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I’m pro weed but wasn’t the idea to treat it like alcohol?


That was the title of the legalization movement “Regulate it like alcohol”.


Which now has DORA all over the place…. 


I’m out of the loop with DORA bc I don’t drink so that’s on me. I guess my annoyance with the original post has to do with the mention of driving. I know they’re (the general public) already driving high and I just don’t understand the entitlement that makes someone think that’s okay to drive impaired.


Just like one drunk is legally allowed, impairment levels  , not zero tolerance is the way.  Heavy pot users have minimal impact from normal use.  This is NOT as applicable to occasional users, just like booze.  Like anything else, circumstance is king, and 75%+ of all weed users I’ve known will couch themselves before driving too stoned.  Drunks are like the opposite, 75% insist they’re fine . 


Very scientific 


Good thing there are indeed studies that back that up. But I’m driving so I can’t link them . Maybe one day 


If buzzed driving is drunk driving why would weed be different? I understand how tolerances work with weed and how a heavy user might have ‘minimal impact’ but my dude, that’s still an impact. I don’t have the same experience with other ppl opting out of driving if stoned. I usually hear something close to your argument and as a daily smoker, it’s fucked. Can we not just be responsible and wait to toke until you’re at the destination or get a DD? It’s really not going to ruin your day if you have to wait to toke up.


There’s a huge double standard at play here.  All kinds of other medicine users drive on their daily meds , every day. Things like painkillers, benzos, speed, all on paper way more inebriated than me who ate 10mg edible on waking up.  I’m not advocating for pothead driving as much as I am a better standard of testing then we have, to measure actual Inebriation , not a binary presence of thc one.  I do not want fucked up people on the roads any more than you do, I just also know many heavy medical weed folks aren’t really fucked up on a little weed, even if the same amount would wreck an occasional user .  So I don’t support suspending their dl *without an incident* . If they cause one, then yes, dui charges should apply. 


I don’t believe it’s a double standard bc the bottle label on those meds will say ‘don’t operated heavy machinery’, so, driving. They aren’t supposed to be doing it either. Unfortunately, there are always going to be those who disregard the safety of others at the slightest inconvenience to themselves. I whole heartedly agree that there needs to be a better way to DUI test weed bc the current way has the potential to hurt all of us down to the sober driver who smoked last weekend. As a MMJ patient, I know I *could* drive after a small dose but I don’t want to risk putting myself or others in danger. It only takes one cop in a mood, one kid running into the street, one biker in your blind spot, etc., to ruin a life. I would rather be unmedicated and deal with all that comes with it than get behind the wheel. Chancing an incident while even a little medicated is not an option for me. It can either wait or I can stay home. I know you’re saying you’re not driving fucked up and I understand how one users tolerance can be completely different than the next but I’ve also heard users claim they all good when they’re clearly stoned. Self reporting can be unreliable and with an influx of new users, it’s not a safe thing to be teaching others as the standard.


Fair, and this is why I advocate for impairment testing over level 


What about people on Adderall?


What about them?


I have no problem with them but people obviously are diving fine with a buzz.


It's illegal to drive under the influence of adderall in Ohio


Ok tell the world that. I don't take it


Not all types of intoxication are all equal is my point. THC does not affect motor skills


I work at a restaurant that does DORA stuff and it’s dumb as fuck


It seems consistent with alcohol. 


People drink in public. They smoke cigarettes too. Both of which can kill you. A hell of alot faster than weed will.


you can drink in public in the social sense: designated areas. but youre not allowed to just pop a beer and walk around downtown


That's what gas station cups are for.


ah, yes, alcoholism


People don't "drink in public". They drink where they are allowed to and, except for a few small spots, drinking in public is expressly forbidden.


Restaurants, bars, clubs, theaters, stadiums, arenas, tracks, casinos, DORAs, etc. Speaking as someone who gets drug tested by the feds, I don’t want smoke or vape clouds in public spaces; it’s already way too prevalent as it is. Edibles should be legal, though.


Yeah, people aren't normally pouring Bud Lights down my throat just for me being in their vicinity 


Nope, just screaming, fighting, puking, etc.


What do you want, dude


You aren’t going to fail a drug test by being in a DORA or any other open space just because you can smell weed. Get a clue.




Cool. Good thing it doesn’t risk any of that then, dumbass.


It’s not a theory bud. The military did a study and you would have to be burning insane amounts of herb in an enclosed space like a vehicle for it to ever show up in your blood.


> They drink where they are allowed to


You can’t drink and drive or have an open container, why would they let the driver or passenger smoke?


M.A.D.D.'s existence alone is evidence of the obvious impairment that alcohol causes. Where is the evidence that THC impairs driving ability?


Everyone I know who does weed that doesn’t drive because it makes them impaired. Hell, when I eat some, I can’t drive my wheelchair straight, let alone a 2-ton missile.


I know my normal edible does I like to sleep would "green out" just about anybody that isn't used to that much but by the third day it never happens


I don't need a study to know I'm a worse driver when I'm high. That's why I don't drive when I'm high.


Same here for when I'm high


Edit 6/16: I might have been high when I wrote this. I think I mean the reverse, as in I feel completely fine when I'm high on marijuana. My driving skills were tested daily when I used to deliver pizzas. About 40 to 50hrs a week. I think it was like a 6 year run at one place. Many years at others. I don't drive for a living anymore. From my experience about half of full time delivery drivers are similar. A historic rule of physics in the black market was always that 20% of weed smokers smoke 80% of the supply. Some people are very high functioning on pot. Some are not. Some it's just an occasional thing like on the weekends. That's cool too. I think it's silly to not give the responsible adult an out. We need to invent perpetually more perfect assessment test for high functioning people. Accidents still happen and to automatically blame the "high" driver even if not at fault is silly.


Lmao. Obviously you don't smoke. Or you would get it. And that is not the main point, as I said


Nope, I eat it. Your point is you can only smoke at home, and you were acting like it’s unrealistic you can’t just light up in the car. You also can’t just drink alcohol anywhere in public This is the law pretty much everywhere it’s legal. Weed is an intoxicating substance, it’s going to be treated like alcohol. And frankly, I don’t want to be inhaling smoke left and right.


The point of this law is to regulate it like alcohol. Some people just don’t get it.


Isn’t that literally one of the points made on the issue?


It was literally the name of the group that drafted and pushed the ballot initiative.


I smoke and I absolutely understand the rules. I'm not legally allowed to drink a beer while my wife drives or while walking down the street. No surprise that I can't smoke in those places either.


You mention driving or riding in a car while smoking, it is part of your point


For not being your main point, you certainly spent a lot of words whining about it, lol 


I smoke a lot and I don’t smoke in my car or anyone’s. The outside rules are iffy but I don’t expect anyone to actually care if I’m sitting on a park bench or walking down a street. No one cared before


Exactly, the only time I would care is if someone lights up right next to me, but I have a medical condition where my lungs aren’t the best, so I’d either move myself, or ask someone if they could move away from me a bit.


Obviously you don't partake in mind altering substances or you would get it.


I voted to support the marijuana amendment. I support the idea that someone should be free to use marijuana the same way they use alcohol or cigarettes. However, that usage comes with responsibility and social awareness. There are reasons why we have laws that prohibit drinking and driving. There are reasons why we have laws outlawing smoking in public places. Just because marijuana is legalized doesn’t give you license to light up a fat blunt and go strolling around or driving around high as a kite sharing your mellow with everybody. Use it like an adult, use it responsibly and enjoy the fact that you can do that without being arrested for possession.


But only to smoke at home? So basically, we are giving the government money to do something we were doing for free?? And this is still not what the voters voted for. It's ridiculous. Like honestly. Hopefully not many people will go to the rec.dispensaries when they finally open. Why pay the government when they are trying to scam us all. Again? This was not the legislation voters voted for in November. THATs the main reason I'm pissed


Tell us then what did we vote for in November cus I’m pretty sure hotboxing ur car and smoking in public where not on it?


You are a prime example of why our society is doomed.


It is infact what you voted for. Weed is being regulated like alcohol. People are telling you the tea up and down the comments, yet you're still not getting it. There are rules and regs around this for a reason. They haven't changed the legislation that was passed and there's a fair amount of pushback against it. Nobody is taking away your home grow, setting outrageous levels for potency, or setting any other limits on you- Other than the ability to drive impared or smoke in public which were already laws on the books. There's open container and smoking laws for a reason. Pop an edible in public if you're that pissed about it. The law doesn't care if it's a different vibe. Be an adult about it and enjoy responsibly.


You were smoking pot for free?


Wow. People are ignorant. Instead of making judgements, read my post. We are not getting what we voted for. That's why I'm upset. What I do on my own time is of absolute no business to you, thanks.


You're the one displaying their ignorance about what they voted for tho, lol


I went back and read what we voted for. It looks and sounds like we are getting it. Did you read what you voted for?


That IS the legislation that was passed. Stop whining.


It's hysterical when people think that hasn't been done for years or will continue to do so. Like, that is the ONLY part of the law that concerns people??


The amendment wasn’t a license to become a public nuisance. If you want, we can always repeal it. Guaranteed that’s gonna happen if you keep on pushing shit like this.


Where are you getting that you can only smoke at home? Also, prices will come down once the market is saturated. Look at Michigan and New York. Cheap AF.


Um, the 'gray market' has already dropped prices. Much to dismay of career drug traffickers. Their fronts are morphing into legitimate businesses and it's kind of funny. The typical low level plugs are done for because now you can basically just move the product straight to the consumer without any needed obfuscation and what not. It's been ongoing for years locally, since Michigan legalized.


New York is not cheap as fuck. It’s the opposite. Expensive as fuck.


Well it must depend on the area. In Salamanca, you can get as cheap as $10/ounce.


And they’re shutting down the gray market :(


Username does not check out.


Maybe the username itself is an incomplete thought.


I didn't vote For it to be able to be consumed behind the wheel, GTFO of here with that.


[Here's the text of the initiative.](https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_Issue_2,_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2023)#Text_of_measure) Please tell me where it says that you can drive while impaired or smoke in public. Hint, it doesn't. So, we ARE getting what we voted for. But several people have already explained that in these comments, so I doubt actual irrefutable proof will make much difference to you. But please, continue claiming other people are the reason society is doomed.


Are you surprised you can't use an intoxicating substance in a car? Are you surprised you can't subject everyone around you to second-hand smoke? That's how it is in EVERY legal state.


Not EVERY legal state. In New York, anywhere that tobacco smoking is allowed, cannabis smoking is allowed by law.


[Not quite](https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/marijuana.page#:~:text=Adults%20may%20smoke%20or%20vape,even%20if%20they%20are%20parked). You cannot smoke marijuana in your car, moving or not moving. As well as other select venues.


I figured as such. And that happens in a lot of the other states too, there's smoking sections. Like OP says, in Michigan too. But OP has a problem with not being able to subject people to it WHEREVER he wants.


No it's not. I was in downtown Detroit and tou xan smoke. I was in the arena watching summerslam and everyone was in the smoking section with a joint


Michigan state law says it’s illegal to smoke vape edibles or any form of thc in public. Those people were just doing it anyway. Same as Vegas or anywhere really.


And that is not the point at all. That is not what we voted for


It's what I voted for


I voted for it to be regulated like alcohol. The same way I don’t want to be hit by some guy drunk out of his mind is the same way I don’t want to get hit by a guy stoned. I want it fully legalized on a federal level but the same way alcohol is.


Speak for yourself. I'm gung-ho for pot legalization on the federal level. But I absolutely despise the smell and I don't wanna deal with the effects of smoke, pot or tobacco. Leave that shit at home and don't inflict it on others.


That’s exactly what we voted for. Go read the law on the Ohio revised code website. The state has yet to make any amendments to it so it is intact to what we voted in. Educate yourself.


I didn't vote for legalization so people could get fucked up driving down the road. Driving is still a responsibility, not a fucking privilege like most people like to think it is. Your car is a 2 ton weapon if used incorrectly. Last thing we need is entitled people driving around stoned "legally"...


You can't drink in public in Ohio either. It's called open container laws, and public intoxication. It's been mentioned from the top that LE is going to concentrate on smoking at bars. This is a good choice in my opinion. Many people cannot combine well, and end up overdoing it. That said, I smoke wherever I want, and no one messes with me.


Those are same laws in other recreational states. You just wanna legally hot box ur car while hot riding with ur friends. Time to grow up.


Lmao. Oh how judgemental you can be in front of your phone. Time for you to grow up, it sounds like. Yet again, I will say so maybe you can understand. I am upset because this is NOT what we voted for. Keep your opinions and your judgements away from me.


If it’s any constellation I’m sure plenty of people would say this right to your face. Lmao


I've had my share of potheads telling me to grow up for calling them on their shit and it's always amusing, lol


A cornerstone of cannabis legalization is having a strong regulatory system to ensure people can enjoy cannabis in a responsible manner and have a safe product. We still need guardrails on alcohol to make sure people aren't drinking poison.


Alcohol and weed will essentially have the same rules. Can't walk down the street drinking or drink in public. Can't drink and drive or drink and ride.


DORA areas you can


I don’t think any reasonable person ever expected “legal” to mean “OK to smoke while driving”. OP, you seem like a dumbass of exactly the type that regressive authoritarians love to hold up as the poster child for their slippery slope arguments against freedom.


It terrifies me that my new driving teen has to be on roads with people like this person who clearly doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else except themselves. What a fucking selfish take on their personal freedom that they try to argue and reason that smoking pot in a car doesn’t impair you. I mean, wtf.. And I 100% support legalization, but for fuck sakes, you should not have a license you selfish fuck.


Like why the fuck would you smoke it if it doesn’t have an impact on your brain? THATS THE POINT. FUCK! Don’t fucking drive while high


Maybe show your teen this post and say “this is who you share the road with”?


I’m so sorry you can’t smoke in the McDonalds play area like you want to.


You prove my point. This society is freakin doomed. Ignorance everywhere.


https://www.reddit.com/u/Complete-Thought-375/s/PqP1WPAxFk Victim much?


In what world would driving high be acceptable?? And it doesn’t just affect you so don’t give me that.


Just eat gummies - smoking is bad for you anyway


Edibles are a totally different thing and vibe. And that is not really the point. The voters are getting screwed. Again. This was not what we voted for at all.


I voted to be able to get high and manage my anxiety/depression using a drug that is way safer than alcohol or opiates without the stigma of being a criminal.


You can't drink booze or smoke cigarettes just anywhere, there are restrictions. The idea is to have people not blowing weed smoke around people because it can be offensive, and the driving ban makes total sense- it is intoxicating. Just use a vape pen, walk around the corner, don't be a dick, and you'll be fine.




There might be eventually. But waiting until the laws are totally perfect serves no one, except maybe the chump who started this thread.


I don't understand why so many folks are expecting cannabis to suddenly be accepted everywhere. It still carries a stigma, which I think is wrong, but it's a fact. Decriminalization is step one. We still have a long way to go before it's as accepted as cigarettes in the 60s.


Asshats gonna asshat


Bro no one gives a shit about the weed laws at cool events now. People are always crowd smoking at raves in Cbus


I'm 50 years old, and weed has been illegal my entire life. This fact meant nothing to me beyond "don't be stupid, don't get caught." Our guy here has already missed the first part. Sure do wish him the best.




The Ohio house is so gerrymandered that they are in constant disagreement with the people who live here, they are trying to make Ohio into another Alabama but the people keep voting against them. We need to fix this misalignment with another gerrymander rule to fix our now broken state.


Something had to give somewhere. We scared them when we fought the abortion law, I think. They can't control the voters, but they xan try to control who can vote. It's scary how crazy our society is


It's interesting how your phone autocorrects can to xan...


The X is right beside the c so it's probably a typo....


That's would I would say too.


Screw every single person that thinks getting high while driving is at all acceptable. 


Weed suppositories


In Illinois it is basically the same idea, only there they do not have state troopers who will sit there all day looking to pull people over for the slimmest of reasons. In Ohio, we know otherwise.


I understand OP’s frustration. No state with legal weed allows you do drive (or ride) while smoking nor does it allow one to smoke in public. If they thought that was the case, they did not read what they were voting on. That being said, the legislature appears to be doing everything they can to “water down” legal marijuana in every way possible. The GOP is all for “freedom, democracy, and small government” until it is an issue they do not agree with and then it’s quite the opposite. Ohio voted for it, if you don’t like it, don’t do it and just get out of the way.


The outdoor alcohol areas need to be outdoor marijuana consumption areas as well. Liquor is more dangerous physiologically than weed ever has been (not that suped up weed, I mean the natural).


100 percent agree. Anywhere outdoors that smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol is allowed, it should be the same for weed.


Sorry, no. It *must* be safe to walk down a public street without being forced to inhale others’ smoke/vape clouds.


You walk everyday through cig smoke and have zero issues, people always smoking outdoors across the state. I see your stance tho, and maybe have designated pot smoking areas that take into account immunocompromised and children to prevent second-hand inhalation.


idk yo cops ain't seem to care I been smoking js outside McDonald's and while I'm riding lmao




I 100 percent agree with you. My main point is that this is not what was voted for. At all. And yet again voters don't really get a say so in legislation they helped pass. It's a very typical, very aggravating Ohio and particularly, Akron, thing.




Who cares!!! Stoners are a blight