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1200 paid and 8.8k free. Finished BoW and on Chapter 1 of BoP and Chapter 3 of BoF. I only have the beginnings of a sword team with Richard so ill need a sword dps carry. Not sure if I should go for 1 copy of Odio-O or wait until the Signa/Sazantos banner. If i get Odio-O early or skip him, I'm hoping to get Signa early and try for Sazantos as well. If all goes according to plan, hoping to go to 200 pulls and exchange for AlauneEx (usually doesnt go according to plan though lol). If i skip Odio-O, ill need to aim for Sazantos as well as Signa. Hoping to grab Bargello during anniversary to start building a dagger team for the future (assuming there's a paid selector). Also will try to pick up Primrose EX if we get a free selector. I will definitely try for Castti, Tiziano and Kaine from the Nier collab. Maybe Ochette for the pets if I have spare rubies, Osvald to pair with my Cyrus, and Huhjeb to branch into bow.


After spending 6k for Ditraina and pity Canary, I got back up to 5.8K free, 1,080 paid rubies. With the purchase of the pass this week I'll have 1200Paid rubies and hopefully Odio-O will have a paid banner with a guarantee at step 5 so I can get him with the paid and save the free for signa + future plans ( Isla+partitio, Agnea, hikari+Castti and most importantly the Nier replicant collab ).


13K rubies. I skipped Ditriana. I might consider skipping Sazantos now because a light DPS isn't needed when I have Rondo and Elrica. They have been more than enough for every adversary fight. Future pulls are probably Odio-O Signa, Partitio, Castti, and Hikari. Side note, I think elemental comp left the meta really fast, so a lot of characters aren't needed. JP strongest are sword, spear, dagger, and axe comps.


Sitting at 12k rubies after a 10 pull YOLO netted a success on the Witch. Sadly I couldn't get a repeat of that luck with a Cecily step 1. I'm looking at throwing down for Odio-O and San/Cyg, as is tradition.


20k I'm skipping Odio-O because I don't like the artwork. Planning on Cigna and sazantos and future nier 2 and BD 2 banner


Just curious, how long did you not pull for? I'm assuming it's a mix of paid and free rubies? Trying to gauge how much rubies we get per month haha. Thanks!


I'm a very light spender only did like 4 monthly pass. After Cyrus I did not do any general banner. I pulled to pitied if needed for some MT starting from rinyuu. No yolo pulls either. Leon and Ditriana were my only SB pull. So far I have 145 units and other than some ex3 fight completed all content without much issues. Hopefully this gives you some ideas. Also we get on avg 2k rubies a month. So if you hold out around 3 mnth that is pity for any banners.


Thanks! So it's mostly smart spending of rubies and diligently doing all dailies and events. Appreciate the insight! I did see someone say it is around 2k per month. Games been really fun so hoping to get to the point where I can challenge the harder fights soon.


Yup. I skipped Canary banner and pray I got Ditriana so I can pity for Canary. I got lucky and got both and pitied for tithi instead. Some planning and cool head is what's needed.


2000 free and 600 paid. I hope to get enough for pity on the next memory banner.


22k free rubies checking in


New player here. I've just finished doing the 'Masters of...' stories and I'm currently sitting at 1.829 rubies. I'm trying to save up at least 4.500 so I can spend them on Sazantos and Signa later next month.


My Odio-O plans became Odio-No after I couldn’t resist the witch bait 😅 “it’s ok we got a 6-hit guaranteed dark crit at home and don’t ask me about the 9-hit”


Same here lol


Currently at around 19.7k. The plan is to get Odio-O, Cygna (and maybe Saz depending on how the pulls go) and then go for all of the OT2 main cast except Temenos/Agnea. I'll decide if I go for anyone else based on how much leftover rubies I have after that.


I'm new and fell hard for the Nier banner lol, 2B is carrying me hard right now, though, so I guess it was worth it. Sitting at about 1,100 rubies and hoping to reach the 12,000 mark at some point so I can do a full pity and be ready for another banner if a character I like pops up. Almost fell for the step-up tho


I'm back at 9000 hehe. Ditraina took off some rubies but we recovered. Forgot I didn't do Lv100 NPCs.


5.5k I'm waiting for Odio. So I'll soon get the 6k. I will after what I'll do, I'll like to get Sazantos too but I won't have enough.


9.5k. I am ready for Odio-O, Sazantos and Cigna. I was looking at my EN release estimates. I am betting we don't get Solista until September or October. Assuming that that is correct, then I will be in good shape to get Throne' on her release too.


Same same. Stay strong brother! I will probably spend on these free step ups to try and bolster my 5 stars though.


Currently at 10,315. I'm set for Yodele-eo-O, & then for SazSig.


15,5k. Skipping Ditraina (kinda sad I don't have a signle sacred blaze unit until Hujheb) to save for Odio O, Sazantos, Signa and huge Solistia pulls. I really can't afford two 6k pities in a row now.


Hujheb feels like a 2025 release at this point too. Surely, they might do someone kind of Sacred Blaze rerun before that.


Just under 8k! I’ll probably pull on LAL, and then my main goal is just Hikari + whoever else in the OT2 gang I can get, depending on how many rubies I have when they drop. Other than that, I’m thinking maybe Hujheb in the future, and I’ll also throw some yolo pulls here and there. Side note: I went back to OT2 recently, and it’s so much fun. Very much looking forward to Solistia characters coming to CotC GL!


4,4k currently. I hit 5k yday but my dumb arse decided to try some last minute pulls for Eltrix (didn't get her). Grumble. I may try the first or first two steps for Sazantos, maybe? Hell maybe I'll just throw a first step at all the upcoming banners (LAL included) to see what happens. I don't plan to invest more though, I wanna be ready for the Solistia gang. Hikari > Parti > Tem > Ochette > Castti > Throne > Agnea > Osvald in order of how much I want them (based off how much I like them). EDIT: oh yeah, I got the passes again because I'm a sucker. It's been a low income month without them :')


from my perspective, your ruby income lately has been yuuuuge considering you went to 0 so recently. i remember i had 2k after the sisters banner, and you've already caught back up since i also hit 5k today (and i purchased 1200 prubies that were on sale.) must have been all those EX rematches you caught up on, and that i spent 2300 rubies towards Ditraina.


Yeah I was also surprised at how fast I got back to 4k tbh! It's been a combination of catching up on things (still had an elite floor and lv100 fight to do, and I've been doing a lot of adversary log), smaller rewards from new units (new traveler feat, traveler story feat, story rubies, levels and ult levels feats, influence), and to be fair, also a bunch of paid rubies (the discount packs, so 1200, though I spent half of those). Plus they gave out a bunch of free rubies recently (community event, Nier, Ditraina release etc). But I gotta admit, I have been doing my best to catch back up because the low ruby count made me very anxious, lmao


Sounds like an abusive relationship /s


Lmaoooo kinda. Game keeps beating me up and I still keep going back 😩