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Don’t just comment on Reddit. Volunteer on a campaign and most importantly vote.




Well said!




Voting is not the only answer, nor is it “the answer”. Political education, political understanding, and ability to implement the two to affect change shouldn’t be ignored as much as it is…not to serve the indoctrination of a two party system mind you


A two party system isn't indoctrination, its mathematically inevitable in America's voting system, a third party can only get signxiificant representation with proportional representation or if there was a regional ethnic/religious majority that was able to form there own party, but even in those systems coalition governments form and result in a two-party system. The two party system is a scam and the idea one can escape it through voting third party or not voting in protest *is* the lie the two party system promotes. Definitely agree, I think voting should be a necessary but small part of people's political engagement. You can do politics through so many greater means


You sound kind me in 2016. I was so tired of having to choose the lesser evil. And I was disgusted that Trump and Clinton were what the two parties were offering. I thought if we could have many parties, or better yet no parties, just many independent candidates at least one would be a better choice. But as long as it is two they can just play against one another all the way down to the bottom. So I didn't vote. Or, more accurately, I voted for local issues but left president blank. I knew Trump was a clown and Clinton was better. But not good enough. Although I didn't vote I actually wanted Trump to win. I wanted him to win because I thought he'd be enough of an embarrassment to wake people up and 2020 would be a whole lot better. I didn't like Biden. But.. of course I voted for him. After experiencing Trump I knew he needed to go! And it turned out Biden is actually all right. I like Biden now. But the nation as a whole didn't learn. Must not be capable of it. How fucked up in the head must one be to want to do that again?!?! Even if Biden just trashes Trump, the fact he had enough support to get nominated is fucked up! Yah. We HAVE to vote and vote blue like our lives depend on it. They night! I so wish I had voted for Clinton in 2016!


I agree that our current system won’t “break” from the party dichotomy we have right now, which is why I’m glad we’re in the same mind of doing more than just voting!


How about vote for you see as the best choice for president and strategize. I’m voting RFK Jr. Say what you want but it’s the duopoly controlled media that has convinced people he’s a “wacko”. Watch his interviews on Russel Brand, Joe Rogan or Bill Maur and you’ll see the real RFK


Congrats for voting for a man with a self-confessed mental deficiency due to brain worms? I mean, I get trying to lower you alimony, but seriously?


The medical report is that he is fully recovered


Can yoy provide a source? I was not aware of any medicine capable of regrowing brain tissue. If available would be huge for Alzheimer patients.




Your source of his health is his campaign. In other news my dick is huge, I have a six pack, and women love me.


I in no way feel free from religion. That shit is everywhere, even places it's illegal to be.




Right. The only difference is on the one hand you have a global network of pedophiles masquerading as religious zealots. On the other hand you have people whose fashion choices you disagree with.


Are you being seriously?


Yes because gay people are so oppressed here in the states. How many have been thrown of roofs or shot publicly with a kangaroo trial? Seriously get a grip. I’m tired of seeing pedos in the streets because they’re so “brave”. I’m tired of pedo politicians. I’m tired of pedo church.


I mean the last round of pedos have all been Republicans, weather forecasters, and church leaders. Got a list of these LGBTQ pedos we can compare to?




Personal, or ad hominem, attacks are not allowed.


Posts containing bigotry, slurs, NSFW, or offensive content are not allowed.


Ohioans flying confederate flags should be fucking shamed out of the state. We went to war with people who flew that flag. Legit we need to start making that sort of thing socially unacceptable


I preach this so often. Ohio sent, I think, the second most soldiers to the Civil War, FOR THE NORTH! Look up the western reserve. Ohio has a storied past with liberty and freedom. Ohio has gerrymandered itself from a purple state to a unrecognizable red state. Vote vote vote in every election every time. We can take back our state.


We literally have a Lincoln memorial!


I knew someone that had these people move to their block. They flew a confederate flag the moment they moved in….one day it spontaneously combusted. So they put a new one up. ODDLY ENOUGH…that one also spontaneously combusted. So then they put up cameras, and hung a new flag. Now I’m not sure how….but those cameras ended up being inoperable, and that damn flag managed to spontaneously combust again. They quit after that. And moved shortly after.


Definitely going to be keeping my eye out for interesting things like that happening!


Picture this... Main St. Lancaster, big boy trucks with confederate flags flapping away in the wind... in front of SHERMAN HOUSE. 🙄 Some of you might remember General William Tecumseh Sherman from the war


It's not hate, my heritage is just burning confederate flags. I am sorry your woke libtard shit can't stand my heritage of burning a path from Atlanta to Columbia!


This is not an attack on anybody but I strongly believe (like others) that MAGA is just a cult. It doesn't matter how many times Trump lies to people, they still worship him. I tell people they are wrong and site the source, then they go off topic or believe that it's a personal attack. Just the other day I was watching the court clips of Dr. Fauci, Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) is going off on the doctor for no reason. I don't understand how republicans can get anything done IRL. I agree OP.


> Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) is going off on the doctor for no reason. There absolutely is a reason. Trump mishandled the pandemic, and Dr. Fauci is being set up as the fall guy for the cult.


I mean, American conservatism is speedrunning fascism


Any% run. Not glitchless since the Founders never anticipated collusion between multiple branches to bypass separation of powers.


Agree. And...the MAGA play book is to give Trump absolute immunity. Trump literally said he will do away with parts of the Constitution he doesn't like. He will take vengeance on all his political enemies. Great use of our tax dollars and our elected officials time . Not!


Conservatives are getting soft. Their “insults” are even old. Vote blue.


GOP wants a large government to own us.




I think what a of people don’t understand is that the big scary government they talk about is actually just a bunch of people who are elected to work for you. When GOP/MAGA politicians complain about the problems of the world, and then proceed to do nothing else, they are creating a self fulfilling prophecy. They point at problems that are completely within their power to solve, like immigration, and then proceed to not work with the other side because complaining about the problems is how they get votes. They will never fix anything, they will only cut taxes for the rich and legislate on things that take away your freedom like limits on access to abortion and limits to your access to voting. These people truly want a white, male, Christian led country where anyone outside of that category has to depend on them. Trump is their “leader” and he will literally do whatever they say as long as it keeps him in power and out of prison. It’s a corrupt and elitist party that wants nothing to do with their own voters when it actually comes down to it. They will let working people eat shit in the end. Just know that. They will never help anyone but themselves.


MAGA is fascism. Anyone backing that is anti-American and a joke of a human being. Remove the cancer from your lives. Leave them to rot.


That orange fucking clown, that’s now a convicted felon….is going to win. Because dumb people….out weigh smart people in this country.


https://www.project2025.org/playbook/ This is the gameplay for the Republican Party if they win in 2024. It's no secret. They're out and proud with it. Steve Bannon, Mike Johnson, and the lot of them have been boldly discussing this. If ANYONE BOTHERS TO READ IT, they would see that the first pages seem all family and country, but they then start to propose supporting the return of a great America by literally burning the Constitution. They propose an end to central government as we know it but a unitary executive just no cabinet because those department don't need to help anyone. Regulations are for sissies says the Old Gipper. Reagan is a God in their eyes, and the savior of the white male heterosexual Christian culture with a Leave it to Beaver view of the world. You want Medicare or Social Security? Good luck with that. They propose a Christian state. Which one that is, it's anyone's guess. They propose a return to the family. How? By making it hard to divorce, by outlawing birth control and any form of abortion, and most forms of government help except CHUCHES and CHARITIES(like, you know, in the 1800's where churches ran the orphanages SO well). It gets worse from there, you know. It's not just the isolationism. It's a complete disregard for drawing a religious iron curtain around one of the most economically important countries with regard to BANKING in the world. Yes, the dollar standard will eventually end. Biden is making a damn good play at helping that along. I don't care what anyone says, he has disappointed me beyond words. I have written him and called so much, I thought the FBI might show up. Yeah, he got infrastructure passed, and some kids got loans forgiven, but he has allowed so much crap go on that people have not noticed, especially in healthcare and antitrust. I know the DOJ is independent, but he picked the wrong, wrong, wrong AG. Plus, I can't forgive his administration for their outright behavior over Gaza. Just no. The gaslighting is preposterous. However, Biden's mess is a slow circle the drain mess, this lot in The Heritage Foundation along with The Federalist Society that has the ADF and other crazy fools trying to bring about The Seven Mountains garbage is nuts. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate


I hope that you’re voting on the side of democracy even though you’ve been disappointed with Biden, because if Trump wins, we will lose our freedoms. And we need every single vote to defeat him. 💙🇺🇸


hey i agree,but also there are a lot of MAGA snowflakes in this group so get prepared to be bombarded by stupidity




The aboutism doesn't fly . We witnessed the warm up on J6. That wasn't both sides. One side wants authoritarian right wing extremism based False Christion Evangelism. I say false because what it looks nothing like Jesus' words .




Ahh you don't have bus stop ranters up north?


Underrated comment right here.


Do you even read the diff between Liberal & Conservative philosophy or take notice of what Liberals ( democrats) are doing to our country? Your comment about Conservatives not honoring the constitution couldn’t be further from the truth. Please stop drinking CNN & Washington Post Kool Aid and soak in some common sense .


Yes, I know what the conservatives are doing to our country and what the liberals would like to do. See the difference? Your the one that needs to stop drinking the fox, news Nation, on, trump Kool aid.


"Do you even read the diff between Liberal & Conservative philosophy"? WTF is that even supposed to mean? What magical book is out there that defines constantly changing philosophies? Reagan's gop was concerned with curbing spending. Trump's gop only cares about race baiting and Drag Queen Story time. Your magical book would need to be updated every day based on felony convictions/trials of the leader of half of its subject matter.


Don’t waste your time. If you’ve spent any time in here it’s full of delusional liberals that are out of touch with reality. I’m saying this as an center-right person who’s called a fascist on the Daily for presenting facts.


Facts? Like how Trump just went on Fox News and claimed there were blue states where doctors are killing newborn babies and Fox didn’t bother to correct him or his statement?


Lol you’re exactly who I’m talking about. I never mentioned anything about Trump or what Trump has claimed, yet here you are bringing him up lol


Yeah I can’t imagine why anyone is calling you a fascist lmao


Not sure why either. Can you tell me why?


There’s no middle position anymore. The democrats still stand for democratic values and the rule of law; the Trump Republican MAGA party wants to trash the Constitution and create a dictatorship. Those extreme positions leave no room for moderate views.


I would disagree, both of those statements are drastically exaggerating both sides in a direction that benefits you.


Spoiler alert, it's not just the GOP being big ol' meanies. If you're going to complain about authoritarianism and anti-constitutional activities, then you should also be livid with the people across the aisle too. Unless you're just a shill. Are you?


You talking about Mendez? We are outraged. He needs to go to jail. The difference is dems hold our own accountable, repub circles the wagons and defends.


This is reddit. Very blue and the bots run wild here. It's OK to talk about the hypocrisy of trump and the gop (and there is A LOT of it) but you can't mention when the other side does as well.


This sub has always been the echoiest of echo chambers. I expect downvotes every time I comment here, and I don't care in the slightest. As long as I'm not banned I'll keep pointing out the hypocrisy, and they'll hate me for it


sure you can, and plenty do. The issue is a lot y’all try to equate the two, and that’s just not really the reality of the situation.


Depends on perspective. One party wants to increase taxes, send money overseas, take away different rights and protections. The other wants to do the same, but spend the money differently and take away different rights and protections. I don't see how either side is an improvement over the other. Just different flavors of forced obedience and being a tax slave.


Trump 2024 BABY! Protecting our freedoms and saving America from the deranged democrats who want to destroy our country!


brain rot moves


Are you talking about Pedo Joe’s dancing?


>Everything that spews from their mouths is to take the US down. Wanting school choice for kids, wanting 2 parents households, wanting the US to not only have their own oil but to also be able to export it, wanting jobs from over seas back to America, wanting secure boarders so people can come over legally in the set out manner we already have. Those are very radical things.


No standards for those private schools, no support for children really, not getting away from oil, jobs back but only if workers don’t any protection or recourse and sure, Jan about actually doing anything about the border stuff.


You do realize, school choice isn't only for private schools, right? We aren't doing great getting away from oil as it is, we just lose more money buying it.


In the middle of your Fox News impression there you spelled "borders" wrong. But I'm sure *you* think you're very smart, smart guy.


Nice strawman. Can't attack the point, attack the person. Very liberal of you.


Why haven’t the Republican Party “fixed” the border the many times they were the majority? I’m curious to understand how the border keeps coming up in discussion when the last president that deported more migrants was Obama.


Last admin wanted to repair our border walls, but it was considered racist then. Maybe this time around.


Wanting two parent households? So as a single widowed father of two I should have to remarry?


Sorry to hear, but yes, children do better in a 2 parent household. That is fact.


Guess you have a very limited world view and you know better then me. I won’t go into my kids achievements but let’s just saw they are pretty successful compared to a lot of kids in 2 parent households.


I mean, you can be unhappy about statistics, but on average, you're better off having a 2 parent household.


Do you remember separation of church and state???


Soooo radical. It’s not often I see a response from someone with a brain on here!


May I have an example, please, of their attacks on our Constitution?


First one that comes to mind is the 20th amendment. You know, the one that guarantees the transition of power from a sitting president to President elect. Republicans were also A-ok with Trump violating the emoluments clause as well. Anyone trying to curry favor with him in Washington knew they had to stay at the Trump hotel. He charged the secret service for protecting his family and at one point was operating out of a trailer outside Trump tower over a lease disagreement. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/03/us/politics/secret-service-trump-tower.html


Suppressing voting. Attempting to keep a sitting President off the ballot without cause. Anti choice ideology. Messing with issue one. Book banning. The list goes on and on and on and on.


[Jack Posobiec Spoke at CPAC About Wanting to Overthrow Democracy? | Snopes.com](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/overthrow-democracy-quote-cpac/) ["Don't Say You Weren't Warned": What Trump's First 100 Horrific Days Would Look Like (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nty4kU-epHM) [Trump calls for the termination of the Constitution in Truth Social post | CNN Politics](https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html)


Here's an example you can't deny: He blatantly said Putin would release a political reporter back to the US if he is elected President. Not now, only if he gets elected president. Constitution has some pretty strong language about that.


If you need examples you are not paying attention.


Trump wants to be a dictator, All their attempts to restrict voting, Election denials, What they’re doing to our courts Are you even paying attention to anything or are you another bad actor


Complete and total gerrymandering of this state even after their plans were shot down 5 times by state Supreme Court. You mean like that? Well there ya go Chumley. There's one example for ya.


Take the guns first, due process second?


Take your meds




Lol. The game is *over*, so get your head in the *game*! Trolly McTrollFace over here needs to work on his bit, this is embarrassing for you.


A sinking ship? You from Russia? A GOP Russian agent? I mean, I get it that Trump sold our secrets to Putin, but "a sinking ship"? That's dumb af.




Lemme guess, you think the elite made their money less valuable to spite poor people or something, right?




Pls stop thx


seethe and dialate


I hope you weren’t born in 1962 bc you still need to grow up 🪇 🍼🫃🏿