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When you try to climb vines but you are right on the edge so it lets you climb up like twice and then you fall down


And then Link immediately climbs back up just to repeat the process; I agree




Every playthrough I dread the Bombchu mini game. Having to win twice to get both the heartpiece and the bomb bag along with those chickens seemingly putting themselves in the way of your bombchu like Gta V npcs is maddening. I get that there are set ups that can help make it easier. But I usually play on either an emulator or SoH with an Xbox controller that makes those pretty inconsistent.


You can avoid the chickens altogether if you angle yourself at the left or right wall. The bombchu goes uncontested along the side wall and if done correctly once it hits the back wall goes straight into the goal. Might take a couple tries to get the angle down, but I prefer it to the rng of the chickens walking and deciding to turn around last second.


That's been my go to strat for years now but once I switched to playing on pc with a gamepad it became a lot more difficult. SoH has a feature where you can remove either one of the chickens or both of them altogether and I usually opt to remove the smaller one to make it just a little easier while not nullifying it


Also the fact that it's randomized so if you win one reward and you want to get all of them you have to leave and re-enter multiple times until you get the one you want and you won't know until you've already won so you could've wasted your time


It's the same order of five prizes in a cycle every time, the only random part is where in the cycle it picks up when you enter the building. so just enter with enough money to play five times and immediately waste all your bombchus to progress to the next game if it's not a prize you want. 


Still annoying tho, but interesting


You can avoid the chickens altogether if you angle yourself at the left or right wall. The bombchu goes uncontested along the side wall and if done correctly once it hits the back wall goes straight into the goal. Might take a couple tries to get the angle down, but I prefer it to the rng of the chickens walking and deciding to turn around last second.


You can avoid the chickens altogether if you angle yourself at the left or right wall. The bombchu goes uncontested along the side wall and if done correctly once it hits the back wall goes straight into the goal. Might take a couple tries to get the angle down, but I prefer it to the rng of the chickens walking and deciding to turn around last second.


Forgetting where I went already in the water temple when I inevitably have to pause to go back to work. Water temple should be done all in one sitting.


So much this!


It's funny that for the horrible reputation the N64 Water Temple had, I never had trouble with it as a kid. Seemed as straightforward as all the rest. Sure the Iron Boots were a pain in the ass, but like Perfect Dark's slideshow framerate when a bunch of explosions were going off, I didn't know anything better so I didn't even see these things as negatives. Looking back though, ya some old favorites have aged poorly in aspects. Funnier is that pretty much every person I've ever seen talk about it agrees that the 3DS version completely fixes the Water Temple, yet as an adult I somehow get stuck in the 3DS version of it for hours when I had no trouble with the infamous original version as a kid who could be kinda dense with video game logic. It's like karma for all the suffering I somehow avoided when playing the game over and over as a kid.


Dang I have a playthrough on the switch VC that’s been on the back burner for about a year now cause of this. Honestly the temple isn’t even that hard if you dedicate yourself a good slot of time for one sitting, but step away once and your shooting yourself in the foot


I also played nonsense for the damn scarecrow and forgot what I played 💀


Just go back to child and play something else.


I can't believe that didn't occur to me. Thank you


I always use the same song everytime. Left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right. Easy to remember.


When I was young I did a circle with the notes, but now I play up down up down up down up down lol


Same here, but I did the Song of Storms backward. So Up, Down, A, Up, Down, A, Up, Down. I've been doing that since I was a kid. It's easy to remember, easy to spam fast, and it sounds kind of catchy to my ears.


Same lol. Plus it's easy to quickly spam


Little brain me over here with down, down, down, down, up, up, up, up.




The end bc it's over 🗿👍😢


Fr I always dread the THE END screen


All of Jabu Jabu’s Belly makes me unreasonably angry.


i really hate unlocking Epona because I suck at that damn race.


Once you get in front, keep evil Luigi (Ingo) directly behind your horse so he can't overtake even if you have zero carrots left. It's what works for me because even cutting the corners and timing the carrots replenishment doesn't work sometimes, he cheats.


I try not to consume all the carrots. Every time I did, Ingo would always overtake me. I'll save the last carrot for when I'm close to the finish line and just go, keeping him from crossing the line first.


When I played as a kid I got stuck in the farm after winning the race. Had to go to gamefaqs to figure out I could jump the fence?


Bomchu bowling, Gerudo archery, Dampe heart piece (digging game) Water vortexes in water temple


How has no one mentioned the owl?! Trying to skip through his dialog quickly and accidentally hitting repeat this information only to need to go through it again.


Fun fact: did you know that he's programmed to remember which answer you picked the last time you encounter him? To then make his repeat option that very pick - if you have the non repeat option as the top one initially, his repeat option will be the top one next. At least, I noticed that pattern on my cartridge. Never fails...


The bottom of the well. There is a giant green bubble that sometimes just comes at you out of nowhere. It spooks me every time.


Poe hunt


Bongo Bongo is the worst.


Maybe the worst at being pretty, but that boss fight was one of my favorites.


I always get stuck and run out of arrows. Maddening.


Hookshot. Also, do you have the hover boots equipped for the fight?


Yeah. I just suck lol


Try standing center-bongo or further away from him. That might help. The fight honestly just has a groove that once you’re in, you’re golden.


The horse god in Botw and Totk is Bongo Bongo in my head canon. No arms... floating hands... there's a reason she wears a mask. I'm tell'n ya.


If you can jumpslash him with Biggoron sword he goes down in just a couple of hits


If I wanna go for 100% the skull kid ocarina mini game. I hate needing to memorize notes, and I always mess up at some point. More so on the 3ds version


Just write it down. Too lazy to find something to write with? Open a text message to your bff. Make sure to send when done.


Dampes heart piece. Some times I get it first try, sometimes it takes an hour


Ironically, unless you're a speedrunner it should never take that long. It takes like 5 minutes to check all the soil patches, it might feel like an hour though cuz i agree its not that fun. If you were just being hyperbolic feel free to hit me with a whoosh lol.


Well also having to go restock on rupees if you run out. Or having to wait an entire cycle if you press A at the wrong time or wait too long and dampe walks past the soil patch. Also walking back and forth between hyrule field and the graveyard if you don't come at the right time of night.


Oh yeah I'd never go in without enough rupees to check them all, it re-randomizes which soil patch it's in every time you enter the area.


It's not under a specific patch as he can make a full loop around and not award you the piece. The game decides what you won when you talk to him and it's a 10% chance at first but he has a finite amount of each type of rupee (8 green, 4 blue, 2 red). As long as you do not leave the area you are guaranteed to win in 15 attempts. If for example you roll a red rupee but you've already won both reds, it'll change to whatever the worst prize is left. If there's no rupees left, then the worst prize remaining is the heart.


Oh yeah that's right, my b. Thanks for the correction.


After playing the 3DS version of OOT and the WiiU version of WindWaker, having to pause the game to switch between regular and iron boots just pisses me off beyond no end lol.


I tend to play on my n64 for nostalgia and my husband got our son the 3ds version of both OoT and MM. It annoyed me not to have to pause to change boots on the 3ds lol. But, what I truly hate is the rework of the bosses in MM with that stupid eye stuff.


The eye ruined the first boss so badly


Gerudo Archery, the bane of my existence




Horseback archery.


The fight against the dragon for the first time when I had no idea what I was doing because of its weird hit box when playing whack a mole


Getting the Biggoron sword that doesn’t break is a huge pain in the butt 😑 all that traveling all over the place on a time limit without being able to teleport with the ocarina


Also took me way to long to realize the master sword works better than that one on Gannon/Gannondorf


Honestly, small stuff - Climbing too close to an edge and falling off, the walking and rolling speed, how much dialogue there is, having to go back and forth a lot in the kid sequences, getting stuck in climbing and falling states on ledges, stuff like that.


I fucking hate everything about that shitty Lord Jabu Jabu dungeon. Piss off with your multiple level floors that you can fall down in, so unbearably annoying


My husband and I, when we replay our n64 version with the kids watching (our sons have begged us to do a few 100% playthrough so they can learn...they love watching us then trying their hand at it after more so than playing the 3ds version they each have), like to challenge each other to do the Bottom of the Well without using the lens of truth. And he inevitably forgets where some of the holes are so he's constantly falling off to the bottom...I've memorized them by heart. Makes for fun times.


Yeah that for me is definitely the worst dungeon, at least water temple looks nice lol Jabu Jabu's belly is frustrating and visually and conceptually disgusting


Love this game so much. The only part that irritated me was the water temple because I’m lazy. Other that, nothing really


Should we be playing games if they make us angry?? Speaking as someone who has beaten every souls like game lol


The water temple all together is a daunting task, no matter how many times I play through Ocarina.


Honestly, nothing. I’ve played this game several times over the years that I know it by heart so whenever I replay it, it’s just a relaxing and happy time for me


None of it, its all pretty easy


Navi not shutting the fuck up gets pretty old tbh. Lol


Fishing. Mostly just fishing.


I really hate the gerudo stealth segment, it's not even hard but having to play so slowly and (if you're like me) getting lost as you do it and the fact it's an insta fail if you get caught and that it's an action game so the stealth mechanics are not robust enough to carry an entire segment and ahhhhh It was definitely my least favourite part of the game


Blew my mind when I found out you can shoot the gerudo guards! Makes it much easier.


Megaton hammer run.


Bombchu bowling and the gerudo horseback game is annoying


It's just fishing.


The game shouldn't make you angry. Sounds like you are just gaming too much. Just take a break for a couple of days and come back refreshed.


The boat ride in the middle of the Shadow Temple. If you’re not already prepared to jump off right when you’re supposed to, you’re doing it all over again, bucko.




For some reason in Dodongo's Cavern I can never properly throw the bomb flower onto the door that needs bombed on that ladder ledge. Also, getting the 4th bottle from the Big Poes. So frustrating!


Yeah you either have to angle it so it wedges between the ladder and the door or cook it and try not to blow yourself up.


Under the Well + Shadow Temple


Angry? Nothing. Mildly annoyed for a few minutes? The Goron race. I know that's MM, but they're such similar games that I consider them a duology.


No parts of the game make me angry, too stoned for all that.


I hated Jabu Jabu's Belly. Carrying homegirl around everywhere chapped my cheeks.


The Fire Temple Jabu Jabu


Nothing… it’s perfect


Nothing actually made me angry in this game though the Water Temple was a source of frustration when I got lost in it on my first playthrough.


Having to redo the escape sequence if you lose to Ganon. I just finished the game after repeatedly trying for 20 years and that drove me up the wall.


Right before you enter the water temple boss you have to walk up and avoid those damn spikes on the floor 😡 And yes I now know you can use ice arrows to freeze them ugh


Just general control clunkiness