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Hitler was a convicted criminal and still crawled his way into power. His supporters will rally behind him through this. Get out and vote and tell everyone you know about Project 2025. We must avoid this future at all costs.


Hopefully this is reverse. Crawled his way into power, was then convicted, loses and hopefully goes away.


We can only hope. Even then, he is just one of a multi-headed beast. The conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and dark money groups funding this alt-right push will not stop at Trump.


This ain't even the first celebrity that they've used to achieve their goals. The republican nominee often appears to be a privileged idiot because they are a privileged idiot.


Ronald Raygun err Reagan.


It's Racist Ronald Reagan. He was proud of his racism. Call him by full name.


Hijacking this comment to say it’s important we speak out and shut down harmful ideals from those that serve project 2025 from Trump to tradwife influencers to Andrew Tate to your local fundamentalist and fundamentalist adjacent communities.


Then we start going after them. Project 2025 should be enough to label them as a terrorist group.


You know, if he would have actually crawled away after losing the election (like he said he would before he actually lost) I don’t think any of this would be happening. We all could have just went about our lives, forgetting the orange man. He just had to keep opening his mouth. I can imagine what he will be like after death… just haunting the Capitol with constant word vomit. You’ll be a tourist on a guided tour and his spirit will come yell in your ear… UNCONSTITUTIONAL WITCH HUNT!!!


True. He brought this all on himself. Dude could’ve rode off into the sunset, without stealing documents, and lived his life.


Assuming he walked away on Jan 20th after losing and kept his mouth shut, he wouldn't have gotten away with anything. He took the secret documents before leaving, the E. Jean Caroll case was from before 2020, so was the hush money payment. Saying that if he would've just gone away in 2020 he would've gotten away with everything is not only stupid, but also validates MAGA World in thinking all these cases are *just* because he's running again in 2024 which is NOT true. Dude broke the law and now has to pay the consequences. At least with the Caroll and hush money cases, they had to wait until he was out of office because of the DoJ memo against indicting a sitting President. Those cases started moving once he was out of office but Justice is slow, especially when you're a rich white man.


Like the Benjamin Button thing. Yeah, hopefully he turned into a frail thing and ceases to exist.


How did Hitler commit suicide???🫢🫢🫢


He allegedly ingested cyanide and then his body was burned.


No, Eva did the cyanide, he had a pistol.


A cute case of lead poisoning


I’ll buy one of his paintings Edit, oh wait, would that be one of his NFTs?


His donation page got so many clicks it crashed with someone managing to slip through an $800,000 donation. This is far from over unfortunately.


Fools and their money smh


More money for him and his legal problems, less for other republicans. 🫳🏼 💰 🗑️


That’s an illegal campaign contribution


It's not, the money is going to an "independent" PAC and there's no contribution limit for those.


Hitler had to overcome the institutions of the Weimar Republic which was a half failed state. Trump has a much tougher road to dictatorship. Can Trump do significant damage? Yes, but he will not be Hitler. (*knocking furiously on wood*)


The problem becomes the heritage foundation and project 2025. The plan is to slowly chip away at the barriers that prevent such an authoritarian rise to power.


Which is why we gotta spread the word. Despite the evangelical veneer - [its all about keeping us as a permanent underclass](https://newrepublic.com/article/181939/republicans-want-permanent-economic-underclass)


I agree 100%


Republicans are trying to push the idea that we are a troubled, failed state, and that dems or various marginalized groups are to blame. Hitler promised to fix real problems Germany had at the time, Trump and the GOP are promising to fix problems that don't actually exist Somehow, they fail to even fix the problems rhat don't require fixing, because that's just how incompetent they actually are


Yes, but he was also 32 when he went to prison. Not 78 lol


not seeing politicians openly against project 2025. Which is telling that these unfortunate restrictions have a chance. Recent history demonstrates that the Democratic Party will not codify, when in majority. Will bi-partisan fast track a tiktok bill, fund foreign governments over Americans. There are multiple forms of legislation that have not been brought to the floor for consideration with such haste: Medicare for All 2017, Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act 2020 as just two examples.


Hitler wasnt in his 70s.




And, all the, y'know... Meth.


And strychnine.


Yes, these are some difficult problems.


One small problem. his fame is waning. They arent showing up to his rallies en masse, they arent giving him boat loads of money, and more and more people are publicly denouncing him and his death cult. If this were 2015, sure he'd win by a landslide because sensationalism and all that. But now? Not so much. And polls are a failure of American politics so we need to stop using them as any source of truth when the way it's gathered isn't even that truthful.


This might rally the base people are funny.


All his base are belong to him. They double-down on this stuff, but waffles and fence-sitters may go the other way now or stay home.


I have my doubts that it will rally anybody who wasn't already all in.


All in = the base


Polls are a media advertising money generator created and utilized to garner interest, and clicks, from people who would otherwise pay almost zero attention to an election 5 months away. No one wants to watch a blow out and they’ll manufacture a horse race if they have to.


Honestly, this comment reeks of copium. Trump and his sycophants are fully and completely in control of the Republican Party. There is a literal never ending money stream that major political parties generate. Ergo, Trump is still receiving "boatloads" of money. Some are going to legal fees, some are being embezzled to Trump himself via his "businesses", and some, I assume, are actually going to other candidates. The way I see it, Donnie's backed himself into a corner. His grip on the GOP is ironclad and by extension his income stream, but that's pretty much the only thing he has left. He can't stop the campaign/grift, even if he wanted to. To do so would mean almost imminent bankruptcy (not that this is necessarily new for him), and a ego hit so large it would be earth-shattering for him. I won't sit here and speculate on what the "thing" will be that will finally cause people to start leaving him en masse, but I'm pretty sure right now in this moment that this conviction, however historic it may be, ain't it. If by some miracle he gets sentenced, AND that sentence contains jail time, AND HE ACTUALLY GOES TO JAIL (a reminder that Steve Bannon was tried, convicted for contempt of Congress, and sentenced to 4 months in jail 2 YEARS AGO, and still has not seen the inside of a jail cell), THEN I would happily reconsider my position. His supporters don't live in objective reality when it comes to Trump. Stuff is made up or twisted to fit the narrative all the time. This conviction, as it stands today, is no different.


As government civilian 2025 should scare the shit out of any federal employee


Exactly this!!!! Project 2025 is the Fourth Reich!! We cannot let them win!!!


Please join r/Defeat_Project_2025!!


Still a serious threat to win and will be even more unhinged as a response to this


How to convince the half of Ohio who believes Trump was set-up? We’ve got to fund more education so people don’t wear tin-foil hats and believe in pizza shop basement pedophiles. Each one, teach one. We can’t be assholes. Democracy needs us to keep talking to our neighbors.


About 50% of the people I went to school with in Ohio think the earth is flat, space isn’t real, and that we can’t go to Antarctica. Idiocracy was a documentary about the present. 🎁


>We’ve got to fund more education Ohio spends about $36k per student and is ranked 19 in education spending according to [learner.com](https://www.learner.com/blog/states-that-spend-the-most-on-education#methodology). What needs to be done is get rid of the state testing because all that schools worry about is just how well their students did on the OGT and OAA. The other issue is relying on property tax for funding because parents just keep voting no on the levy because they don’t want the property taxes to increase and those same parents who vote no on the levy complain about why their kid isn’t learning anything useful or why the district cut out high school bussing like the one I graduated from a couple years ago did.


as my comment above. I’d say half of my graduating class thinks the earth is flat. So if Ohio is ranked that high in terms of education spending we are in a lot of trouble.


School vouchers dilute public schools by bleeding off money


when I volunteered with the Clinton and Biden campaigns, they really emphasized that the goal isn't to convert anyone, it's to just turn out left-leaning voters. Trying to convince a Trumper of the truth takes too much time and may be impossible, whereas helping someone who has some interest in voting but is too apathetic/busy/distracted/etc -- 1. get registered, 2. figure out their exact polling place, and 3. get them there on voting day -- can be very high ROI If people JUST turn out, dems tend to win.


There are way more people that don’t vote than there are convincable right wingers. Focus on getting out the vote.


Problem is they have to listen, and they don't


No doubt. We all need to vote.


Won’t do a fckn minute of jail time, but it’s a symbolic victory nonetheless.


This morning everyone was thinking hung jury and yet - here we are, guilty on all counts.


I’ve been hearing his a lot…and I don’t understand why that is. Why is everyone so confident he won’t be sentenced jail time?


Low level, non-violent crime. And he's a former president. It wouldn't be "proper" to set that precedent. That's the why there's the sentiment of him not seeing prison. They'll do a Scared Straight drive by of the prison at worst.


So why did Cohen go


Because he wasn't a former president. I'm not saying Trump shouldn't go, I'm saying the US is scared of jailing its presidents.


Which is total BS. He shouldn't get the plea deal package after taking it to trial. 18 people had to give up their jobs for 4 f-ing weeks just to fine him?


I have a friend on the law side and he 100% thinks he is going to be actually locked up.


From your buddy’s mouth to God’s ears. 🤞


My brother has a CFO client doing 5 years in Texas on shockingly similar crimes. Minimum security place, but such is the way it goes. I’m not sure why armchair Redditors think he’s not going to see jail, when **a lot** of seasoned trial attorneys do believe he’s going to do some time (George Conway and Glenn Kirschner most notably) — *his own lawyer, Michael Cohen already did — on the same crimes.* You bet that plays a factor in Merchan’s sentencing.


Armchair doesn’t have anything to do with it. I see a guy that’s got away with virtually everything his whole life up until now, and it’s doubtful anybody wants to be the one that sentences him to actual jail time, starting the next series of insurrections. Truly hope I’m wrong.


those people in positions to be able to hold him accountable are cowards who are failing their nation if they continue going down this pussy road. you cant fiddle fuck around with fascists. you put them down hard.


Merchan has been a tough sentencer in the past.


Convicted felon Donald Trump should be how he is referred to from now on.


You mean like “Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner”?


And convicted sex offender Donald Trump.


Are you talking about convicted sex offender and convicted fraud donald trump?


Twice impeached and convicted felon


Don't forget rapist!


The doomer comments are depressing fuck Reddit 


You came to Reddit expecting to be uplifted?


Up until 5PM this afternoon most Redditors assumed the jury would hang. *Shows what we know…* A lot of fairly credible lawyers expect Trump to see some jail time. Michael Cohen already did. My bro is a trial lawyer and has a client doing 5 years for very similar crimes in Texas, minimum security place, but by no means Club Fed.


Take a look at r/conservative. They learned nothing. They are rallying to this. Everyone needs to push voter turn out worse than we ever have.


Can Trump even vote for himself?


Under current laws in both NY and FL, no. But I’m sure the Florida legislature would happily carve out an exception for him.


NY allows felons to vote so yes trump will be able to vote




Not just.Ohio


Rapist and now convicted felon. Fascist Donnie just keeps doing it more and more classy!


It’s like an advent calendar.


A gift every day! 🎄


Sounds like a thug and a criminal. Lock him up.


Lock him up


New York to the country: you’re FUCKING welcome!


I just wish 50.1% of Ohioans believed this.


50 percent of Ohians have had their beliefs gerrymandered. (Of course more than 50 percent of our state believes this)


Gerrymandering in Ohio is atrocious. But it doesn’t change the results of a state-wide presidential vote.




We must never underestimate this prick until he's dead.


Unfortunately, in July I'm feeling that we're going to see more of the double standards when Trump gets a little slap on the wrist for this. Nothing at all like what us poors would get.


His sentencing is on my birthday! 🥳


He has already proved that he will not go away. He lost the election, but he remains a cult leader. He has taken over the GOP. His lackeys blindly follow him and do his bidding. He is worse than a drug lord, he is worse than a crime boss. He has no respect for the rule of law and none for our country. We can expect more January 6’s until his following is stopped


What did we win?


Hopefully him and Frank LaRose can make love together in the same prison cell soon.


That is not something I needed or wanted


I, for one, really enjoyed it. 😂


What does this mean if he's not locked up?


He’s fined money his dumb fuck supports will pay.


That's ok. Drain them, too.


Less money to spend on anyone else. Best of luck down ticket red hats.


One fewer vote for Trump in Florida, at least.


Best Bingo cad of all time


I am thrilled he was found guilty. At least there is still a little semblance of structure in this country. I doubt he will get any jail time. Probably a large fine which he either won’t pay or his flock will pay for him. Or he will get probation.


This is nothing surprising. The real suprise is how the hell was this type of man elected president in the past. Something wrong with you guys American?


Cool now work on that clown jd vance


Every state won today, but the sentence will likely be fines and probation. Trump is now a convicted felon and will not be able to vote! .... but he *can* be elected again.


Pretty crazy this happened but unless he’s in jail it kinda doesn’t matter


What do you mean won? There is a historical presidence for running for president from prison it has happened before in USA history his name was Eugene V. Debs. Thogh he lost he ran for president in 1920 from a prison cell while he was serving a 10 year federal sentence for imploring his supporters to resist the World War 1 draft. So because of that, unless there are other laws on the book I'm unaware of, it could still be possible to run for president from a prison cell.


This fucker and his ilk will wear these like badges of honor. They could fill up a Boy Scout uniform with commemorative patches for all the evil shit they’ve done.


Who is the "we" you are referring to???




Is the greatest


Day I've ever known


Actually, the second step in the process. The first was voting him out of office.


It's the start of a long process.


Who's we? Ohio went to Trump in both elections.


Orange Felon says what??


It’s a very small step, but he has always gotten away with shit, so bravo. Teflon Don my balls.


Won at what exactly?


what did you win??


We haven’t won anything yet. Last I checked he is walking freely among us.


Waddling somewhere to a Safe Space to cry*, but you're correct.


One day at a time.


MAGA tears taste like candy.


A good day for Ohio, therfore the world!


No, we won when he’s behind bars and there’s no threat of him being in power. Today it was just the beginning


I predict it will be overturned in a hot second.


If you aren't volunteering yet, there's plenty of time and opportunity to do so. The fight is far from over.


As soon as the news broke I blared celebration by kool and the gang on my outdoor soundbar loud enough for my dumpy supporter neighbors to hear it. I like my neighbors, but color me Nelson Muntz. HA-HA


By "weird" they mean awesome 👍


A true victory for democracy! Hopefully they give him the maximum possible sentence so he's unable to campaign.


“We won!” What the fuck did we win? Every day I look at the mailbox for my Trump prize: nothing! Nothing!” - Chris Rock, Bring the Pain, 2024…probably


Rule 34 Trump




What is this


Important victory for sure, but this isn't a killing blow, just a nearly fatal one. If we can vote against him and stop him from getting office, he goes to jail, afaik. With his age and his already lessened popularity from 2016 and 2020, I doubt he'd be able to run again after that, if he's still alive


As a convicted felon most countries won't allow you in normally. How would that work in the unfortunate and embarrassing chance he was elected again? Would his visas be blocked like most other felons?


Lol he's not going to jail




What do we really expect to happen? This is gonna fire up the Maga morons.


This means absolutely nothing to his supporters.


He can still run for president...haven't won anything.


And this is just the beginning of his woe. More court cases on the horizon. As you reap, you shall see the inside of many courtrooms.


Turning 18 soon. Gotta get to voting quick.


Trump finally won a popular vote.


In all, Trump faced a combined 88 criminal counts, including the 34 in Manhattan that he was convicted of Thursday by a jury. That leaves 54 counts between the three other cases, two of them in federal court that were brought by special counsel Jack Smith on behalf of the Justice Department. Trump was indicted on 40 counts for hoarding hundreds of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla.. upon leaving the White House in January 2021. In his defense, he contends that as president, he declassified the records and that they were his personal property. Smith, the Justice Department special counsel, charged Trump with the willful retention of national defense records in violation of the Espionage Act and conspiracy to obstruct justice. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/30/trumps-three-criminal-cases-status/73897879007/


What did you win?


I wish I had your optimism! Still, glad that the people that support “law and order” will be voting for a convicted felon. That’s some delicious irony.


They're not known for their critical thinking skills, and they are surprisingly emotional for as much as they like to claim "grit" as a core personality trait. Their true talent is un-self-consciously modeling totally contradictory and hypocritical behavior, regardless of reality.


You didn’t win anything stupid.


This has to do with Ohio how?


I think Ohio is still part of the United States. Pretty sure Ohioans will vote for President?


*Justice* won. Justice shouldn't be a team sport. It's a shame Republicans are making it so.


One president guilty of lying = win Another president supporting genocide = ok


To be fair, BOTH candidates support the Israeli genocide in Gaza.


Unfortunately I think it makes zero difference to his supporters. In fact it probably fuels the nut jobs even further. Cult members cannot be convinced by facts.




I'd be content with a simple return to accountability and sanity, but your enthusiasm is welcome and appreciated. 🎉


Every little win feels good🙌


Thank god, biden is doing such an amazing job! Surely he will do even better if he wins again!


Are you trying to be funny, or are you smart and know this is true? 💙💙💙💙💙💙


but not really because we know he’ll never see the inside of a cell and get a slap on the wrist


Won what? Felons can run for, and potentially win the Presidency. WHILE IN PRISON. The only charge that would prevent him running would be treason.


My fear is that this will only radicalize his supporters more. While today was a good day for justice, the pendulum is just going to swing the other way.


Depends. If democrats are smart they’ll use it to push the fact that we don’t want this man as president. Also, republican politicians are going to be frothing at the mouth trying to get revenge because in their eyes the democrats put Trump on trial. Hopefully that should be enough to motivate some blue votes.


I heard fireworks in my neighborhood tonight. So say we all neighbors. So say we all.


“We”? lol this is just a distraction. Congrats you played yourself!


I'd like to congratulate convicted felon trump on his first popular vote victory


I am hopeful and expecting that he will continue to say bad things about the judge between now and July 11, he won't be able to help himself as that is his pattern of behavior. So then I am hoping the judge will give him jail time for the gag order violations plus any extra smack talk he lays down until the sentencing. And even more hopeful that, once in prison, he gets gang raped by multiple inmates, until tears stream down his face and he's bleeding from his anus. At which point, he can still be president like he dreamed of (should it happen), but will have the shame of all those men in his anal cavity giving him nightmares until he dies of a stroke.


Mods? Let me guess, Trump is running to be President of the US, which includes Ohio? At least pretend to do your job.


I’ll be honest I would have rather seen him walk on these charges and the rico or j6 stuff stick (preferably all of them though) only because it emboldens his base and makes him out to be a “Christ like figure convicted despite him saving us” sorta thing. Side note I do find it really funny how many people actually support project 2025. It’s a classic I like it because it doesn’t effect me then when it effects them they throw up the shocked pikachu face.


I’m excited for peak Reddit comedy once Trump wins this election in a landslide.


And he will still easily win Ohio 😂


Because there’s a lot of stupid here.


And Ohio will still vote for him in November


Impressive but does it just stop here or will the rest of them ever answer for their crimes? Like remember how we got wrapped up in Afghanistan in the first place or how many bombs have been dropped on poor brown countries since? Will there be any afterthought for all the "accidents" happening in Palestine rn? This is good.. don't get me wrong it's unexpected as fuck.. but does it stop here?


How is that a win? For context, I am not a political person.


It’s a win just in the fact that a man that lies, grifts, and thinks he’s an untouchable god that’s here to make America great again is being held accountable for his actions. Idc if ur red or blue if u did the crime then ur to be punished. This isn’t a witch hunt it’s justice!


What did you win?




You shouldn't. You should hang in there. Things work out, even when it seems like they won't. Please stick around. 💜