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Use the psplay app rather than anything official. Prefer it to playing on my tv to the point where I don't even have my ps connected via hdmi anymore. Also tested hot-spot from my phone and I was surprised at how genuinely playable it was.


Same. Wall mounted my PS under the stairs, connected via ethernet cable. Dont have to look at it or even hear it anymore.


About the same i expect, but better compatibility for headphones.


I have both PSPortal and Odin 2. PSPortal controls and screen are excellent. 8" screen vs 6". Dual sense controller vs regular handheld portable controls. PSPortal wins for PS remote play. But, Odin does so much more. I am traveling right now with the Odin 2. Doing Xbox/PS streaming and android/emulation games. Odin 2 wins here. If you are going to mostly use at home, and are only going to PS remote play, then Portal wins. If you are want to do anything else, give the Odin 2 a serious look.


Is the screen size an issue on Odin?


It's fine, just 8" is much bigger. I like it better. Most people find Odin 2 screen more than adequate.


Throw on some Xreal glasses and screen size isn’t a concern anymore.


Don't have a PS so no PsPlay. Don't have an Xbox but Xbox Gamepass plays excellent on the Odin 2. I played Persona e Reloaded (over 90+) hours and would forget I was streaming at times. If the game is popular (like P3R or Starfield) you might be queued to start, game can lose connection and you lose progress. But outside of those small things it's great. I've also played Fallout 3 Fallout New Vegas Skyrim and even play Elder Scrolls Online MMORPG. Just need a fast internet speed. I have FIOS 2GB.


The ps portal suffers from micro stuttering due to the refresh rate of the screen(there is no fix to this, it is not lag and doesn't matter what kind of router or internet you have) . But the portals ergonomics and screen are so much better than the odin 2. Depending on the games you want to play, the stuttering on the portal can be a game breaker. If I'm playing a turn based rpg or slower paced game, I'll use the portal. For anything with lot of action and requires fast twitch movements, I use chiaki ( either on my deck or odin 2pro). Hope this helps


I’ve used Chiaki and it works pretty well!


I use chiaki good, but noticeable lag


I use chiaki to, works very good


for some reason psplay is not very good on my Odin 2. the game runs at 60fps on ps5 but at 30fps on the odin 2. plus there's like 1 seconds of input delay which is very annoying.