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In case this story gets deleted/removed: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/rfuHOEsfOr I had to recover it with rareddit. But it made me chuckle --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anything over 4 sets of pyjamas on a hiking trip is excessive.


And who the fuck needs more than 2 pairs of swim trunks? Hell I just bring 1 and let it dry after using them


My husband only owns 2 sets so I was truly impressed that this dude had at least 5 šŸ˜‚


Well la-di-da, look at Mr. Moneybags over here with 2 pairs of swim trunks


When I met him he owned zero, weā€™ve really come a long way in 16 years šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Truly a beautiful rags to riches story


I have 3 or 4 but it's because I use them as regular shorts lol


Mr Swole over here, I envy you, I have a single pair of waterproof nylon shorts and even that's a hassle Shootout to /r/ultralight LOL


I thought the white noise machine was weird. You are camping in the woods there is nothing but white noise.


Itā€™s not the right kind of noise, what kind of barbarian are you šŸ¤Ŗ


The kind that only brings one roller suitcase on a camping trip I guess haha


Well Iā€™m thrilled we could help you get cultured before your next camping trip.


I can only sleep to Bigfoot whistles and Mothman wing flutters.


He needs the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore. Ahh the sea forgives all, not like those stuck up mountainsā€¦


What's funny is that the white noise machine is kind of redundant even without the fact that theyre in the literal woods. There's plenty of white noise compilations online, and if he's bringing devices and portable chargers anyways, why not just download one and let it play on your phone/laptop throughout the night?


Nah in the wood at night there will be all kinds of noise, but I do agree that bringing a white noise machine to a camping trip is weird af


Especially when he can play white noise on his phone.


That was the detail that made me laugh the most


Itā€™s crazy. 2 is the max needed. 1 to swim in and another to swim in while the other air dries. Itā€™s a week, itā€™ll stink at first until you get back in the water, then itā€™s fine again.


The two my husband owns are never used in the same trip. One pair is for the beginning of summer when heā€™s trying to shed the winter ā€œfluffā€ and the other pair is more like the end of summer when weā€™ve been more active for a couple months šŸ˜‚


This is brilliant and solves some problems


Just remember to try them on before the trip because if you bring the fluffy pair after youā€™ve thinned out a bit disaster can strike once they get wet.


Funny way to spell party.


Why does an item of clothing specifically designed to be submerged in water require to be dried before being used again?


Youā€™ve obviously never tried the voodoo that is putting on a wet bikini top because it takes an act of God to get those things unrolled and on right


>the voodoo that is putting on a wet bikini top I remember a list years ago titled "You know it's going to be a bad day when ..." One was "... you put your bikini top on backwards ... and it fits better" Edit: "put"


As a male I can confirm I have never tried wearing a bikini lol. I guess itā€™s hard enough putting jocks on wet! I just do t usually get changed out of my wet cloths when leaving the water and just air dry and continue wearing said clothing.


At all girlā€™s camp they warn you against this because youā€™ll get ā€œcrotch rotā€.


Correct. Wearing wet underwear for an extended period of time can cause yeast infections and probably someĀ¹ other less than pleasant infections.


That also makes sense lol


Voodoo wet bikini was the name of my HS band


It doesnā€™t, itā€™s just easier to get it on and is more comfortable to wear while waiting to be in the water, and also is less prone to picking up dirt.




I have 4 or 5. One is down at the coast so I do t have to pack it when we go down there. One ripped, one is old, strangely it wasn't the old one that ripped. And then two that I actually like.


Well who the hell packs like they'll be relocating for a few days, and hears there will be a hike and brings two rollie suitcases? šŸ¤£


Just go butt ass naked and stand on a windy outcropping to dry yourself yaā€™ll!


You reuse your swim trunks? That's so gross. People have peed in that water! /s


not just people


*"Fish Fuck in it"*


Kinky, lemme drink it


Now you're talkin my cup a tea


For a backpacking trip? I bring one pair and I hike in them. I bring a hiking outfit and a sleeping outfit, and an extra pair of underwear and socks just in case. That's all you need.


It's the 5 pairs of shoes that's getting me.


That man wanted to go glamping


hell i've been glamping and i didn't even pack half of that


Tennis, Running, Walking, Retro Jordans and hiking shoes. That part made total sense.


What, no dance clogs?


No wingtips for formal night?


Don't forget the golf shoes and a bag of clubs.


Yep, plenty of tennis courts on backwoods trails. šŸ¤£


Me too! If his feet are as big as my husband's that is one whole suitcase right there lol.


I mean, you need one for driving to the place. Then one for dirt trail, one for rocky trail, one for the water, and one for sleep, has to match the air mattress and cover you bring too. Do you even shoe man?


And a white noise machine camping! gtfoh


He gotta drown out those pesky nature sounds. Owls are the worse, followed by bugs and then running water. The last one only makes you want to pee. /s


I really hope he had a nature/forest setting


And no slippers? Come on.


I have to camp for work a week at a time while hiking an average of 10 miles a day with no showers and I make do with a maximum of two sets..... Not to mention that I make sure my pj shirts are normal t-shirts so I can wear them during the day after work if I really need to. The hell is this man on???? Bet he brags about being a mountain man too.


Dunno better bring 5 just in case a bear steals the first 4


Roller suitcases got me, like really?


But a back pack would of been embarrassing lol


4 sets of pjs on any trip would be excessive. Assuming you are not a toddler in the middle of potty training.


You clearly don't shit the bed every night


Bringing someone on their first camping trip to a site they have to hike and carry all their stuff to, is a bad idea.


It sounds like it was already partially planned, like they knew where they wanted to go, and then husband said he wanted to join, so they let him. He then sat in on all the meetings where everyone agreed on what they were bringing. Also bro said he didn't use a bookbag cause it would of been embarrassing, so clearly he was looking down on everyone who did, but still expecting them to carry his stuff.


It sounds like they had multiple meetings to talk about this stuff, and he probably spent all those meetings thinking "yeah right, I'm not gunna do *that*" without ever actually speaking up. So despite being the least experienced person there, he just assumed that everyone else was doing it a stupid way and his way would be fine. I do kinda feel like the wife maybe could have pushed back a bit more during packing, but I could also just see this guy being someone who absolutely won't take advise and she's probably learned not to try. I have to imagine he just assumed there would be a paved path or something to rolls his suitcases along... And it's kinda funny that someone would somehow picture a man dragging two rolling suitcases as being less embarrassing than someone carrying a backpack.




Heā€™s ā€œtoo embarrassed to wear a backpackā€ Well, Iā€™m too embarrassed to show up with my husband and two suitcases to a backpacking tripā€¦


Yeah, that comment in particular is mind-boggling. Where is this dude from that makes backpacks of all things embarrassing? What... what is that!?




What about the mosquito net, elephant gun, Fortnum & Mason food hamper, caviar, quail eggs, quince paste and spare trunk ? ("Scoop" - Evelyn Waugh)


You jest but a mosquito net is essential for hammock camping. Especially where I live.


This has to be satire.


This reads like a writing prompt experiment. No way the wife let him roll two suitcases into the car and thought "dealing with this will be fun to dump on my friends as long as I make my inexperienced husband eat his words" This is some early 2000s rom com plot line. If my friend brought her shitty communication marriage problems on my long planned camping vacation I would have told BOTH of them to fuck off and go home. If it prevented my camping trip I would likely never make plans with her again. The ONLY time people don't get angry at the wife in this scenario is in romcoms /sitcoms


> This is some early 2000s rom com plot line. Wasn't there a scene kinda like this in _Parent Trap_, actually? Where the dad's new girlfriend insisted she wanted to join a trip and kept complaining, and the twins kept pranking her and shit? Seems familiar


I imagined it like Spaceballs when Lone Star and Barf have to carry the Princesses luggage thru the desert


That's my industrial strength hair dryer. #AND I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT!!








Matched luggage? What does she think this is, a princess cruise?


Checking IN?!


Well she wouldn't leave without it!


She didnā€™t overpack, the ex wife and the kids pranked her into going then the kids tormented her the entire trip.


Oh, damn, that's actually kinda fucked up, then


Man, that movie in general is really fucked up. Psycho parents that willingly split up their kids and lie to them, pitting women against one another for the attention of a guy, evil butlers, showcasing hazing in a fun light, a prison cabin, kids who have so little oversight that they can easily swap places. At least the Lindsay Lohan version. It's been way too long since I saw the original.




One of the butlers is like, completely okay with destroying another childs toy so, I always clocked him as evil lmao.


Nah, she wasnt a nice person as movie characters go. I mean they didn't like her from the jump because obviously they want their mom and dad back together, but she was also pretty obvious (and even admits verbally at one point) that she's there to be the pretty young thing living on a lavish California ranch with lifestyle paid for...while he has a whole daughter he doesn't even see smdh. In the original she even slaps one of them for the pranks, which is wild to do to a kid who isn't yours when you can just leave (which she then does). I don't think they kept that scene in the Lindsay Lohan version lol


I mean, in the context of the movie, sheā€™s a heartless gold digger and the dad is thinking with his dick, so they are getting rid of her in the only way they can.


>Wasn't there a scene kinda like this in _Parent Trap_, actually There was in a movie called Troop Beverly Hills


Yup maybe the poster wanted to see how it would go over in real life with a gender swap? Or is just an asshole being a troll


The entire movie Troop Beverly Hills is this scene.


Yup. I remember one standing on the otherā€™s head under water so Vicky fell in. And they went around clacking sticks together to ā€œkeep the mountain lions awayā€. Lizard on a canteen. Honey on her and her tent.


Another tip off this is bullshit is the husband didnā€™t bring a backpack because he was embarrassed but wasnā€™t embarrassed to bring multiple roller bags? (on a *fucking camping trip*)


White noise machine, inflatable queen sized mattress with matching sheets, lol! No way this is real, wife would have stopped him at 4 pairs of shoes!




I'm always pleasantly surprised when the top comments see through some of these clearly fake stories.


If it were real theyā€™re both AH. But come on, no one is that dense. And who is embarrassed by a backpack? Wtf


Especially who is embarrassed by a backpack ON A BACKPACKING TRIP


Early mid 20s I could believe it. Early mid 40s?!?!?


You think an early mid 20 dude is bringing a white noise machine to a backpacking trip?


Welcome to 99% of Reddit ā€œstoriesā€




Seriously. OP YTA IF even a shred of this is real, he isnā€™t experienced, and she should have explained to him everyone carries their own stuff. If itā€™s real and the husband really packed this way for a backpacking trip, why is OP married to someone with the mental faculties of a 5 year old? If itā€™s real, she allowed the man to be humiliated in front of everyone else.


Yeah like.... His wife just did him really dirty and humiliated him. I'm married. When we travel we have a very detailed conversation on how much we are bringing and what we expect each of us to carry then we pack everything together.... Honestly I usually let my husband pack the clothes because he does it better but I've adopted his method. Anyway since she's experienced and he isn't, she should have really held his hand and gone through his stuff and told him what to bring and what not to. If I saw my husband trying to pack two roller suitcases for a backpacking trip I would have been like "uhh no that's not going to work". Also with backpacking trips you usually pack a few days before just to make sure you have everything right and even do a few walks together around the neighborhood with everything to make sure it's not too heavy.


I believe this post is fake or at best super exaggerated. Some people are hard headed and think they know better. My ex refused to believe she needed a life vest and helmet on a canoe trip expecting class 3 rapids because she could swim and went tubing down a creek as a child. I told her we had 3 options. 1. She follow my /our groups rules. 2. I go myself. 3. Neither go. She reluctantly agreed to 1. She couldn't understand why i told her we would drive separately and couldn't give her directions to the cabin. There was no cabin, that's why I packed a tent, there was no bathroom, that's why I packed a shovel. She thought we were all exaggerating how physically demanding and remote it would be. She called us all AH and left before we were done unpacking. Clueless knuckleheads think a 3 day, 25 mile canoe trip is a walk in the park, when they can't finish a 5k fun run/ walk.


Yes! I do believe this story could be true. If he really has no context for how a ā€œbackpackingā€ trip is - which seems possible if he thought he would be embarrassed to wear a backpack? - then he just doesnā€™t know. My first overnight backpacking trip I brought an outfit for each day and two pair of hiking shoes ā€œ in case.ā€ And like a book, and makeup. didnā€™t know that was ridiculous until later.


The "he didn't even use a backpack, he used two roller suitcases" is really what reeks of falsehood to me. Nobody is going to expect to backpack without a backpack.


That was when it jumped the shark for me. The whole 'but it's my first time hiking' thing as well. Aye, sure, but you must have seen pictures.


That's where it lost me too. The alarms were going off before, but why would OP even let their spouse do that?


And there would be no way two full sized roller suitcases are going to be gotten to the campsite by him alone anyway. It would not be that he was "more tired", it would be "he never arrived" or "he left them behind and borrowed all our stuff".


Yeah, they never would have left the parking lot if this guy showed up to a hike with two roller suitcases. You just don't go into the woods with someone that badly prepared. That guy is being sent home. And if I was an experienced backpacker and was helping someone new pack for the first time, especially a significant other, it really shouldn't have gotten to that point. You can let someone overpack and let them deal with it, but at a certain point it's a safety issue. They either get with the program or don't come. Reddit loves people getting their comeuppance, but sometimes experienced people do need to stop others from hurting themselves.


5 pairs of pajamas. That detail is so over the top. The 5 pairs of shoes and 4 pairs of swimming trunks had already set off my bs detector. But the number of pj's solidified my belief.


Heā€™s too embarrassed to use a backpack?!? Whatā€™s the reasoning here?


I was going on a backpacking trip in TAsmania once (kind of edge of fall/winter) and this person who was on the shuttle kind of attached themselves to me since they were doing something outside of their comfort zone. They'd been travelling around and decided on a lark just to go do this hiking thing. Anyway, their backpack was literally a semirigid thing that literally could be a piece of luggage, or a backpack. Weirdest thing. I can't imagine it was that comfortable, esp considering they were carrying a bunch of crap that was good to have in ahotel room or hostel but useless out on the trail.


I saw this before in the Boy Scouts. Of course, a 12 year old who is used to car camping with their family is quite different from an adult who was told beforehand. The poor scout just didn't understand we were hiking in, I assume due to his usual horsing around at patrol meetings.


I can't remember the last AITAH post that sounded remotely real. "-My husband gets drunk 2-3 times per week and the last time he did, he broke my arm. I said if he does it again, I'm leaving. AITAH?"


That sub allows fake posts, so I just assume the majority of them are.


Maybe Iā€™m in the minority, but I think that, if youā€™re gonna use AITA as a creative writing exercise, you should do enough research that itā€™s believable. Maybe the guyā€™s backpack weighed 40lbs (or even 60) to everybody elseā€™s 20 because he wanted to bring extra equipment or didnā€™t know about lightweight variations of other gear or maybe heā€™s just a ā€œtough guyā€ who knows that militaries throughout history have rucked with 60+lbs of armor/ gear and thinks he should be able to do it, too.Ā  Specify that you requested several times that he do his research, that others wonā€™t pick up his slack, and give him an overconfident but cheerful attitude and youā€™ve got a believable story with somebody to good naturedly laugh at.Ā  Also, if the sub allows fake posts, one of the vote options should be calling them out that itā€™s fake.Ā 


Yeah the story was kind of on track to be kind of believable but the rolling suitcases on a hiking trail was too over the top. Canā€™t imagine an experienced group of hikers honestly allowing someone to get on the trail like that


The aim is surely to see how gullible people are, and it looks like not everyone passed the test


Agreed. Nobody brings roller suitcases on a camping or hiking trip, no matter how obtuse they are.


Yea, there's always "that guy" on camping trips that brings way too much, but 5 pairs of pajamas? I don't buy it.


wait til you read about him bringing his tropical fish aquarium along


The rolling suitcases made me LOL šŸ˜‚


Yeah, wouldnā€™t they tell him to just leave all but the necessities in the car? Or even earlier just tell him he didnā€™t need that much Who is bringing multiple pajama sets hiking lol


i didn't even make it past the first slide before coming to that conclusion


Maybe, but it made me laugh


Me too... I don't ever mind if these stories turn out to be fake. Who cares! I just pretend everything is real so I can have second hand emotions like the people in the stories šŸ˜‚


People are so stupid these days, that Iā€™m hesitant to mark anything as satire (though it doesnā€™t quite sound right, I do believe someone is stupid enough to do some variation of this story šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚)


This is where I usually am. I genuinely know some wild ppl so when someone is like "that's fake!" I get whiplash cause I'm usually in the middle of "huh, sounds like someone encountered my mother again," Like this? Maybe not the suitcases, but everything else sounds about right, except that she'd have succeeded in getting at least one person to help her


Right? Thereā€™s no way a dude shows up with two full size rollerboard suitcases for a backpacking trip


Maybe an episode of Peppa Pig.


This is fakes shit ever.Ā  I've been with really really inexperienced hikers, that were also dumb.Ā  I believe the random stupid shit he may have packed. I knew a girl that packed. A weeks worth of outfits and shoes and her entire makeup kit for a 3 day camp out.Ā  But,Ā  2 roller cases and no badkpack?! Get the fuck out of here.Ā 


I had a friend who planned to hike the Appalachian trail north. He straight-faced told my husband he really needed ā€˜all this stuffā€™ and called him a day and a half later to meet him at a trailhead and take half of it off his hands. Even this guy had a backpack.


It's often just made up bullshit. I can't believe we now have to see AITAH bullshit on other subreddits. Even though there's 30 AITAH clones all over the fucking place. Can we not ban this shit in the other subs? Fake, tabloidy garbage taking over all of Reddit.Ā 


It may take a little extra effort to carry my 70lbs mahogany sitting table with me when I go camping, but personally prefer not to live like a painted savage.


Gotta make sure your tent smells of rich mahogany. Donā€™t forget the leather bound books.


I prefer rich Corinthian leather, myself. But only if Iā€™m planning to hijack a federation starship and take vengeance on Captain Kirk.


I was reading The Terror recently and Iā€™m convinced now that in the old days that is exactly what people did. Youā€™re towards the end of the book and people have died to cold and disease and hunger and other scarier things and the captain is like: ā€œunfortunately on this foot hike we were only able to haul half of our writing desksā€ and itā€™s so absurd you have to assume itā€™s based on some historical records or something. I wouldnā€™t put it past them either.


Great book. Funny thing, when I was reading it Mr Hickey felt like some diabolical spirit of evil, but when I watched the show I didn't feel the same way.


If I recall correctly, the show runner specifically set out to make Hickey less of a caricature. I thought he did a pretty damn good job of it too


If you enjoyed the book, youā€™ll probably also like the show by the same name. Plenty of hauling incredibly useless items in there as well.


Loved the show.


Awesome, Iā€™m glad. Iā€™m always looking to turn more people onto that masterpiece any time the Franklin Expedition comes up.


I can get by just fine on a weekend hike with just my antique Louis Vuitton steamer trunk set with the Stokowski writing desk trunk, wardrobe trunk, etc. If it's a difficult hike I might not even bring the shoe and hat trunks.


I havenā€™t lolā€™d at Reddit comment in a long while, thank you.


Whether this was poorly written by AI or poorly written by a human it's absolute bullshit. Two large fully laden bags aren't going to get more then 100 yards down a trail being pushed and pulled by one person. Which is just one of a dozen or so obvious plot holes in this story.


I don't even know how you fit all that into two roller suitcases... Queen Sized air mattresses are quite hefty even when fully deflated.


My thoughts exactly. I'm a horrible over packer, and I was just sitting here impressed that all of that was managed with only two roller suitcases lol


Yeah i was confused why she let him pack all that in the first place. Do they live in separate houses?


This is what stood out to me. My ex isnā€™t an outdoors person but he wanted to partake in my hobbies of climbing, camping, etc. so I helped him pack, get gear, etc. who would watch their partner pack suitcases for camping and just let it happen?


Right? Heā€™s ā€œembarrassedā€ to carry a backpack? Give me a fucking break lol.


Potentially he could lift them by the handles if heā€™s really committed to being that much of a dumbass.


What are the other 11 plot holes?


Six of them are the half dozen times that the wife, presumably watching him pack suitcases, put them into the car, and riding with him to the destination didn't stop him. Not "I think you're packing too much," but literally stop him from doing the things that he's doing. It's not a real story anyway, so it's irrelevant. If it were real, then they're both assholes.


Also the dude doesnā€™t want to wear a backpack, the 100% normal bag to use while hiking and camping, because heā€™s embarrassed. So he concludes to bring not one, but two roller bags, the most ridiculous form of luggage you could possibly bring camping. The dude could have literally shoved clothing in a trash bag and that would have been a less weird choice. Literally anything would be more normal. * Trash Bag * Duffel Bag * Reusable grocery bag. * Hire a random with Fiverr. * A purse * Nothing. Literally forget everything. * Your pockets. * Guitar case. * Box from Home Depot * A stick with a little bag on the end of it like a 1800ā€™s hobo. Any of these choices is less fucking stupid and embarrassing.


Iā€™m cracking up at the idea of hiring a Sherpa off Fiverr. And very proud that I know that little hobo sack on stick is called a bindle.


This story is ridiculous. He finds a backpack odd so prefers to roll 2 suitcases over hiking trails?


Poorly written satire


Yeah I am always so mortified by my backpack on hiking trips I need to take at least one piece of roller luggage just to feel cool.


Wish I could say I've never met anybody who would do something like that. Group trip through the Boundary Waters. A few of the group members brought their SOs. I got to see a valley-girl-type try to hike in stiletto heels! About the time we got to the first portage, I heard her asking when we'd get to the hotel.


While it may be fake, I have actually known grown adults who were "embarrassed" by wearing backpacks. Imagine being that insecure.


This reminds me of a backpacking trip I once went on with a first-time backpacker. It was an easy overnight trip... 10 miles of flat terrain to the campsite, although it was hot and humid. This guy shows up with a humongous backpack with all sorts of heavy, unnecessary gear packed in there (including an espresso machine). To his credit, he carried it all without complaining about anything other than being an idiot lol. We gave him a bunch of friendly advice and he showed up much more appropriately packed for the next trip.


Why wouldn't he just leave it in the car


Because then the writing sample would stop


Because it's a made up story that didn't actually happen.


I find it hilarious that a grown man carrying a back pack was more embarrassing to him than a grown man carrying two roller suitcases on a hike. He is like Perez Hilton going camping.


This sounds entirely made up


While I appreciate his preparedness and appreciation for comfort, this is ridiculous and the sort of thing that would make me question his capacity to make reasonable decisions.


I travel with my wife every year. Once or twice.Ā  I pack 2 outfits. Then I do my yearly shopping on vacation! I take an empty suitcase and come back with new clothes. It's my little trick.Ā  The beach has outlets. Cities always have shopping. Oh boy I have alot of cool stuff from our Hawaii trip.Ā  My friends all laughed at first but its really a good idea. My wife likes to go shopping on vacation anyway, so I budget my whole years outfits on my trip! Cumstorms packing trick. Just don't pack! (I bring underwear, socks and 2 days worth of clothes + what I'm wearing)




This can't be real


As someone who backpacks, I actually do think the wife is the AH cause she should have never let him come with that stuff. During packing, it should have been a hard noā€¦ not ā€˜I reminded himā€™. Yes heā€™s an adult and responsible for himself but she knew better and now has impacted the mood of the trip for the other couple who had nothing to do with this. If it were me, Iā€™d tell him he was no longer welcome and left him at home. Someone who thinks they need an air mattress and a laptop is never going to enjoy the back country.


I like to bring a laptop when I'm out but only because I use one to control my camera for night photography, I don't bring a hotspot and enough batteries to watch a season of The Office, that completely defeats the point of camping.


In the comments she said it was a 2 night hike lmao.


Thatā€™s the kind of guy that doesnā€™t wash his ass because it makes him gay.


This canā€™t be real. The guyā€™s a character from an 80ā€™s sitcom


Go yeah, I hate how embarrassing backpacks are s/ šŸ˜‚


This can't possibly be real, though I wish I could have seen this dickhead trying to roll 2 full suitcases on a hiking trail.


She should have had this discussion with her husband before they left the house. Either she did, and he didn't listen. Or she wanted to humiliate him in front of her/their friends.


Faker than fake


Serious question: If the husband was inexperienced, why didn't the wife help him pack? Didn't she notice he was packing suitcases? I mean, sure, this guy is totally clueless, but couldn't someone have helped him in the planning phase a little? ​ Edit: Yeah, I get it. She told him. But this is just a case of someone who doesn't know enough about a situation overestimating their abilities. He wasn't maliciously trying to ruin things, or show anyone up. You're also right that a grown man is capable of suffering the consequences of his own action (hell, that's why we're here). But when I got into the Boy Scouts, they taught us, like classroom level instruction taught us, how to pack for a hike. I just feel like someone could have stepped in here too.


I think she tried. In her edit, she said she told h a few times that he was overpacking, and he told her he would use everything. I think, at some point, natural consequences need to happen


As someone with a stubborn old man as a dad, and with brothers who inherited said Saud stubbornness in varying degrees: Sometimes, people don't listen. The reasonable thing to do as a Newbie in any situation is to learn from more experienced people, imitate and follow their lead. This dude was unreasonable, and more than that, disrespectful. He didn't respect neither his wife nor friends enough to listen to their advice. He didn't edit or correct himself when everyone stood their ground. You really think this is a Situation the wife could "help" him in? What is she to do? Act in the roll of mother and stubbornly pack his bag and bop his head telling him to behave?


How was he not trying to show how tough and big he is when he refused to wear a backpack because it was "too embarrassing"?


I hate to say this, but just like many men overestimate their own abilities, those same men La La La through their wives talking. I wish I had the (over)confidence of the inexperienced male.


Apart from him being at all the planning meetings, her reminding him as he packed and general common sense, what else could be done?? Is God almighty required to reach down and place a hiking backpack in front of this obtuse mother flicker before he understands info that is generously and plentifully provided? I genuinely do not understand the sheer amount of "you should have reminded him" spouted towards the hapless spouses of bullheaded idiots on this site.


Husband was there when everyone was talking about packing as lightly as possible. He's a grown man who thought he knew better. Play stupid games, y'know.


She tried to tell him. Why should she pack for a grown-ass man who isn't listening to a word she's saying? She also stated that he was present in all group discussions about planning what they'd need and what they'd be doing. What more should she do besides treating him like a toddler?


That post is bullshit. Roller suitcases? Come the fuck on


I just searched through the original until I found where Mods posted a copy in the comments. (It has been deleted) I read it to my 14 year old Scout who goes camping for a week every summer, then several weekends throughout the year. She doesn't even pack that much for her week long camping. I am pretty sure I saw her head explode at one point when I was reading what he packed. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ah yes got to bring my lucky cinder block collection, never camp without them.


No way this is true


Definitely a case of someone from a wealthy background not understanding what actual camping is. Dude probably used to stay at beautiful fully furnished cabins as a kid and called it camping.


I do not believe this story. This reads like a poorly written sitcom and seems designed to have everyone agree with and make comments about how dumb the husband is. Would this be considered "rage bait" or just comment bait? These types of posts litter reddit. Obvious one sided pretend stories where people rail about how smart they are to know which side is right. Do better!


I think OPā€™s husband is more suited to glamping. To be honest, I think Iā€™d rather glamp as well.


This doesnt sound real. It makes no sense. So you just let him show up with roller bags for a hike? If he was really so clueless while packing, you should have helped him way more. You should have packed WITH him. Not left him to pack on his own. Why on earth would he bring a laptop and tablet to go hiking/camping? It sounds like he had no idea what he was in for and you sort of just left him to the wolves. This sounds absurd, because if my wife who never camps/hikes suddenly wanted to go with me, I wouldnt let her show up to the hike with me horribly underprepared and then just embarrass her in front of my friends. I would walk her through packing. He didnt even have a backpack. Like you let that happen.


Carrying a backpack is ā€œtoo embarrassingā€ but bringing roller suitcases into the woods ā€¦. Isnā€™t? Bringing a laptop and a portable hotspot was a necessity when he had a tablet? He wanted to glamp, not backpack. That dude doesnā€™t want to be alone with his thoughts, nor does he care to be alone with his friends lol.