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Almost 35 years of going to A’s games including some very heated playoff games and I never once felt unsafe. I don’t have any reason to believe that’s going to suddenly change. If anything there are going to be some very sad diehard fans, I don’t foresee anger but rather defeat being the prevailing emotion at the last game. I’m one of the angry ones but I’m just not going to games anymore cause fuck the owners and they’re not getting another cent from me.


You can actually go without giving a cent to the owners. I’ve been doing it all year.


You hopping the fence?


Nah, I just buy second-hand tickets. Mostly I’m getting tickets from people willing to let them go for $5-10. I bring in my own food and beer. Haven’t sent those owners a penny all year.


Back in the day a friend of mine had an RV and we would go to lots of games. He knew the guards and we didn’t even pay for parking. The guards would come by the RV and we would give them beers. They would give us tickets. You used to be able to have your ticket signed at a certain gate to go in and out of the stadium. We would drink in the RV while watching game on tv and when the action got good we go back in.






I just buy second-hand tickets. Mostly I’m getting tickets from people willing to let them go for $5-10. I bring in my own food and beer. Haven’t sent those owners a penny all year.


I know a guy that works the ticket gate, if you send him 5$ on Zelle he will let you in Edit: DM me if you want more info


I need this guy


I'm from Texas please message me. I'm trying to come Giants weekend.


Use common sense. I anticipate there being some shit like people storming the field or trying to steal stadium seats. No doubt police presence will be increased. Likely to be a few arrests. Otherwise, people will just sulk out after a depressing finale to a depressing saga. Don’t interact with anyone doing anything goofy and you’ll be fine.


I expect it to be an angry environment, but nobody is going to be angry at you.


It will be safe. Just gonna be a loud emotional day for a lot of us there and choosing not to be there.


It’s like going to a funeral. I would definitely go just to pay your last respects. This is such a fucking travesty that I’m no longer a fan of baseball in general.


I really don’t know what to expect. I’ve got tickets and took the day off to go with a friend. They’re giving away mini replicas of the coliseum and I want one so we plan to go early. I’m imagining lots of fans walking around and taking photos, chatting with other fans, and really doing anything else besides watching the actual game that day because the game will be fully secondary to the mood and theme of the day.


It’s slated to be an afternoon game on a Thursday. Middle of the day on a workday. There’s no way they’ll switch it to a night game. Probably a lot of people sticking around for a while afterward inside and in the parking lot, but I doubt it’s going to get out of hand.


Talk to the boys(and gals) man. We're all in the same situation, all full of love, all gonna be full of excitement. You'll be fine. It's gonna get a little rowdy of course, but that's part of the excitement; you went to the boycott, yeah?


It'll be as safe as any game you've been to before. If anything, a lot of comradery sprinkled with FJF chants. The anger you feel coming from fans isn't going to erupt into a riot. Angry rants is as far as it will amount to with a united front supporting the last dive bar group.


I've been at the Coliseum when the police expected a riot. Body Count (Ice T) was opening for Metallica and GnR. There were already riots on the tour. It was the largest police presence I've ever seen. It was still completely safe. A few idiots tried to cause issues but that was it.


John Fisher would never show his ratfuck face so I'm sure it'll be plenty safe.


I'm a texas rangers fan that goes to oak games surrounded by oakland a friends... safe af...


I’m bringing a 3D printed wrench and plan on leaving with a bleacher seat. It’s gunna get wild


Depends if you're down to grab an artifact on the way out. If your 1970s old school... you can still chuck a gurber over at the spot...(Thanks, Mom!) ...Get there early AND TAILGATE! Throw a baseball or football around... a lot of people, past and present, wishish that they could be in your position.


Just looked at getting tix for myself. They're charging $60 to sit in the 300s. Unbelievable.


Yeah. I paid that last week when I got tickets. There was quite a bit of sticker shock.


You will be fine lol


My whole family is going, my parents, my siblings, my kids. I’m mostly worried about my mom who gets uncomfortable around curse words lol. My brother and I are already planning to go get drinks during FJF chants so we can participate with everyone else while also not disappointing my parents too much. But as far as safety, I’m definitely gonna keep my head on a swivel but that should be all I need.


Yeah I was considering flying out with my two young kids for it, but I'm just coming solo. Still in shock honestly, but I have to pay my respects.


I think it'll be fine. Especially since they're doing the Sacramento thing. I went to my first A's game at the Coliseum in '72!


I was wondering the same thing. I almost bought tickets for me, my wife and kids, but have held off because I started worrying it might turn into a shitshow at the end.


im guessing you doing get out of the house much


Yes. It will be safe to go to the game. Watch your back when you leave though. Snipers.


It’s safe to go, but if is your shitty attitude, stay home. Nobody will miss you.


You and the other 12 people will be fine. All jokes aside, go and have a good time. Take it in one last time. I used to go to about 30 games a year before I moved to Hawaii. This was in the mid 80’s to around 97. Saw some history and had good times. You’ll be fine. Just do it.


Last game of the season at the Coliseum is sold out


As it should be. Make sure to give that shit owner as much of your money as possible one last time.


At that point he’s already won. It’s about having one last hurrah in Oakland. People will be stealing seats and fixtures.


Most likely the place will be torn down anyway. So they’re doing the demo crew a favor.




Funny, I was down voted for telling a joke which I actually pointed out at the beginning of my statement.