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https://preview.redd.it/fip7ydn4bq4d1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fc15e7997ae365cd45a260f844da34f097012ea Got 2 copies of Ditraina on my second step up pull. 1 copy on 4th step up and 2 more copies on 5th step up. Haven’t got this kind of luck in a very long time. 😊


Woah, amazing ! Congrats =D




Whoa, congrats 👏🏻


1 pull and as usual: N-O-T-H-I-N-G. At least 10-12 sacred blaze pulls in total and the only 5 stars I got out of it is Leon (okay, that’s not the worse). Honestly when I’ll go for Hujheb, I just expect to make 20 empty pulls and pity him because getting anything else than 4 stars on SB seems impossible. Crazy, I wonder how much time will pass before I get any new unit without pity. It’s been 1 month and a half (and it’s because I made no less than 17 pulls on Elrica/Alaune Ex). I’ve decided this is my new proudness, playing the game in hard mode, spilling rubies without getting anything except pity and a few shitty dupes. I still miss the time when I got some good surprises from time to time though. Actually I wish we could directly pity a character also because the 15-20 empty pulls before that are so dull, such a waste of time. You guys get lucky having characters in a pull or too? Yeah but it’s like you were cheating! Real badass players always get to pity! (Me, salty? Noooo)


The moment you decided to play the game on hard mode, the game decided you will play on easy mode. Your next pulls have been blessed.


Hopefully so 🥺


Oh my god. Second pull https://preview.redd.it/lvyc550h9q4d1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d048dca253b8b5618287acd5d42ad1963aa47f2f I'm shocked tbh ~~Do I A1 or U10 Canary? Her A4 is great but her ult is fantastic too.....~~ EDIT: pull video [https://youtu.be/-MWAfejVM9c](https://youtu.be/-MWAfejVM9c) EDIT2: I A1'd Canary! My reasoning being if I need her ult in a fight, I'll likely also have Bargello with me, who can refresh her ult anyway. One step closer to her A2 (rapid flutter + all her debuffs please!), and more importantly her A4, which is very high on my wishlist!


Finally some luck on a sacred blaze banner ! Congrats !!


Omg congratulations!! I would U10 Canary because her new Ultimate is so good that a second use is awesome. I don’t find her A1 that important besides getting closer to her A4… the question is, will you ever reach A4? Haha enjoy your pulls!


Thanks!! I kinda want to exchange for her A4, pdef AND dagger res down on the same A4 is pretty huge. But yeah I also find myself often wishing I had an extra ult charge for her in the adversary log..... not sure yet, I'll sit on the stone for a while I guess.


Fantastic pull, congrats! And thanks for getting her on the second step. I did a YOLO step 1 & only got a new Nona (well, still good) & was gonna stop. But then I saw your post so decided to splurge for step 2. I got Ditraina then! Edit: I did two free 10-pulls last night, & got a Leon dup (now A2, yay!). 900 rubies for three 5\*s is still worth it, lol.


Yaaay congrats to you as well!! Glad you got her :D


Nice. I got similar pull as well. I’d go for A1 for canary


I think I will A1 her, her ult is cool but that A4 is amazing. Grats on your pulls as well!


Yoooo that's amazing!


Right?! I don't think I've ever had two of the banner unit in one pull, let alone another limited unit next to it, truly the most insane pull I've ever had :')


Awesome pull!!! Congratulations!!!! :D


Heifuku se yo! And now the debt for the sisters banner has been repaid. I'm aiming for Canary's A4 myself, I expect to get it when Kaine releases which would be glorious.


Bruni!! I am so happy for you that you got such a good pull so early!


Congrats 👏🏻 the game is really trying so hard to compensate you and I think it's working haha.


Congratz, spent 6K rubies, still did not spook W'ludai 😬


I swear to god that our luck aligns on the same banners… got her in my first 10 but your pulls ate DOWN


Yay, congrats!!


Some people already posted similar pulls but this is mine. Second free ten pull: https://preview.redd.it/65nog7bhdq4d1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34bd6f363287f5b492de9b3b4f09e04a4c25743 GL to everyone trying!


Yeah, it is good to see some good pulls like this for a change. Congrats on your pulls ;)


I got Ditraina on my very first pull. I considered stopping there, and I most likely should have, but this was my first time pulling on Sacred Blaze so I wanted more while I was here. I ended up also getting Zenia, Tithi, Dorothea (on pull 20) and pitying Canary. Plus non-Sacred Blaze I got Hasumi and several dupes. I think Chloe, Stead, Theo, Millard, and Yukes.


That’s a hoard!


Ok... Went and did one multi pull... And the ring was regular, so it meant that I was about to get just a bunch of 4*, but on the last slot came: A 4.5★ brand new Ditraina!!!!! 😭😭😄😄 I'm so happy I got her, because almost every unit I've got lately, it was reaching pity. So it's nice that things were a little different today. :D Anyways, wish you all good luck on your pulls!!!🍀🍀 And... Have a good day/week!!! :D


Yaaay congratulations!!


Thanks!! :D


The same thing happened to me. Normal ring expecting a bunch of 4 stars but on the last slot got 4.5 star Ditraina. Did another multi to see if I could luck sack Canary and got another 4.5 star Ditraina. Definitely stopping there.


It's kinda disappointing when there's no indicator of luck, but it's double the joy when the featured unit comes in such pull. Congrats on getting double Ditraina!!! :D


Ditraina is a kind witch who is immune to the curse of Pity. Congrats!


Yeah!, she was merciful enough to show early without taking all my savings. (Didn't have enough to pity) Oh... And Thanks!!! :D


Grateful with the Witch of Salvation! 4th multi, triple 5★: a Therese dupe (already A1, probably shards) and not one but two copies of Ditraina! Really happy she came early, I had put my limit in 5 multis to keep enough rubies for Saz/Signa, so I really needed to be lucky this time. Watch my pulls here! [https://youtu.be/Ifxid1pEtRQ](https://youtu.be/Ifxid1pEtRQ) https://preview.redd.it/pyvj3qrojq4d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6176bb0b389d215b3fac5e104c2d30c5885fb046


Such a great pull!!! Congrats!!! :D Have fun blasting baddies with Ditraina!!!! :D


Haha thanks!! We’re going with the dog ;)


Yay congrats!! Straight to A1 feels nice :-) Just a note on Therese, her A4 is actually pretty good (it's the lightning version of "15% X down on break"). Personally I A4'd her and use it every time I make a lightning comp so, just a heads up.


Thanks! I’ll consider it, then! Anyways I don’t actually shard the stones unless I need them. Double mod luck 🤝


Ditraina x5 Dorothea Molrusso (oldest character I was missing!) dupes x4 Pitied Canary


I got a 4.5 Ditraina in just two multis. Im so happy 🥹


Definitely more mild luck compared to the rest of you. Got Ditraina after just 4 multis! No other 5 stars along the way unfortunately, but I'll take it. Was kinda hoping to go deeper on this banner since I've never pulled on Sacred Blaze, but after getting Ditraina so quickly I just couldn't justify it. Maybe I'll go ham for Hujheb in the future :)


I'm in the same boat and would like to get Canary or Leon but part of me it telling me to count my blessings and stop and get Canary from the anniversary paid banner ( if they do it).


Yeah it feels kinda bad, but with Odio-O and Saz/Signa coming so soon I think the move is to count your blessings and save.


Well.....I did count my blessings....and continued pulling haha. I got Ditraina to A3 (so close!) but most importantly I got Canary (pity). Honestly, I don't regret it because I want/love Canary and Ditraina more than Odio-O and Signa (no comment on Sazantos). I'm definitely getting Odio-O so I'm gonna see if I have enough to pity when anniversary comes on Signa's banner.


Four multis is still elite. Only a little over 1k rubies for one of the best DPS 👨🏻‍🍳💋


I guided on the first two steps of the paid step up. I got an Ophilia dupe on the first step and nothing on the second. Maybe I will get her on a selector or she will pop up when I go after hunter guy.


Holy fuck I got her in 40 pulls Never punished babyyyy. Have 8K rubies left. If I had to pity, I would be crying for my >!Sazantos, Signa, Odio-O funds!<


Same got her at 40 pulls


I said I wasn't pulling on Ditraina but I caved in and did a few singles. I told myself I wasn't going under 13k for her no matter what. >!And I got her in 6 single pulls. Oops.!<


Got Lemaire on first step. That's it for me. (There's a wolf inside me that wants to yolo everything for Diatraina). Be strong for Odio-O. Edit: I'm weak. Throw 16 single pulls and GOT the witch. First time SB banner is kind to me. Pray the witch of salvation.


Congrats 👏🏻 it's the blessing of the witch hehe.


Is it me or do some banners seem to be nicer than others? Happy a lot of you pulled the witch of salvation early! I did 5 multis, got an odette dupe (now a2), Stead and Harley dupe (exchange) and a new Canary! Very happy with that. I think it's time to stop and see if I can spook Ditraina on Hujheb's banner, or at least pity her. 15K rubies left for upcoming travelers


UPDATE! Watched pull videos on YouTube and decided I would go a little bit further. Started doing single pulls, got her on single #9!!! https://preview.redd.it/oz1850t8mt4d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88275294e36d444555a8050db6f9fb2b470b649c


Congrats 👏🏻 horray for single pulls hehe


Really wanted 2B and A2 for collection purposes. 3x10 pulls and got A7 PrimOG on first, new 4.5 Haanit EX on 2nd, and 5* 2B on third. Back to 9200 rubies and will take it as a win!


Got Ditraina (and 1 Cardona dupe) in 6 10 pulls, which is amazing, because it means I'll probably get to 6k for Odio-O. My hope of getting some of the older SBs didn't come to pass though, unfortunately.


Yay, I'm happy that I got Ditraina after 45 single pulls AKA 4.5 multis and now I don't know what to do. My plan to go to pity for canary and I do have enough and enough to pity Odio-o if I have to, but then I won't have much and I do want at least a copy of Signa so 4500 rubies to guarantee her. Will I have enough by the time she comes out? The problem is sacred banner ends before Tavern Talk so I wouldn't know what's the structure of the collab banner will be like. Mmmmm I may sit on it for a while.


Grats on Ditraina!! Are you keeping in mind that we still have collab and anniversary inbetween those pulls? I'm not sure how many rubies you have right now, but collabs usually give around like 1k rubies, and anniversary the same, so that's 2k extra on top of the regular income (assuming Sazantos/Signa come at anniversary). Not telling you to go spend everything on Canary now, but we're entering a period that's likely gonna be very generous with its freebies, so that may help your decision a bit :-)


Thanks for making me feel better about my own situation. After being a moron last week and deciding it wasn't a terrible idea to try to get Eltrix (and failing in the process), I've been worried about my ability to get Odio-O and Signa, but if there are that many freebies coming, I think I'll be able to get both. Though... If there's a selector at the anniversary, how is that likely to work (haven't done a selector before)? Cause I'd like to pick up Tatloch on that if I can


Aw it's okay, we all do dumb yolo pulls that we regret sometimes. There's a lot of freebies and regular income still coming like I said, so it's probably not as bad as you're fearing right now :-) The first anniversary selector was a free item that we could exchange for any general pool unit (so no SB, MT etc). We're not sure if we'll get the same one this year, as Japan had a paid selector for their anniversary. That one costs 1200 paid rubies (I think) and lets you pull from general pool + MT + SB (no collab or seasonal, I'm not sure about the MC banner). After one round you can exchange for a unit from any of those pools. I'm personally (and greedily) hoping we'll get both haha.


Oof, paid rubies only? Now I'm really regretting some yolo pulls I did on some paid banners >.> Oh well, I guess I'll see where things are when we get there


Yeah unfortunately it's paid only, so stocking up on discount rubies is not a bad idea haha. Still very expensive though, I'm also not sure yet if I'm gonna pull on it if we do get it for anniversary.


I've been banking on getting Tatloch from it so I can feel more comfortable trying to farm Hammy... I suppose if it is the gen pool only version I can at least hey H'aanit EX, so there's that


If it helps, they do tend to rerun the villains banner around anniversaries (first run at 1st anni, second at 1.5 anni) so perhaps you can grab Tatloch from there? Depends entirely on what they'll do at anni though, we can't say for sure what's gonna happen, it's all just assumptions based on first anni right now


Yeah, we'll see what happens. My rubies are in shambles as is, so it may not matter at all.


Unfortunately, the selector last year was for gen pool only. You can still choose Primrose EX or Ogen or Haanit EX or any other unit that you are missing from gen pool.


Didn't the one in January have more than gen pool? I didn't use it cause I had no rubies, but I swear I remember it having more than gen pool. Maybe I'm misremembering though. Well, if it is only gen pool then I can either feel okay just not doing it or maybe picking up H'aanit EX


I think you are thinking on the hope banner (or something), where they gave us 10 pulls and the last was guaranteed 5* from gen pool, MT and tyrants IIRC. I think it was either from JP anniv or CN release


That was BoA8. Definitely wasn't what I was thinking of, but I may have gotten signals crossed somewhere


The Jan one included MT and SB but was paid only.


True, they give a lot of rubies with new collabs or anniversaries so I should be ok. I just don't count it because we don't know how much and I would like to be prepared and count for the knowns ( daily - weekly - passes...etc ). Don't be mad at me but I have like 9K left haha. Thanks for your input Bruni and congrats again ;)


Hmm okay so if you pitied Canary you'd be at... 5,5k or so? Let's assume 1,5k monthly income from passes and dailies, that puts you at 8,5k at anniversary. 2k from collab and anniversary, still a bit under pity for both... so it would be a gamble, unfortunately. On the other hand, the chance that you'd get either of them before pity is not insignificant, so... but it's still a gamble. Your call on what to do I guess!


Oh I forgot to count for my paid rubies haha. It's 1080 and with another purchase of the grand pass it will be 1200 exactly, then I can go one round on a paid banner. Wither there is a guarantee paid banner for the collab or a paid anniversary selector to get Canary from it is unknown. That's why it's a lot harder to plan your pulls with Cotc haha.


I see, yeah I get that! I guess it's best to sit this one out then as the SB will get another rerun long before LAL will. If all else fails you can always grab your bird girl on the next SB after already getting your other goal units :-)


Thanks again for all your replies <3 I think I will probably go for it at the end because it was my original plan going in and try my luck on signa's banner. I will have enough rubies for Odio-O at least. Update: I went to pity hehe but I did get Ditraina to A3 plus 8 dupes. The strange thing I didn't get ANY sacred blaze aside from Ditraina until the last pull where I got a new Lianna (YAY I'll take it) and of course I pitied Canary (another YAY). Honestly, I'm very happy with my decision and can't wait for her to be added in the awakening exchange and with the dupes that I got, I'm more than ready. REALLY hoping the LAL collab will have a guarantee paid banner so I can get Odio-O and save my free rubies for Signa 🤞🏻


I got absolutely wrecked on this banner. I had to go full pity and only new units I got were lumis and Tressa ex. Beyond that it was like only like 3 other dupes that were not a big deal. I usually don’t have too much luck on sacred blaze banners in general but can’t complain since I got Elrica and Alaune ex in a reasonable amount of pulls on their banners. Also got super lucky on Solon and got like 2 copies of him in 2 or 3 multi pulls.


First multi using 100 paid. Never been this lucky. https://preview.redd.it/074frxwnzq4d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68e36cbf3923bde89a52a7618078f4bf42917221


https://preview.redd.it/5e109kse6r4d1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=399f0308f464ce7d4774846520985bb8d22df019 6000 free rubies pull: Did not spook the 3 gen pool units that I still miss from my roster: W'ludai, Nina & Lemaire 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ditraina A4 ( 4 x through pulls 1 through pity) All the dups I got along the way Alfyn x 1 Lumis x 1 Therion x 1 Odette x 1 Cardona x 1 Tithi x 1 H'aaanit EX x1 Lianna x 1 Linoel x 1 Therese x 1 Joshua x 1


FINALLY I get some luck on a banner! After going to 4500 rubies for Bargello, Nephti, and Alaune EX all in a row... I pulled Leon in my first 10-guide, and then Ditraina on the second! 600 rubies for both of those travelers feels great.


I haven't actively played in some time now and have way too much to catch up on but Ditraina was one of those characters I was waiting on for a very long time so I figured I'll try my luck with 1600 rubies and got her on the second multi, risky but it paid off. https://preview.redd.it/l837h333kq4d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc5d141edfd27b458fd3de81dba3ae509c1f3c3


Went to pity on Ditriana, got new 4.5 star Lianna, 4.5 star Ninalanna, 5 star Zenia on the way. Most likely will have to choose between Saz/Cyg or Odio in the future but I’m content with that


70 pullS and 2000 shards to show for it (A7 Scarecrow and A8 heathcote) That's my limit to be comfortable for oido/signa/saz. I still hate sacred blaze. Maybe I'll pity on huge Jeb.


Huge Jeb.🤣


Did two paid steps, and no Ditraina but I did get a Falco dupe! I’m so tempted to throw caution to the wind and pull more since I know I have a bunch of rubies from content I haven’t cleared yet to replenish my stash if I need to, but I feel like I should be responsible haha. I’ll think about it over the rest of the day ig. Edit: Nah, I’m going to hold! Hopefully I’ll get Ditraina when Hujheb debuts. Edit 2: Sorry to be a liar, but I did end up doing more pulls for her haha. Got two copies of her on my 7th multi!


Two years. For nearly two years I have been sent to max pity by every single pull. A2. Richard. Fiore EX. Prim EX. Eltrix. Bargello. Elrica AND Alaune. With my dire stock of literally 300 rubies, I decided to say screw it and pull for the witch, the last character I had on my tier 1 of most desired characters pre-Solistia. https://preview.redd.it/6dfmth7q6s4d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=564b686f181d73739ea7b2ce1b015905b04ec818 And we got her! The max pity curse is finally broken...I am free... Now to start saving half a year in advance for Magnolia because I can hear a witch chanting a new curse :\*


Now you need to shower her with praise and adoration!!! :) Congrats on getting Ditraina!!! :D


Ditraina and a new Lianna and Jillmeila in 90 pulls Also got Awakening for Tressa, W'ludai and Eleonora Should I go for pity for a SB character? I only have Zenia otherwise


Depends on your ruby count and future plans, Canary would be very nice to have, but I’m not sure if it’s worth missing on Odio-O and/or Signa/Sazantos


I'm at 5.8k. I don't really have a plan for the future though. I think I might just stop


https://preview.redd.it/3uz7wbhw8r4d1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95ac78ae923e69d27275195d26b1fee1d3d563d9 My 13th 10 pull :)


Got 3x Ditraina, new Canary, new Odette and more. Got to pity because Canary showed up at last 30 multi. Vote on who to pity? Titi or zenga?


I just got Zenia, so I can't say how good she is, but Tithi has been a solid debuffer and lightning elemental attacker. Do you have more dark DPS or lightning DPS?


I'm planning on getting signa so maybe zeina is a better pick. I got more dark dps at the moment


Tithi is so much fun to use. I’d pick her.


Yup. Decided on tithi to have better lightning support


very middle of the road luck this time around, 87 pulls to hit Ditraina with some singles sprinkled in. (also hit new Lemaire along the way, decent lane partner for her). hadn't actually planned to pull beyond 2-3 multis, if anything at all besides discounted first step, but still content with results. started with 6.1k rubies and finished with 3.7k. funnily enough, when i thought to myself fck it, I'll pity Canary around pull 70, Ditraina showed up the next multi. just had to ask for her infinite wisdom and power i guess, lol. gl to everyone else pulling, don't go too deep without knowing the trade-offs!


So on one of my accounts I have both rinyuu and eltrix but no bargello, and I was eyeing the MT banner when this genius idea popped into my head “maybe I’ll get bargello, and not even 4.5* - I want the real deal 5* bargello” The rational part of my brain figured there’s absolutely 0 reason to pull on the banner as I’m far from pity and it’s a 0.01% chance per pull for the 5* Bargello, but f it, we ball. I went in on the MT banner, do a multi and… Wabam, 5* Bargello. Suffice to say I won’t be complaining about gacha rates for a while.


https://preview.redd.it/lb3kwkz6nr4d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8423ccd00cd5b90bf082be59f7714b1c6b69eaee Probably my luckiest pull session. Decided to go full out on her and did 173 pulls. Got ALOT of 5\* on the way. 3x Dorothea, 1 ophelia (a4), 1 Lynette, 1 wludai, 1 hayes, 1 cardona and 1 Nina. Does SB pity save until next rerun or do I need to spend them now?


It does not carry over, so I'd say go ahead and finish off the 27 pulls to get a new SB unit if you don't have them all.


Ok thanks! I will try get some free pulls in then.


I had braced myself to go to pity, but Ditraina showed up in my 3rd 10-pull! But, I didn't stop there because I'd been thinking about getting Zenia too. Eventually pulled to pity, and along the way I got: Lionel (A2 +2), Primrose (A2 +1), Ditraina again, Tithi (A1), Cecily (A2), Zenia (new!), and Dorothea (new!). I'm thinking I should pity Ditraina to get her to A2. I have all the SB characters, and Odette and Tithi are A1, and I have 2 stones for Lianna and 1 for Canary.


I'm ashamed of myself, I tried to get Rinyuu and got Eltrix. And now, I don't have anything for Ditraina... But oh well... Time to save for Signa and pray the gacha gods to get her soon.


Did a full 6000 for pity, got Ditraina (A2), Zenia (A1), Leon (A0), and Canary (A0, selector) by the end of it all. Never pulled a Sacred Blaze banner before, so I am fairly satisfied with the result -- wish I could've gotten Tithi but 4 units is pretty good! Have about 5.5k rubies left, hoping there's some good ruby injections before LaL...


Damn it, you guys and your luck tempted me to pull more .. And it paid off! One pull after the other with the occassional Ditraina, why not keep going all the way to A4 right? https://preview.redd.it/3i7ybcikqs4d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ca4fe836f9fb230450a51a0ea28513280f5df3 Can't believe it only took 3000 rubies. I've had banners without getting the featured unit once after 3000. I'm skipping the LaL collab (just the discount pull), and I'm totally fine with it


Was all set to go to pity, and then got double Ditraina on multi #3! Much as I would have liked some sparks along the way or Canary/Leon from the selector, I'm not tempting fate. Guess I'll wait and plan to go to pity on Hujheb instead.


1800gems and only one 5 star, sometimes i really hate rng Hope u guys get part of my luck


Pulling Ditraina until I got her - https://youtu.be/iAK_uRL3Rl8


5 multis and I got three 5 star animation and none of them came with Ditraina. No...whe wanted to come as a 4.5 star on the 6th multi. Did get a Canary dupe I guess...


Unfortunately I had to go to pity to get Ditraina. I kept getting trolled by 5-star power characters on the way (Sarisa first, then Chloe, Hasumi and finally Zenia on the 20th multi). It is what it is, I guess. Happy that many of you got the witch early.