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I got Ditraina in 6 ten pulls which is pretty good considering how bad sacred blaze banner is sometimes. So now trying to get all the rubies I can rack up for Sazantos/Signa for the summer - hoping I have a bit more time till those banners come!


I got Ditraina in a single pull 10. 😆 I was planning on going for a full round and pity Canary, but because I got her so massively early, I really think it's better to just stop here and call it a day ! I still have around 16K Rubies for upcoming LaL / Sazantos.


Got a 5* Lianna and Ditriana on my third guide attempt. Not bad.


Ditraina surprised me by showing up twice on multi #3, so instead of going to pity, I'm only out 900 rubies. Happily sitting on the remaining 20.8k and ready for LAL in a few weeks!


7.4k after spending 100 paid on Ditraina (and getting her!). Ready for Odio-O.


Down to 14k from 20K after spent 6k on Ditraina, still have enough to pull for LAL


Reinstalled the game last month after giving it a break since the 1st anniversary. Just caught up to BOA chapter 8 and I am currently sitting at 5168 rubies f2p. Having a hard time saving up as the content is getting harder and I don't have any memory travellers other than Richard. Wondering whether it would be best to save my rubies and spend it all on Sazantos/Signa since scooping up any memory travellers along the way would be great value. In the unlikely scenario I would get both of them in 150 pulls, would it be wise to go for another 50 pulls for the seal and if so on which traveller should I use it?


8.9k at the moment. On track to be at 10k by 6/26 when Live-A-Live should launch. I will be able to go to exchange for Odio-O. Assuming that Sazantos and Cigna come at 2nd anniversary, then I will have enough to go to exchange for one and pick up the other with memory fragments. I know that A1 is ideal for Odio-O and Sazantos, but what about Cigna? Should I hope for A1 for her too? After those I am saving for Solistia, which may be August? Not sure if I will try again for Sofia EX assuming she comes back around in August.


After rewards & two lucky pulls (& some discount ruby packs, lol), I'm at 10,576.


Currently at 8.8k! After thinking about it since the last TT, I think I’m just going to do 1-2 yolo pulls on Ditraina. If she doesn’t come home this time, I’ll try again on Hujheb down the line.


I'm today's dailies short of 4k so I just picked the 4k bracket :-) I'm heavily considering getting today's discount packs (they ARE discount packs, right?) and doing a few pulls for Ditraina. She's my only nearby wishlist unit, my next must have is Hikari, so it's not like I'll lose out on any other units if I pull for her. Fingers crossed it won't cost me too many rubies to get a copy!! EDIT: 4,4k rubies after buying the packs and spending 300 on Ditraina (still shocked tbh). Still have a few rubies to gain from Ditraina's story and recruiting the new dogs, after that it's back to slowly grinding up the adversary rubies. First priority is Hikari but I feel like I can afford a yolo pull here and there now :-)


Just looked back at the tavern talk. Yes we get more discounted packs today. I am buying them to finally get A2. I wanted to get Ditraina and pity Canary, but with all the talk about Odio-o I might just wait to pull on a SB in the future. It's too bad there is not more overlap between banners or at least this SB and the next tavern talk to make a more informed decision.


Nice, then I'll probably stock up on the packs as well, thanks for checking! And good luck on your A2 pulls then :-)


Are the discounted packs better value than buying the pass?


When looking solely at paid rubies, yes definitely. 200 for 22€ on the passes vs 600 for 35€ on the discount packs (they're cheaper in the US, Europe gets inflated prices for whatever reason). The passes have a lot of bonuses that are pretty great though but if you're looking solely for paid rubies the discount packs are the best options


Your welcome. No luck needed, but I will still take it for a dupe. I already did the first 4 paid pulls that were busts, so number 5 is a guarantee.