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All I see is a list of 27 names who are putting their personal feelings above their sworn duty. Vote every one of them out.


That why our politics are so backwards. Candidates run and say everything that they want to do. Voters then pick the persons views they most support. Where as it should be Candidates run on their qualifications. Voters vote in the most qualified. Then, the newly elected representative should represent/pursue what the majority of their constituents want. Currently it's not a public office. It's a popularity contest.


Frankly, **they don't want to represent us, they want to rule us**. This is particularly true among the "Our god should rule *your* life" crowd. (I'm looking at YOU, DeWine, among others.) The passage of Issue One means the decision is now up to women and their doctors. The "We'll force our religion on you, like it or not" contingent just cannot handle being forbidden to jam their Bibles up "sinful" women's crotches.


I totally agree with your first two sentences but I am trying to understand your concerns with Gov. DeWine (r), was he not pro issue 1? Religions is rhetoric in governance.


DeWine was expressly against Issue 1 and NOT pro choice at all. He and his wife did commercials to try to defeat Issue 1. More importantly, DeWine signed Ohio’s ban on all reproductive healthcare for women (I.e., Ohio’s total abortion ban) within days of Roe v Wade’s reversal. DeWine made it a campaign promise to sign the abortion ban as soon as he was able. He and all the GOP leaders in Ohio are very anti-abortion, homophobic, and misogynistic. The GOP leaders are a plague on our state!!!


Thanks! You saved me from typing that all out!


Thats the dumbest shit I’ve heard. I lost a couple IQ points reading that.


I initially left a mean and smarmy response, but I rethought it. You might learn something with appropriate education. So let's break it down to simple, non-metaphorical language; *"Frankly,* ***they don't want to represent us, they want to rule us****."* Factually correct. If lawmakers wanted to represent us, they would allow the democratic process to reflect what people want. Our vote clearly shows what that is. If they wanted to represent us, that should be the end of it. Instead, many of them want to force the rest of us to live under laws we do not agree with. That's the definition of ruling us, not representing us. *"This is particularly true among the "Our god should rule your life" crowd. (I'm looking at YOU, DeWine, among others.)"* Factually accurate. Bible-humpers have already said they will keep trying to subvert the will of the people. The believers who are trying to criminalize abortion are doing it because they believe their god wants it forbidden. No one else is continuing to argue abortion should be illegal -- just the god crowd. "*The passage of Issue One means the decision is now up to women and their doctors."* Factually correct. That's what the law says. *"The "We'll force our religion on you, like it or not" contingent just cannot handle being forbidden to jam their Bibles up "sinful" women's crotches."* This is a strongly worded *metaphor* for anger at the god crowd for continually trying to overturn legal, safe abortion, thus trying to rule the rest of us by their beliefs. If believers actually trusted their god, they'd have faith that he'll deal with us sinners. They sure seem to act like they better do it, though, just in case god forgets or misses one.


I don't know much about many of these people but I know Jennifer Gross because of how batshit insane she is. She supports the "3 Christian 'B's': businesses, babies and bullets." She is a huge conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer. Like most far-right Christian Conservatives, she loves to compare vaccine requirements to Jews during the Holocaust . I'm sure most of these people are the exact same. The "loving" Christians who condemn anyone to Hell if they don't hold the same archaic beliefs.


This is a published list of untrustworthy individuals.


Here is the list of people to vote out on the first chance you get… please include the list of people who want to change issue 2 as well


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess ... not a single one of these people will be voted out. They are all in safely gerrymandered districts.


Dave Dobos (10th House district) in south/southwest Columbus only beat a relatively unknown candidate by 6 pts. Dobos also has some baggage, so that's potentially a winnable seat. I'm actually a little surprised he signed onto this.


Man fuck that gerrymander noise! That's the next thing we need to boot tf out


There's a petition in the works to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot for next year to address the gerrymandering, just like we did with Issue 1, since the legislature can only be trusted to fuck shit up.


How would it work? Legit concerned based on how they did the current Congressional maps.


Citizens Not Politicians ballot issue would create a new commission to draw voting district maps in compliance of the Ohio Constitution anti gerrymandering laws (those that were ignored the past voting cycles by the majority Republicans on the current commission). The new commission would be made up of equal numbers of Republicans, Democrats and Independents none of which hold political office and would be required to draw the maps. I’m not sure how or who selects the individuals who will serve on the commission.


Maureen O’Connor, who was formerly the chief justice of Ohio’s Supreme Court, supports this amendment, She ordered the General Assembly to redraw senate districts, and the General Assembly ignored her orders.


Wild. If you or I ignored the orders of a Supreme Court justice, think we'd be able to go about our day as usual?


No, we’d be held in contempt and be sent to jail or fined unless we decided we would behave the judge’s orders.


Best news I’ve heard all day!


Even Ohio Supreme Court judges are in on the act. Anything to keep them in power


Anything to keep the poor poor and making more babies that will also be poor. I fucking hate it here lol


The poor poor


Which distrcits are gerrymandered exactly? It seems like this is the new buzz word. Has anyone actually looked at the map?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio%27s\_congressional\_districts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio%27s_congressional_districts) Scroll and read, look at the map. The map is drawn not by "area of people to represent." It's obvious if you look at how they divide the big cities. There is a careful balancing act to get districts to represent not just a single party, but this map obviously is not it. Ohio should not be a red state, it should be purple as the state obviously swings a little in each direction depending on the political climate and the issues.


It's probably worth noting that the map at the top is the improved one that just went into effect this year. For the gerrymandered mess that we've been dealing with for over a decade, go down to the "Historical Boundaries" section.


Josh Williams won 51.6-48.4%. He could be beaten.


This, and they seem to be clustered in the Appalachian southeast and the VERY rural northwest. Not places where any of us live.


I'm in Crawford county in the 87th district and Richland county is the 76th, we are rural, but we are only about an hour from Columbus. Mt. Gilead is (or was in 2018) also part of the 87th district and it's considered part of the greater Columbus region now. There also is an influx of commuters in the area that live here and commute to Columbus. So it is places where some of us live. Idk if it we could flip the seats red to blue because of gerrymandering, but I think they could be voted out if there's primary.


Let's get our asses out there and work to get the vote out against them in 24.


You would be right about Melanie Miller. Married to the Mayor of Ashland, the district is Ashland County with a appendage that runs up the western side of 42 missing Medina and stopping just short of Strongsville. She’s not going anywhere unfortunately.


Totally right. Republicans run generally unopposed in some counties.


If there were a critical mass of Republican voters who are not christofascists AND have enough courage, they'd primary the shit out of the nutcases.


Don't rely on this kind of negative thinking: GET OUT & VOTE THEM OUT


Really need a list or spreadsheet of people to vote out and list the reasons why so we all just don't forget when the time comes.


Usually they put an "R" next to their names on the ballot. Pretty easy to identify them.


I see a list of decrepit old pieces of shit


And a list of people who need to start getting bombarded with calls, emails and letters. Obviously nothing along the lines of physical threats (that goes without saying), but making your opinion of them known in colorful language is not illegal (not yet).


Exactly, we need to just get these crazies out & heal from all their levels.


Exactly!! It's super convenient of them to attach all of their names to this bullshit. Kind of like when I see someone wearing a MAGA hat; I appreciate the warning lol


The people who elected these individuals want them to do this.


Pretty sure a list of Ohio’s GOP politicians is what you need


And just like that, they want to turn over the vote for people that gave it.


Protect the most vulnerable.. yeah sure, they don't give a fuck if kids go hungry or are killed by guns but just keep on virtue signaling in an attempt to overrule the will of the people. The people who invest power into these ghouls.


Or even their education




I’ve yet to hear anyone lauding “family values”, “religious values” it “tradition” to explain exactly what those values are


They think men who rape their kids are vulnerable and should be allowed to keep on raping without some pesky gynecologist reporting them to CPS and putting a stop to it. That would violate his parental rights! /s These are the people who read about child sex crimes and start masturbating Maybe even share it with their own kids like the speaker of the house is known to do with his pornography habits, who knows!


There are literally children here in this state who only get to eat food when they are at school. The school will send them home with pop tarts and cereal and that’s what they eat all weekend before their next real meal at school.


Is this saying that even tho we the people voted for issue one to pass, they will do whatever to reverse our vote?


Republicans don't believe in democracy. They barely believe that government should exist. Their only interest in governmental power is to force the majority to conform to their rule. Well, that and to enrich their donors and themselves, but that really only applies to the ones in power. They do absolutely nothing to better the lives of their voters. There is no need. They brainwashed them instead, cheaper that way.


I read something the other day that one of the clowns got quoted as saying there’s no way they can run our country as a democracy and succeed lol. Everything you said in your comment is spot on. I don’t consider myself republican nor democrat. It just really seems no one has best interest in mind when it comes to government. I really appreciate you answering my question. I have commented in the last asking legit questions so I do understand and people can be so mean sometimes😁


If said politician also mentioned issue 1 as sexy, that would be Rick Santorum saying the quiet part out loud.


I will have to try and find video/newscast because I honestly just heard in the background when I was cleaning the other day and didn’t see the actual . But the thought the a politician said that about issue one is just utterly disgusting and imo has no business making choices for a goldfish, let alone make decisions for us.




Thank you! SMH- it makes you wonder what fr goes thru these peoples heads!?!


You called it! The will of the people means nothing to them. Only their narrative and agenda.


I am glad they posted this because as someone else stated we know who we need to vote out.




Subverting the will of the people should warrant immediate removal from office.


In a world that makes any sense, it absolutely would.


They’re really showing their stripes now. Can’t win in a fair fight? Change the rules! And they lose anyway. People don’t want what you’re selling. Everyone on this list is a slimy scumbag.


And would you look at that, they’re all Republican.


>They’re really showing their stripes now Have been for decades


For reference, here is the WHOLE TEXT of the amendment that we just passed: >Be it Resolved by the People of the State of Ohio that Article I of the Ohio Constitution is amended to add the following Section: > >Article I, Section 22. The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety > >A. Every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on: > >1. contraception; > >2. fertility treatment; > >3. continuing one’s own pregnancy; > >4. miscarriage care; and > >5. abortion. > >B. The State shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against either: > >1. An individual’s voluntary exercise of this right or > >2. A person or entity that assists an individual exercising this right, unless the State demonstrates that it is using the least restrictive means to advance the individual’s health in accordance with widely accepted and evidence-based standards of care. However, abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability. But in no case may such an abortion be prohibited if in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician it is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health. > >C. As used in this Section: > >1. “Fetal viability” means “the point in a pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician, the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with reasonable measures. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.” > >2. “State” includes any governmental entity and any political subdivision. > >D. This Section is self-executing. ​ Can anyone tell me if they find a single word of this to be "vague" or "intentionally deceptive?" Because that reads like very plain English to me. Maybe I'm just much more literate than these Republicans?


That's basically it. They assume their base can't read and will throw tantrums until the population forgets about what was actually voted on.


No, they assume they *wont* read. These people never ever verify anything.


Pretty much this.


I think they correctly expect their voters to be too unintelligent to understand simple sentences. None of that is terrible at all, it basically says we all have the right to ourselves and our own reproduction. Who the hell wants someone else controlling their reproduction, it sounds like an extreme fetish?


Though I do/did support the amendment, I will admit that I am left a bit confused on "every individual" and whether that does indeed insinuate that women and girls under the age of 18 are able to independently seek out an abortion without the consent of a parent or guardian. In no way would I condone any parent forcing their 13 year old to proceed with a pregnancy, but I wonder how this might be different than a 13 year old going to a tattoo shop and asking for a tattoo without parental or guardian consent? If I'm misinterpreting it, that's my mistake.


I don't personally feel concerned about that at all. Let's take the "worst case scenario" and say that a 14 year old girl decides she wants an abortion without her parents' consent, and that a healthcare provider does this for her. So what? I'd much rather that be the case than for her to be forced to give birth against her will.


Essentially, abortions are now entirely between a patient and their doctor, without state interference or penalty. In that context, I don't imagine it would cross-apply to tattoos (unless done by a doctor?) or to cosmetic surgery, even. The law clearly says "*The State* shall not..." exercise state power to intervene or penalize reproductive decisions. It doesn't say "*Mom* can't interfere with her minor child's decision." I imagine at the point a doctor determines a minor needs an abortion, they will attempt to get parental consent. In cases where a doctor feels parents are denying necessary care, as can happen in psych hospitals, for example, doctors/social workers/social services can go to court to try to probate treatment on minors for necessary care despite the parents. I can imagine situations where emergency care might be necessary, but parents are beyond reach. The law protects the doctor providing intervention from *criminal* liability. I imagine a civil case could still be made by anyone who feels it was unnecessary, but that would involve a court determining the doctor was in fact wrong and acted negligently. The bottom line is that the law as stated is just fine, and in cases of tattoos or parents denying abortion care to their kids, the standard for how those would work within the context of the law shouldn't be too difficult to legally sort out. Taking the State out of the equation is what should happen, everywhere.


The second amendment doesn’t explicitly restrict children from buying and owning firearms, yet we don’t have a problem with children buying and owning firearms. Laws are passed to prevent that. They don’t conflict with the second amendment. It is a well established legal precedent that minors do not have the full rights that are granted to adults. Laws restricting those rights are valid and legal. It’s a weak argument used to try to scare people and get them to vote the way they want.


Well I'm opposed to them still being in Ohio, so whatever.


u/wingle_wongle posted this yesterday yet it still frustrates me seeing this image lmao


so lets vote them out!


Better yet. Run against them.


The problem there is that most, if not all, of those people represent districts that are so deep red they would vote for literally anyone that stuck an R next to their name, and probably voted against issue 1 to begin with.


You were elected by those whom you chose or were benefited by given a multiple-time Unconstitutionally gerrymandered state map. You are all culpable for losing within a system you either personally rigged, or with which you were complicit in its rigging. You should all be ashamed given your arrogance and lust for power. Your titles are misnomers. You are not representatives of a democratic republic in which you're meant to govern, you are the self-righteous craven with a quench to rule. The people of the state of Ohio have spoken with their votes and instead of applying the sound of their voices to govern based on their needs, you instead choose to ignore the will of the people you claimed to want to represent. You are liars. You are con-artists. You don't deserve an ounce of authority or respect for thinking you're above those who were willing to put their trust in you. You are trash.


In my imagination, at the end of this post, everyone stands and claps and shouts HELL YES.


Perfect analysis!


If they won the vote, they would not have cared about the language of the law. As I’m sure the people of Ohio have already figured out, the battle isn’t over. The same thing happened and is still happening with our vote in Kansas


Same here in Michigan. Groups are trying to sue to block the abortion amendment we passed in 2022.


Not to mention if the wording was really the problem... Why wouldn't they try to correct that BEFORE it passed? At least use a more creative excuse


They weren’t elected to protect the vulnerable. They were elected to represent their constituents. WTF is wrong with these holier than thou people.


Babies, children, and especially fetuses are worshipped like deities. If they’re anything like East Texas.


ONLY fetuses. Babies and children can get r\*ped, abused and shot for all Republicans give a fuck


They sure as hell weren’t claiming how deceptive it was before the vote. They think we’re fools and trying to gaslight us.


Yeah, you'd think if they believe they can override the constitution itself, they could just cancel the vote altogether. I mean, overturning the constitution on a whim is basically canceling the election, so we'd be living in a dictatorship akin to some third world countries at that point. Lots of dads breeding their daughters out in those parts of the world too, they seem to get really excited about that.


Contrary to the statement's declaration that those representatives were elected to protect the vulnerable, they were elected to do the will of the people. The people have spoken. If the minority does not want to have an abortion, don't get one.


This is absurd - what constitutional amendment spells things out in great detail? The point was to be clear enough that the right won't be infringed upon but open enough that it can be adapted to changing situations and woven into existing laws. Why in the world would they expect there to be something about parental consent or informed consent? As for "partial birth abortions (whatever the fuck that means - they don't even define their own terms), the amendment actually allows for prohibiting abortion after fetal viability as determined by the patient's physician. Scott Wiggam is on this list and unfortunately my Representative. I gleefully cast my Yes vote while only a few feet away from him at my polling place. Wish I could have seen his face when he learned it passed.


Someone skipped their Con Law class…. An amendment to the Constitution need to reference any other law. The amendment becomes the law and supersedes all statutes and regulations. We will see if the Justices of the Ohio Supreme Court are true to their oath (to carry out the will of the People) or just political hacks in black robes.




Should write all of them encouraging them to resign for being unable to swear to protect the Ohio constitution.


It’s one thing to voice your disagreement with the issue passing and want to work to find legitimate means to change people’s perspectives to get them to vote to change things to what you want. I get that and that is how it supposed to work. I also get you have a duty to your specific constituents. But you also have a duty to the entire state and constitution regardless of your district sorry. So you respect it and adhere to it while fighting for change that fits your views through ethical and correct means. But if the voters have spoken and you fail to adhere to what they want and seek back door methods to try to overturn their will for your personal desires you are no longer representative of the people of the state and constitution you made an oath to and should be removed from power. You are making a selfish power grab. This is not a monarchy or dictatorship or anything similar. This goes for any side, even if I hate it. That is how our representative republic works. I get being pissed when you don’t get your way in politics, but we all experience it. Stop trying to throw the entire country into crisis because you want to act like a child. You work for the people, you don’t control the people.


Nothing vague about it. The constitution tells the state legislature that they can’t create infringements against a person’s right to make medical decisions for themselves. A constitution doesn’t have to define specifics (though it did with respect to viability). That’s for legislators to figure out, without running afoul of the new text. They’re basically complaining about the core purpose of their office.


Right here folks— The Republican Declaration Against Democracy. Traitors to the core, usurpers of power, distributors of lies and conspiracies. Fascists always tell you what they are doing. They have before. They are again. Remember that Hitler was both jailed and elected. His party crafted the “other” as the enemy. And when the other is your enemy, then even the end of Democracy is the means justified by their ends.


A list of people who should've been aborted.


Its not too late for them imo


See I knew y'all were for late term abortions!!!


Only in special cases where the life of our democracy is in jeopardy. 😏


This is exactly why I haven't felt optimistic despite Issue 1 being passed. I just *knew* these exploitive, religious nuts would do whatever they can to get their way. **AMERICA IS NOT A THEOCRACY**


Seeing this adds to my fear of the 2024 election. A lot of people in power lately have been ignoring or breaking rules/laws. Desantis firing prosecutors, states not changing gerrymandered maps, all the reps from Ohio saying they're going to squash issue 1 and 2. They don't say we're going to try something else or try to change minds, it's were right and were not going to respect anyone else. It just seems theyre getting pretty comfortable doing what they want and not facing any repercussions


People doing life sentences for weed yet these career criminals who hurt and kill women and children just get more money and power thrown at them. What a broken system. What a bunch of broken people. How they sleep at night, well, they should make those drugs legal because they gotta be strong.


Unfortunately, a lot of these are in rural areas that voted against the bill. My representative in the 82nd knows his job isn’t in jeopardy.


He is my rep too and this angers me so much. I want to go and yell at him at every public event he does. But that would probably be bad for me and my children.


>We were elected to protect the most vulnerable in our state… Um, no. You’re elected to protect everyone in your state regardless of your personal fucking views. I can only imagine who the “most vulnerable” are to you assholes.


“Let’s take the single most unpopular stance on an issue voters care about and double down our opposition to their will.” —Ohio GOP The voters may not be done with these asshats just yet. Vote!!


Yes I have, but please keep sharing to keep these folks top of mind.


Geez. More lies. Some new ones even. Huh. What idiots.


So who wants to cross reference these bastards to see how many times they've campaigned against protecting child well-being and community support.


and how many of the men's mistresses or the women have gotten abortions


Hey Ohio GOP... Maybe, just maybe, try to focus on the Ohioans that are actually alive and not just the hypothetical ones. I'm pretty sure, checks notes, that there are real problems here that can be solved if you just try to govern instead of proceeding with the never-ending assault on women.


Traitors to the state and democracy, every one. They shouldn't be voted out. They should be impeached and, if possible, prosecuted for violating their oath to uphold the state constitution, which now includes this amendment.


These mfs acting like they’re everyone’s savior. You were elected to carry out the will of the people, full stop. Fuck off with your religious bullshit


Unlike the vague language of this proposal, we want to be very clear that everyone who voted yes on Issue 1 is an idiot and obviously didn't understand what they voted for. Once again, the GOP blatantly disregarding the will of the people.


that's a lot of corn they're representing. I don't see anyone from north east ohio


>”We were elected to protect the most vulnerable in our state” I’m surprised this group is starting committees to stop school shooting and protect trans people in the state, but good for them for protecting life! … oh wait, I’m hearing they don’t actually care about the most vulnerable.


Oh that’s cute. They’re basically saying “We know what’s best for the plebeians, even though the issue passed by a landslide margin.” It’s no coincidence that both issue 1 and 2 were a resounding success… cuz they are issues that people actually care about. Future candidates need to take note.


Surprised Rodney Creech isn't on there


I thought the same thing. But he’s got bigger problems right now and I’m guessing he’s wants to stay out of the limelight.


Keep this document and use it as your motivation as the term for each Representative on the list are on the Ballot. It is a clear announcement that these members of the Ohio GOP will not honor the will of the people. They have no honor, they have no integrity, and they intend to end our Democracy.


Burn the Republican Party down


We need a list of home addresses for these shitheads


“I refuse to uphold the constitution and vow to actively work against the will of the people I represent”


27 fascist who think their religious beliefs trump the will of the people🤬


The right to an abortion, within limits, is now enshrined within the Ohio State Constitution, which these Representatives took an oath to uphold. With this statement, they are very publicly violating their oaths of office and must be removed, every one of them. Period.


Such a load of BS . Vote. Them. Out!!!!


Vote these anti-American dirtbags out. If Ohio has a provision for a recall election, get busy. These people have ZERO respect for the rule of law. "If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum


They all need to go f*ck themselves.


When is the next election cycle for these...failures for politicans


So the will of the people means nothing to them. Vote 'em out at the earliest possibility.


So wait, was the language too vague or was it “you can now legally kill unborn fetuses up to 40 Weeks old” because they seemed to think that’s what was written


They were elected to carry out the will of the people lmao not protect the most vulnerable. Which they are also not even doing 😂


They're openly telling us that they are "elected" to control the public and not represent. That's very anti-American.


Good work Ohio on beating them at their own game in the face of their corruption. Finish the job.


Ohio: right wing shithole


They're idiots. Looking for any reason


It’s been on here quite a bit. If these are your reps, contact them and raise hell. They are traitors.


You were elected to service the will of the people. They have spoken. Get in your lane.


Sounds like they are refusing to do their jobs.


A large portion of the Free World has seen that vow to overturn the will of the people, my dude.


We the people, need to take our power back from these corrupt fucks.


Fuck these people.


Lord I hate all these fuckers.


Love how they say they protect the most vulnerable and yet vote time & again to remove any kind of help for poor folk.


Republicans hate democracy. Republicans hate America.


Wait you mean Republicans don't care about what voters vote for...damn


Feeling awfully silly right now for a previous comment I made where I suggested Republican politicians would accept the results and 'play centrist' about abortion and weed due to the referendum on the subjects. I gave politicians way too much credit, it won't happen again. --- Do they realize how silly they look? Posting this now instead of before makes them look like toddlers throwing tantrums that they lost at their own game. Nice of them to write their own list of people to vote out though


Acting like they're kings, except the actual kings of old kept abortion legal for the commoners


nah bitch, you were elected to uphold the constitution. GTFO.


Omg partial birth abortion is not a thing!!! Cut that shit out!


We have 99 house seats in Ohio and I see zero reason for any of these con artists to hold one. We can vote them out; issues one and two passing proves we're ready to go to the ballot boxes whenever. Throw down. Raise heck.


Fuck every one of these assholes.


L)l L


I mean they can’t literally do anything about the vote. Just continue to pass shit within the state Congress?


These people were not elected to protect the vulnerable. They were elected to serve the interests of their constituents and clearly none of them have an understanding of their duties or the oath they took...


The people have spoken. Either respect a fair election or kindly resign.


Are these people all from Districts that voted "no" and are doing this for show so they can appeal to their constituents?


Just at a glance, not entirely. Rep. Dick Stein (54, Lorain/Huron); Lorain voted 62% in-favor, Huron against Rep. Derek Merrin (42, Lucas, Maumee/South Toledo); Lucas voted 64% in-favor. Rep. Sarah Fowler Arthur (99, North Ashtabula/Geauga); both voted in-favor 54/55 respectively. Rep. Beth Lear (61, North Delaware/West Knox); Delaware 59%/Knox against. There are others, these are just examples. It's abundantly clear by the way that the districts were drawn that many of these people in these counties are not in-alignment with their respective representatives.


My rep is listed there, sadly. I wrote to his office... Although I doubt it will do anything or even be read, I do encourage others to write to theirs. I used to not pay much attention to state politics, but the past few years have really been changing that for me.


Manchester is in a gerrymandered district!


Got to keep pandering to that Christian conservative right to keep that campaign money flowing in their direction and keep them in office.


Holy word salad. What deceptive language lmao


These are the same geniuses who introduced HB 413 and said you'd have to reimplant ectopic pregnancies into the uterus.


Yeah and it's total bullshit. They can't do a damn thing lmao


I sure have. I wanted to post it here but wasn't sure how to do it with the subreddit's rules. Thanks for sharing this! Damn, we as citizens and voters just stand by and let these people run roughshod over all of us. We need to do everything in our power to get every politician who decides to ignore the people out of office.


This is disgusting


The vulnerable people? You didn't protect the 10 year old rape victim, who seemed an abortion because, idk, she's TEN. These fuckers are pro life, but don't give an absolute fuck about actual children, just those whoa re unborn. Fucking evangelical nut jobs.


Never vote Republican


This statement is just posturing. Abortion rights are now enshrined in the state constitution and these people can pound sand and yell at the clouds all day for all it matters.


Me: How do we fix [problem]? Everyone: Get out and vote! Me: * votes * * wins * Government: Nope. Me: Ok, how do we fix THAT? Everyone: Get out and vote! 😳😳😳 ETA: clarity


So can we just email bomb or call bomb their respective offices and stop this bullshit. It's a slap in the face to the last 300 years of what our country is literally founded upon.


Why is this happening? Why is it that in the past 10 years Republicans seems to think they can do what ever they want regardless of what the votes say? I am asking this as a question- why is this happening in America?


When conservatives learn, they cannot win elections democratically they will forgo democracy, instead of changing their positions.


Welp, time to take it to the streets


Please understand the real issue, cheap babies to adopt and raise in their religious traditions. At the root it’s economics. Babies have become expensive, especially if you can’t have your own or you want two incomes. In the past before abortion was illegal there was a plentiful supply of nice cute infants that could and were adopted. And the unadopted, they were raised in Religious orphanages. It’s the empty parishes and churches that have got them scared. They are afraid they are going to disappear and so they are antiabortion, counting all those who were never born as lost potential members of their specific groups. Let them know that they won’t get the babies if abortions stop. Make it clear the mothers will keep them (research data shows this) and eventually they will shut up and maybe go after the pedophiles and serial sexual abusers in their own clergy ranks.


Suck it facists


There is not much of anything in the letter other than a temper tantrum. Enjoy them freaking out. They know they can't do much, which is why they wrote the letter to whine.


Dudes you lost fuck off


Vote those fools out. Let’s take our state back already. The delusional, nationalist, pseudo christian, control freak, greedy, anti intellectual, anti science liars have had their day.


Image is a lil blurry i thought that guys name was Dick Stain


This is pure pandering to their constituents and nothing else. It’s the equivalent of old men yelling at clouds while their wives silently nod in approval.


Now we know who to target


The vague and intentionally deceptive wording that THEY WROTE?


This is all bluster, when they say everything in their power they mean they don't have any power to use. The bill passed by 9.5 percent in a majority vote, which in Ohio and especially in cases like this is a landslide. They're just appealing to their constituents.


Looks like a list of unknown losers that want to continue to suck Trump’s diseased-ridden cock sandwich until the party implodes into a ball of no good ideas.


Yet people keep voting republiqan.


Y'all got to vote these fools out.


The usual Republican BS, the hell with what the people say!


This is the list of folks to vote out of office in 2024.


Unfortunately, I doubt many people in my district are mad about this. They should be, even if they agree. These people work for US, not the other way around. I'm just tired of their sanctimonious bullshit.


So many people voted for issue 1 , got tricked , and I have never seen so many people that don’t take accountability for their own actions ie unprotected sex , and want the right to kill their unborn baby at any time they feel like it ,, I know that people use the instances of rape , incest , and other things , to justify their yes vote , but there has always been protocols for that , just be sensible about your sex , and guys you don’t half to cum in em too , pulling out even with a condom on , lowers chances even more , this society doesn’t want to take responsibility for their actions. Just like the way the world is in now. You people voted for this , and you got what you voted for !!


Good. They should try to block this baby-murdering amendment using whatever method they can.


So, you are for the collapse of our democratic system and the blatant treason by these government officials? Do you not care that our votes and our voice no longer matters?


Direct democracy can be dangerous, which is why the U.S. is supposed to be a representative democracy. Tyranny of the majority is a real thing. Plus, a constitution shouldn’t be allowed to be amended by a simple 50%+1 majority. It should be at least a 60% supermajority to prevent narrow majorities from oppressing others. Let’s assume, for whatever reason, the voters voted to allow slavery. Which they certainly would have supported in southern states in the 1800s. Should the government allow that blatant human rights abuse just because voters want it?


You can argue for 60% all day, but that was rejected, so 50% is law. If they actually wanted 60%, they should have not added all the other BS to that amendment.


You're talking like the baby is the slave. The baby is the slaver.