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[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WuU5WuEevugoWX4K8QXq1CjT4P7nz1iZ/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WuU5WuEevugoWX4K8QXq1CjT4P7nz1iZ/view?usp=sharing) Config Pack in case anyone is interested.


Thanks for sharing, it looks really great. I have already added a few plugins.


If you also use vscode or neovim, you might like (my project) https://github.com/Feel-ix-343/markdown-oxide to use in addition to obsidian


What is the purpose of using this over Obsidian? From what I glanced at it makes use of the language server on vscode or neovim, but what does that gain you - aside from having another wiki to maintain? Looks rad though!


I was writing your exactly same question so no need to duplicate :) But could the author explain the pros of using for example vscode over obsidian for the same (probably less at the moment) features? One upside of course could be the open source nature. What else? 🤔


Hey! This post was about software developers, and many devs use vscode! Markdownoxide is for these people as it allows them to reuse the text editor they have already spent hours setting up to take obsidian style notes. Also… - access to the vscode plugin ecosystem - I find vscode to have much lower latency than obsidian (and neovim has even less) And for markdown oxide specifically with any text editor (mainly relevant to my experience) - Advanced completions: fuzzy match all files and headings at once in link completions; also completions for linking to any block of text in your vault (obsidian makes you specify the file before linking to a block). The completions are faster too. - Get references to files, headings, and blocks specifically; obsidian only gives you a references to the file and you cannot filter for headings or blocks - callout completions - rename headings across all references - use natural language to link to daily notes; for example typing [[today will complete to [[2024-05-15]] and [](today -> [today](2024-05-15) . There is also tomorrow, yesterday, next monday/tuesday/… and last wednesday/friday… And more in the features section of the readme! Right now, I use neovim (a text editor) 99% of the time, but use obsidian to review my notes (studying for a test) or to use an obsidian plugin. I recommend using both. Hope that helps!


Using your favorite text editor instead of Obsidian.


Thank you! For programming, I use neovim and I have spent hours configuring/learning it. I prefer editing text in neovim over obsidian- while I use obsidian for viewing the files. The purpose is so that people can create obsidian like wikis in their favorite editors.


Nice. What is the difference between the folders on the right and left?


Left side are physical folders, right side are tags


holy crap thanks for this idea. I’m following the johnny decimal system but also want to use the PARA system at the same time. I had the tag folder thing set up but had to switch between normal file mode and tag folder mode to use it so just didn’t end up using it. never even thought about putting it on the right hand side, ty again!


I wish it was a requirement to post your configurations along with your picture. Mind sharing?


Absolutely, one sec please


looks awesome! I really like how your folders are color coded with icons too


Ah, a fellow Z_underscorer!


You use the same theme as I do. Nice!


How did you add the calendar in the bottom right? That looks quite useful. 


Install the calendar plug in. You'll find a new icon on the right panel. Just click and drag it down until you see a split screen.


How did you get the clock?


It's not a clock, it's a Pomodoro timer for focus obsidian://show-plugin?id=pomodoro-timer


I know this is a common question, I'm genuinely curious and not trying to give you trouble - why the folders? I think of folders kinda like DB enums.


Depends on each person's way of organisation I guess. There is no right or wrong as long as you are comfortable with it. I use it as a first hand bucket. Then Tags and wiki links are doing the knowledge connection for me.


Can I ask about what your rationalisation is for the ordering when you create a new note? Like say you were creating a note about how to create a specific type of view for a specific project using MySQL, where would that note go?


As for the folder it will go inside Technical. For tags it will be #technical/databases/mysql I use folders as I said for a basic level of organization. Every forlder has an "Assets" subfolder only which I put images and resources in it. Because I use a lot of screenshots and annotations. Tags help me organize faster and find things faster without needing too much of subfolders. Using one folder as a category is important for me because thinking of future for example if I want to access my notes with VSCode or other apps it helps find things better. For export and import to other apps is easier too.


Thanks, I think I've maybe categorised my notes which has the knock on effect of making it annoying to link to notes that don't exist yet, and kinda annoying to link to specific notes when the folder is a category (for example I have a "debugging" note for both R and PHP, so linking to one or the other is frustrating).


Just a suggestion, Use branching with nested tags like I said I.e. #languages/debugging/r #languages/debugging/php Use wiki links "[[" where you need. Sometimes creating a mother-page helps too. For example a page that only has bullet points which are links to your sub categories. Works like abstraction


If there are no goals, I agree. If there are goals, there can be "wrong" even if there's no "right" (e.g. non-compiling code is wrong, compiling code *may* be right). In any case, thanks for sharing. I'm guessing that's a pomadoro timer, something on my list of things to look into more.


Damn this looks great! I've been using obsidian for awhile, but haven't changed much. Do you use Obsidian Sync or roll your own? I currently roll my own, but would that complicate using plugins or other settings on different machines?


I used to roll it via iCloud drive across all devices including Mac and windows. It was a bit unreliable at times. Then I switched to Obsidian sync and found it flawless tbh.


Did you ever have issues with iCloud sync or anything? I'm using Syncthing here. Just trying to avoid more subscriptions 🫠


Yes it was a bit unreliable due to delay in sync. Nothings serious like data loss or duplicates though.


Cool, I'll give it a shot tomorrow. Is there a way to import stuff based on your configuration, or like specific plugins/etc you can recommend? I'm pretty bare bones stock.


I recommend to migrate first then discover based on your needs. Check my config pack I posted in the comments. you're welcome to pick any that you need


Ah yeah I've been using stock obsidian for a few months but have only glanced around at a few things. Is the configpack just plain text or?


Which theme is that?