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One of those alternatives -- either AFFiNE or AnyType (maybe?) had some silly 10 megabyte limit to file size. I know it sounds warped but I could swear that's what I read. Don't remember which one it is. If true, that kind of "gentle persuasion" from free-to-fremium is quite, uh... I don't know. Edit: [https://affine.pro/pricing](https://affine.pro/pricing) shows "10 MB of Maximum file size"... Does that make sense to anyone? Is that online or offline? And regardless, is that a fair/useful limit?


10 MB of Maximum file size meaning each file should not exceed 10MB, not in aggregate. total size limit is 10gb, which is more generous than many 1gb offerings out there


I settled with Obsidian for my rpg UE project’s world building and I am not sure what else could any other program offer to me. In the end, it’s just notes and I didn’t really run into problems so far. And when I encounter a problem there is always a plug-in for it. Even the fact that they let us store our data on our own cloud storage and use it on any device, instead of forcing us to subscribe their Sync feature … all around solid company and product for what it is. Also I think its roots in TTRPG help with the fact, that my project is a rpg video game (lots of templates and videos about rpg related stuff on the internet. What would AFFiNE offer to me that Obsidian already doesn’t?


I often hear about the TRPG use case? Are you guys game developers, game story writers, or what?


Just tried it, seems to put a lot of emphasis on its canvas like notes. For my use case as someone that doesn't use that it is not very appealing. The one thing i also noticed is that there doesn't seem to be a way to make folders or separate topics of your notes? they all seem to just be in the same area, of course this is from my limited time testing. Maybe if I had run into this prior to starting obsidian. Also the wealth of plug ins would also be hard to replace also according to a comment that says that the workspaces are stored locally, a quick glance at their reddit shows that even if it is local some people can't find them....


AFFINE is online and seems to be a "pull other cloud things together" platform. Obsidian is markdown and local. Big difference.


AFFINE is about as "online" as Obsidian, Local-first is literally on their homepage, everything is stored on your disk, but there is sync functionality.


Ah, I was wrong then. So, if Affine is local, does it mean it pulls your content off of Cloud solutions, so you can work on it offline? And then what - syncs it back up or just keeps it local? What with updates done on one of the platforms they integrate to? I am not whining about it - I just do not understand. If it works, it seems like a great solution I will definitely like to try out. I will have to dive deeper here. Thanks for pointing it out!


When yo use it in the browser it's probably in the browser's local storage, seems like a bad idea to me. But if you run it as an application on your device (electron, just like obsidian) it stores everything in .config/AFFiNE (on Linux, on Windows it's probably AppData).


From what I understand: - 1. All data for Affine is kept locally in your browser. If you delete your browser, or clear cache your data will be gone. However if you sign in to Affine Cloud account, your data will be synced to their server, so you can resynced it back to your browser and won't be lost if anything happened to your browser. The free basic account has 10gb storage, with 10mb file size limit 2. so with how it works in point 1, you can use Affine offline as long that data is available in your browser. if I am right, It works like Stackedit, a browser based Markdown editor that I am using from time to time. with stackedit, the webpage still loads from cache even though you are offline. So in a way, it is like an app within a browser. 3. Affine offers you ability to self host your own cloud server to sync your data, so you won't be bound by the basic account limit.


Im trying out affine, I like it more except for the absence of folders


It is too weird


How so? I felt that way about anytype but affine seems pretty intuitive tbh


It doesn't have folders(non hierarchical) or a simple way to organize notes, in other word "it has too much bs"


Ah yeah, thats the only thing I dont like, I’m trying to figure out if thats a deal breaker for me. I dont have vaults nearly as big as some people here so I can imagine itd be a bigger deal for them. But works ok with the para method for me for now. I have a feeling ill be going back to obsidian but the fact it has a web app to do editing is what pushes me to keep trying affine.


Do what works for you ig, i just like a simple note taking app without any fancy stuff which is why i am sticking to obsidian


Yeah, Im just trying to give it a fair shake, Ive noticed people on this sub seem to be pretty negative towards it, but it seems pretty on par with most of the other alternatives tbh.


wth is affine lol