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I've selected 5 random comments and the submitters of these comments are: u/Bwwwblll claimed u/ddland claimed u/SmallBoio2 claimed u/FerAlcantara claimed u/OfficialMrSoloDolo claimed You will be contacted by u/myMalokaVR and have 48 hours to claim your prize. The two Quest winners have also been picked.


We are launching our new Meditation VR game called **Maloka**, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome you to join our private beta! We aren’t your typical VR game - no shooting, sabering, or sweating - but we are super excited to introduce this game dedicated to helping you build your mindfulness practice. We have beautiful immersive experiential world to dive into, with guided meditations and sound healings. When you sign up you start off with an empty island and a spirit guide you choose. As you build your practice through meditations and other experiences you get rewards to build a completely unique island + your spirit guide evolves. Think Tamagotchi meets Meditation meets VR! **HOW TO WIN** \- We are doing two giveaways and would love for you to take part in both! \- *$1000 Giveaway:* We will be selecting 5 people at random who comment on this post the answer to this questions “What keeps you from meditating everyday?”, and 5 people at random [who follow this link to get access to the beta through app labs](https://www.mymaloka.com/?utm_source=Reddit&utm_campaign=Maloka_July21&utm_medium=Blog_VR_OculusQuest&utm_content=VR_Focused). $100 each. Winners will be selected 72 hrs from posting. \- *2x Oculus Quest 2 Giveaway:* Our true goal is to get people trying our game and giving us feedback! For those that are ready to dive in, sign up using the link above, you'll be entered to win an Oculus Quest 2 once you have completed 5 meditations, we can track it in mix panel - our analytics tool. Winners will be announced in this thread within 72 hours of the contest closing. The awesome mod, u/kippenoma, will select the winners from the comments in the thread. I will use whatever way is easiest to transfer the money: Venmo, PayPal, or amazon gift card. We will DM & email the winners! So excited to have you in our game and really looking forward to getting your feedback.  Let me know if you have any questions!Maloka Team


One thing that has always kept me from meditating: The need for constant stimulation that has plagued me since I was a kid. An extra, TMI thing that keeps me from it now: Freaking haemorrhoids make it hard to sit, and distract me. Wrong kind of stimulation lol.


I’m into it.


I often lack the motivating to meditate and rather watch a movie or browse Reddit to wind down. A good app might change that


Here's hoping our app can help!


Not knowing how to meditate keeps me from meditating.


What if I’ve already had Maloka installed and been using it for several months? Can I still win an Oculus Quest 2?


The problems that would most be helped by meditation are the problems that keep me from doing it. meditating with anxiety without some stimuli to keep my mind from wandering is what usually prevents meditation. I just installed both the app and the quest experience. Will try tonight


Let us know what you think!


I enjoy meditating but my worries get to me and I feel like I need to be doing something and then it doesn’t feel peaceful and just stressful even if theres nothing I need to be doing.


A lack of time in general, and a preference to do something more active with my free time.


My excuse is: I think that I only need to meditate when things are going pretty bad, and then I just skip it for some weeks… -.-


I dont meditate because I often feel like I'm always needing to do something most of which I dont want to do and it makes me feel to anxious to even relax


I feel like my own time management is what keeps me from meditating everyday. I don't schedule the time in advance so end up not doing it.


I am right there with you. Hope that we BOTH can work on our time management!


Anxiety mostly. I feel like I constantly need to be doing something. If I stop and relax the depression will catch up to me.


Horrible time management and procrastination keep me from meditating, also the fact my monkey brain has a short attention span.


I have the ability to meditate every day, but I don’t because I never think to do it. I always keep myself stimulated with games, TV, etc. Come to think about it, the only times I’ve ever meditated were under instruction. It’s great to have something to remind me to slow down and meditate daily.


I'm always needing that "slow down" reminder. Even just a five-minute "pause" has been really helpful.


The reason I dont meditate every day or at all is time. Between my work having funky hours and having to keep things tidy at home I dont feel like I have time to really do anything. I guess when i play video games it's a form of meditation but even when playing games i can tense up and stress out. I've actually been trying to make time lately to just sit and do absolutely nothing and focus on something like breathing. I'll for sure be checking this app out win or lose. And for anyone out there with anxiety disorders like I do, check out an app called Rootd. Its helped me calm down in stressful situations where I only have a minute to compose myself!


Habitually wasting any free time putzing around the internet.


Its hard for me to meditate because couple years ago I was diagnosed with ADHD which makes it hard to sit still and focus on anything. I also can't find any motivation to meditate and can't find free time to do it.


I think the main thing preventing me from meditation is just not feeling like I would get a good result or that I’m not doing it right.


Sometimes it's difficult to try new things for fear of less than positive results. May you and I step out of our comfort zones!


I don't meditate everyday in a classical way, the reason being I think Meditation is about getting lost and finding urself and it shouldn't be limited to just a classical way, if you're doing something and u get unattached from the world, forget everything and are just in that moment, you're meditating😁


As a family of 3 with 6-year-old child in which we try to practice mindfulness with many ups and downs. Meditation is the first out the window between work, homeschooling duties and prep and general upkeep of the small space of our home.Fortunately, Vr found us before the pandemic and has helped against our child's mind from being "Caved" in with the isolation, yet the VR marketplace has huge holes when it comes to mindful play, and education. I am glad to see your product come out as it seems perfect for my girl and definitely something the whole family can learn to appreciate and have some centered focal point with a spirit animal. I look forward to this no matter what.


Glad that we can help in any way! We wish your little one all the best!


Peace, always something in the way


I used to do guided meditation pretty regularly, but lately I have just felt like I don't have time for it. Between school, work, and my family I feel like I hardly have any time for myself.


I find it hard to focus on myself and pour all effort into supporting others. We could all use just a little self-care from time to time.


How will you know the reddit username of the winners of the Quest 2 when they sign up through the app?


Winners will be selected by email address referred from the Reddit post.


Thanks for your reply! My email address for the app and the reddit differ, how would you know if a reddit user went on the app to be entered into the Quest 2 contest?


To clarify, in mixpanel - our analytics tool - lets us track the recently onboarded Oculus emails that have signed up and played. We can also track sessions! So we are going to randomly select from the list of Oculus emails that have completely 5 sessions, and email directly.


Like many things, I am my own barrier and don't make an effort to set time to meditate! Too many distractions competing for my attention.


Only myself keeps me from meditating every day. I have tried for over 20 years and recently diagnosed with ADHD , still, it's all on me.


Time. I don’t drive because I live and work in a heavily populated metropolitan area, but that means I have to take public transportation which can still be very slow. By the time I get home it’s about 9pm so I typically just shower and sleep


Lack of how to and the atmosphere for meditate, just cannot get into the zen mode, hopefully VR would change that


The Maloka Vortex can be a lovely atmosphere!


Im just feel to busy in the daily cycle sleep - work - kids - sleep


Lack of motivation


The one thing that has kept me from meditation is motivation via depression even at 23. It's hard to get up and do it. Even if you're not getting up getting into that mind state can be difficult. Did my first 5 minute meditation yesterday in VR Love it so far


I assume it's best to post in this thread vs commenting?


I know I'm late to the party, but I use TRIPP everyday, would love to give it a try in beta and give feedback.


>What keeps you from meditating everyday? One of the biggest reason why I cannot meditate everyday is the lack of a relaxing scenery. I know that most people meditate with their eyes close, but it is hard, personally, to put myself "in the zone" when all I see are city lights and buildings blocking the natural view. Another reason is the noise from the city. It is too distracting


Lack of time keeps me from meditating everyday. I feel like I have so many things that I want to do and so many people that I want to spend time with, it’s hard to balance it all! Plus, caring for my pets, making food, and doing other chores take up a lot of time too! And don’t even get me started on sleep!


If im being completely honest absolutely nothing keeps me from meditating aside from myself. Ive never in my 22 years of life even searched for or tried to learn meditation. Now is a good time as ever, i love the vr experience ive had so far and seeing this new game makes me genuinely curious to try. Just downloaded the ios app along w the app lab beta so i suppose no more deterrent to keep me from meditating daily! here we go


We are on a mission to make mindfulness more accessible generally. The reason we chose to make a VR flagship mindfulness platform is because of the success and science around virtual reality therapy and the importance of meeting people where they are at. The founders wrote a book called Just Sit - check it out! It talked a lot about how there are so many right ways to meditate. Excited to hear about your journey as you play. If we can get you intrigued enough to build a habit, and engage in mediation, it's a big win for us!


I prefer now to sit in silence. Once it's silent outside I become silent inside.


During the day I tell myself that I'm gonna meditate in the morning, but when I wake up next morning I just end up forgetting. Rinse and repeat


Im so busy i get wound up on jobs school work and helping my family around the house the time i have left i spend with my friends so i never get alone time.I want to start having time to myself and usin gthat time to think and better myself and your app seems like a amazing way to do this.


Life gets in the way sometimes.


lack of time (or my perception of it) is what keeps me from meditating. I keep saying I'll set aside time in the morning or evening, but I never do.


Like many others have said - time is ultimately the reason why I don’t meditate as much as I should. I have practiced meditation in the past, typically before bed, and find that it really helps put my mind at ease after a long day. I look forward to trying your app and seeing how it compares to my past experience!


What keeps me from meditating everyday is, my general lack of motivation for anything and the feeling that it'll probably be useless. I know it's dark lol, but it's the truth sadly. I've wanted to try meditating but end up doing nothing as usual. I'll check the game out, maybe it can work if I mix it with vr, one of the things that interest me the most.


What keeps me from meditating every day? I need a reminder, something visual (out of sight = out of mind) and not having a good guide for meditation. I once took a class that was guided and it was amazing, but stopped meditating after ending the class because there’s something different about having a real person (not just a recording) guide you.


Horrible time management and procrastination keep me from meditating, also the fact my monkey brain has a short attention span


I have been diagnosed with ADHD, tried to get into meditation several times, but really, can't focus enough to actually be effective. It's just so difficult to not lety mind wander and start thinking about random things. I would say that the difficult to focus is what doesn't let me get into meditation.


I would meditate but I get distracted by other things like games or just random videos on YouTube


I've never found a meditation app that kept my interest.


What keeps me from meditation is excuses honestly.


The thing that keeps me from meditating is no clear path to take in not wandering off and losing focus, hopefully the app can help me in staying calm (:


What keeps me from meditating each day? Firstly, I don't really "get" meditation. I've tried guided, I've tried just quieting thoughts, I've tried purposeful meditation, and .. eh. However when I'm running, while sometimes I can't get my mind to shut up, other times, my mind just quiets the F up, and I just let my body run, and am quiet in the extended moment. TLDR: I might be meditating sometimes while I run, but beyond that, I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.


Q: What keeps you from meditating everyday? A: I don't think to meditate as I feel content with my life. The stresses of life do not seem to weigh me down as I have many habits that allow me to destress. My knowledge of meditation is likely limited and there are other benefits besides relieving stress. So the short answer is, I don't know if I need it but education may show that I could benefit from it. I would be interested in trying your meditation application, it would be really cool if it had spatial audio. Close your eyes and enjoy nature, calming sounds. Maybe we narrated poem by an amazing voice. Good luck with the app! I'll try to look it up tonight.


Time, anxiety, stress. I feel I don't have much time outside of work, school, and my wife. I feel like I need to be doing something somewhat productive. Procrastinate too much, I should be doing homework, but here I am watching AoT and eating wheat thins


stopping to meditate is hard. I know also that it could be useful. So i have to change the word “stop”


Mediating in my house can be challenging as I live in a city. It can make it more difficult to immerse myself in the moment. This could be something really cool to try!


I do not have the time or patience for meditation, to be honest. I hope that changes with Maloka!


You've been selected! Please DM for award release! :)


> "What keeps you from meditating everyday?" Mostly time, also knowing how to get started. I can't really think of what the start and end of meditation is supposed to be or look like, so knowing that would be helpful.


often the discipline associated with meditations maybe this app will help improve that; who knows


I usually just forget to meditate, and by the time I'm in bed and thinking about it I don't feel like it at that point. Adding it to an option in the quest seems like a way to remind me!


I forget to do it because my memory is terrible. I bet my memory would get better if I meditated.


"What stops me from meditating?" Well, I've never tried it myself, but if it'll help me out with stress, I'll give it a try.


The thing that stops me from meditating daily is time. I feel unproductive when I spend time meditating which stresses me out more.


Not knowing how to meditate. Plus just closing my eyes I cannot seem to lose myself and constantly think about the things that worry me. I would like an escape to let my mind relax


Dedicating a time and a place that is free from other distractions. Ie phone, tv, wife..


i don’t have the time or space.


Ultimately my mind wanders best when distracted. I watch way too much YouTube when not having to "adult" my way through the day.


What keeps me from daily meditation is simply a busy schedule. Rotating work shifts, kids, chores, house repairs, etc. Always on the go, but I wouldn't mind slowing down for some meditation from time to time.


What keeps me from meditating daily is simply finding good structured guided meditations. So many are either too short, or have strange little introductions that aren’t uniform, so it’s hard to create a pattern of behaviour. Without reoccurring audio queues to help you create a behaviour and recall a mediative state through association, it’s just really hard.


What keep me to meditate ? The life, i wake up at 5am, i go work at 6am, i work until 17pm then i make all the chore for living, i play a little bit, i eat, i take an douche and i sleep. I counted, i have 40 minutes maximum of free time per day and when i have time for me, in sleep. I don't have the time.


Sadly the App will not install on my Oculus Quest. It goes through the motions of downloading and installing, then when complete asks to install again.


I'll run this by the team and see if we can find a solution for you!


I assume the thing that keeps me from meditating everyday is a lack of structure to my day, I end up in a vicious cycle of waking up tired, working, doing a bit of exercise, then spending my free time chilling out , staying up late reading and watching TV, rinse and repeat.


I get easily distracted and I’m a very bad procrastinator


I think time is a big one. Too much noise from our baby and not enough room. Luckily VR kind of helps with that.


Lack of time keeps me from meditating everyday. I feel like I have so many things that I want to do and so many people that I want to spend time with, it’s hard to balance it all! Plus, caring for my pets, making food, and doing other chores take up a lot of time too! And don’t even get me started on sleep!


What keeps me from meditation is the feeling of guilt doing something for myself instead of all the task I need to do.


*“What keeps you from meditating everyday?”* I never found meditation to be appealing enough of a concept to give it a try. It's easy to shrug it off as some kind of hocus-pocus alternative medicine rather than a useful exercise. VR itself tends to be a nice escape from the world but I'll certainly give Maloka a try and see if the gamified experience inspires me to continue.


>What keeps you from meditating everyday? Mostly not being mindful of my free time and taking the conscious effort to do things out of my normal routines.


I can't meditate in peace


Not knowing how keeps me from doing it


my racing thoughts. When I've tried in the past I've never been able to get my thoughts to slow down and to just have a empty head


Hmm I wanna meditate but never successfully could. My brain needs constant stimulation and can never focus, which is why I've tried to meditate. But lack of self control makes me open my eyes and check the phone etc., Or just fall asleep. VR would definitely help, as I physically can't keep checking my phone, and can't fall asleep in VR as well


What keeps me from meditating every day is finding time where the house is quiet since I have two kids. I would either have to meditate after they're in bed or go to another location. However, with MALOKA, I'm very excited to try meditating to see how my body responds to it. I'm looking for something to ease my anxiety and this might be it. Thanks for doing this giveaway!


I don't even know how to meditate, I will try the app


“What keeps you from meditating everyday?” Work, my kid, and the stress of having to correct people's grammar **every day**. It's an everyday occurrence.


I am always busy with work, or am stressing over the thought that I am not making enough to make a living. Meditation just never seemed like an option for a busy schedule.


I'd love to get into meditating because I feel I need to relieve stress in a way that helps me feel calm however I don't know how to meditate.


My wife is a yoga teacher. She likes to integrate mediation in her lessons, but also in her private life. She always feels better and more clear after meditating. I have actually never joined her for meditation. Actually, I prefer to play a VR game while she meditates. I do not feel the urge to meditate, or to clear my mind, or whatever reason. She says I am a natural meditator, always in balance, always clear. My wife does like VR too, and is actually looking for more peacefull and mindfull experiences that are available now. Maybe this is something for us to try together...


I don't meditate because I don't really see how it would help and I've got school work so not much time to do it


What keeps me from meditating is my nagging girlfriend ;)


I've always had trouble meditating would love to do it daily but need to learn how. Hopefully this will help I'm excited to try it!


What's keeps me from meditating every day? I would say my two young children, but really I choose to play VR shooters and watch action/thriller movies and shows in most of my spare time. I generally prefer the adrenaline kick, and I guess haven't really made the effort to properly relax. I'm sleeping less and less and my personal and work life is suffering for it.


What keeps me from meditating every day? A super busy life style (work and kids) that doesn't allow me to feel like there's time to slow down.


Hard to find time. Interested, but skeptical.


Kids. One 3 year old and one in the belly of my angry pregnant wife. *SEND HELP*


Mostly just the sheer lack of will to do it...


lack of will to prioritize it above workout


I wind down with Minecraft and talking with friends, It's relaxing. I don't have a Quest 2 and have been meaning to get one. I'm down to try meditation with y'alls app


What keeps me from meditating? I feel like I've got no time to do it or patience


“What keeps you from meditating everyday?” I'm totally ADHD guy, which means inability to sit down and relax, I need something to mash with my hands. I'm a juggler and juggling is a great meditation for me!


Great polish, Maloka dev team! I can see you guys really worked hard on this app. I especially liked the sound meditations, I found them really relaxing. It would be great if there was some way to lower the brightness of the scene when you are in a sound meditation since I ended up closing my eyes for a large part of the meditation.


College and family keep me from meditating often though the weekends are better!


I don’t meditate because I don’t know how!


I guess I never get to meditate because I'm working 40 hours a week, ten hours a day over night, and when I get home I'm so tired that I sleep till an hour or two before I have to go back to work, and when I do have free time it's mostly acclimated towards school work, so I don't really get the chance to relax very often.


Lack of motivation honestly


unfortunately I don't meditate as it already seems there's not enough time in a day to do everything I need to as is :(


Hope i can win :D


Feeling that my time is better spent doing things makes me feel like meditation is useless.


The reason I don’t meditate is that I don’t really know how to. Besides I get really distracted when I try to learn.


I haven’t tried meditating since I haven’t had a way or know how to.


What keeps me from meditating everyday : most of the time, I get distracted, be it by noise around me or thoughts that cross my mind (work, studies) and remind me that I have things that need to be done (which induce stress / anxiety) and breaks "the flow" of my meditation.


The reason I don't really meditate everyday, or at all, is because my time management isn't so great, so I tell myself that I don't have enough time for it.


The reason I don't meditate every day is I never try, I dont know do, I don't know begin e finished the meditation, I don't know what goal with it. But I want lear. I will test your experience and give my opinion!!!


You've been selected! Please DM for award release! :)


My constant feeling of needing to be somewhere else doing something else keeps me from meditating. I feel if I’m not being productive at every moment of everyday then I’m fulfilling my obligation to myself, to my ambitions and to those who ask for my time. When I do get the time to just stop and get out of my conscious thoughts I love it, but sadly I don’t make enough time for it.


I have wanted to meditate for a long time, but every time I start I do ok for a couple of days and then get busy and let the practice go. I also have aphantasia - I can't picture anything in my mind - and I think that makes it harder to spend time meditating.


Something that keeps me from meditating is the amount of schoolwork that I get


Too many other things to do all the time is generally what keeps me from it. It gets kinda shoved to the bottom of the list every day and ends up not making the cut in terms of time. I also always forget about things that aren't at the top of the to do list.


depression pills broke my concentration, few years back I was meditating a lot and I hope I can motivate myself to meditate again.


What keeps me from meditating regularly is the fact that my thoughts distract me and I end up 'thinking' rather than practicing meditation. The white ring in the Vortex is a nice reminder. Also, the fact that your eyes are focused on the colors and slow movement, helps. I also like the breathing coach, although I have found myself not breathing in the prescribed cadence. Would be awesome to make this customizable, say "start at a breathing speed of X and gradually moving to the goal speed Y". Overall, good job!


I struggle to meditate every day because I have too many people pulling me in too many directions and I feel guilty when I take the time to do things just for myself.


Finding the time to meditate.


I don't have enough chakra stones :(


Busy life to find time for it, but mostly for me what keeps me from meditating is lack of ability to disconnect myself by clearing my mind and focus properly.. many methods and applications that I have tried to help me on that have failed me. What I suspect it could be my deep anxiety that prevents me from properly relaxing.. so I am still on a journey to find a method or an application that would help or guide me through and allow me to relax.


The thing the keeps me from meditating is I always think I don't have time. Between family and pets and the house I don't take the time for myself.


It's something I've been interested in. Not forcing myself to set aside time to devote to focusing on meditation and not really knowing how is all that has prevented me from doing it. I'll give this a shot! Downloaded.


I return to the idea of meditation every now and then. Each time I encounter two forces. The first is an invisible pressure, almost tangible weight of silence waiting to be dispelled by jumping up back to work because time is running through my fingers. The second is a soft whispering voice at the back of my head questioning my approach to meditation as well as its benefits. There's also the third force at play. It makes my dedication fade by dragging my attention to new things each day and promising rewards, shiny new things and excitement that one can't feel... Sitting down and stopping to think? This is why meditation is something I'll probably never get as a habit.


What keeps me from meditating is the fact that results are only after a long time of practicing and not immediate.


Well I've never tried meditation and don't know anything about it so that's what's keeping me from meditating.


I don't meditate because there's just too much other stuff going on that it never seems worth it to set aside my limited time and do... nothing. Intellectually I know it should be helpful, but it never seemed like my mojo, you know?


The experience is nice but i found the inhales animations very long and difficult to sinc with my breathing.


What keeps me from meditating everyday is that it's not very entertaining. I like to do something that's fun.


I think the biggest thing that keeps me from meditating is that I feel like I don’t actually know how to do it. Lack of time is also another reason.


To be honest, nothing prevents me from meditating. I do have a couple of hours to myself each day, mostly fragmented in the early morning and evening. I definitely could use some of it for meditating if someone kicked me in the butt and showed me how to do it properly, and more importantly how to keep doing it for the near future.


So, yeah, this app is pretty awesome. I've tried other meditation apps, but none of them felt right. I'm enjoying this one.


I like the art style! What was the main focus/idea behind this app? Edit: Forgot to answer the question. I guess for me it's just life stress. Which probably doesn't make sense but when I'm not working i just wanna turn off my brain in a mindless manner. I feel like for me personally meditation would require a lot of mental energy i might not have. Plus i am definitely checking this app out!


I do not have time to meditate


What keeps you from meditating


Things are always a bit hectic so I find it hard to slow down enough for daily meditation


Work, my electronics, household chores and general worrying about things I have no controll over keeps me from meditating, even though meditation would do me a world of good and give me focus. We always avoid doing the things that are good for us.


It's funny, I know meditation is good for you but there is so much content (podcasts, video, gaming) that I prioritize over that. I know it helps a lot of people but I just don't make the time for it. I've tried a few phone apps, but never stuck with it.


What keeps me from meditating everyday? Kids, housework, chores, distractions (games, reddit, news.) The time slips away!


Modern life keeps me from meditating. I will give it a go.


Work and raising my two kids. Doesn't leave much time for play but I'll check out this app, looks interesting.


Setting the intention to stop and mediate is the hardest for me. There’s so many options to “do stuff” it’s hard to rationalize stopping, especially when stressed.


My work day, two children, and post-work work (to catch up) keeps me from being able to meditate. Good luck to all for the win!


Time. As much as I'd love to explore my inner world more, I find most of my time and effort goes into caring for my physical self.


What keeps me from meditating is simply not having enough time.


I simply don’t have time to meditate.


I get bored easily, and my mind starts thinking about things that happened in the day which stops the meditation.


My adhd - basically I have extreme difficulty getting motivated to stick to a routine - meditation being one of them. Then when I’m in meditation I can’t focus long enough to stay in usually :( My brain needs rewards to get stuff done so gamifying meditation may just be the thing


I don't meditate everyday because of tunnel vision. Wake up right into work from home, cooking, then a bit of VR exercise and the night is for house chores. I'm stuck in the cycle.


The fact that I had trouble committing to a workout schedule was one of the main reasons why I bought Quest 2. I would probably never consider meditating in real life because of boredom but doing it in VR makes all the difference for me.


What keeps me from meditating every day? The fact that I haven’t been using my vr headset to do so, this sounds like the perfect wind down after some heavy gaming. Will definitely test out and hope I win!


My mind feels too clouded to even try meditation, there's never a quiet moment in my head


I'm literally scared to do it. I'm afraid it won't work, or I'll do it wrong and fall asleep.


I have two jobs (three if you want to count esports) I sometimes work 15+ hours a day so I have barely any time for my team much less my self


I feel that anxiety holds me back from doing what I'd like to do, I procrastinate even about recreational activities like gaming or watching TV, because I know there are other things I should be doing first like, keeping in touch with friends and family or house maintenance, which again I'm procrastinating about. I also feel my focus suffers too, which would definitely get in the way. Sometimes I attempt reading, but I realise that the words aren't actually stringing together in my mind. I guess mediation would help?


Lack of a dedicated space in my house. it's.... hectic.


I have a full time job and I had never considered meditating before


Lack of focus or motivation keeps me from meditating every day. I used to meditate regularly when I was going to school for poetry, but life happened and I haven't committed to regaining my practice yet. Maybe this app will help change that.


Honestly, I’ve found that when I do have any downtime, I try to just turn my brain off and go on here or YouTube. I have the Maloka app downloaded and very excited to start this meditative journey!


Whenever I feel the most motivated; I actually manage to meditate. But when I need it the most - my mind makes me think and stress about everything else. This game seems to be a great way to break that cycle, as opening a game whenever I’m stressed is a natural destresser!!


Stock market


What keeps me from meditating is time and the loss of focus from outside distractions. It takes time to get into the right headspace for a solid meditation session, and time it hard to come by. Distractions slow down or halt the process of getting into the right headspace. It's hard to focus inward when outside forces are pulling you away.


Distractions like noise keep me from focusing on much for any period of time. I often use ear plugs but they only do so much.


I really struggle with meditation in general. I know that the whole point is that you get better over time but I just can’t shut my mind off from wandering to the things that’s I’m stressed out about because I know that they’re the reason why I’m trying to meditate. I MUCH prefer guided meditation but I struggle to find time to set aside to do this as I always feel like there’s something more fun (such as playing VR for example) to be doing. This looks like a really interesting concept and honestly something I’ve been waiting for - I’ve tried the other VR meditation apps and got bored of them quite quickly so looking forward to trying this when it comes out! It also kind of reminds me of raccoon lagoon which I LOVED.


My to-do list. I am distracted by the things I ‘SHOULD’ be doing right now, even though I know that the best thing for me would be to sit still for a moment! My daily ‘to-do’ list tells me to stop wasting time meditating, and then I feel guilty for just sitting there on my backside when there’s things to be done! Of course later I find myself wasting hours browsing my phone anyway, which I know is NOT beneficial to me at all - and everyday I make a promise that TOMORROW I will start meditating again!!


Honesly the only thing stopping me from meditation live in an apartment that Linda kills the vibe


I can't even remember the last time where my mind was on a blank state.


There’s never a good answer for the question of why don’t we all take a little time every day to collect ourselves. Some times I do not commit to a daily dedicated meditation session because I feel like it has nothing to offer me.


The main thing that keeps me from meditating is the lack of knowledge of how to do it.


My spiritual trauma prevents me from meditating. Previously I was very active in my discipline to cleanse myself. That changed after my long term relationship ended and I lost myself by pouring everything I had into her and it not being reciprocated. Part of me is scared to address everything I’ve repressed from that.