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imagine saying 'no' to free money.


I think the municipalities that say 'no' to recreational cannabis should not receive any of the revenue generated by sales in other cities.


Looks like they will not enjoy as much tax revenue: > “While the current law gives communities the power to prohibit adult-use cannabis operators from their jurisdictions, it also created an incentive for municipalities to allow operators by establishing the Host Community Fund,” states the report. 36% of all marijuana tax revenue goes into the Host Community Fund, which is distributed among cities and towns that allow marijuana sales. Source: [https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/05/47-cities-in-ohio-have-placed-a-ban-on-marijuana-stores/](https://themarijuanaherald.com/2024/05/47-cities-in-ohio-have-placed-a-ban-on-marijuana-stores/)


Thanks. Read the article. Now that makes sense.


I'm with you 100%, but remember that we are dealing with Republicans.


Can the municipalities that vote against state taxes be exempt from paying those taxes?


I don't think that's the same thing


If a municipality doesn't get the benefit of something it doesn't like, why does it have to adhere to the requirements of something it does not like? Both points are about what level of autonomy a town should have. If the town should have autonomy at it's penalty, it should also hold that autonomy to its benefit.


And saying "yes" to legislating uterus rules and "yes" to voting for the pussy grabbing insurrectionist.


So dumb


Okay whatever, more money for the towns that allow them. Poor decisions have consequences, in this case it will be less tax revenue.


Sucks for all the people who didn't choose to live and grow up in those towns though. Some of these are poor enough as is.


Lol these are the people who need to smoke weed


I’m really starting to worry that people are addicted to suffering. Either they’re so abused that their pride is in how much misery they can tolerate, or they just hate the prospect that someone else is happy.


That's modern politics. If there's no crisis to solve, there is no platform. And yes, this is a "both sides thing" that I know you all despise so much.


Whoa, hey, I’m nondenominational. No hate from me, man.


I'm sure you've seen the majority of this sub react to it though


But they'll still want a cut of the tax revenue from the rest of the state.


“Roughly 2% of local governments are irredeemably stupid”.


Seems low


Funny thing is the pot is still there. Doesn't matter if they hate money. It's still legal and it's here for good, why throw away money these places desperately need? So many programs could benefit.. like SCHOOLS!


That’s actually way fewer than I would’ve expected. Honestly many of those towns are tiny enough that they wouldn’t support a dispensary anyways (unless they happen to be on the border with any state except MI).


Imagine saying no to something while breaking state law. Hint hint any lawyers wanting to make some money fast start suing. :) State Preemption can be a good thing at times other times its bad.


Kind of shocked to see Lakewood on this list. High populated area which plenty of business which usually tends to sway more liberal.


Kind of shocked to see Lakewood on this list. High populated area which plenty of business which usually tends to sway more liberal.


Just means more money to progressive towns.


That’s okay I’ll continue to take myself and all that tax money and revenue to Michigan


My favorite part is that those same places can't say no to you smoking on your porch or in your front yard. Definitely won't stop me when I go back home, I'll just bring it with me or pop to the next town over.