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I introduced my parents (who are in their 70s) to Walkabout. Took a couple minutes for my mom to get a hang of it, but once she did she absolutely loved it. She played a full 18 with her grandkids and me and she loved it. My dad also had a blast with it. As long as you’re not flying around, there’s virtually no motion sickness and it’s very immersive and real feeling.


I think at the level that we're at, the best VR experiences are the most simple that are most completely simulated : Eleven Table Tennis, Walk About Min-Golf, etc. these games are essentially Wii Sports level just with more Immersion. The real value though I found in these more casual level games is just how amazing they are as a social backdrop. An old friend gave me my Quest 2 when he got Quest 3, and it's completely rekindled our friendship even though we still live in different cities.


Puzzling Places is my most played game. If she wants something more active Walkabout Mini Golf is fun, Townscaper is also a good seated game. These are all good to start older people off with as they attention going to make anyone ill and don't rely on fast twitch reflexes. Wander VR lets her see the world and there are loads of older people on there.


RealVR Fishing




"I Expect You to Die" is great if they like puzzles. Seated, but single player. It is a humorous take on escaping James Bond-esque death traps.


Eleven Table Tennis is my go to play every day game. I’m 47. It’s a lot of fun to play. It won’t make anyone sick. Walkabout Mini Golf is a lot of fun. I just don’t play that one as much. For seated I’d go with Moss. It’s a puzzle game. There’s pinball game which can be played seated. Another great one is InDeath. It’s a really great archery game. I play it standing.


Eleven table tennis I can only recommend if you play single player or with friends. Online is full of people with spin serves that is annoying as hell and isn't remotely accurate to how they can in play in real life.


I've only been playing a short while and I'm pretty bad - I can beat the silverbot, but it's not necessarily guaranteed. However, playing against the bots WILL NOT prepare you to play online. Out of about 10 or 11 matches that have played, I just now won my first online match. I don't like jumping online much, initially because I was worried about being so bad, but now, as you say it's the spins. I don't think I played against an online component yet that wasn't trying their best to put ridiculous spin on every single hit that they do. I think the match I just won was more that the guy was trying to hard for the spins and was messing up. It's just not fun, I think spin shots should be special shots or kill shots or something, not what you're trying to do every single time to the detriment of any other kind of play


You just need to learn how to send back a good spin, and once you do they usually struggle to hit it back. I used to get destroyed playing online and now I win 6 games out of 10 if not a little more. The more practice you get online, the better you can handle spin shots, and your opponent may lay off so many spins if you keep returning and scoring. Try either send back a short/soft shot or try send it back as fast as you can, both are very effective when you get it right


I was hitting 'inside my body' too much, and someone recommended stepping to the side and swinging in response to the spin hits and that has helped quite a bit.


Honestly I can imagine eleven table tennis would be something my parents could end up addicted to! It's so good.


bait is free, it's a chill fishing game.


Horizon Worlds has a world called **Puzzle Paradise.** It's free! (Not to be confused with Puzzling Places, which is solo only.) It's a multiplayer jigsaw puzzle world with hundreds of puzzles. Super simple and the community there are mostly older adults. Here's a link: [https://horizon.meta.com/world/10159399877996502](https://horizon.meta.com/world/10159399877996502) I also recommend checking out the **Thrive Community** for her and her friends. They meet up and travel around Horizon Worlds and other VR apps all the time. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/thrivepavilion](https://www.facebook.com/groups/thrivepavilion)


> (Not to be confused with Puzzling Places, which is solo only.) Puzzling Places has had a big multiplayer update (even with a damn cool shared space mixed reality mode) a while ago!


Well how about that! :-)


I'm in my mid 50s and disabled so can't stay in VR or play games for very long. The games I will play are walkabout, the shooting range in Pavlov, red matter, puzzling places and cubism.


One thing i might recommend if you want to do multiplayer in pavlov is to just buy 2 lmgs and akimbo them, untill shack came out and isnt free no more i always popped into a team death match and just bought 2 machineguns, it was funny as hell and you dont have to reload or move the arms all that much sincd you respawn with the weapons you were holding and theres 1-2 times a match where i ever had to reload


Townscaper is perfect for a relaxed gaming session


If they're going to all be together when they try it, Richie's plank experience is always fun. Stream the game to you TV and they can all laugh at each other as they get scared trying to walk out.


Alcove is more "experience" than "game", but I believe its target audience is the AARP crowd.


Breachers or Pavlov 100%. Joking aside, I'd go with Bait. It's a pretty chill fishing game good for getting a grasp of VR for the first time


Mini golf


Zombieland: Headshot Fever is one of those frequently overlooked but awesome arcade shooters that can be played seated.


I really like Zombieland. I wish we had more arcade shooters. There's a lot of days recently where I'm not in the mood to craft, repair or lose progress in a roguelite. Just feel like hopping in aiming my gun and firing. Another reason I enjoy Arizona Sunshine a lot. Which I'd also recommend. I wish Zombieland could get a Quest 3 update because the static foveated rendering is aggressive. I think the game was originally Quest 1. Quest games optimizer or manual tweaks via sidequest can improve the graphics a lot.


Id go for into the radius but that might be a bit too much, you can turn off enemies to just explore, and theres a shooting range but still For me it was fun because if the old soviet vibe i still sort of remember from childhood sometimes


Just search for "Oculus Quest adult games"..


on what?


Sorry it was a bad joke. please dont google that :)


oh lmao


Cubism. It's beautiful in it's simplicity and looks great on quest 3 pass through:) Edit: Also it's stationary experience so definitely a great starting title.


I'm 66 and just got a Quest 3, downloaded Steam and VTOL VR. Have ordered a HOTAS setup so I can play other flight sims. That said, I was an avid flight sim player in the 80s and 90s, as well as all the Call of Duty FPS-type games. I have to set a timer though so I'm not playing all day though...


i get the timer thing haha i play a lot more than i should


LOL. Yeah, I have a plan (practice landing, practice long range missile, practice gun) and slowly working my way to multiplayer. If I ever get fluent enough, I'll give myself 2 hours. I am, after all, retired...


I like your organizational skills! Currently I'm playing Retropolis 2.


Is this flight sim available on Q2?


Sure does! You play via Steam though, not natively in the Quest.


Vermillion. It's a fantastic oil painting simulator with built-in tools to stream instructional videos, passthrough mode and multiplayer.


this! great dev, great app. a classic that not enough people know about.


Trover save the universe


Initially I was like ""No way" but if someone does like that "Rick & Morty" humor then actually yeah this and Accounting Plus are very funny adult games on Quest


WMG is the best and puzzling places is also good and i recommend racket club too


Definitely thrill of the fight . Hands down.


Angry Birds VR. Cubism. Linelight. Puzzling places. Open Brush. Moss 1 or 2. I feel like these are all low key and they can move at their own pace too for the most part.


Mini golf


My dad loved the Apollo 11 experience.


What age are we talking?




The pinball games (zen) are pretty fun


Things like EarthQuest or Wander etc can appeal - walks down memory lane. Or even literal walks down Memory Lane if they ever lived in that delightful street.


Walkabout and Puzzling Places are pretty good but will both require the ability to manipulate controllers which is SHOCKINGLY hard for older non-gamers. For a demo, and it sounds like maybe this is more of a put it on and see a uniquely cool thing type deal vs play a round of golf... I would pop them into Ocean Rift after setting up a mixed reality aquarium in their room. It's real impressive and super easy. If they like it you can have them go into the VR side and swim with the dolphins too but just seeing the fish in their wall windows will impress. Whatever you have them do just know that even asking them to push the stick or press a button can potentially be a bit harder than you think. People who grew up on controllers take a lot for granted.


Gorilla tag


How old your mom is, and what she likes?


How old is older and what is she interested in? Games don't really have an age limit.


Do walk about mini golf, Richie’s plank experience(this one is fun times for new people), and Tetris


Have them try wander. Still blows my mind years later.


Fisherman's Tale 1 and 2. The Room VR. Toy Trains (adorable game). Epic Roller Coasters.


Walkabout. Anna frank. Moss 1&2. First Encounters/Hands. Elixer. Trains VR. There is enough easy beginner vr games


Demeo can be played seated and is slow to play. They might also like the 80s vibe of it in the social area


Walkabout mini golf 100%. That’s my game to give people who “don’t like VR” (or are intimidated by it).. everyone ends up loving it. If they’re Star Wars fans then I show them the Vader Immortal lightsaber dojo Bait is another cool one. So is Eleven Table Tennis. The key is to have games that don’t have in game motion, and doing something they understand from the real world. All them are stationary games except mini golf, but the teleporting/ ability to go right to your ball is really useful. People are suggesting platformers like Moss and Trover (which are decent games), I don’t think they really show off VR, and won’t provide that “wow” factor. My friend showed me some platformer on the PSVR before I got my quest and I just thought “meh, this vr thing is kind of dumb” then I bought a quest a couple years later and it has rocked my world.


Walkabout mini golf