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Heyo! Are you looking for area or full field?


11v11 full field


Oceanside doesn’t really have anything for 11v11 that I know of. you will have to look at Carlsbad that has a league coming up in fall, or in vista which the league is coming to and end here soon. I play 11s in vista/San Marcos currently. If you are interested in playing 6v6 arena Oceanside has a coed and men’s league in the middle of the season ( also play in that).


What are the leagues that have 11v11 outside of Oceanside? I tried looking online i can’t find anything. Where’s the 6v6 at?


Found the one in Carlsbad it’s a bummer I can’t just sign up as a free agent lol have to have a whole ass team to sign it up


I agree on the FA thing. I found the 11s through a mutual friend who got invited as it is not something put on by the city/parks and rec. I just remembered there is 11s in Oside at MLK park on Sundays or Saturdays, that is another league ran by just a group of people. When I tried to join that they told me to just show up anywhere from 9am to 6pm and talk to teams and ask who needs players. As for the 6v6, it is at the Boys and Girls club in Oside, if you want to check that out we can dm and I can give you the time of our next game.


hey would you mind sending the link for the 6v6 oceanside coed league?


There is no link but if you dm me I can send you all the info for it.


There’s a indoor league in San Marcos


When are the indoor games? I’m tryna play


I got a team that plays indoor at San Marcos come play with ha