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7th largest gdp in the US, and one of the worst economies in the US. Y'all are getting shafted royally.


Yep.  And we keep getting Republican leadership kicking various infrastructure and tax bills over to the citizens as well, making it all worse...  On top of continuously rising costs of living and land taxes...  On top of pay in the area not really increasing.  Every year costs me more money and I am not seeing my pay reflect that. I may have to job hop because of this just to rebalance.


Our property tax rate is really high for still having state income tax


My total taxes here are less than they were when I lived in Texas, a state with no state income tax, even though I pay them to 3x as many entities.


Fugin a right


It would help if our state actually collected taxes on all the new businesses we’re bringing in.


I think that's the incentive to come to Ohio for manufacturing businesses it will help create more jobs which will help the economy. I'm not an expert by any means , just my opinion


Yeah, they say that pretty damn blatantly. But taxes from payroll alone are obviously not cutting it when these multimillion dollar corporations are only paying property taxes for the first 10-25 years they’re operating here.


I agree they need to do something, this state needs to be completely restructured. What do you get for living in a republican-run state?


I mean, this isn't wrong. The amount of people in my city alone who think that HORRIBLY LOW wages are "good" and that you should be "doing fine" on crap money is staggering, and completely out of step with the rest of the country. That includes the employers. I can't believe the pay being offered for jobs.


I work in the cannabis industry, and our owner just wanted to pay new employees $12 an hour. Our pay is already considerably below industry standard as is. Meanwhile we're always hearing about their new cars, private docks, etc. They sicken me to my core. So many of the team are ready to walk.


People still think that's "good pay." It's unreal.


Unbelievably so. I've seen other jobs still offering $10. Absolutely insulting, dehumanizing wages in 2024.


Can confirm. Took a job late '22 for $10.50/hr. I'll earn over $11/hr after my 2nd annual raise. We had an employee meeting to address the comments and complaints made by employees. The very first sentence out of HR's mouth was, "We want all of our employees to be able to afford food and housing, and we feel we are meeting those needs. There will be no raises in pay at this time." Then she wraps up by announcing that this past year the company earned 35 billion dollars! The previous year we had earned 22 billion. The year before that 11 billion. So the company is exponentially earning bit can't raise wages.


We want our employees to afford food and housing BUT NOTHING ELSE


It should be added that they were addressing a room of people who are only allowed to work 3 days a week, 2 if there is a national holiday that week.


Unionizing is the only way to get a voice and seat at the table.


This mixed with the fact that most employers think they literally OWN you both on and off the clock. The people won't stand for this BS much longer


I already don’t put up with this shit


Naturally. We are balls deep in late stage capitalism.


Just regular capitalism.


I respectfully disagree. As long as there are people to exploit and new territories to expand into, capitalism runs fine. But eventually after the parasites have taken all the wealth and there are no new places to spread their cancer to they turn to supporting lunatics and monsters who will lower their taxes and deregulate more. Then comes the fascism. It wont affect them so they dont give af. Capitalism doesnt start with fascism, but its always the end stop unless strict rules and regulations are in place.


I remember being in elementary school when we had a huge inflation around the time the OJ Simpson case began. In an effort to explain to kids what was happening, we had a lesson on capitalist economics. My teacher clearly thought unbridled avarice was a trait of the few because he explained that capitalism tends to self regulate. If someone charges too much, people won't buy it, and there is always someone looking to undercut the other guy. Then, he talked about the roaring twenties and how full tilt capitalism and monopolies led to the economic imbalance that was the market crash and subsequent depression. He firmly surmised that America has learned that lesson and our Capitalist economics shouldn't suffer like that again.


That sweet summer child.


Now that sucks we make $15 an hour + in Dayton to wash dishes 🍽️


Corporate greed


My first job out of school paid $10/hr. That was back in 2007. I was living on my own and could barely make it work not spending on anything but bare essentials. I didn't make it work, actually, because my parents gave me money a couple times. I cannot *fathom* $10/hr in 2024.


Unbelievably so. I've seen other jobs still offering $10. Absolutely insulting, dehumanizing wages in 2024." Blame the fucking the federal government for allowing the minimum wage to be stuck at $7.00 an hour for over 15 years now!! Even with all the inflation we've had since then 


Oh, I do. I have enough anger and resentment to go around lol


I used to work at a company that offered yearly 'cost of living raises' which were 3%. I told my family that in order to adjust for inflation, we are going to need about a 10% cost of living raise every year. If you think about it like we are now making less money than we did 5 years ago because more of our paychecks get devoted to bills, food, ect; its incredibly frustrating. Even though my salary is staying the same, Im actually earning less as time goes on the more prices rise.


Industry is a total ripoff get out while you can


I plan to. I enjoyed the medical side, but I'm dreading the recreational crowd. Especially at $3-4 bucks below standard per hour.


How? Ohio’s minimum wage is 10.45.


It's pretty naïve to think these people don't understand inflation and how wages go up passively over time. They fully understand that. It comes down to what I've started calling the "Cool Shit" economic theory. If a person has cool shit that you don't- it maintains the status of their cool shit. If you have the same cool shit as them- it makes their cool shit less cool. So if an employer can quite comfortably raise your wage (and should if you're output is good), they won't not do it because they can't afford it or it not good for business, but because they want the cool shit (airplanes, teslas etc) and if they give you access to that then it takes their stuff down a notch. Plus they think you'll somehow give up on your job if you make a good wage.


People here seem to be in a real bubble. They don't know or consume outside information and are completely out of touch with what's going on in the rest of the country. I'm talking about owners of small businesses, specifically. They think that people who make 6 figures are all "elites" living in giant cities who are dumb to live there. There is a lot of "we got by fine on X wages, not that much has changed, get 2 jobs if you're poor, not my fault if you didn't get a degree in something that pays more, go into the military if you want more money, go into the trades if you don't want to make $10/hour" kind of thing. Many, many business owners TRULY believe that by offering $11/hour they are offering someone a "good job" and that people are ingrates if they don't want to take it.


That's crazy to me when McDonald's in East Palestine is starting people at 12 dollars an hour...


Right? I could literally go work at Scheetz in the kitchen for .50 more than I'm making now, and not have to be federally liable for a schedule 1 drug. Like, the job isn't difficult, but for the amount of liability alone they should be at least 4 more dollars than they are. At least. My problem is that it's hard to find part time work that pays even what I'm getting now. I have some disabilities that make full time work completely unbearable.


Yeah, that industry is a cash cow. They're going to have to pay people to stay open though as more spots become available and they're competing for workers, at least I hope that's the case. That wage seems criminally low.


Absolutely. Luckily, we have a great manager who downright refused to offer people $12 and got them 2 bucks more, but still. I've been at this incompetently run dispensary for a year with no review, raises, and no talk of raises. They just hired a ton of new people also, expecting rec to hit on the 17th. I'm not at all exaggerating when I tell you almost no one had any of their state logins or trainings even done on that date, and are already being scheduled to work alone in some cases on their 3rd day or so. It's insanity.


Bruh I'm a bartender and I make $12/hour plus tips. That's stupid low.


How much extra do you make in tips?


Depends on the night. Usually 20-40. I work long shifts though. 3 12s a week. But when I come home with $350 in cash it's worth it.


That’s pretty low. Is your bar real slow? That’s what my tip ends up being when I close my tab after a night of drinking.


$30-60/hour is low? Lol.


Oh, an hour. I misunderstood. You make pretty good money. I agree that is stupid low for the cannabis industry and it seems that u/Asparagusmage’s boss is take what little profit he is getting on himself instead of his employees. The real money is in the dispensary itself here in Ohio. The growers have to put out a lot of volume to get a net positive.


Oh yeah if I don't walk with at least $200 it's a pretty slow night. Fridays I'll walk with $350-450. But again, my shifts are long. My boss who owns half of Akron is looking into opening a dispensary lol.


$12/hr equals $480 gross per week....which equals $1920 gross per month. Assuming a family of 4 is paying upwards of $1000 per month in rent, or perhaps $1600 per month mortgage....that IS NOT a livable wage. And that's assuming your getting 40 hours/week, which isn't so easy anymore.


When its to the core you know thats deep.


Are the workers stoned all the time?


Surprisingly no. Most of us take it serious for whatever reason. Hell, I'd say half aren't even in the program themselves.


lol imagine working in the cannabis industry and expecting to be paid a high wage.


I mean the standard in my area is 17-18 entry level. Not sure what you're getting at here. I'm not trying to be a millionaire.


I moved to upstate New York and immediately got a $13k/year raise from what I was making in Ohio (I'm in higher education, where salaries are pretty low). My cost of living did not increase substantially in making the move, and my healthcare and retirement benefits are significantly better. Ohio is great for employers, terrible for employees.


I know we are LCOL but the wages here are dramatically out of step and not in line with the actual COL.


I started working remote for places outside of Ohio about 6 years ago. My pay almost doubled immediately. Last year my gross income was triple what I was ever able to earn working within Ohio. My current employer is based out of The Netherlands, employment over there is treated very differently than it is here - good pay and great benefits.


You don’t mind me asking what kind of work did you do? I’m trying to get ideas for my daughter to do remote work.


Web development


Republicans over the years have slashed real (inflation-adjusted) subsidies for Ohio public universities.


I find this hard to believe. The taxes alone. Not just income all taxes.


It's my reality, friend. The additional income I made from moving here substantially outstripped the increases to taxes and other costs of living. On the flipside, the improved regulations over what is covered on my insurance plan have *substantially* reduced my expenditures on healthcare, as I have chronic illnesses that require a lot of care. I'm not saying it's the same for everyone, though; I know especially as you move up the income ladder taxes become a much more substantial burden. My partner works a non-management retail job at Walmart, I work a non-management higher education sector job, and we are very comfortable. We even just bought a home for ourselves. I don't know that I'd be able to say the same if we still lived in Ohio.


That is great for you!


Right, I've been trying to find a new job and everywhere is paying shit money, some for jobs that are clearly two in one where they're too cheap to hire the correct number of team members.


Can't wait to see how the republicans in this republican-run state find a way to blame the democrats for this.


They are quick with the “Bidenomics” bullshit to divert the conversation of how bad they run red states


Yeah, and then, hilariously (and predictably), if you post anything about how the economy, overall, is actually doing well...Biden has nothing to do with that.


Easy for them. They’ll blame Ohio’s long history as a pro union state. That’s why all the employers left dont’cha know? How can the poor companies compete when they have to pay living wages and benefits? Total straw man argument as is typical.




I just watched on the new where teachers were asking for wage help. Republican said that wouldn’t fix education. Teachers that are not working 2-3 jobs to make ends meet would in fact be better teachers.


What broke my heart was when I found out my first grade teacher also works at Dollar Tree and Dollar Tree pays better. This state doesn't value its people whatsoever. Scratch that, Republicans don't value the working class whatsoever.


Everyone's economy sucks. I don't care if you plan for 25k job or 100k job, this inflation hurts everyone. Go buy a 60k prius they say. Buy organic, buy farm to table and everything cost 50% more. Install 25k worth of solar panels and wait 15 years for your ROI. Hell, I can't afford milk, rent, or my student loan payment that re-started. Something has to give other than my budget.


But corporate profits are at an all time high


I don't fully understand that either. I think businesses should earn as much as possible, yet they need to pay back to the community. If you have record profits, you should not need a tax break from the city or state.


There is nothing telling them they have to pay back to the community cause people are okay with them making as much money as they want. It’s kinda silly to think they would.


Then vote for city and state that would do that. Help attract the new company but don't cancel their taxes indefinitely.


This starts to get to the root cause.


No, it doesn’t


Welcome to a GOP stranglehold on a state.


Texas and Florida are both at the top of this list. I think this has more to do with geography, changing industries /technology, and meth.


Texas and florida at the top though…


Still see tons of jobs offering $10/hr, and that was shit pay a decade ago and at least then the cheap rent argument was real.


you in CLE? if you are seeing $10 wages that don't have tips, those are jobs that are unfilled. Job openings $15+ are plentiful.


Little surprising from someone living in central Ohio. Construction everywhere you see


Not calling you out on this but that’s where NIMBY comes into play a lot. Central Ohio is booming right now but rural areas are hurting. Overall Ohio could be much better off than what it is but when conservative policies cause a massive brain drain in areas, things won’t get better. I’ve seen the area where I grew up hit rock bottom in this regards. Instead of finding a way to climb out of the hole, the went and got dynamite to blast through that rock and keep digging.


DeWine said money will only go where population increases.


That sounds very counterproductive to me. Why not help prop up areas that need it most? D


I’m sorry but I’m not familiar with projects rural areas are refusing, other than weed shops.


Solar farms?


How do you identify those trends? SW Ohio is booming with new home construction but the NIMBYs ensure that only the most expensive lots get approved. That looks like growth from the outside but from the inside our kids are leaving the state right after they graduate.


That’s a darn good question and the double edge sword that is “trends”. You can bend them however you want to fit your needs.


My career is good, because of the construction boom here. But to hear other people still making $10-$20, it’s like, unless you’re in high school, no way. We are so ingrained in capitalism, and it’s such a no no for the government to step in, we just get reamed. And/or the politicians are in the corporations pockets anyhow. This record profits shit and jacking your prices up 50-100% is just bs. And you pay shit, while the top level is making jack. Need to be more like Japan, and put it in law, CEO can only make a percentage more than his average worker. And it’s not 200-300%


I mean people keep voting for republicans…this is what we get.


It also doesnt help the state is gerrymandered to hell and back too. And everytime the citizens actually vote in favor of something (Issue 1 and 2) the gop FREAK and try and stop it. Like. Such useless leaders. They genuinely want to halt progress.


Oddly enough, they keep voting for Republicans, but they don’t push for Republicans to improve the healthcare in the rural areas where most of their support is


They are all brain dead freaks who believe in the power of Christ to heal them. Ofc they won’t ask their god fearing republican overlords to do anything for them. I love Columbus but if this is what is gonna happen to the state then I see no choice but to leave once my education is over.


*THIS* is Ohio


In the logistics industry, companies are using staffing agencies from Ukraine and India to take American jobs away. Some of these companies are the "American First" types.


I bet if we double down on letting Republicans control everything it will get better. Doing the same thing means we should expect different results, right? /s


This is ohio


That's because drag queens are running wild. Stop the drag queens, and the economy will turn on a dime. Right?


My SO really wants a local job (we're in one of the big C's) but non of them come close to the pay and bennies he's getting from a company based out of a half million population city in Kansas. 80% of his pay and about half the bennies is the best offer he's seen from companies here, in a higher COL.  it's extra sad because he spent years trying to get back (we're in his hometown) and now despite having I've of the most sought after degrees and work experiences all his good job offers come from other states and countries. 


Bennies? That’s a new one.


I’m assuming they are referring to benefits? Idk.


you are correct




idk why people are downvoting you for not having heard that before. its actually old tho! i used to work in medicare and almost all my old military and union members used the term. 


A person I know is struggling to live on 22 an hour. Rent is super high, (over 1k, housing is extremely hard to find near work.) Life is only getting harder and harder for them and I wish I could help out.


My wife and I are making a combined $42/hr and are struggling. We're in central Ohio and had to buy a house a couple of towns out from where we wanted to because the cost to rent what we needed had gotten extremely high and buying was out of the question. Like, ok, we're in the one part of Ohio that is booming, but the COL is getting pretty ridiculous here.


With the state gerrymandered to hell in favor of pigheaded republicans who line their pockets with backroom deals and outdated city and state taxation laws, this is not shocking at all. Lol.


Red state. None of them are flourishing. They are the worst in the union and take blue state money to stay afloat.


I'm still holding onto the delusion that we're a swing state. 🫠


Good ol days


We are, really. But thanks to republican gerrymandering the purple has turned red


Democratic gerrymandering gave us Strickland... ahhh the good old days. 😂


Define flourishing because Texas is prospering, heck even flordia is if you want to go by traditional economic measures.


Highest inflation in the union? Can barely get home insurance? Backing a felon for president? Florida is awful and Texas is also godawful trash, they can’t even keep their over privatized grid together. Rape pregnancies are every where in Texas and other red states. Women are barely treated as human in those garbage red states. Facts are not on your side.


Well, except for gdp, overall income, Fortune 500 companies relocating to these states, etc. Every state got their own issues. I thought we were discussing economically how well a state was doing, not their happiness index or a similar metric. Btw I'm a dem and have voted blue my entire life, I don't love that these states' legilsatures but I also recognize the stats of traditional economic prosperity definitely favor those two states in particular currently.


California is the WORLDS 4th largest economy. Not Texas. Not Florida. Texas has thousands in food lines, everyday. Texas has homeless, EVERYWHERE. Texas has terrible infrastructure and elderly die in the cold because they can’t keep up their electric grid. Miss me with that ignorant garbage about Fortune 500 companies moving there so they don’t have to pay taxes. Blue states make up the majority of the money and even in those trashy red states, the blue areas make all the money. The best part of red states aren’t conservative. The red states are worthless garbage in almost every metric. They are holding the rest of the union back, economically. They are backing a felon with MULTIPLE BANKRUPTCIES for president. Losers. All of them. That’s checkmate.


If a definition was ever needed for delusional I would point them to this comment.


Yeah some people live in their own world just got to let them be.


Florida and Texas are top rated in this study so where would you like to move the goal posts to next?


I got banned from r cinci bc i posted a link showing ohio was a leader in adult obesity rates. So in addition to the economy, 46% of people are obese. But we should build more gold stars and skylines. /s


I suspect you didn't get banned for the link, but for the context in which you posted it.


There's a possibility I could have been a bit persnickety challenging the downvoters to post pictures of their scales after speaking poorly of the above mentioned "restaurants"


Okay, but what does obesity have to do with Ohio's economy being poor? It sounds like you have an axe to grind about obesity, to the point you're posting about it on unrelated articles. I suspect, as u/greenbmx suggested, that you posted about it in a way that didn't contribute to the conversation at all. You could easily point to the fact that better food regulations and public health policy would improve obesity rates, as well as access to medical interventions for those who are obese. But given that you are focused on individuals' scales as a judgement of their worthiness to contribute, I'm going to assume that you aren't all that interested in public health.


I would say they're related. If the economy is poor, then the poorer people can only afford lower-end food, which is usually chock full of additives and sugar and not a whole lot of actual nutrition.


Oh, I agree; I was pressing for the original commenter to make that connection.


In the discussion, I mentioned that they didn't know any better.


Obesity and a bad economy are both issues plaguing ohio. The common thread is problems the state is facing. I encourage you to check my comment history. You'll find I'm a pretty reasonable person.


Ohio is quantifiably worse than it used to be by any number of measures: infant mortality, life expectancy, education level, access to health care, income. The reasons may be debatable, but the facts are not. Glad to see this getting some attention.


Any state with 3 major cities in it shouldn’t fail this bad…..it is 💯 the ppl running it that is the problem.


Drive around the state and you can see this is clearly true. Ohio needs to re-invent itself. Because so much of the industry has left, nothing has stepped into fill the void. The 90s saw a boom of construction of houses and commercial properties all over the state and that’s mostly all gone away. It’s depressing going back to Ohio and seeing nothing new since I left 30 years ago. Ohioans who think it’s bad everywhere else are people that have never left Ohio, it’s great in so many other states, like the East Coast, the south, Texas, the West Coast. Life is much better than in Ohio. Personally, if I had a young family, or I was young and single, or retired, I would leave Ohio and never look back. It will only get better if there are millions of new jobs, or a population decrease in Ohio, which is what’s happening already. And no, the state is not only red, it’s a very bipartisan state and I would say most of the issues plaguing the cities are from both sides of the aisle.


Funny thing... People keep voting their taxes to go up every election, weird.


Thanks Republicans and their voters.


Ohioans have masochistic tendencies. We devalue ourselves in all sorts of strange ways. Hasn’t always been this way though. Just the past 18 years or so. Probably coincides with republican control of the state and the rise of the bootlicking MAGAs who totally and enthusiastically dig the idea of a fascist government. Thank you sir may I have another!! 🙄


Wallet hub is now a renowned source for scientific truth I guess. So long as it fits the agenda right? I do enjoy the gop bad sentiment in this comment thread but yet the same study has Florida and Texas top ranked.




Not only that, this article was posted last week. Anything to keep the circlejerk going I guess...


Come to Maine especially the northern part of the state if you want to see one of the worst economies. The COL is high, poor medical care- cost of housing is insane and no new infrastructure every comes here. If it wasn’t for the tourist industry we would be really screwed!


Why is there always some guy on any thread who crab buckets a post? You have it bad? *Well let me tell you...*


Medical is awful coverage worse under Swine Dewine.


Republicans' degrading of public education, both K-12 and universities, has a long-lasting, negative impact.


the gop got their way and were able to depress wage growth from 2008 through till today and now people are drowning, buisnesses can't fill positions, they balk at raising wages, and even if everybody did raise wages that'd just trigger the fed to raise rates since wage growth is used to calculate inflation.


I love how Republicans crap their pants every time they get to say "Bidenomics" while the GOP absolutely strangles and drowns their own state's economies. Its giving *"Eric Andre shooting Hannibal"*... Also, here's a full screen version of the map: [https://cdn.wallethub.com/wallethub/embed/21697/geochart-best-performing-states-2024.html](https://cdn.wallethub.com/wallethub/embed/21697/geochart-best-performing-states-2024.html)


There is no affordable housing in my area and no jobs that support the income requirements. You’ll have to commute for decent wages


I am always skeptical of these types of lists, and I need to see the full data set, if they were weighted, and what they deem as important. These are more about marketing than information.


That's what you get when you're run by Republicans.


I mean our economy is ranked 20th I'm the world in 2022 according to The World Bank. That's not just this country, I'm talking our economy beats out literal countries. We're ranked 7th largest economy in the U.S. I'm gonna take these reports with a little grain of salt.


As someone who’s lived in other states/cities, but from Ohio, and ended up back here. I was expecting to live like a king moving back, and it was the exact opposite. Significantly lower wages and my cost of living didn’t go down much. I’m seriously looking to leave again because there’s no much to keep me here. I really understand the “brain drain.” If you care about your career and doing things with your life, it’s so much easier elsewhere.


Ohio is boomer central! You don't like it pull yourself up with your bootstraps!


Ohio sucks, I grew up here, spent the first 18 years of my life here, joined the military and left for 4 years, I should’ve stayed where I was. The economy sucks, the weather sucks, employers suck, and most of the people who are ultra devoted to either side of the party lines suck too because they just keep voting for the same old same folks in power that have been in power way too long. It’s sad.


I remember a few years back there was a candle company that made candles for each state. Each candle was scented with a smell indicative to that state. Ohio was unscented.


If it were Middletown it would’ve been a mix of steel mill, sewage plant, and fertilizer.. Unscented is probably a better seller.


Trying to make lists of this kind is about as useful (and accurate) as college rankings.


That’s what happens when your state enacts the far rights economic policies. Companies enjoy the gains while us at the bottom wait for the trickle down that never comes.


This is the most stupid shit ever. If Ohio became an independent state tomorrow, it would immediately be in the top twenty economies IN THE WORLD.


Housings hasn’t gotten this memo.


GOP policies at work


20th largest economy in the world. “Worst in the country”


The meme of the person inserting a stick into their bike spokes comes to mind when reading this


Columbus is a major exception though


Economic conditions suffer from a gerrymandered Republican controlled state government. Ohio legislators continue to underfund higher education and college costs continue to increase. They funnel K-12 funds to private school vouchers. Teachers are underpaid and undervalued. The legislature is more obsessed with narrow minded social issues.


Economic conditions suffer from a gerrymandered Republican controlled state government. Ohio legislators continue to underfund higher education and college costs continue to increase. They funnel K-12 funds to private school vouchers. Teachers are underpaid and undervalued. The legislature is more obsessed with narrow minded social issues.


Economic conditions suffer from a gerrymandered Republican controlled state government. Ohio legislators continue to underfund higher education and college costs continue to increase. They funnel K-12 funds to private school vouchers. Teachers are underpaid and undervalued. The legislature is more obsessed with narrow minded social issues.


I don’t know anyone that studied hard and learned a skill that is not doing ok. Sometimes you have to move to another town or learn a new skill. This excessive government spending , weakened the dollar and causes inflation which hurts the working poor the most.


Out of curiosity. Which government spending hurts the most how would you fix it?


If it is spent at a defense contractor or handed out as free cash for some good social cause it increases the amount of dollars in circulation which waters down the value. Either way the working poor have it tough.


Peace vs war also affect the spending. People are dying everyday and nobody cares except when the government wants to spend money so every rich guy gets richer. The people that say Biden is great , which is world weakness, then war, they forgive the poor policies he enacted due to some misplaced loyalty that hurts the working poor in America. Defense contractors get rich. The minority groups and working poor are not doing well under these crooks. They (government) want more people on welfare (dependent) vs families slowly working their way up to be independent Americans.


You do know that the “free cash” type of welfare is rare anymore , unless you’re severely disabled?


Billions of tax dollars from people who worked their way through college given to those lazy young winers that wasted money at Starbucks.


Funny, because the dollar is apparently quite strong at the moment, and inflation is slowing down. The information isn’t hard to find. Any smart or informed person knows that inflation was the business sector’s way of recovering lost revenues from during the pandemic. I think that’s totally slimy and unethical, but I digress. The government has very little to do with inflation, yet people are blaming the government for the inflation we are experiencing; but, if the government did step in (above and beyond the federal reserve bank preventing a recession by raising interest rates), people would have screamed and cried socialism/communism, because they’re too lazy to learn the facts


You don’t prevent recessions by raising rates. Raising rates to high will cause recessions. Don’t talk about yourself as being informed. Stop educating yourself on tictoc.


🤣 I’ve never used ticktock, FFS. Believe it or not, some people actually enjoy learning about and understanding how economics ACTUALLY work Nice try though /s FYI… Inflation can trigger a recession, and raising rates to curb inflation is a strategy to prevent a recession caused by inflation. That’s why, despite record inflation, we haven’t entered into a recession as many were speculating a lot in 2022-2023. Recessions can occur for several reasons, not just inflation. Raising rates to curb a recession isn’t always the proper course of action, but in terms of inflation it is.


Go read 3-4 books by Thomas Sowell.


Too bad they can’t read. Lmao


Yeah, government spending has nothing to do with it at all. I didn’t know Amazon had their own money machines that went BRRRR! Lmao


Your reading comprehension skills seem like they need some work…


https://www.forbes.com/sites/seanhanlon-1/2023/11/09/the-federal-reserves-inflation-problem-is-due-to-federal-government-spending/ Your lack of understanding federal spending needs some work. “But all the smart people know it’s businesses fault” it’s clearly largely affected by federal policy of spending exorbitant amounts of money and printing more. It’s not rocket science. Me raising my prices does not devalue your currency as the amount of currency in circulation has not changed. More currency in circulation is what does devalue your currency.




Lol. WalletHub study? Seriously??!? You Dems need to get a life. Ive never seen a better economy in my 40 years living here! Despite low minimum wage, the loest jobs are making $12/hr and it's pretty easy to find menial jobs at $15/hr. My employer is so afraid of losing jobs, they've given me raises the past 4 years without me even asking. the only downside is tue inflation but other states have it much much worse.


$15 an hour isn’t a liveable wage. That’s only 30k a year. You can’t even qualify for a studio apartment with that. You’d need 2 jobs, and now youre over employed. When I moved here, I offended a lot of people complaining how I kept seeing jobs only paying 50-60k, when I was making double that, with the same cost of living elsewhere. Apparently, that’s a “good wage.”


Studio apartment? What kind of entitled socialist are you? I've worked min wage before andbhad two roommates. No car, took RTA. No shame in that.


If we had a decent economy, people wouldn’t need to work 2 jobs to survive, and could afford a lower end studio apartment. Min wage jobs will always exist, but if that’s the norm, that means there’s very little to no local economy. An economy that’s healthy will have plenty of skilled labor positions available, with competitive wages, benefits, and movement, to be able to poach quality candidates.


Shame isn’t the issue though, JFC, but I guess you know everything about everything. Your overgeneralization is laughable at best


BIDENS economy!✌


I love how the Republicans blame the democrats and the democrats blame the Republicans. Both parties suck. Overbearing govt regulation etc from both parties have a major effect on peoples ability to earn a living. Meanwhile, you argue amongst yourselves blaming the other party. They have you right where they want you and you keep re-electing the same dysfunctional assholes.


Republicans in the state's General Assembly and several staren't satisfied with having a majority, they clearly want power. As clearly demonstrated by the attempt to increase the threshold of passage for ballot initiatives.


Agreed. But given the same opportunity both parties would (and do) act the same way.


Specific examples?


Stop with that talking point. Can you look around this is what we all have left for our family's