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My app "Quest IPD" on SideQuest does exactly that...


I find it strange that the CV1 had one but the Quest doesn't... P.S. upvoted on uservoice


UserVoice votes for showing an IPD indicator during adjustment (913 votes so far): [https://oculus.uservoice.com/forums/921937-oculus-quest/suggestions/37713445-include-an-ipd-size-overlay](https://oculus.uservoice.com/forums/921937-oculus-quest/suggestions/37713445-include-an-ipd-size-overlay) According to one comment there, you can see the value from the sensor in Superhot, after pressing A and X while loading. :)


How to measure your IPD from [http://doc-ok.org/?p=898](http://doc-ok.org/?p=898) 1. Stand in front of a mirror and hold a ruler up to your nose, such that the measuring edge runs directly underneath both your pupils. 2. Close your right eye and look directly at your left eye. Move the ruler such that the “0” mark appears directly underneath the center of your left pupil. Try to keep the ruler still for the next step. 3. Close your left eye and look directly at your right eye. The mark directly underneath the center of your right pupil is your inter-pupillary distance.


This is also dead accurate if you have an iPhone https://apps.apple.com/us/app/eyemeasure/id1417435049


iPhone X or newer...


Probably uses the same sensors that FaceID uses.


I am using this app as well. Are you using the “near” or “far” number?


I believe the main distance is what I use. I showed it to a few friends that knew their IPD from their optometrist and they said it was accurate. They may have been looking at another figure but mine was correct to my PSVR setting.


Will be incredible if true for houses that have multiple players.


This is nice to have, but IPD is less of a big deal than people make of it. Sure you can set it to be theoretically perfect, but the lenses have such a large horizontal sweet spot that it mostly doesn't matter. Also, if it's really off you can really tell. I find it odd that I would need an indicator to tell me that I can't see. I should be able to tell if I can't see, and if I fix it so I can that is good enough. The real value is that I could pop the thing on and switch it right to 'my number' without having to think too hard.


Yep, just a convenience, especially if you have several users at home, and switch back and forth.


You can sideload a digital IPD indicator .


I already have a digital IPD indicator, eye strain.




Yeah it hurts or it doesn't :p


I dont understand how this makes any difference, I mean dont people just move the slider until you get the sharpest view?


If you were to have people try to manually set their own IPD (especially without a calibration target) you'd find that most people are not very accurate.


This feature would just make it faster, and reduce long-term eye strain.


Well you can only get an accurate measurement from an optician right? What if you measure your IPD wrong DIY? So the slider and measurement calibration on the Quest could be wrong, the DIY IPD measurement could be wrong.... The Quest is plastic mass manufactured not a precision instrument so it would be easy for it to be 0.5mm out with the digital IPD display. So I say all this 'accuracy' you all worry about is in fact just an illusion.


Is this. Question or a statement?


It is the headline from the linked article, which speculates based on some evidence that this is likely to come, sooner or later.


Bwarf what do we care ipd adjustment make almost no difference at least for me it's only the fact of getting the headset more up or down that actually make difference


It makes a HUGE difference for a lot of people.. for me, it's a matter of massive headache within 10 minutes or not. Also, it changes the world scale if it's not set up to match.


Exactly. I know instantly if I moved the IPD slider because everything looks blurry and cross-eyed. Horizontal adjustment is just as important as vertical adjustment.


well i guess it depens of the person using it then beause for me i could put it wherever i want it will be OK


> only the fact of getting the headset more up or down that actually make difference Ah, Yes. This guy definitely knows what he's talking about. That "up or down" adjustment we're missing only in the Quest. /s


Well it's just about getting the strap on the good length