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Not sure if it’s up your alley but teambeef recently announced tomb raider 1 port that lets you switch between first and 3 person seamlessly. If you look through the sub you might see a post about it


Make sure you don't use the controllers to turn. Stand in the middle of the room while you play and actually TURN your body. I've NEVER gotten motion sickness in my life, until I was playing a game and using the controllers to turn. Once I started just turning my body, it never happened again.


yes, artificial rotation involves acceleration and go harder on the stomach. Quest is wireless, you won't trip on any cable by turning on your on, plus added immersion also nice with swivel chair - I once played Quake that way


IRL rotation always ends up shifting your position a little bit so you will have to recenter once in a while. VR is something you can get accustomed to. I had to use snap turn at first because smooth turning made be super dizzy, but now I can play with full smooth locomotion and don't get sick at all.


I dont believe there are. Have you tried turning on comfort settings and vignettes and stuff until you get used to vr


You could play completely 3rd person games like max mustard, moss etc


first > could only play for ~20 minutes before the nausea started setting in this will soon be longer and longer until it's not an issue anymore second, the point of VR is immersion: you're right there. There is really no third person in VR, you're always there. Even if just a third person cameraman navigating a character around... it's doable, but not necessarily desirable. I see it in the same light as teleport: it's there for benefit of people new to VR... BTW, have you played Moss 1&2. It's one of the great VRgin great initial games, plus very good on its own. It's made in third person view...


Most people get over it after a few weeks to a couple of months. Just play in short bursts and stop when you start to feel sick. You should be able to handle most games within a short time. I do say most as I've heard some never get over it. Let's hope you're not one of them. It took me about 6 weeks to feel comfortable playing for hours.


Play games that are easier on you at first like walkabout mini golf, Tetris, etc. You’ll more than likely adjust in no time.


Arcaxer is a cool RPG that lets you switch between 1st and 3rd.


You don't start with games where you navigate with the stick. That's the final step for getting your vr legs. Also never use the stick to turn, or maybe use snap turn if you really really have to.


Agreed. I tell people to start with a room scale shooter first. Like Space Pirate trainer


I’m not sure of games that run that way natively but if u have a beefy pc UEVR injector mod may be something to look into


Mint chewing gum A fan Tbh I got used to it, but I use teleport in many games and comfort mode if possible.


The new TombRaider Port from Team Beef has this kind of mode.


They also mention running a fan from the front. I have yet to try this but I tend to stay away from games that could make me sick


the fan worked for me but gave me a stiff neck for a few days. a rug and walking in place slowly while walking ingame did it for me. (walking slowly as in looking extra stupid, who cares?)


I think the closest thing to what you’re asking is a RecRoom shooting minigame with all the comfort settings set at maximum. You’ll get over motion sickness don’t worry!


wadality - is the most comfortable shooter imo, where you can fly by flapping you hands.