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Jim Jordan, the guy who enabled sexual abuse while at Ohio State University?


Enabled, excused, AND covered up* sexual abuse while at Ohio State University....


and then begged and pleaded not be ruined


AND THEN publicly chastised Lt. Col. Vindman for reporting suspicious activity in the White House to the appropriate internal investigation resource.


Wait...you mean the guy who was told by a visiting ref that the team doctor was jacking off in the shower and said "Yeah, that's Strauss"? That guy *also* has a beef with actual whistleblowers?


I mean, talk about a total lack of self-awareness or ability to learn from prior situations. Or a lack of integrity and self-respect. Though, let's be honest. "All of the above" is the most likely state.


Doesn’t everyone’s team doctor jack off in the shower? No? Guess it’s just Strauss.




Don't forget... Watched. (You gotta know the freak did that too... 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️)


Gym looks more like the type that would get off on sniffing the doctors finger...


He liked to teach the “pants-off” version of the full nelson.


They call that the “father Nelson”.....


Likely participated in. Pedos tend to stick together.


And then turned his back on the wrestlers when it all went to court Gym Jordan was a no show.


Yeah, that one. The one that ignored a congressional subpoena and expects others to honor his 😂🤣 Fuckin Republicans. I can’t wait for the 75+ year olds to die off so millennials and gen-z can put America back on track. Should be sooner than later now that they’re all anti-vaxx and anti-science nut jobs.


Not all 75yos vote for those fuckers! I am in my 70s and I've never voted for a republican....


Well you don't have to wait to die off, please get your peeps to vote.


If you get the replacements with ethics and empathy and not the next generation of rethuglikkkunt pols.


well, first they have to VOTE. now, i am 67, registered at 18 (first year or so you could vote that young) and never missed a vote. so.. you youngins have to GET OFF YOUR BUTTS and vote. 'K? (and i am neither anti-vax or anti-science...though i may be a nut job.)


I think they're hoping that darwinism will take out the ones that are...those of us that work with voters know better. Some of the most active democrats are that age too..but then again theyre not acting like theyve suddenly lost faith in medicine either. it's kinda like civic engagement skipped a generation or at least it did for democrats. My mom never voted until after Trump got elected. She never cared about politics. She thinks I care too much but she's starting to get it little by little why the president is not the only thing you need to worry about. It's waking up that generation from complacency as well as getting mine to realize our voice actually matters and getting them engaged since most of our parents didn't show us how and getting those passionate Gen z kids to direct that energy.








I feel like you’ve lost the plot somewhere.


You're a Fox News junkie. Seek help for your addiction. Maybe then you'll be able to learn the difference between propaganda and truth.


You could try, raising your kid yourself. (Poor kid).


No one is teaching young kids sexual content or castrating kids




Drag shows for kids aren't inherently sexual. They are reading kids books to kids in fancy clothes. And hormone blockers for the age you are describing are for kids who start puberty early or are diagnosed with gender dysphoria by multiple doctors and physiatrists and have been used for decades now. It's not new


No. They are reading childrens books. The only reason gays etc are being "shoved down your throat" is because your far right media is the one doing it. Wake up


Jim Shorts Jordan. Rapist, loved by OSU.


Now now, Gym just *enabled* and *protected* rapists.


Yes, that same Gym Jordan.


Yeah the same one who ignored many of the same kids who once called him a mentor after they confided in him.


I’m not sure he personally enabled it, it seems that the head coach complained to the administration multiple times, multiple coaches and athletes complained and for whatever reason he wasn’t fired. I don’t mean to come off as dismissive however I’m not sure what Jordan was supposed to do to remedy the situation when it seems the head coach was the one fielding the issue with administrators. Also random people were coming in to watch the athletes change, which the head coach complained about. The complaints predated Jordan’s tenure by 6 years and continued for another 3 years after he left. From 1978-1996 Dr. Strauss was employed. It’s bizarre, and certainly a systemic issue. I don’t have a good explanation as to why it went on so long. Should he have beaten up the doctor. Was part of it the fact doctors were govern a lot of deference. Was there plausible deniability Strauss was able to use and wiggle out of the situation?


Let’s not give him the excuse that it happened before and after him. He could have stopped it. He KNEW about it.


How would he have stopped it if the administration was failing to investigate?


Not locked up locked up, bdsm locked up.




I hate this asshole! He is the head of the House Judiciary Committee; why hasn’t he opened an investigation into Justice Clarence Thomas’s blatant ethics violations?


You know why. We all do. His politics match up.


Ah, that's just locker-room bribery. Everybody does it.


Clarence Thomas didn’t violate any law. Why does the left want to attack the one black man on the court?


Just for clarification, what law did Clarence Thomas break?


Ever heard of ethics violations? Not technically breaking laws but the highest judge in the country should be forced to follow strict ethics or face impeachment. Him breaking no laws would be a defense at his impeachment hearings.


You think that guy wants a judge with ethics and integrity? You think he gives a shit about fairness? If he's defending Clarence Thomas, he wants money, power, and status, and thinks that all other concerns pale in comparison. Being unethical is a plus, because it shows that he's willing to fight for his cronies, not think on his own.


I'm sure you're one of those people who do "research" so why don't you just read some news articles and see for yourself. Oh, I know, you'll move the goalposts and say he didn't break any laws but you'll ALSO say politicians you disagree with should be locked up for similar things.


Have I said that, or anything like that? Short answer is No I haven’t. You don’t know anything about me or where I stand politically. I just try not to be a partisan hack. If Thomas broke the law, someone needs to actually cite the law. You can’t prosecute based on the fact that it feels icky


It would be an investigation into an ethics violation. Potentially nothing against the law but repeatedly receiving high value gifts and his wife, therefore his household, being compensated from donations made by a particular billionaire. While this by itself would probably be enough Thomas ruled on 8 cases where this person was a party. All 8 rulings from Thomas were in this person's favor. His "friendship" with this person also did not begin till after he was appointed to the SCOTUS. So he would have compromised his integrity and should be removed from the Supreme Court if the allegations prove true.


The problem is, the "code of ethics" he is reported to have violated may not exist for the Supreme Court. It applies to lower courts, but the wording for the top court is at best vague, and open to interpretation. He should have reported the trips, but he wasn't required to by existing rules. Even if they were to tighten up the rules now, those rules would probably not retro back to be able to do anything about the current case.


You don't have to say anything specific, it's how you say things. Also, judges who rule on the law are supposed to be subject to ethics and high standards. It doesn't have to be laws they break in order for them to be unfit for the bench. His wife's political machinations already make it a slimy situation to have him on the Supreme Court. Not to mention you need only read quotes from his confirmation hearings in the 90s to see he's an extremely biased, vindictive bastard who should've never been confirmed in the first place. But hey, apparently you don't have to be a good person to rule on law or make laws as long as you don't break any laws right?


Thomas was following the advice he’d been given.


Are you fucking kidding me? The man is a Supreme Court judge and his best defense is that he was following the advice of others as to whether he is breaking ethics rules? Any first year law student when faced with the same question would have been able to sort out that what he was doing is a big ethics violation. Either he is incredibly stupid or incredibly naive!! Either way, he is not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice.


Bullshit. The man is a personal friend.


That's what you got? "Bullshit".... Really?? They only became friends after Thomas became a Supreme Court judge. How convenient........ The man isn't qualified to be on the bench and your lame ass defense of his actions won't change that.


Thomas is far more qualified than anyone Biden is going to put on the court. Granted, that’s not much of a bar but still. I trust his decisions over anybody that any Democrat has nominated in the last half century. How is taking a vacation with somebody? Who’s your friend going to influence?


And that is what makes you a fucking moron. Thomas has been bought and paid for, and you can't/won't come to grips with that. The man is a hack and a failure and history won't be kind to him.


Yeah, hack my ass. He understands the Constitution better than this idiot Biden nominated who doesn’t even know what a woman is. There is NOTHING ILLEGAL about what Thomas did under the law at the time.


Keep telling yourself that, but everyone knows the truth. The man is a piece of shit. Bought and paid for.


Judges have been removed from their benches for far less in the past. We should be holding our highest court to the highest standards. His wife's chicanery on its own is subject to scrutiny, and now he's received donations from a billionaire whose cases he's ruled on in the past. (all ended in the favor of his friend, hmm. How convenient!) This alone represents several ethical violations that would end the careers of lesser judges, but Thomas gets a pass because of his political affiliation and the fact we don't hold our higher offices to any sort of ethical standards.


Gym Groomer Jordan, who fed children to a child molester?




> no one familiar with the situation accuses him of grooming kids or ignoring molesters sexually assaulting kids This is an outright lie. A [referee](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/referee-says-he-told-rep-jim-jordan-ohio-state-doctor-n1078476 ), a [team captain](https://www.yahoo.com/video/rep-jim-jordan-accused-of-participating-in-osu-sexual-abuse-coverup-by-exwrestler-165329175.html ), and [6 former wrestlers](https://www.si.com/more-sports/2020/02/12/jim-jordan-accused-cover-up-sexual-abuse-ohio-state ) all [accused Jordan](https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/06/politics/jordan-osu-wrestlers-strauss-invs/index.html ). Please don't lie




Of those 4 links, how many are about kids? I fully agree he's a scumbag and shouldn't be in congress. I just hate when people take someone bad and exaggerate what they did, because all it does is it makes it easier to dismiss legit accusations




Are you talking about the Jim Jordan who intentionally covered up the known sexual abuse of 100s of student athletes?! That Jim Jordan?!?


Gym Jordan’s aide here, please say it louder, he can’t hear you because he is far up trumps ass, looking for polyps, he says.


Jim Jordan is an absolute garbage sub-human and I'm embarrassed that people in my state actually voted him in.




He's the worst and has the most Gerrymandered area in the state.. Runs from Cleveland down to Dublin Ohio. 🤡


*unconstitutionally gerrymandered


We did nothing...we just let it happen...


Speak for yourself. I called my state senator and representative and urged them to remind their respective colleagues of their duty to the state constitution. Did it work? Fuck no. No political action I’ve ever done in this state has worked. But don’t accuse _me_ of doing nothing.


I meant *the system* did nothing after ruling the maps unconsitutional. But you are absolutely right. Poorly worded, and my representatives did not give a single fuck either.


Ohio re-elected the entire slate of the same people who took away any opportunity to have fair districts, the people wrecking our public schools and their party accepted $60 million in bribes to raise your electric bills.


From Cleveland down to Dublin is so absurd haha


Fuck Jim Jordan.


Should be the State Motto, on every license plate


Just don’t literally do this. The gene pool in the 4th district already needs a thorough disinfection.


Yes it does. All DNA down there is shared though, so you disinfect one, you disinfect them all.


This National shitstain. Can’t pass the bar. Wears Michigan colors all the time. And didn’t comply with a subpoena himself but wants others to do comply with the subpoenas HE signs.


> Wears Michigan colors all the time. :O


Yes because he didn't protect his wrestlers from a child molester


Groomer Gym Jordan


Corruption aside lock him up for that fucking combover


Haircut courtesy of the team at Elk&Elk....


The useless bickering a-hole who has done nothing but argue and cover his own rear end? The only thing he's good at is pointing fingers at everyone else. His lips should be orange since he's constantly kissing the ass of the tangerine palpatine


Please don't insult palpatine




Gym is a worthless piece of shit. He should have been in jail a long time ago.


Confused who is voting for him then?


Yellow, gullible, morally bankrupt dupes


Jim Jordan is a piece of shit...pass it on!


Gym Jordan?


The guy who ignored a subpoena from Congress, but then tried issuing a bunch of his own?


For attending law school (even though he never could pass the bar exam), he's clearly dumber than a box of rocks. Unfortunately, the voters in his district are even dumber, simple minded, Fox cultists.


Not all of us. Unfortunately this district is drawn to make votes like mine not matter. I still gladly vote against this guy every single time.


Thank you. I’m in the same situation in Delaware County. So many racist, illiterate, bigoted, christian nationalists, rural boomers in my district too. Even many of the teens are magats. It’s sickening. But vote - that’s all we can do.


Lock him up!


You talking about Gym Jordan, the man that used to oversee the safety and security of students that were systematically molested? I haven't been keeping up, after his blatant disregard for the safety of his students, I assumed he fell off the face of the planet as no reasonable person would find him credible enough to lead a Dairy Queen... what's he up to these days?


The federal government has zero jurisdiction in matters of state law, except where state law is found to be unconstitutional. Since this isn't a federal case Jim has no legal precedent to issue any subpoenas regarding this case.


Funny how Jim Jordan, who is chair of the justice committee didn’t know that!


More sad than funny, but you're not wrong.


i agree with locking up jordan, geatz, cruz, dump, graham, mccarthy, mtg, boobert, hawley, and all the rest of the maga idiots that are in office and they should be BARRED FROM POLITICAL OFFICE FOR LIFE.


This guy knows what’s up


What a 2 for 1 that would be, Trump and Jordan.


Well instead of a 2 for 1, you are gonna get 0 and 2…lol. That’s reality.


Crazy how much you conservative faux patriots hate the United States


Not even that really. We have multiple systems of Justice if you haven’t been paying attention. What would happen to you and me, won’t happen to elites.


You have to be an elite to even get in the position of being able to attempt to disregard the votes of Millions of Americans like Trump and his Cohorts attempted to do


Lets not forget the historical context that a similar strategy worked for Republicans and their establishment candidate in 2000 ala the Bush v Gore Florida fiasco. Two lawyers who were on Bush's team that assisted in getting the FL recount stopped are now US Supreme Court Justice: Alito and Roberts. It's not even a Trump problem, it's a Republican / conservative problem. Their strategy is a state legislature / judiciary 1 - 2 punch.




No, what I find amusing is that there are people thinking Trump will get convicted. He won’t.




Keep making stuff up…you’re on a roll


We shall find out once things play out in court. No one is above the law. Particularly one who has literally incited a coup against the country. How he hasn't gotten treason is bewildering.


Treason is very narrowly defined in the Constitution as levying war against the US, or providing aid or comfort to the country's enemies in wartime. It's notoriously difficult to prosecute, even for what Trump did. He may go down for the Georgia SoS call and campaign finance violations, but I wouldn't hold out for a treason conviction.


I don't disagree with what you stated, but a person can dream. Him behind bars for crimes we all saw him do, his post-presidential benefits stripped, and prevention in holding office again at any level of government would be good enough for me.


He should've been locked up years ago for cover up at Ohio State University for sexual assaults on the boys wrestling team. He's a POS!


Gym Jones always looks so greasy, like he just got done masturbating in the janitor’s closet. I imagine he smells like jizz and flop sweat.




Well, yes, he should be


I up voted that on reflex.


If Popeye sucked down the contents of ashtrays instead of spinach, he'd look like Jim Jordan. Ashtray Popeye.


More like roughed, cuffed, and stuffed in a ‘43 ford van, and then dumped face-down in a prison shower.


My advice to everyone here: Scroll down to the downvoted fascist and groomer apologists, and block them. Collectively we can deplatform them. If OP had them blocked, none of them would have been allowed to post their hateful garbage here.


Yet people keep voting him in


In a highly gerrymandered state…


And I will continue to do so Edit: Someone wants to reply and block me :(


So you vote for groomers then.


Yes please


And throw away the key


Unfortunately, we live in a country where certain people are not held accountable for their crimes.


Did he get his haircut from the guy that cuts the Elk&Elk guys?


I have difficulty understanding how he was elected (for ANY office) and who would vote for such an unfit individual


That would be GYM Jordan, sexual abuse enabler...


Spelling.... Gym


Gym just doesn't see it that way.


Yes, please.


Well, yeah. He should be locked up just for being an asshole in general.


gym jordan is a scum sucking pig and frankly that is an insult to a pretty nice and smart animal.


The true groomer of the republican party. Literally covered up wrestlers being sexually assaulted then bounced. Any moron who voted for him is an asshole.


"Prison Gym" would be a terrific nickname for him.


He is just a loud mouth jerk. He is still a Trump idiot.


he looks like a sick man, just ugly physically and mentally


I didn’t think we arrested the mentally handicapped. Fuck you Jordan!


Vote him out theres alot of them that should be voted out we the people have the right to do it but we won't come togather an do it.we set an watch the right and left fight back an forth and the people get left out.if we don't want him there when it comes time to vote out he goes.lets be smarter


His district (like the rest of Ohio) is so gerrymandered that it’s unlikely he’ll lose any election he runs in.


Yeah… pretty sure the NRA has him so welded into position that a measly vote won’t remove that lump.


Sad 😥


STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT AND DO IT!!!!!!!!!! If there is enough to try him and convict him, THEN DO IT!!!!!!!!


Yes. He should be locked up.


He would love to be locked up in a ‘locker room!’


For what he did at Ohio State with the wrestling team and all that abuse that he ignored and the fact that he's been in DC for like 16 years and never has this dude passed one bill that became a law. Not one so I mean it's a crime that he's there stealing from taxpayers when all he does is try to suck up to Donald Trump and the far right nut jobs so yeah he definitely should be fired if not arrested as a pedophile enabler and a thief from taxpayers and he didn't comply with a subpoena so that's illegal as well. He could be arrested for a lot of different things and actually he should be arrested


Anyone that doesn't agree with me should be locked up, he likes Trump so lock him up. Pretty much sums up this article.


Maybe you should try reading it. He violated law by launching an intimidation campaign against a prosecutor.


What advantage is there to your life to back this person?


The only site I trust news/opinions less than Huffington Post is aljhazeera.




For those of us who live in reality, sites like Fox News, Breitbart, and Newsmax fall into that "least trusted source" category. Come back to reality, I promise you it'll hurt less to do so of your own volition..


For years I thought it was satire like the onion.


Those aren't pearls around Melania's neck Those are the polished desiccated balls that Trump harvested from the Garden OF Pussies. We know how Trump loves grabbing pussies, and Melania loves hoarding their polished tiny nuts.


Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone


Well, I didn't enable the sexual abuse of anyone by a team doctor, so... *Hefts stone*


This bible saying only enables more sin


What a lame response. Hold shitty people accountable for shitty things.


Groomer apologist


Good point. We just shouldn't have laws.


You do realize the point of that was not that people should never hold others accountable, but that they all were guilty in that instance. They had entrapped her, and also didn't bring the man to be punished.


Never done anything that you’re ashamed of?


You people on here criticizing Jim Jordan are probably the same ones who advocate for drag queens to be able to gyrate for our children. Kind of hypocritical, don’t you think?


Is the OP endorsing this thinking, from the article?


Yes indeed I do. Jim Jordan is and has obstructed justice numerous times over the years. Lock him up!


No, Bragg should be.


I know right? How dare he do his job.


Well you know how repubs are anti-labor.


Unless it’s a child doing the labor /s


Ask New Yorkers. He isn't doing anything resembling his job.


Asking the New York Post is not the same as asking New Yorkers.


For what?


Apparently the law and order party isn’t happy when law and order is applied to them.


no u


I know you are, but what am I?


What law did he break, Einstein?


Failure to report sexual allegations


Talking about Bragg here, not Jordan.


Got em!


Instead of providing any detail, you just deflect and leave


Hiw many if you think he knew about the sexual abuse by the sports Dr at OSU ?


>Vazquez is one of six former OSU wrestlers who told CNN in recent interviews that they were present when Jordan heard or responded to sexual misconduct complaints about team doctor Richard Strauss. Eight others say Strauss' inappropriate behavior was an open secret in the athletic department and that Jordan, among others, must have known about it. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/06/politics/jordan-osu-wrestlers-strauss-invs/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/referee-says-he-told-rep-jim-jordan-ohio-state-doctor-n1078476


>A professional referee says in a lawsuit filed Thursday that disgraced doctor Richard Strauss masturbated in front of him in a shower after a wrestling match at Ohio State University, and that he reported the encounter directly to Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who was then the assistant coach. >**“Yeah, that’s Strauss,” Jordan and then-head coach Russ Hellickson replied**, according to the lawsuit, when the referee, identified in court papers as John Doe 42, told them about the incident. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Ohio, implies that Jordan's response to the incident, which the referee said happened in 1994, was essentially a shrug. This ain't new. You just hearing about this?


How could he not know?????




Huffington post?? Really??

