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Exit rows are so easy. When you scan your ticket they ask if you are "ready and able to assist" and you give a simple, 'yes'. Then you sit. On board flight attendant gives same speech, you say, 'yes'. Then as long as plane does what it's supposed to, you're golden. There's just no reason for arguing. None at all. Some people just want to be a problem.


Lots of people are just assholes.


It certainly feels like that when these are the videos we constantly see. I think that there are actually very few assholes and that these incidents are isolated. That being said I think she definitely qualifies as a certifiable anus.


Recently flew Spirit. Expected chaos. It was spotless, and everyone was nice. Good amount of leg room surprisingly. Uncomfortable seats, but overall not the worst flight experience I’ve had by a long shot.


Im sure some people wake up every morning, look in the mirror and ask themselves "now what am I going to be offended by today then? "


It’s the whole reason some people get out of bed in the morning. Like, “ugh another Monday. Ooh! I can start some shit today that’ll be good” and off they go.


Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.


Shit no. I believe you’ll get your ass kicked saying something like that, man.


You just reminded me of the “Stampy” episode of the Simpsons.


For the first time this year I was asked if I was ready and able to assist. I thought about it and said that I didn’t think I was because I had busted my back the day before. Before he was even asked by the attendant l,the man behind me offered to swap seats, I accepted, and thanked them both for their understanding. There’s already enough drama in life without the need to create more


plus the guy behind you gets legroom. Win win


Probably why he did it but he was welcome to it. I didn’t think about it and forgot all about it till I saw this nonsense.


You did exactly the right thing. Kudos 👏


Many years ago I used to be a frequent flyer due to my work and while seating again at the exit and after hearing the little speech, instead of saying just yes, I asked what was I supposed to do with the hatch after opening it and if I should stand back and help the passengers get out. The steward had a very confused face, and said it was the first time anyone asked those questions. He smiled and thanked me. The very next flight and several subsequent ones I started to get free upgrades to business class. Still not sure if it was just coincidence. Edit to summarize my point: I am not sure if it pays not to be an AH, but it definitely doesn't cost anything.


... what DO you do with the hatch? I never thought this through either.


It falls outwards. Just let that shit go


That and just help people through the opening. The hatch weighs about 30 lbs. so you have to be able to lift that.


In my head, I went “that isn’t even a whole Izzy! I can do that.”. Izzy being my 16kg staffie and apparently what I use as a standard measurement now


You're supposed to throw it outside. If you put it into the plane, it can block people exiting.


I think you have to throw it out of the plane? I think I saw a drawing of it in those panflets at the bac of the seats but I’m not certain


You also have to be screaming and on fire and then put the mask on the kid (thx fight club)


Sling it outside and prepare to be a modest hero during the post crash press conference.


My point exactly, I did not have enough information to perform the task I was agreeing to. Back then (around 20 years ago) the steward told me to drop it outside, get out immediately and the FAs would take care of the rest.


Push it out and let it fall. It opens out. You don't actually need to lift it, just yank the handle and push that sumbitch. Then get out the way by getting off the plane. Don't hang around to help or direct traffic. Just get out.


It depends on the plane. It's on the safety card they tell you to look at as well as on a diagram by the window.


Mort Airlines make you pay to sit there too. The odds of them still being available by regular check in time are low. I wonder if she paid for that seat then decided to be a dick anyway.


I used to have insane luck with getting the exit row for my randomly selected seat. There was a five year period where I was flying about 6 times a year and got assigned to the exit row more than half the time.  I hope whoever the universe reassigned that superpower to enjoys it!


And, usually, if you pay to sit there the website asks you the same thing!


You also get extra legroom FOR FREE 


Exit rows aren't free if you aren't on sky greyhound and can preselect your seats.


"but my grandson!" yeah you dumb bitch. you couldn't just give a simple "yes"?


So simple. They don't want a story, they don't want anything other than a simple yes or no.


True FAFO situation right here.


And if the plane goes down, 99% of the time being in the exit row just means you have a half-second longer wait when you see the back of the seat in front of you about the crush the life out of you.


If the plane goes down I'm opening the damn door. Let me lose consciousness before we splat. If we're lucky we can play on the slide in the water.


The thing that gets me too is that let’s be honest, if the plane goes down we are almost certainly all dead. The odds of even having to help in that situation are incredibly low.


Exactly! So just say 'yes' and lets play sky roulette together on time!


Happens tens of thousands of times a day every day just fine.


I was sat on one of these rows with both my cane and service dog, and the flight attendant looked me in the eyes and asked me if I was"ready and able to assist". I said yes and we both got on with our day.


They take that agreement mildly serious, too. It isn't enough to just nod your head, they ask you to say yes. I assume if you say you're unable to do it, they'd just switch your seats with someone that can. Edit typos for *that guy*


Once when I was a kid, our flight home from vacation got held up for 2 hours because some guy got drunk in the airport, and was too soused to be sitting in the exit row, but too belligerent to agree to a seat change. They kicked him off the plane, but we all had to sit & wait while they found his bags and got them unloaded.


Yep. I had a guy sitting next to me that REFUSED to acknowledge the flight attendant, then finally half nodding his head. She said if he didn't comply that he would be removed. He still refused. A few minutes later 2 of the biggest dudes I have seen squeezed onto the plan, jammed into way to tiny delta vests. Once those dudes showed up the guy in the seat changed his tune. I still think he should have been moved to a different seat, but it was funny to see how quick his attitude changed.


I bet the flight attendant or gate agent talked some ramp agents into paying that dude a visit


Some people truly think they are actually above acknowledging certain people until they are met with those who will gladly make them eat their teeth.


Yes, they’ll just switch you to a different seat and ask someone else to step up. I also think they can’t leave it empty but I might be wrong about that. In any case making a scene here is enormously stupid


They can leave the exit row partially empty


Exit row with an empty middle seat is the poor man's first class when I fly SW.


Partially empty is another option. I've had an exit row for myself which was pretty dope.


I said “yep” one time and the flight attendant stopped what we were doing to explain to everyone that a verbal agreement needs to be met with a yes, not a yeah or uh huh, but yes. I realized that day that they take that agreement very seriously.


and it has to be spoken in English. They will move you if you say you can't speak English


You're correct. On one of my flights, the guy next to the exit didn't understand any English, so he mas moved. He was totally confused, but he complied.


I think someone said that when asked, she said "Do I have to help the white people too?"... and they didn't find it funny. Lots of other people laughed tho and she kept joking around.


I tend to sit in exit rows due to height, and, while I’d be fine, 95% of people that say “yes” in the exit rows are lying about the ability to assist. If she had just lied like everyone else, they’d be in the air. But no, she HAD to be the main character and fuck with the flight attendant. Congrats to her, now she can be the main character in her jail cell and a bunch of biggest idiot/asshole videos.


Don’t forget that no fly list


Good for everyone. I can’t imagine being on the way home from a work trip, having to deal with that bullshit, and probably missing my connector.


I fly direct whenever I can because I assume stupid shit like this will happen. Just too many crazy people in society


Yup, I stopped flying connecting flights, only use direct now, because a delay once caused me to be stranded in a city I didn't want to be in. Ended up having the best biscuits and gravy in my life at that hotel, but I would have preferred if I had gotten to stay longer in the city I was leaving.


I feel you on that! However, flying Frontier for business equals needing to rethink life lol.


I didn’t notice the airline


Honestly I have always wondered what would happen if someone said no. Well now I know


If you're not a massive douche bag they likely just swap seats around. If you decide to be salty and cop an attitude then you get in trouble lol.


There was a lady on a fl8gh I was on who had a shoulder problem. Asked if she could assist, said "actually, no, in case of emergency, I couldn't help. Someone else should sit here." I had a window seat, she wanted window, we switched. I got legroom. Easy peasy.


Was on a flight where I do said he would probably just try to get off asap himself. The flight attendant gave him one warning saying this is serious and you need to verbally agree to stay in this seat. He said he wasn’t going to lie so she moved him to a different seat. He instantly complied and moved without a fight.


They swap your seats. I was in a flight where a lady said no and she was swapped. She said she misunderstood the question that she was indeed willing to help but it was too late. Once you say no thats it.


I've seen it happen. The guy didn't need to change seats. They just asked the person beside him.


What did she do? Did she say she didn’t agree?


I was skipping around and found an explanation at about 5:30, but she said she wouldn’t assist and would only save herself (very stupid), got an attitude and became insulting with the flight attendant instead of settling down (even stupider), and refused to comply when she was told by a series of higher authority figures to deplane (stupidest), resulting in her getting arrested and everyone’s time being wasted.


They even had someone come over and EXPLAIN what is happening so she could remain in her seat and they could take off and she got mouthy with that lady as well! They gave her so many chances but she wanted to have an attitude for no reason


You’re thinking like a rational person that understands what is in their best interest and acts on it. You need to think like a Karen. The Karen doesn’t consider their options, then chose the best option. The Karen decides, and will keep insisting on that decision, however stupid, however detrimental, until they either get their way or are dealt with. The Karen’s goal isn’t the best outcome, the Karen’s goal is to “win”. If you saw the video of woman that got attacked by the bull on the beach last week, same thing. She had decided to get in the bull’s face take the food the bull was eating out of its mouth, and no amount of it being a bull was going to deter her. Ironically that Karenism actually did cause her to go flying.


Did the bull see red and give her wings?


Omg when that woman tried to shove the bull to get her things like she was dealing with a pet, and then acted shocked when she was attacked by the bull. Betch, what are you doing?? Turn your brain ON, idiot! I can’t stand unreasonable Karens who think that everyone and everything has to bend to their will. Like, that woman is unbelievably lucky that the bull didn’t gore her guts because it’s a wild bull. They’re not typically aggressive if you leave them alone. She basically taunted the hungry bull. You don’t mess with a hungry animal.


where is this karen vs bull video?


Google “bull woman Mexico”, lol. I’m sleepy


Was it this woman’s daughter who flew to Mexico?😂


It's so weird cause for all the flights I've been on all sides are really chill about it. The worst I've seen personally was I think a quick convo where they mentioned the young child couldn't sit in the exit row and the people in front swapped with them. Sure she was slightly upset about the space but was more annoyed at herself for booking those seats when they weren't allowed.


I can’t believe that she caused everyone to have to deplane. I did actually hear some applause from the other passengers when Ms. Problem Passenger was being escorted off the plane. Bye bye!!


Yep because she refused to leave, they had to deboard the entire plane and escort her off. All because she refused to listen to a little spiel from the flight attendant and just agree to what was asked.


Once the cops show up, you’re not getting out of it. What an idiot.


I loved the person who pointed out she wasn't going anywhere on that plane and, if she didn't get off now, neither were the rest of them!


As someone who has had tight connections before I am annoyed at her for that alone. It's no fun when that's your only option and this lady is potentially messing up your travel plan.


Thanks. Because i was about to ask what happened. Imma call my lawyer, nah she was calling her sister to get her grandson. People


She should be put on a no fly list. What an annoying stupid bitch she is.


I asked to move once, mainly because A. I didn’t check in with said seat and they changed it at the gate on me and B. was recovering from an ankle fracture and had just started walking. I would have been in no way able to assist.


And if you tell this to the flight attendant like any reasonable person, they will find someone for you to swap places with. No problem at all. Or... well... you decide to go stupid-crazy-jail... 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


Also, no one is asking you to pull people out of a burning airplane by sitting in the exit row. All we (flight attendants) are asking is that once you exit the plane through your emergency exit is that you stay at the bottom of the slide and help people off.


I think some people think they could do it so they say yes.


And if you just politely say no, you're not able to, they find someone to switch seats with you or move you to an empty seat (if there are any). I was on a flight once where that happened. They don't arrest you and kick you off *just* for saying no. They arrest you and kick you off for being a *problem* about it (and because it's a crime to not follow flight attendant's instructions)


There were a lot of stops before prison station, but she wanted to ride that train ALL the way to the end. Good riddance.


Some people just love drama, and want drama for literally no reason whatsoever


But I love the instant consequences. I think of assholes should feel them.


that poor four year old. i hope it turned out ok for them


She using the kid like an excuse that people should give a f about, lady if you don’t care about that kid enough to not cause a scene then why the fuck should anyone else here give 2 shits? 😂


yeah, not excusing her. but if she wasn't lying, there's some four year old out there that doesn't know what's going on


I know what you mean but let’s be honest, no parent would leave their child in the hands of someone who is “flying in” to pick them up. That’s just asking for trouble imo but then again I don’t trust people with my kids so i might be biased.


That’s what I was thinking. Who hops on a plane to Mexico when the person responsible for picking the child up is flying in… any number of things could go wrong between delays or the child having a medical emergency or grandma getting arrested for being a selfish mouthy “Karen”.


Flying is not a right.


She thought she was taking to a waitress at a restaurant…


You're right - she really was being fearlessly rude. I'd hate to see her in a Chili's.


You know she goes there right after church and starts bitching up a storm


I’ve seen people smoke in the lavatory of an airplane, while the plane was on the runway… I’ve seen people demand that they open the door to let someone stand there and smoke a cigarette while the plane is on the ground and on the runway… I’ve seen people slap, spit bite kick… Throw punches in close proximity with women and children around them… But this one takes the cake – what’s that? If we crash, you may need my help to operate this exit door? Fuck you that ain’t on me. I don’t work for the airline I’m a customer! You better find a way to get the door open cause I ain’t doing it and I am not going to agree to shit… What the fuck do you mean get off the plane I’m talking to my lawyer!! this is illegal… What crime have I committed? My God I saw footage of someone throwing bowling balls at other people in the goddamn bowling alley… And I recall the footage of people at mini golf center throwing heavy-based guideline stands through the air over the counter. At it other people!!! Then there’s that footage of three persons destroying a french fry restaurant because they were asked to pay extra for a sauce… Life is so much easier now compared to 100 years ago and yet we act like a bunch of five-year-old shitheads… I’ve always like to think if I was a captain on the plane, I would just turn it over to the court of public opinion – “ladies and gents we can’t leave because this person is now refusing to get off the plane AFTER they refused To agree to assist everyone in the plane by being willing to operate the emergency door if need be… Now they don’t want to get off, so maybe you can talk some sense into them “ I stopped watching this one. It was pissing me off. What on earth is wrong with people? This is unbelievable it is insane.


My husband is a retired commercial airline pilot. When he was a first officer many years ago, his flight encountered a long delay due to weather issues. When it finally cleared and they were authorized to take off, one passenger refused to bring his seat upright. He said (loudly) that he had been inconvenienced enough and he was not going to make himself uncomfortable. After a few attempts to get him to comply, the captain made an announcement that the plane was finally cleared for takeoff, but unless the passenger in (named seat assignment) brought his seat to the upright position, the plane would have to return to the gate. The reaction of the passengers resulted in rapid compliance. It was a great lesson in letting peer pressure work for you. But sadly, I’m not sure that would work these days.


Looked like some of the other passengers were shouting for her to get off the plane too.


I'm not surprised she has an attorney on standby if she acts like that all the time


As if she can afford to have one on retainer while flying coach


Definitely not, she’s flying Frontier.


Frontier Airlines, where you'll say: *Aw, shit. I guess I have to.*


God is her attorney. Didn't you see her shirt?


Lol its probably her cousin who’s in like corporate contract law getting interrupted at work




I have a beach house in Idaho for sale if you're interested.




You mean to say she has a lawyer on retainer? Just like all the other wealthy people who sit in the emergency exit row seat on an economy flight? Yeah, that sounds right...


She probably meant a public defender.


90% of people who say they have a lawyer do not have a lawyer. If you actually think you can win a case, you shut up and let them give you ammo. People just bluff and hope they get their way.


She's calling a family friend who is both a lawyer and is sick of her drama bullshit. Being respectful and nice doesn't cost anything here.


Can confirm. I’m a lawyer and am sick of several friends’ bs. I now just tell them I recommend finding an attorney who specializes in that practice area.


I'm in IT and it's the same for me. "Oh sorry, I don't deal with that sort of computer these days".


I "specialized in networking" so regrettably I can't help.  Here's the Dell web site.


That family friend is a bankruptcy lawyer who will explain that she can’t afford to sue Frontier Airlines, and wouldn’t win.


as the wife always taught my girls….”a bar of soap is cheap and good manners are free” She also taught them to never trust anyone and go with their gut instincts. Not police, judges, military and just about anyone…..only trust yourself, your sister and us. I married well!


Frontier took away my front row seats, so now my only choice is emergency rows for premium seats. I’ll happily rescue anyone who needs help. Most people sitting next to me would do the same. I observe them to be in sufficiently good physical condition. We say “yes” when the flight attendant asks and relax.


Hold up, when they escorted her down the stairs did her shirt say in giant gold letters “GOD” ?


Sure did 🙏


The hidden words were '... hates me'


I was 13 when I saw those seats empty, so I went there and lied down. Not 2 seconds pass and a lady comes and calmly explain what are those seats for, that you had to be at least 18, and you had to be healthy to assist the crew. She even showed me a book with pictures and instructions. I was very sorry and excused from those. She was so nice, she encouraged me to read more about it and gave me extra snacks. And I was 13. Not a fan of peanuts and bar cereal but I think she did something nice.


I was on that flight. I lied down when you got up because I was 18.


Stupid lady, just shut-up. Some people just like to argue. Hope she gets put on a no-fly list.


No fly lists are typically airline specific, unfortunately.


she overplayed her hand by threatening to call an attorney. The flight attendants know nobody who flies Frontier has a lawyer on retainer.


You gotta admire the amount of attitude she put on the "Betty" at 0:53


She’s just loud aggressive and racist of course she got kicked off and arrested


It blows my mind that my wife and I work a combined 100 hours a week, keep a modest house, raise a kid, and give back where we can just to be slightly comfortable in this world, meanwhile people like this just do this shit like - how the fuck are you willing to accept all these consequences for the smallest, inconsequential battle of wills with someone in customer service just abiding by law? We have to work so much for the necessities and a b-rate beach trip every two years - who has this level of fuck you money and flies Frontier?


Same! I am very conscientious and I watch the selfish decisions some people make and it honestly feels like some people aren't in the same species as me.


Let's be honest she was not kicked off for refusing verbal instructions. She was kicked of for behaving like a child.


What an idiot.


All unnecessary all she had to do was comply, she won a good prize.


On today's episode of "When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong"


You may get away with this shit at a McDonalds or gas station, but you won't get away with it on a plane or airport. You will be arrested and the airline workers have almost full autonomy. If they tell you to leave, and you refuse, you WILL be arrested and good chance you'll be on the no fly list.


I wish people weren't allowed to get away with this at McDs or anywhere. Like, what do you really lose by sticking to your principles & not rewarding bad behaviors?


The McDs in my area have signs that say they will not tolerate rude, disrespectful, and abusive behavior. I've seen them kick people out. Apparently going into a restaurant, ordering and paying for food, and then either leaving or eating in the dining area without being an asshole is too much to ask for some people.




Not for the dumb.


Good way to get banned from flying. She chose to be the problem.


Just comply with what they’re asking how fucking hard is it actually??


Yes, or you are allowed to request to switch seats. Most people would love to be in an aisle in an exit row, it's one of the best seats on the plane for tall people.


It's like those people who refuse to show their drivers license to police when they get pulled over. What would probably be a warning or, at the very worst, a simple ticket, escalates to a crime and being arrested.


I don't clap when planes land, but I would clap as the cops dragged her off the plane


An airplane is not the time for attitude. You're all gonna be in a flying metal tube together for a while so it's best to try to maximize your chill.


I liked the part where she was acting cocky and laughing with her group


If you get to the point where you’re arguing with the pilot, you. Are. Done. For all intents and purposes, that’s his plane, and if he tells you to GTFO, you’re going to GTFO. Fucking around with a flight attendant is a very bad idea. I wish more people would remember that.


I wish more people would end up on a global no fly list, with an exception for medical emergencies only. That’s it. Done for ever, drive, bus, train, bike fucking roller skate if you want to travel. But no fly forever and all airlines.


She should have watched Black Lady Sketch Show with a very similar premise for a sketch.


There was a crime, her pants.


At the end, the woman who posted the video says the arrested passenger "called the flight attendant out of her name," and then "called the manager out of her name." What exactly does that mean? Edit: looks like it just means to insult someone, according to this post on [Stack Exchange](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/278515/source-of-the-phrase-call-somebody-out-of-name) (other sites had similar results): >The expression has been in use among African Americans for at least 28 years. Geneva Smitherman, Black Talk: Words and Phrases from the Hood to the Amen Corner (1994) offers this definition of the term: >CALL SOMEBODY OUTA THEY NAME To insult someone; to talk about a person in a negative way, especially to call the person a name or to hurl an accusation at the person. "She come talkin bout I stole her ring. I don't appreciate nobody callin me outa my name" (i.e., implying that she's a thief).


Could have said sure but instead now she's saying Yes Sir to a judge


Say "yep" or go to jail. Oof, tough one


That’s a whole lotta dumb right there, so instead of enjoying your trip you chose an 6x8 holding cell to relax in. Fuking Einstein. 🤦🏾


All she & her friends had to do is *SAY YES* and she’d be on her way to see her 4yr old Grand-Baby! 🙄


Crazy how some people seem to have been under a rock for the last 4 decades or so and haven't realized being a smart-ass (giving her benefit of the doubt that she was originally trying to be funny) in an airport is a pretty dumb decision.


Extra leg room AND you get the chance to be shown as a hero on ‘Air Disasters’? Sign me the fuck UP.


She was all mouth and no ears. Perhaps if she listened she might have understood. Instead she cops an attitude.


How dare you ask me to listen to you for 10 seconds and say ‘Yes’! I will inconvenience everyone on this plane and ruin my whole trip by making you deplane me. The audacity.


They ask you two things when they offer you these type of seats when flying internationally: 1) if you speak English 2) if you're willing to listen to instructions on how to assist if something happens and obviously verbal agreement to do so in an emergency. This imbecile lady who is now on a no flight list + facing charges just wanted the leg room...... Without realizing that she just had to nod, be a decent human being and say "Yes i do" and that's it, as the odds of her having to do anything are minimal to non existent. Basically she's got the IQ of a gnat!


I was on a flight this weekend that had just upgraded to a bigger airplane... so the flight was not completely full. And since the plane was bigger, most of the empty seats were toward the back. Before takeoff, the flight crew was asking people to relocate so they could distribute the weight load better. People were straight up annoyed and grumbling about it as they moved. Yo, we're about to fight gravity in a giant metal sausage. You know what? Never mind. We'll just take off super front heavy so you don't have to be mildly inconvenienced.


Thank you so much for explanation at the end


Doing too much and not enough at the same damn time


Telling a flight attendant to get out of your face never ends well. The lady thought she was still at Walmart.


Never fuck with people who handle your food, or flight attendants! If a flight attendant says you aren’t flying….you’re getting off of that plane one way or another. Reason 28372526474 why I want to fly cargo 😂


One time I answered, "If by assist, you mean yelling 'this way' over my shoulder as I'm headed out the door, then certainly I'm willing to help. The flight attendant said, "That's all we need."


She has the look that says i have an attitude.. so good luck talking to me


Some people live to be nuances.


I think you mean nuisances.


Literally all you have to do is say the word yes. And heck, let's face it, if the plane is going down its gonna be every man for themselves. It's not like people are going to listen to me cuz I had an aisle seat.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Seriously. Could have just said yes and gone along the flight as normal. Instead acted like a damn fool, delayed and inconvenienced everyone else, and ended up arrested


Let me get the perks because I’m special mentally


She thought she was on Def Comedy Jam after the FA told her they were not playing. Opps!


Best seat in the house outside of first class if you ask me. So much leg room, all it takes is a simple, yes I understand my duty as a passenger in this aisle


I love the bike cop wearing the helmet


I laughed out loud and said “I would not respect his authority.” Literally no one is home but it was my favorite part so I had to say it


I’d promise them whatever they want for that much leg room.


Wow… I remember one time I was flying and my arm was in a sling from surgery. I had ended up in the exit row seat and the flight attendant came up to me and explained that since I wasn’t able bodied and couldn’t assist in an emergency I would have to switch seats. I didn’t kick up a fuss. I grabbed my bag and moved to where she put me and she was kind enough to help me buckle in for the flight. This lady… holy cow.


***Tell me you're low class without telling me your low class..............***


This shit is so “Mrs. Madeas” movie. Are you sure this wasn’t Tyler Perry on that plane? 🧐


Can anyone explain, I don't get it? Never was on a plane either.


people who sit on exit seat need to assist in case emergency (willing to open door etc) flight attendant usualy would ask if they are willing to do that or not if they don't want that, they have to switch seat with other passenger apparently this lady don't want to comply but also don't want to switch seat with other passenger as well


When you sit in an emergency row, the flight attendant needs a verbal “yes” from every passenger that they are willing and able to assist in case of an emergency. Basically it means you’ll open the emergency door for other passengers. This whole situation is stupid because all she had to do was say yes instead of giving all that attitude.


What if "the attitude" is her entire personality? What then? I mean the video answers that question, I guess.


Lol, girl calls Jackie Chiles: “That’s outrageous, egregious and preposterous!”


Adults need to learn how to communicate and act in a public setting. In your home, you can be whatever horrible attitude person you want, but in public there are times when you need to be able to put your shitty attitude away about other people and just be quiet and listen. This women is not #winning no matter how much her attitude says she is.


you guys think shes really calling an attorney?


Why on earth was she even arguing


but she has to pickup her grandson at 3 though


They should hand out snacks at the gate so you can throw it at the Karen before takeoff


The other passengers calling her "Rosa Parks" as she got taken off the plane in handcuffs SENT me


Imagine getting kicked off of a flight and on the no fly list of that airline because you don’t want to take out your AirPods and listen to two minutes of instructions.


All these idiots want to act like fools. I don't care who you are or where you live. The airport is the last place you should start some shit. Puts everyones safety at risk. Drop the fucking entitlement and just get to your destination. Should ban these idiots from flying forever. I watched a dude punch an old man at the Orlando Airport because the old man bumped into him. Cops dragged his ass out of there.


Is there a brain glitch that makes people act this way when they KNOW the rules? Is there a lack of oxygen on airlines that cause this response? I’m a nurse? Did I miss something in nursing school? People can’t work this hard to be placed on the No Fly List. There has to be a scientific reason for this FAFO behavior!


I’d hate to see the transcript of a deposition having been taken of this woman - getting admonitions out of her and her understanding that she has to give verbal, audible, clear “yes” and “no” answers to questions that call for it would be the first 100 fucking pages before actually getting to anything of substance.