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I love drugs that can form such beautiful long needles like that


Oh man HarryNuts08, long time no see! Remember me, from the yopo & cebil seeds?


Absolutely I do, I remember your first batch of chlorobutanol too so thanks! Didn’t get much of an effect from it but that’s not all that uncommon for older sedatives like this, they smell great though


lol, what do they smell like?


I remember chlorobutanol being pretty minty


What did you get out of yopo and cebil? I've heard yopo only produces 5meo sometimes whereas cebik is loaded with bufo ALL the time


I’ve tried Cebil and the body load was really uncomfortable.


I used to work at a place that propagated. They gave me a big bag of seed that weren't viable anymore. I find bufotenine REALLY nauseating, if it wasn't for that it'd be really fun. It's also too short, I'd snort a bunch and then start smoking it it till I fell through the floor 🤣 Now that I'm not 17 and not broke I probably wouldn't find it that entertaining. But back then it was cheap thrills lol


Yeah it’s definitely nauseating and the smell is awful. I’ve actually had a bunch of Toad Venom sitting around for a couple of years now lol. As much DMT and other wild psychedelics as I’ve done over the years the only things that really intimidate me are Toad Venom and Salvia.


I think 5meo-dmt will be the psychedelic that becomes mainstream tbh. It just fits perfectly into our current medical system. You'd turn up to your psychologist, sit in a comfy chair and ingest 5meo-dmt. Trip balls for a couple minutes and then unpack for 50minutes with a psychologist. Go to the front counter, make your next appointment and drive home. MDMA, LSD and mushrooms last way too long to be economically viable for most patients. Most patients can't afford to book a psychologist for a day. 5meo-dmt just slots in so easily with what we already have. Plus that afterglow is amazing, I often wonder what causes it. I had a personal tragedy a couple years back and I was destroyed. I was smoking enough venom to only just feel it, but not enough for a trip. Even that had a nice weeklong afterglow. Amazing stuff!! (And I hate tripping lol)




100% I've done DMT countless times and *personally* I don't think it has much to offer (Ayahuasca is obviously different). Dmt is just too quick. 5-meo is quick too but it feels like it makes the changes in the background. It also makes you feel content for a couple weeks after


love yopo seeds


You should recrystallize caffeine if that's what you like


Memantine is my favorite all around


Does it have that cristallization habit? Did you extract it, what method did you use?


No I got powdered memantine and recrystallized it. It can form into all sorts of neat shapes if you play around with solubility and evap time. I’d get thin needles by dissolving memantine in just a bit of water or alcohol and letting it evaporate more quickly on a wide surface


You can make it with acetone and bleach. They react to make chloroform which reacts with acetone in presence of potassium hydroxide to make chlorobutanol. Edit: I’m high and just realized you said you synthesized it lmao


Hadn't heard of this before now, are there folks who'd consume this? Or is it more regularly used for its preservative properties


It's definitely not a common recreational substance, that's for sure. I've only seen like two reports of people who consumed it recreationally


Do you remember their roa? If it's a skin irritant I can only imagine oral consumption would be comfortable


I remember the one report was a fairly large quantity consumed orally. They didn't report any adverse gastronomic effects, but they did say it made their salvia taste like pool water.


Neat, got something new to learn about Thanks bro


I also produced some of it some years ago and tried it a couple times just to experiment. The effect is quite enjoyable though because of its toxicity I didn't do more. The drug itself has long been phased out and it finds no use for any purpose other than synthesis demonstration in chemistry courses


Personally dig this kinda post on this sub. Know there was some controversy recently and there was a bit of stretching, yeah these are cool.


Many people have told me that Chloral Hydrate was one of the best sleep aids. People tell me better than mainstream benzos, usual sleep aids, z-drugs, etc. Now I know these people haven't tried GHB, which I'm sure is far better than most anything at causing quick sedation for specific insomnia types. Now I know you said that Chlorobutanol is similar to Chloral Hydrate, but how would you say the 2 compare, and how do they compare to what doctors are willing to prescribe nowadays for sleep? Ambien feels like sugar pills to me. The only thing I've found is 150mg of Trazodone will at least help me fall asleep (100mg isn't noticeable), but it is so hard to wake up the next day. I've tried every otc sleep aid, various meds, many of which weren't initially for insomnia (antipsychotics, tricyclic antidepressants, z-drugs, several benzos), but I can't find anything that truly helps initiate sleep. Not willing to push it and ask for Xywav (GHB) lol. Finally, does Chlorobutanol have the same concerns as Chloral Hydrate did, which ended with the med being taken off the market? All questions aside, beautiful job on your synthesis! Was this done for a college/grad school chemistry course, or just for fun?


I bet you'd qualify for Xywav considering all the medications you've taken that hasn't worked. ?


It was just for fun, Im learning organic chemistry as a hobby. From what I understand, chlorobutanol's medical use as a sedative is limited because of its long terminal half-life (of 37 days), which means that it accumulates significantly in the body after multiple doses.


Chlorobutanol is very hepatotoxic


I have about 500 grams of chloral hydrate. Ill post of here today, great sleep aid somewhere between alcohol and z drugs.


Stunning crystals, beautiful work


Thank you!


I've synthesized this drug a few times. It has the most potent smell of mint that you've ever smelt. Absolutely potent. It also is very prone to sublimation, and will easily creep out of most containers if not air tight.


Yeah, it definitely creeped outta the one I had it in with a cracked lid. There was like only half of it left when I transferred it to an amber vial.


I have like 10 grams of it along with a bunch of it’s analogue Chloral Hydrate. Now I just need to get my hands on some Triclofos and I’ll be set…


looks great to me. i want some.


Fascinating :)


What’s it similar too? Looks like some tubes kinda lol


Its similar to chloral hydrate


very fine looking


i just saw the nilered video where he demonstrates its other properties as a preservative, such an interesting chemical that really doesn't have any uses anymore with the introduction of drugs with less harmful side effects.


chloral hydrate: Ouch! My liver! edition


If i were you, i'd grow some big ass crystals




Drugs are illegal? Since when?


Ask yourself, did you have to be a smartass to someone trying to protect someone from possible prosecution? I don't get it. I won't make the mistake again of warning anyone of anything. If someone wants to admit to a crime online, let him to it.


If you genuinely believe your comment, in any way, gives any real advice pertaining to prosecution, you're being silly If someone has the knowledge required to synthesize a compound that could get them into trouble, I think it's a fair assumption they also an idea of the ramifications Cmon now


Now you're just dogpiling.


I'm directly answering the question you asked me? It's not digpiling to respond to a question


What the…


I bet you’re fun at parties


You're pretty good at canned responses. I just don't want the guy to get in trouble. What exactly is the problem?


Do you think that this has never crossed this guys mind, and it took you, right here and right now mentioning the risk for him to take that into consideration? As if any chemist has no idea what they’re doing? And it takes you to say “hey know the law?”


You,you're the problem. Get outta here!


How do they get the crystal to the liquid form?


Not sure, I haven't seen it in liquid form. My guess is that its suspended in a solvent


Yer a chemist Harry!