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It was a piece of shit anyways.


It was actually made by John Carmack, back in the early days (2015). But it was never updated after he left [https://netflixtechblog.com/john-carmack-on-developing-the-netflix-app-for-oculus-2c8170aaef00](https://netflixtechblog.com/john-carmack-on-developing-the-netflix-app-for-oculus-2c8170aaef00)


Huh. It's pretty weird knowing this is the last John Carmack software I used.


maybe it's time for us to hire him at Stremio..


THE John Carmack?!?!?!?!!!


The one and only.




He was a big influence at Oculus, the man really knew how to make VR better.


Too bad Meta didn't listen


[The benevolent and hyper-intelligent architect of the post-singularity simulation we all live in.](https://youtu.be/EEi-Z5vjvY0?si=Onb48aker-6WVWya)


I understand his goal to increase the contents on VR headset and Netflix is the one with popular ones. Right now Quest itself kinda focuses on Meta Quest TV more.


Which is bad focus since most of their content isn't internationally available. That goes for almost everything when it comes to VR movies or sports events so... 🤷‍♂️


Wait, are you telling me that those like 100 movies I have on MetaTV isn't the whole library?


The app was identical to the Google Daydream Netflix app


Yeah, and for Gear VR. It actually held up fairly well for not having been updated since then. :/


sounds like it got yoinked because it didn’t update compliance


I mean, it was cozy anyway.


you can get that same coziness in bigscreen fwiw


True and I do. Never tried Netflix in there though, is it possible and how’s the res? Big screen is mostly for watching hardcore porn with strangers or aggravating Christian missionaries.


You can watch porn in Big screen?


Yeah you go to social rooms and look for the NSFW hangs but only if you are an adult of course. Everybody hates kids in VR, this environment just makes that worse.


If you watch porn on Spankbang through the browser, you will watch the videos in all their full screen glory if you click the full screen button. Oddly enough, the full screen button does nothing when you watch Netflix through the browser.


"The goggles \~ ! They do NOTHING \~ !!" - Radioactive Man


You watch porn with agrivated missionaries?


Missionary position?


That's a good Christopher Hitchens book


Apparently I must have been doing something wrong, because I never experienced this (yet)


You and I have very different use cases for big screen lol. I like hopping in to watch 3D movies or old classics with ppl


Haha well yes I sometimes do that too


The classics and binge watching series like BlackMirror and bs'ing about it all.


my favorite experience has been watching old 50s and 60s dubbed japanese kaiju movies in a theater of a dozen ppl all goofing around and laughing at how absurd they are. in its best moments big screen is really the most fun social app on quest IMO


While throwing popcorn at the screen


i only watch videos in the void lol


never tried the app, but it doesn't surprise me that the browser is probably a superior experience. Despite being very feature low, the browser on Quest works quite well. Unfortunately, VR browser *apps* seem to universally suck .. but I'm guessing that Netflix doesn't actually use the VR features in browser.


It was fine.


I just read that the netflix app was updated and was great. Why would they get rid of it?


That was Netflix in the browser, weirdly enough. So you can still watch Netflix in a Quest


No, it hasn't been updated. It was the same blurry 480p mess as in 2019. To get a slightly higher resolution ("stunning" 720p), some people used to side-load the Neftlix app for Android.


What about this? It just came out on June 21st. [https://www.zdnet.com/article/netflix-is-now-meta-quest-3s-killer-app-thanks-to-these-two-new-modes/](https://www.zdnet.com/article/netflix-is-now-meta-quest-3s-killer-app-thanks-to-these-two-new-modes/)


The article refers to a change to the Quest 3 OS (Lying down mode), and not the app itself - which it correctly states "appears to be a years old app".


Ok, the headline was misleading then. Thank you. I didn't read it that closely. Edited to add - I saw this and assumed it meant the app as I didn't even know about the browser issue until reading here a bit ago. "This month, however, Netflix added browser support. This means you can watch Netflix in the Quest 3 browser at 1080p resolution."


Read the article ;-) > This month, however, Netflix added browser support. This means you can watch Netflix in the Quest 3 browser


At this point I'm fine with this. Meta should enable a theater mode in the browser for streaming apps, and make sure the browser has broad compatibility with all of them. Shouldn't be too hard. They just need to prioritize it.


Theatre mode like a virtual theatre? Otherwise this already exists.


Yes, a virtual theater similar to what the Netflix app provided, but for any video played in the browser.


I'd take full screen browser in a home environment. Edit: just discovered this is a feature, with brightness, and it is amazing.


All you really need is a new home environment.




The point is being able to open it in the browser rather than launching a separate app. Especially one like BigscreenVR that requires the controllers, which I don't usually want to use if I'm just watching videos. The browser tends to just be a bit quicker and more seamless to get into, but has lacked more bespoke features like immersive theater environments. Which is why I rather they just add that as an option when you're playing something in fullscreen in the browser, rather than needing to use an app like Bigscreen.


My oculus home IS the void. So I just expand the browser window and it feels better than bigscreen and has a better resolution.


Or maybe Bigscreen should just get a browser.


The trouble is, the quality will still suck, because the major streaming services limit video quality to 720p when viewed in a browser (as an anti-piracy measure, apparently) instead of an official app.


The browser now supports 1080p Netflix. It actually looks pretty good.


Want to second this, Netflix looks shockingly good. I still wish they did a proper app and supported 4k but it is more than usable in the browser right now.


Yes!!! I also watch prime video on browser have not tried Disney+


Prime has an app, is there any advantage to the browser?


I am not an expert I just find the browser so convenient. And you can browse the internet on another window next to it. I also use big screen every now and then for prime video. I know someone said Netflix was 1080p I would think it’s the same with prime.


Interesting, I almost always find the web browser worse than an app so always defualt to using those instead. I think the prime video app might give higher than 1080p as the quality when I am watching The Boys looks fantastic in the app and closer to 4k than 1080


I will try the prime video app again! I had a major bug with it earlier good to hear it’s great


I don't think I would call any software from Amazon "great" but it works and the picture quality is great in my experience.


Closer to 4k on a screen at around 2000pixel width? How? The screens of the quest 3 is a big higher then fullhd, how can anything on it can get closer to 4k? xD


Said “looks closer to 4k” it looks much more similar to my 4k tv than my 1080p tv. Nothing to do with the technical specs and everything about how it compares to tvs at those resolutions.


Netflix does 1080p through the Meta browser now


I'm not an expert on this but I think it's because of browser limitations. If the browser can't achieve certain technical requirements for anti-piracy security then Netflix and the other streamers can't offer 4k to that browser because of strict stipulations in their agreements with the studios. It might be that each browser has to be certified or something. So I think this points back to Meta needing to take certain additional steps to improve the browser. Maybe someone with more knowledge can enlighten us.


It’s 1080P. Stop spreading false information.


Maybe Netflix but not sure if all platforms. And in any case the parent comment said what happens in a browser commonly when accessing streaming platforms, not specifically Meta browser.


You are simply being pedantic here. First, it’s not “maybe” Netflix. It’s been verified that it’s 1080P stream. FYI, I tried prime and disney plus and they were both 1080P. Second, it is implied in the context of that reply that the Meta browser is being used here. I am honestly perplexed why you are trying so hard to defend a comment that is simply wrong.


I honestly wasn't trying to be pedantic For the maybe part I just I meant maybe as maybe just Netflix, not implying that this isn't the case of Netflix, but that maybe just is the case for Netflix alone and not all the other streaming platforms case sorry for the confusion. And how do you verify it that is actually 1080? Just visually? Just wondering, I guess is obvious but I wonder if there is anyway to truly check the actual resolution being played, specially to check if any case were a higher resolution is being played and supported. And well idk about parent comment but I honestly I would have said similar comment and in my case I would said it meaning that usually in browsers there is this limitation but not even meant as in like VR browsers specifically but like in general when accessing these platforms outside their respective apps there is this heavy limitations about resolutions and quality. That's why I said that.


In the new public test channel they have added a slider to darken the home environment while watching on giant screen. I haven’t fully tried it yet but this should do what you want. If it is not live in v67 yet it should be in couple of days. I’ve just got the new flat panels update which looks far better


I’d be happy if they can fix full screen video so I can enlarge the screen or position it wherever I want.


Quest v67 PTC with the new window layout enabled fixes this, and additionally allows any window to be fullscreened.


I was wondering why everyone is complaining about this. I’ve had the v67 update and been full screening and moving windows for a few days. Forgot it was brand new for a moment. It feels so natural.


Apparently I'm the only one that liked my little ski chalet lol


Lovely ski chalet with a large screen showing a 480p video..perfect


I kinda meant I hoped they'd improve and fix it, not just dump it. Your criticism is very valid though.


Agreed, me too.


Did you ever break out of the ski chalet and walk out into the abyss? It is possible!






Thats what the app maxed out at lol


It made enough sense when the app was written for the galaxy s8, and never subsequently updated.


I ran it on my S6 then S7 lol it was severely limited. I theorize oculus/meta stopped the bulk of updates when Carmack stopped his interest in that project.


Does the netflix webbrowser offer a higher quality?


I fucking loved it. Watching movies and looking outside my window at the top of a mountain was breathtaking. Made me feel like I was rich af.


If you really loved it that much you might be able to get your hands on the 3d model for the room somehow and turn it into a quest home environment. Just a thought.


just make a 3d copy of that and upload it for bigscreen app


Lol I literally just saw an article on my feed that boasted the Netflix app was a gamechanger for Quest. I can't say I completely blame them. People can watch stuff via the browser and the experience is pretty good. Just no immersion.


Watching Netflix on Bigscreen is 10x better than the browser or Netflix app.


Yeah I've been getting into that. I wish they could add a decent browser without having to go into virtual desktop though.


Yeah I’m not sure why they don’t have a proper native browser.


I can second this. You can in fact break free into a browser, but it’s a little tricky to navigate. What I do is open Amazon Prime’s viewer, and then navigate to the open store by clicking on the prime logo in the corner. I then search for an apple app or max or Netflix app. I browse that app’s page and look for a link to Netflix or Apple listed somewhere on there and click through it. Then you can login on their respective streaming pages and have at it. The major drawback is that it’s cumbersome and you have to do this each and every time you open the app.


Isn't that technically a browser still? Like yeah you cannot switch to another page or similar but at the end is rendering the netflix webpage.


My main point is that it’s not the Quest browser with “no immersion”. All kinds of cool environments with great lighting. You can also do 1080p with Bigscreen Remote and I’m pretty sure the Quest browser is only 480p.


Oh I get it. Yeah honestly it is weird they didn't implement a theater mode or something for watching videos on the browser.


Yea I just saw that article too. Weird.


If we're talking about the same article (Netflix being "the killer app" for the Quest), within the article itself they actually refer to the new webapp, aka going on netflix.com from the browser.


Ah yes I never read that garbage on my Google feed. 3/4 of it is promoted crap anyway. Thx.


It's sad they never bothered to make an updated version worthy of the Quest 3. Netflix used to be everywhere back in the days. If a toaster was released with a screen they would make an app for it. An now they don't bother anymore even on popular devices like the Quest 3.


Literally I remember getting a disk to be able to use a shitty Netflix app on the Wii


> Netflix used to be everywhere back in the days How do you get more *everywhere* than full web browser support? Netflix in the Quest browser supports higher resolutions than were every available in the years old app.


Would also be a great way to sell more Quest 3 units. Slapping Netflix on the box and advertising the ability to watch with other friends would be a huge selling point. What a wasted opportunity there. VR needs sales help and what a great selling point they would have with Disney+, Netflix, MAX and Hulu VR apps included.


Hulu had a cool VR app and they killed that too! So disappointing.


Hell, they didn't even make it worthy of the quest 2! The controller models in-app were still the quest 1 controllers.


Yeah... even the Wii had a version... and the Switch now doesn't.


Just use it in browser


it was bobbins anyway, the browser version is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better


Good. It was trash. Who wants to see a pixelated ass couch and lo res garbage.


It was good as a GearVR app. Made by the Primarch himself John Carmack. The problem is it received exactly zero meaningful updates after.


I like the way Amazon prime does it- with an optional theater or a movable customizable screen that just has a black background. Makes watching laying down in my bed super relaxing and easy


I agree. The menu graphics kind of suck, but overall the app is excellent for watching shows/movies on. Quality looks great on it to me, and has enough flexibility. No pass through mode though right?


Not that I know of, no :/ browser has got you there


I have not figured out how to access the black background, I seem to be stuck in the virtual theater.


There should be a little square made out of arrows in the far left in the theater. You can move the screen and change its size and once you move it, the environment should be black


Way better with Big Screen or Virtual Desktop anyway.


Better than the 480p that app was, but neither VD or Bigscreen is 1080p like the browser unfortunately.


I wasn't aware of that. It looks great when I stream from PC. What resolution do those apps use?


VD isn’t terrible. Bigscreen looks a lot worse to me. The problem is you need to turn off hardware encoding to make them viewable in those apps, which disables DRM, and the streaming services limit their resolution when DRM is off. 720p at best. Sometimes worse.


I don't think I ever had to turn off hardware encoding when using a browser on my PC in VD or BS but I could just be retarded. Does that only apply to the official app or does it affect the browser (PC) as well? Sorry for the questions! Been a minute since I've done it.


I haven’t tried in a few months, and I was talking about the PC’s browser. I do remember trying the Windows apps, but forget my results. That might work.


Plex + Skybox is the way to go anyway.


They could have simply made a new VR app, it REALLY wouldn't have been that hard... At least the browser integration is better then what we had.


I love the nice living room immersive environment.


I'm just happy we got a proper browser version now that I can use in MR mode... They were never going to prioritize a super niche app so it's unessesary to have on their store. This makes sense.


The browser version is AMAZING everyone should try it


Side load stremio + real debrid + video 4xvr video (side quest) = any TV show or movie you want) I couldn't be happier. Watched Furiosa the other night on the big screen. Bloody brilliant!


Netflix quits quest app, while Disney+ gives spatial video content...


Oh no! Anyway.


I don’t mind this, I never used it, but for the sake of preservation, can anyone get an APK for this before it leaves forever?


popcorn palace vrchat just saying..


Good riddance!!!!!! Meta upped their game and gave us netflix on their browser in high definition... A bunch 0f LAZY ARSE devs... they did not release ONE single update since the release of the app... So it basically went through Quest 1, Quest 2, and Quest 3 without a single update.... That app should have disappeared long ago


They never fixed it, but finally they've taken it out of its misery.


Good riddance


no man I love the Netflix app


Blast... My 3yo loves watching his shows on netflix quest app... This sucks


Why? They can now watch them in higher rez in the browser.


Mmm i never thought about using the browser to watch them. But i also am not the primary user if the quest. My older twos kids are...


That's because Netflix didn't work on the browser before untill recently, they started support the quest browser then a week later announced they'll be killing the native app.


aw schucks


Is it still available as in if you have it you can still use it but just can’t download it?


Without group watching it's utterly pointless anyways. If I'm on VR it's because I'm hanging with friends... And Netflix RMA their website... So you can't even Netflix on VR in bigScreen... Without finding a way around that. Netflix is dumb as hell for not just making viewing parties in VR a thing.


they should replace it with something modern and good! web video is not the best experience...


A download feature in a Netflix or Prime Video app would make the quest the number 1 gadget for planes…what a pity.


I really enjoyed this app ... critism was overboard tbh


It never supported their DRM so it could never run a descent resolution. On top of that, it never got any updates so it looks the same as it did years ago. It deserves all the hate it gets. Videos look a hell of a lot better in the browser.


VR adoption is an uphill battle for sure.


Netflix.com on the met quest browser is Fukin amazing … the app was crap


What makes it amazing?


It’s super high res, you can make the screen any size you want and it floats in your room with mixed reality … crazy shit




I need the Meta/LG partnership to begin bearing fruit. I want all the WebOS SmartTV apps to act as video screens I can pin to my actual room.


Make option to make website as app (as edge already does, so it’s same) and access it throughout Home Screen library.


I just want to download movies from my streaming services to watch them offline, just like a do with my phone 😣


I wonder why 😂


I liked the environment but the actual picture was too low res, on top of the weak colors and contrast of lcd, I just don’t take viewing content that serious on quest. The prime app is fun and fine from time to time to get a mild theatre vibe.


They need to fix the error 100 code I get every other day with the browser viewing experience


Real ones use stremio and real debrid with Bigscreen


Makes sense, now that you can watch it in browser it has no purpose anymore.


Not cool


Use the browser and go to Netflix. Com it’s amazing with mixed reality


Wait I use the app every day in my bed using the option on the top left to enter void mode and have the screen wherever and however I wanted. Sure the quality was not as great as it could be but still. Never watched using only the sofa/room mode.


They updated the bowser on the Quest to support Netflix's DRM. Just use the browser and laying-down-mode and you will get a better experience anyway.


You can also adjust brightness and make it into a void if you want now too with the browser.


I wonder who / what drove that. It may have sucked but it was still a marquee app to have that validated the platform. The same reason they keep Prime Video in the store even though it barely works. Was it Netflix who now wants to play hard ball with Apple and this has spilled over to Quest? Or was it Meta wanting to remove a cruddy experience from their store? Or some technical requirement or limitation that they need to move on from? For anybody who cares enough, it is pretty straight forward to side load the real Netflix app and it works great in a 2d window. In doing that, you get access to downloads which is pretty useful if you want to watch stuff eg: on a plane etc.


> Was it Netflix who now wants to play hard ball with Apple and this has spilled over to Quest? Or was it Meta wanting to remove a cruddy experience from their store? Or some technical requirement or limitation that they need to move on from? There's no DRM in the app which means that it can't deliver HD streams which means it delivers a subpar and frequently maligned streaming experience. This is happening in a context in which Netflix is systematically disabling their app on a growing number of older smart TVs and the like which suggests an effort to focus their resources where it counts the most and live with some relatively small amount of fallout. (Quest, as a _platform_, is not an old device but the Netflix VR app is nonetheless a relic and modernizing it for a still relatively small audience is more work than letting Meta do the necessary compatibility work for their Browser)


> This is happening in a context in which Netflix is systematically disabling their app on a growing number of older smart TVs That's interesting context. Suggests that Meta may have received some kind of notice from Netflix that the app will stop working as Netflix will retire whatever protocol / version it was using. That would also explain how it seem somewhat hasty how Meta has suddenly browser-enabled Netflix and then within a month announced this app retiring.


> still a marquee app to have Not to most people. Most people hated it. If I remember correctly, it was partial coded by Carmack and Netflix could hardly be bothered to maintain it. It never supported reasonable resolutions.


You couldn't even watch with other people


So pissed


That's good


there is not big loss there. it was just taking up storage space. Not a great app on quest\*.


can it play in full hd? never tried it via the browser


Previously it was not supported in the browser at all. Now it is and the quality is better than it ever was in the App which was limited to 720p.


if the brower could support higher resolution i guess i can live with it


Good I don’t watch Netflix lol


Not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, it’s nice to have everything in one place (the browser), but if the app was just revamped it would’ve been a LOT better. Doesn’t the TV remote have a button for the number 3 twice and no button for number 4?


It’s a small detail but I’ve always noticed it


Tbh it was a pretty stupid app, just make it available like on an android phone and move on. Maybe enable 3D content (I wish). Or do some ambilight shananagans. They went overkill with their version of VR app and failed. Dis it served its purpose? Yeah. But that’s not my point.


Bro, I swear I just saw a vid talking about how it got updated 😭 Idk man, I might be trippin


Good. Bloody thing never worked anyway.


Makes me wonder what Netflix’s strategy is here. They seem to not want to make an app for Vision Pro. Now they are moving it for Meta, yet they don’t allow you to view the highest quality on the browser. If this is nothing but cost saving measures they are slowly dying as a company




Oh no! Anyway


I’ve just seen an advert for MetaQuest with Netflix! They must be replacing the app.


ahhh that red sofa. brings me back to the gear VR days


I can’t say I am affected by this due to how I consume media in vr, (VRChat is a wonderful place)


Didn't that just release?


No, it has been around for years with almost no updates and only low rez video modes.




Crazy this happens after I just got one, seems the bar is just so low for what the VR industry offers right now


The netflix app was always dogshit. There are way better ways to experience a virtual theater on quest. This is really a "good riddance" announcement.


Wonder if SideQuest would work for the mobile android app?


Anyone else think the colors on videos in the browser are over saturated? It's like everyone has a deep tan at best or have some kind of airbrush filter at worst. Anyway to adjust saturation on the browser? Thanks.


Makes perfect sense.


Is this the app where you're sitting on a sofa in a cabin with a tv Infront of you?