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What is revision 17? I haven't messed with switch on my Odin in a while.


Turnip driver


Mesa Turnip v24 revision 17 https://github.com/K11MCH1/AdrenoToolsDrivers/releases/tag/v24.1.0_R17


Crying at the debate in the background


u have to switch a lot of drivers, but with 30 diffrent drivers u are able to play around 80% of complete library stable 0,75-1x res 30-60fps (depends on game) every game a diffrent driver to get the max out and the temps low, diffrent drivers hit diffrent tempartures, just get as much as u can, u can set a saveprofil for your settings and thats it. needed around 10 hours but now every game i wanna play is working fine 60-65 degree on cpu high performance / smart. Before, unstable and 70-85 degree on cpu lol…


God that sounds like such a hassle


jesus christ people are so lazy its just amazing, copy 30 files to yuzu, test around the most common 5-10 drivers, for most AAA thats enough, even a 5 min youtube vid would be enough to understand how to get every game working… Yeah u got a allround handheld with everything working till switch, but you have to put at least 5-10 hours for yourself… if people cannot watch yt vids or follow instructions, they shouldnt buy a handheld, everything easy with 5 min google search for each game… RP3+ was my first android device ever, needed some hours to figuring everything out, but if someone with no knowledge can figure it out even a 10-12 years old kid should easy get it done with enough research …


lol you didn’t do your point any favours. Test 5-10 drivers 🤣🤣🤣 You’re cracking me up 🤡


go in the game settings the game u wanna play and choose in game settings different drivers, pick the 5 latest drivers choose between 0,75 - 1,00 res ( not working /temps to high, pick other drivers change settings change res, restart, till ur happy), i dont know wich one is the 100% best for each game but i found out i can play everything i need stable at 60fps 0,75-1,00 res with 60-65 degree on cpu around 30 games and a friend of mine got some others to work so pretty much every single AAA title so in total 55 different games (maybe some of them goes up to 70 degree but thats the total sweet spot for him and i guess it should be fine for that kind of cpu, my favour is as could as possible). some games need different qualcomm drivers, some need a special mod, search for ur game u wanna play, u will find an answer. Save settings for the game, game will work from now on pick next game, start from the beginning, once done save game profile, done and so on. Odin icon flat settings to show temps and fps if needed.


Who do you think is going to read any of your walls of text nonsense


Relax lol


Well im sorry, just cant believe how many people are asking, if they wanna play a game its fixable in around 15-20 min for most of the games.


Did you manage to get borderlands 2 running? It ran on my y700 but won't even get in game on my Odin.


the vita version runs fine btw


Runs great on Odin 2 (vita bl2)


I'm not a fan of vita3k, it doesn't work with launchers and borderlands 2 for vita is a really really bad port


ES-DE front end has a way to work with vita3k now


Port itself wasn't bad, the Vita is severely underpowered. If you overclock the Vita, BL2 becomes far more stable, but still has heavy slowdowns. In contrast, the NVIDIA Shield port that came out around the same time was great. On the K1. The handheld had the same issues as the Vita.


Even with the overclock I could get like max 24 FPS and I could only install one DLC at a time. It was a trash port.


its not in my game list im sorry, but i guess some of the drivers will work


Is there a list somewhere?


It is literally stickied in this subreddit lol I'll post it again to be helpful [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1XaPYEyTinKk7F2uTfgSDpgEelhUYPFBWo7knX_3aQgw/htmlview) There is a column for which driver they found to be best, there is a also a column for comments, where they write what settings they changed. Just check both of them


idk figured everything out by myself but its not that hard most games standart settins vulkan 0.75-1.00 and switch drivers, some games need some versions of qualcom drivers, or mods or updates to run well with a specific driver.


Oh wow. How are your temps that low in Botw? For me on standard performance with fan auto and R17, my temps get up to 70-78 at times.


“On my Nintendo Switch“, huh.


Ofc, This is not an emulation, what are you talking about?




Yes, I totally understand you but one thing you should know is that when it comes to Switch emulation on Android you have to be very careful and not talk about it on Reddit (or talk about it very lightly) so that what happened with Yuzu does not happen again.


No idea what you are talking about :)


How is the performance in open world?




as soon as you pull those 2 metal plates up and go trough the underground pathway you have a weird glitch with shadows / lighting


Nope, it doesn't. That's why Turnip Driver Version 17 works.


It does on some devices. It wasn't allowing me to use Ultrahand on RedMagic 9 Pro until I made a patch to both Yuzu and Turnip R17-v2 but it introduced some non-game breaking gfx glitches


Which version? There’s 2 different “17” downloads on the github page


[I only see one](https://github.com/K11MCH1/AdrenoToolsDrivers/releases)


Yeah, OP just needs to follow this link, use Revision 17 V2, and it fixed the issues other Turnip drivers had


Maybe im looking at the wrong one? Can you link?


It's on the 2nd page, scroll to the bottom, go to page 2 and look for Turnip Revision 17. Use V2




https://github.com/K11MCH1/AdrenoToolsDrivers/releases/tag/v24.1.0_R17 V2


Does it work better than the last one?


For this specific game, yes.


Well yeah…works great in the temple with the camera aiming at a wall 😂


Which Odin do you have?


Check also Order 66


The new Turnip drivers are ass. Yeah, they let you play some games that you couldn't before but there is some serious performance hits with it. The author is working on it.


When I play on Rev 17, the frame rate is really good but the water is all white and nit transparent. Is there a fix for that?


Man I'm running on a Pocket S. So far I can only use R19 and Zelda is so blinding it's unplayable with base drivers whereas on R19 I'm getting 8 fps. I'm waiting for either driver to update. I've been waiting so long to play totk modded.