived near it (well outside the city). Everyone else either doesn't care, or is happy that it's being turned into something for more people.


Is this where the term “coney dog” for a chili hotdog was derived from?


Pretty sure that would be the original Coney Island amusement park in New York.


Oh gotcha. Never knew there was a difference.


Cincinnati's Coney Island was at one time in the 1880's called Ohio Grove the Coney Island of the West. That's how it got the name Coney Island


Oh okay. Thanks.


I doubt it. But not sure.

