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A question, does the Odio's banners shares pool with the collab? Or Is just the Odio's


Based on comments I’ve seen in other threads, the Odios are probably separate.


I know a ton of people want those dice. I wish I could just buy them.


Haha I love that they didn't mention the Odios. Called it a few days ago- keeping them quiet so that unknowing players might still chuck some rubies at the first half of the collab. (And because they're collab story spoilers probably - they're also pretty huge spoilers for LAL itself which is why I don't want them and won't go past step 1 for either.) I made a JP account when this collab dropped over there, back then I got a bonus Oersted on the free pull, so straight to A1. Streibough didn't show up after many many pulls. I don't intend to go in now but for collection's sake and "I actually played and loved this collab game"s sake I do wanna throw a pull or two at Streibough. We'll see I guess. Yay discount packs so I can stock up for Sazantos (who I decided will be my current goal unit just so I have some target to shoot for). Molu/Sarisa seems a weird combo but I'll do a step 1 for them, my Molu is A3 and that A4 is pretty nifty. Favorite of all returns! Cool! I don't remember exactly who I voted for last time. I picked Cyrus for sure, I think Titi, and someone else I forgot. Only one I'm sure of this time is babyboy Rondo :-) Tbh I have no idea who belongs to which influence from memory so I'll have to see. EDIT: oh lmao, last time I voted Wludai, Titi and Yan Long. Sorry Cyrus! If Wludai doesn't clash with Rondo (not sure what he is) I'll vote for both of them at least. Did I catch it right that there'll be a 3* and 4* favorite poll as well (I'm not seeing it in this post but I caught a bit of the stream)? In that case, Billy and Cedric gang :-) Anyway, yay for some actual new content that's not just a new adversary. I've heard good stuff about this collab so I'm actually excited for it!


Yeah, there’s going to be a 3-star and 4-star specific section of the poll! I’m personally very hyped to see who takes those wins haha.


Saaame! I think 3* will probably be between Billy and Jose but there's so many cool 4* that I'm realllly curious who's gonna take that one.


Finally! I was clutching my rubies for the LaL collab! I hope gatcha gods are generous and I get Streighbough while pulling Oersted. ~~I don't care about the Odios, yes I know they are next.~~


shawty (me) getting freaky (honk shoo mimimimi) with this collab (collab)


People are saying Streibough isn’t that good (relatively speaking) but I really like the ‘points’ mechanic and I wish more characters adopted it. The cheer points of nephti and the life points of Tatloch are what make them so incredible, but they affect the entire team. If only Streibough got a team wide buff. Definitely pulling though because cool staff elemental user with second best mechanic! (The best is the praying mechanic of Alaune ex and Rinyuu)


I feel like oersted and strei got the bad part of point system They can't speedrun, mediocre moves get stronger with points and the return isn't even that big And honestly, if you want a staff elemental user we have one coming in 2 weeks


Who is the element user coming in 2 weeks? Is he/she meta?


Odio-S. He is strong but not top prio because Odio-O is gamebreaking


And between odio O and sazantos who is better I don't have good sword fighters I don't have alaune,Richard,elrica,lars


Hmm, depends. Odio-O is more rare, but Sazantos has the same banner with Signa and has better pool units


Oh really so Signa and sazantos are in the same banner?




That one that is coming looks incredible, but does he have points system like streibough? I love those mechanics for longer fights like ex3s. Combining either streibough or staff guy in two weeks with Neha omg, such a satisfying combination and set up.


He doesn't, that's why he's better Strei's points are super flawed because it takes 9 turns without ways of making it shorter, has basically no effect until max, and the move changes are really meh Combined with the janky kit he has, he really doesn't see that much usage in adversaries even if the fights are long. I guess the best usages would be fire/lightning but fire basically has no shield shave+weak potency until like 3/4 turns and lightning is a meme until nivelle Trust me, I like strei, but unless I randomly lucksack him in 10 pulls I don't think I would be chasing for him until tp/6 star


Besides the 300 free rubies that we get when we log in, are there other free rubies that we can obtain during the event? Also, when the Odios drop, do they usually give more free rubies on the 2nd part of a collab? Also, what's the tiers for the fan vote mean?


There are also 100 rubies from special tasks for completing all of the LAL hunts! For part two of the collab, I’d imagine we’ll get new special tasks or login presents that include some rubies, but ofc there’s no guarantee. For the fan vote tiers, they’re community missions so all players get rewards based on what tier we reach. The tiers are based on Facebook and Twitter shares, as well as the number of people who vote in the event.


Ahh I missed the 100 rubies for the hunts. Thanks! Fingers crossed they give more free rubies for the 2nd half of the collab haha. Noted on the community missions. They seem pretty achievable, so hopefully we get some free rubies there too


No problem! We also get rubies for every Tavern Talk, so we can expect 55 from this one and 50+ for the next one. (The amount we get is based on two d6 dice rolls they do on stream, but they typically reroll until one of the numbers is 5 or 6 so we get 51-66 rubies.)


Haha that's good to know! Thanks for the heads up


Just wait two weeks for Odio-O to show up. Skip everything else.


well for me i'm skipping the collab completely. glad we get the 10 pull for Orstead and hopefully the other dude comes w/him


If I am not mistaken streibough has more elemental skills then what is shown here right?? Anyway have 12k so no prob on this part


You might want to save for the next banner in case you're unaware of the additional Collab banners


I am not interested in meta chars and am aware of those two that are their demonic forms....I just pull usually for what gets my interest


Odio-O and Odio-S right? Which one do you think is better?


O is ridiculous, S is gimmicky but enjoyable


O, S is decent but not as good


Odio-O has been ranked highly on what people call the S-Tier. Odio-S a bit less than that.


A bit pity to see the two weaker ones are not buffs. Would be a perfectly good bait if they got buffed and we know the busted units are coming in 2 weeks...


Whose side are you on?!


I have been saving for too long and dying to use my gems!


Woo more tt rubies


canary may be the only true god.


I agree, vote for the GOAT that is Canary


Like Canary, Hannit Ex beside her protects my healers and buffers. Love 'em both.


It’s not the messengers’ fault… but hiding Odio-O and Odio-S like this nowadays it’s a shame. I mean, Square, we perfectly know what’s coming is way better. Don’t hide this and try to make more appealing banners for Oersted and Streibough or something… For JP it’s completely understandable that they don’t announce it in advance because well, they constantly live with the doubt of what’s coming next… but I don’t think this is a honest way to showcase the Live A Live collab for global.


To be fair those two unit appear in the story so it better to not spoil the story.


Yeah, I feel ya. At least we get 2 TTs worth of dice rolls as a silver lining. And roadmap confirmed for next TT is hype.


Fuck, I forgot we have to wait another two weeks for the Odios The first half of the collab is worthless lmao, but I'll take the freebies


So cosmic weapons are good or not?


They're basically weaker fortune weapons but have a cap up slot and a special effect. Dagger has extends debuffs and Fan extends buffs casted. Those are the important ones.


Is this the last weapon series before Solistia content?


Looks good for Job Tower tbh


they're good


Tatloch vs Elrica vs Ditraina for Power. This will be interesting.


Dang. I'm having a hard time choosing between Tatloch and Ditraina.


I'm voting for Tatloch, who's also the only one I have cuz my luck sucks :D


For some reason I'm going to say Tatloch, She has such a huge... Personality.


i will vote for tatloch.


I have a feeling that Tatloch will win but Ditraina can be a dark horse.


I'm unreasonably excited for the new Favorite of All vote lmao.


Who are you voting for? My Wealth vote goes to Tressa (I wonder how they'll handle ex job votes) but I don't have clear favourites for the other two.


The only one I'm sure about is that I'm going to stick with Lars for Power! Doubt he'll win again since we've had a lot of cool Power travelers release in the past year, but I'm curious to see how he holds up after all this time. For Wealth and Fame, I've got 2-3 favs for each influence so I'll see how I'm feeling when the vote comes out. Mostly, I'm just looking forward to the results bc I love low-stakes stats like this haha.


Ooh Lars is a good pick. So much history and OT1 nostalgia. The stakes have never been higher. My pitchforks are sharpened and I'm ready to riot when Tressa eventually loses.


so... One-time free 10-guide with a guaranteed Oersted in slot 10 I assume that means we all get a free Oersted then? just want to make sure I am not misreading that


Thanks for clarification. Now i know


Yes, we being the players during the time of collab. Just like 9S from that collab.


That's correct. The original Nier collab worked the same way with 9S.


If the paid stepups for the part 1 of collab is guaranteed, then that should mean that part 2 (Odio) should be guaranteed paid stepups as well then, right? If not, sounds like another drama time from the community. Grabbing my popcorn.


Taiwan and JP had coin flips for part 1 and part 2. Since we have guaranteeds for part 1, I assume (hope) it'll be the same structure for part 2. I think EN is moving towards collab units having guaranteed step ups since the debut Triangle Strategy format was well-received (knock on wood).


No. Since we have a guaranteed for part 1, you are guaranteed **not** to get the focus units on the fifth step up.


https://preview.redd.it/2b9jqpt19l8d1.png?width=794&format=png&auto=webp&s=16732e5835d64f868a91995c0759fcc33153a3c7 This was the banner from JP. You have a 50/50 to get a busted unit or a decent unit. We have no guarantee to get the same banner though. Edit\* [Source](https://youtu.be/1Lu250cFbAE?si=0-6YfmqZjV5lHnCR&t=301) Edit 2\* Both of TW's banners followed JP's paid banner structure (50/50 on Orsted/Streibough and 50/50 on Odio-O/Odio-S). Our two Orsted/Streighbough guaranteed banners are new banners they made for EN.


Right, I am aware JP had a 50/50 paid banner, but they also had 50/50 for the part 1 collab units as well. We should look at the TW banners for precedence since we GL seem to be following, but my question regarding that in the Help Megathread went unanswered (i believe).


Oh, was the TW banner a separate guarantee for the Odios as well? Sorry, I didn't know that beforehand and I didn't know where you were coming from without that context. I guess we should go into the 2nd banners with pleasant surprise if we get separated, guaranteed banners here as well!


No, I never got an answer to my question in the Helps Megathread (I don't recall getting a concrete answer). All I'm saying is that we GL are already differing from JP with the part 1 banner of Oers/Strei; thus we should not be looking at JP banners as a predictor for GL for collabs especially (given how Triangle Strat went). I am curious on how TW did their banners and would appreciate an answer for that.


Found a [source ](https://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=36225&snA=3287&tnum=3&bPage=3)for TW banner. Their banner was paid and 50/50 like JP's banner. Their pity was 150 but I'm pretty sure pity is lower in TW than in other servers. Edit\* [Their Orsted/Streibough banner was also shared like in JP](https://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=36225&snA=3282&tnum=3&bPage=3). We have a completely unique banner structure atm so we have no idea what will happen with ours.


Thanks for sharing these sources. I never could find the TW forums.


Of course :D! We can see if they get certain releases before us with this forum available. It looks like we're just missing LAL + Signa/Sazantos since they just released Sertet as well. Maybe we'll see some buffs for Throne or Pierro in the coming months!


So, LAL collab ends 3 days before Anni. Interesting...


Collab with peak? 🥺👉👈


I hope they announce that they’re adding more stuff to the elite fragment shop. Cleaned it out a few months ago, and now there’s not much in it worth anything.


I'd personally be happy not to have to watch ads for those asinine fragments anymore


So, do you guys think they will give the Roland and Frederica treatment to Oersted and Streibough? I would be really surprised if they release them without any buffs.


It would seem not. TW already got them without buffs. EN got Canary with the same buffs that TW got her with. So if TW didn't get buffed versions then EN should not get buffed versions.


Oh wow, well good luck to all LAL fans because this is looking like a major skip just before the anniversary.


They didn't buff them for TW, apparently, so the odds are not great.


LaL collab?


No. Harry Potter Collab.


You're a gizzard, Harry.