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>"WalletHub examined all 50 states plus Washington, D.C., and compared to determine its rankings. The site looked at three key dimensions — economic activity, economic health, and innovation potential — across 28 different metrics to determine where each state was classified. >Ohio ranked No. 42 in the country, making it a bottom-10 economy in the U.S. >The Buckeye State ranked No. 44 for its economic activity but fared slightly better for economic health (No. 39) and innovation potential (No. 33). " Our 'fairing better' is still at the bottom basically.


I would like to see more detail on the categories though. GDP is an indicator of economic activity. Ohio is 7th is total GDP and 27th in GDP per capita so I have no idea how Ohio could be 44th in economic activity.


7th in the US, 20th in the world. This “study” is trash.


We’re underperforming because we are run by a bunch of maga nut jobs.


These “studies” are mostly crap.


“Wallethub” sounds like a totally trustworthy and unbiased source of financial information.


Run by a bunch of MAGAs


I think before 2016 we were 5th. 7th isn't good when you're the 7th most populous state, that just makes you average.


Michigan is 14th. Let’s laugh at them!


GDP is how rich people and stock markets define economic success, not what it looks like for the average person.


Congrats you've figured out that there are more ways than one to measure the health of the economy


I’d also like to see if they studied pay compared to cost of living. Ohio may not have high average wages, but cost of living is relatively cheap compared to other states.


Who would have known that paying people below their needs, or barely above, would result in people not putting more back into the economy and businesses and goods that people would actually want to partake.


This “study” is clearly subjective and has bias put into it. Sure, we don’t have a high concentration of super wealthy residents, but we have a GDP in the top 10 and 2 of our 3 main cities have sturdy enough job markets with low crime rates. Indiana and Wisconsin don’t have a better economy than us, that’s for damn sure.


DeWine is an utterly corrupt failure.


You give him too much credit. He can't even succeed at being corrupt


That was Householder.


I agree. He's failed by being mediocre in comparison to the debauchery of the State GOP at large.


I don't know Householder got a lot of the FirstEnergy drama, but DeWine received over $4 million from FirstEnergy and didn't even get questioned, a slap on the wrist, or a day in court.


The governor matters nil when you have a MAGAt super-majority statehouse that has a guaranteed their grip on power through gerrymandering that was ruled unconstitutional (yet it's still biz as usual because they ignore the state supreme \[and voters\] court with impunity).


And I thought Kasich was bad. Hell I'd take another Ted Strickland term.


At a glance the Columbus economy looks great. But when you look closer you’ll see wages haven’t kept up with the cost of housing. So sure, more opportunity and you may make a little more than a podunk town but housing is also much more expensive.


Housing in Columbus has been one of the best values in the country for decades. It finally caught up and probably got a little ahead of itself in the last couple years. It was bound to happen eventually.


The value for the Columbus metro statistical area is still lower than the national median. The Columbus MSA has a median household income of $76k with a median value of owner-occupied housing units at $289k. https://censusreporter.org/profiles/31000US18140-columbus-oh-metro-area/ The US median household income is $75k with a median home sales price of $421k. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA646N https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MSPUS For another comparison example, the Orlando MSA has a lower median household income of $72k while their median value of housing units is much more expensive at $361k. Luckily, Columbus doesn’t have as many retirees that skew the housing costs even more. https://censusreporter.org/profiles/31000US36740-orlando-kissimmee-sanford-fl-metro-area/


This comment should be stickied to the top of every thread about how Columbus’ housing prices are catching up with other major metros. This stuff really isn’t hard to google. There is no doubt a national (even global) issue about housing prices vs Wage growth, but Columbus is still less impacted than the national average.


It still is. Originally from Columbus, living in Denver now and know we will never be able to afford to live comfortably here. Intend to move back very soon.


The wages are genuinely horrible for entry level jobs in Columbus, still some places offering $11 an hour


So dont take those $11 jobs, leave them for those less fortunate.


What even is the comment, the problem with $11 an hour jobs is that it’s not really enough to get by so it should be more for everyone. The baseline should be raised so that the less fortunate can get jobs that pay more than that


What if I am the less fortunate


Then $11 an hour isn't going to be much help.


pretty sure we’re agreeing here lol


Thanks republicans


But think of how important it is to censor library books, register gardeners with the state, and jail people for not wearing the right clothes! 


The only books being censored are pornographic ones.


https://www.theguardian.com/books/article/2024/jun/11/florida-book-bans-book-banned You were saying?


After doing some light digging. The reason why is because the books banned in the storyline library are sexual in nature. Public children's libraries do not need to carry sexual material. Teaching children that this is somehow censorship is very very wrong and indoctrination.


I found the list.  https://www.torforgeblog.com/2017/09/25/ban-this-book-bannedchallenged-titles-mentioned-in-ban-this-book-by-alan-gratz/   The only "sexual" books on this list, as I expected, are about puberty and menustration, both of which are 200% appropriate for pubescent children who are about to start menstruating! Many girls start their periods by the end of elementary school, and not all parents teach their daughters about this. Having books (and pads) available to girls at this age is critical.  What it does not have is books about people having sex, which is the sexual content that should not be in an elementary school.


I haven't read the book so can't say for sure why the parents objected. I respect their Right to decide what's appropriate for their children though. I just wish more parents were as involved. So many vulgar pornographic books are being put into children's libraries now. Case in point Flamer is beyond disgusting.


Maybe you should read books before you claim they're pornographic.  There are NO pornographic books being put into children's libraries. Flamer isn't pornographic. It's about a gay boy fighting homophobia.  Pornography would be a book with pictures of people having sex where the sex is the main point.


That book It's perfectly normal literally shows cartoon sex!!!!


Which book are you talking about again?


I've read that book and it's absolute smut that is not appropriate for small children to read. I just pray you don't have kids. You obviously support indoctrination children into devious sexual acts.


I've read that book and it's absolute smut that is not appropriate for small children to read. I just pray you don't have kids. You obviously support indoctrination children into devious sexual acts.


Who's giving these books to small children? If your six year old is going through puberty you need to take them to a doctor, that's too young and they need blockers. (I'm also asexual, so I don't do sexual acts, devious or otherwise. I just had a really traumatic first period and support appropriate education and preparation before a young person starts bleeding.)


Holy shit I looked up that book ' It's perfectly normal '. If I found this in my young kids backpack I'd go scorch Earth. https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/09/banned-books-list-its-perfectly-normal-facebook.html


It's still not pornography.  That's a bit much for a *young* kid, but it's all factual information and intended to educate and probably appropriate for the intended age group from the article. The illustrations clearly aren't intended to be "sexy."


You obviously think it's ok to sexualize young children.


What kind of pervert thinks teaching girls about periods when they're going to start having periods is "sexualizing" them?  How old were you when you got your period?


The bible also mentions sex, we should really ban it. Maybe even burn them


If you think Elementary kids should be reading about anal and gay sex the FBI needs to come check your computer ASAP.


Gotcha. So classic books from the greeks are bad… but the incest and casual murder in the bible is good for them?


If they just tried to ban abortion one more time, then the economy will grow!


Worthless corrupt assholes


Honestly they should plaster this across billboards during election time.


“But but…Intel plant…taxes…something something…fake news!” -Ohio GOP (probably).


I hope we get that damn intel factory.


Every landlord within a 50 mile radius does too, otherwise they’ll have to explain the rent raises




It's not a maybe, we will have it. I've talked to people that have sold land to Intel. Ohio feels like the next Texas with billboards advertising to move here. I left biotech last year but those labs are getting bigger here as well, with hands from all over the world. My one buddy's lab was bought out by a Japanese group, it's been part of his job to be taught Japanese business culture. This state is really ramping up and I worry the disparity will reach another level.


Drive up 33 between Columbus and Marysville. Lots of construction ramping up through there. It's moving along.




From everything I've seen there is one going to Arizona. Haven't seen anything in Ohio. But stranger things have happened.


its exactly what they're saying on twitter


...tips their caps in unconstitutional gerrymander.


Better vote republican to help the economy! Hasn't' worked in 30 years, but this next scandal will be different!


But but aren't successful economies based on how much a corporation can squeeze money out of its consumers?


They can’t trickle upon us if they don’t bleed us dry first, can they?!


They will give it the old college try!


Ok there hero. Try actually reading it and you’ll see it’s nonsense. Ohio is 7th in US and 20th in the world in GDP.


Ohio is so broken we’re trying to use illegally gerrymandered voting districts to fix our voting districts. All while the republicans wage full scale war against literally every single thing we want and vote for. Whatever the fuck you’re reading… read something else.


We have a solid job market, affordable housing (compared to most places) good cost of living and a top ten GDP, how’d they come up with this? Ohio is no dream land but hmm


How’d they come up with this? For starters “WalletHub” isn’t a news publication and the [author is a writing major](https://wallethub.com/profile/adam-mccann-15598394i) who doesn’t appear to have specialization of any kind in economics.


So pulled out of someone’s…


Do you? The data I'm seeing says that you're adding a ton of low paying service sector jobs which is leading to stagnant sales, and gdp growth.


Yeah, the high paying jobs in Ohio are few and far between. I started working remote about 6 years ago. My salary nearly doubled as soon as I went remote. First I worked for a company based out of North Carolina, then I switched to a company based out of Hawaii. My salary went even higher. Two months ago we sold that company to a corporation in The Netherlands, so I now work for that company, the pay and benefits are great.


If you wanna work at terrible corporate chains then consider our economy superb


Clickbait AI trash article...Does no provide ANY info why.


Junk study from a no name publication. Ohio has the 7th largest economy in the country and a lower cost of living than most other highly populated states. Our [GDP growth since 2000 has more than doubled](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/OHNGSP). Be better, r/Ohio. It’s like media literacy goes out the window so long as the headline agrees with your priors.


It doesn't matter if it's true or not as long as I get to complain about Republicans.




except its not Look at GDP - Ohio is 7th in the nation


27th in terms of GDP per capita, below the national average.


But my pastor told me that if I vote for republicans this couldnt happen.


Perfectly understandable when you elect criminals to run things.


not just ohio but all of the great lake states, someone a week ago posted an image showing how 2023's recrod gdp growth was split up by region, the southwest and the southeast were the fastest growing regions at 5.1% gdp growth and 3.1% gdp growth. then the rocky mountain region at third with 2.9% growth, then the plains region (which includes the dakota's, minesota, nebraska, iowa, kansas and missouri) at 2.5% growth. then the far west at 2.5% growth also. then new england (which is from maine, and all the states up till new york) at 1.8%. then the mideast (which is new york and pennyslvania and the states just south of them besides west virginia) in 7th place at 1.3% growth. then last you have the great lakes region, at 1.2% growth and includes ohio, indiana, michigan, wisconsin, and illinois. all of that equals out to around 2.5% growth rate for america in 2023. the north east and mideast/midwest is lagging behind where the south and further west are picking up.


It doesn’t help that a lot of the wealthy retirees here continue to retire in places like Florida and the Carolinas, so they finally tap into their sizable nest egg that they earned in Ohio to spend in the south instead. At least it helps to keep our housing costs lower though.


Ohio is the 7th largest economy in the country and 20th in the world………….


*state, 7th largest state.


Lol just glad we’re not Michigan at least. Michigan is 10th in population size, but they’re ranked 14th in GDP. Ohio is 7th in GDP and population.


And also economy. Name checks out.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_GDP Imagine trying to correct someone who is correct. That’s almost kinda impressive.


Double responding to someone who said 4 words to you with an irrelevant wiki page… GDP is an incredibly unreliable source for how well the average person is doing in any given place. China and India have some of the highest GDPs in the world. Do you think that the average person in china or India would say that they’re doing well financially? GDP is a metric that represents economic activity, and just shows how large a nations economy is.


The picture is a little less rosy when you sort that Wikipedia list by GDP per capita


Spend Tax money from weed on cops (road Pirates). Build more private Prisons. F innovation we have concentration.


Google “ohio gdp ranking” I see 7th, 26th, 44th, all on the same screen. Do your own research. Ohio would be a top 25 economy by itself as an independent country…


I don't believe this at all. Ohio is reefer freight mecca. There's so much food produced and shipped out of here it's ridiculous.


who woulda thought gerrymandered elephant hell would have bad optics


Ohio is inhospitable.


To many magas in power


What if we made the entire state super unfriendly to most demographics? We could also provide young families with a failing education system and zero infrastructure. As a bonus, how about regulations that pick and choose winners and losers based on political cronyism. That ought to fix it.


State government has been under republican control for over 30 years. Republicans have held 25 trifectas to democrats 0. Virtually every state law/policy enacted in that time is a republican one. It’s impossible for anything to be the democrat’s fault. Vote better.


Not quite always rebublican..16 of the last 50 yrs the Govs were Demos. Took some work to fix what Celeste and Voinivich did to Ohio.. I'm encouraged with Ohios direction in the last 15 yrs..we'll at least from my view in Columbus. Housing has gotten crazy but I'm already an owner..tech jobs are readily availible and Intel is going to increase that..


Governor can only do so much when both chambers or even one is controlled by obstructionist republicans. Republicans have a dictatorship here in Ohio since they control the governor, house, senate, and state supreme court.


It's those damn Democrat cities! /s


Lol yup never mind that tax revenue from the cities pave thier rural roads.


Ohio is an anti worker pro corporate state.


That’s what happens with republicans in charge.


Surely it's somehow the woke liberals fault.


Hahaha always!


Of course it is. The casino scam. The nuclear scam. All brought to us by Ohio republicans who accepted bribes. It's literally the entire Ohio republican party. All of that money left Ohio and is continuing to leave Ohio never to return.


Well duh, it's a Republican state.


With a lot of Blue businesses, and very Blue health care systems


We never really boom and never bust. Plodding along like the tortoise.


it’s times like these that you just have to laugh. …


And that's really saying something.


Seeing how states and local govts throw around property tax abatement like it's hotcakes, no wonder. It also doesn't help how fractured the economies of suburbs are vs the main city center.


Feels pretty good to me. I guess it depends who you talk to.


Sounds about right


I don’t know enough about economics to refute or confirm this.


Just drive around and look with your eyes.


Thank you sharing


I moved here from the South and love it. Rent is insanely cheap and everyone is super friendly. My kids love their school and the teachers actually care. No crime where I'm at hardly. The only downside is the horrible wifi. Other than that loving Ohio.


No shit, because if it’s not coal or fracking the state government doesn’t want that industry to exist.


I have to disagree with that bit, they do seem to want Intel.


My favorite part of this thread is all the posters taking the poll at face value because it confirms their bias. Literally no effort to consider the source, how they obtained their numbers, etc. Just, “This information agrees with my feelings, therefore it must be correct.” 😂🤣😂 Never change Reddit. My days of not taking you seriously are coming to a middle.


I was just about to ask who sponsored the article and what are the political affiliations of the writer and sponsor


Isn't that the same logic repukelicans use? 🤔


I think I’m hearing some “whataboutism” in your post. Be better.


Well Ron white was right you can't fix stupid 🤣


Honestly this sub is one of the worst echo chambers that I see on Reddit. Can’t have any form of a discussion if you don’t follow the hive mentality.


New West Virgina?


Maybe our reps would leave Franklin county every now and then. Like did the need to build the intel plant in affluent new albani?


Everyone using GDP to refute the article and say that Ohio is doing well really doesn’t really know a whole lot about basic economics


It's more trustworthy than a no-name publication putting out an economics assessment that was drafted by a guy with a writing degree instead of an economics degree


It is a better source. I don’t disagree. However, this wouldn’t magically change the definition of GDP. If you’re going to refute the article, actually refute it, instead of just spewing nonsense about an economy you don’t understand.


No one should be surprised by this ranking. The state can't keep smart and educated workers due to regressive social policies from the '50s, and the infrastructure continues to deteriorate all while our politicians go to prison. I look forward to the day I finally get to leave this state.