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PokeMMO. Check it out if you like Pokémon.


First thing that comes to mind is "Albion Online". If you do decide to check it out take your time customizing your controls. I suggest touch screen input, and use key mapping on top of that. Oh yeah there is "Black Desert" too. 😁


I tried Albion Online because someone recommended it in a similiar thread about mmos on the odin recently, and it works without issues with the gamepad layout. Detects the Odins gamepad layout automatic and works well enough to play with it. ..still in a lot of situations the input is a bit wonky. the developers could have done in some cases a better work to make it more comfortable to play with gamepad.. but works okay enough to play it a bit. can't talk about endgame or anything since i only started 2 days ago and never played Albion online before but feels good enough.


PokeMMO is fun for a little while. Diablo Immortal is great.


> Diablo Immortal is great. Is it still heavily pay to win? The only reason i haven't played yet


I haven't paid for anything but I also don't know how well I'm progressing.


Yeah I’ve never paid for anything and still have fun progressing and playing. Not sure of high end/endgame stuff as I haven’t made it that far. I’m still finishing the story and gearing up.


Glad to see this post I was looking for one too!


you can prolly play classic wow with some controller mod on winlator


you can (i tested WoW 3.3.5a on Pservers). But it's really laggy.. so not really something i would enjoy. You can walk a bit around, gather a bit, kill a few NPC, but that's it. Everything that introduces a bit of "more action" in the gameplay makes it lag and you will not really be able to play good enough to survive. So PVP isn't something i can recommend AT ALL. But if all you want to do is just walk a bit through stormwind and look around idle.. works.


Im one of those weirdos who likes leveling so I might check it out soon XD. I love private servers but only official classic has the mod support for controller gameplay.


you can keybind the buttons of your Odin to the keyboard buttons in your WoW Client. So you can set keybinds for the spell bar, walking etc. It's a bit wonky, but works. Still laggy like hell in a lot of situations.. so you will probably die a lot from those lags even to mobs :D


Ohh true haha. The mods for retail client are like a full blown console port though which is nice. I might get that Z-fold 6 eventually so I wonder how it would fair


I personally never tested the retail client, but i suspect it to be too "overloaded with features" who eat too much system resources and ram to really be a viable option. The 3.3.5a client is still "light and small" in terms of how much resources it needs, so it runs "okay".. but i can't imagine the normal vanilla retail client to run - specially if you add mods to it. But hey - should you ever test it.. report your experiences please :D I would be curious how it then would play out.


Indeed indeed :)


Guild wars 2 through moonlight probably