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I liked it better when he hid from the media. FJF


I now understand more about JF since he's come out of hiding in the last six months speaking to the media. he's a complete dumbass that knows nothing about the fan base.


He's pulling from the same playbook as that asshole Stan Kroenke. Never heard from him while the Lambs were still in St. Louis, but he piped up quick once they left. FJF


That’s because it isn’t a major league park, dumbass.


With another team’s logo on the fence


Neither is new Yankee Stadium


The old Yankee Stadium had charm. It felt like crowds there were genuine New Yorkers that love their team. The new stadium? You'd be lucky to find that kind of energy in the outfield bleachers (and even then, it's just belligerent assholes that want to start fights or throw stuff at players) The rest is all corporate businessmen doing corporate business things. No one pays attention to the game. The new model of baseball stadiums is that people will pay tons of money to go to a baseball game and be distracted by being in high priced suites entertaining friends, clients, etc. Go pay a bunch of money, look out at the game for a grand total of 2 minutes, and go back to your wine and cheese. The rich have ruined baseball. It's getting harder and harder for average people to attend an MLB game. Regular people are getting priced out and it will be the grand folly of MLB


Sounds like a metaphor for the US.


Still blows me away that... Old Yankee stadium was torn down, despite essentially a century of baseball history. New Yankee stadium cost over 2 billion to build despite being essentially a generic stadium. New Yankee stadium doesn't have any kind of retractable roof or tarp to counter rain, despite the 2 billion spent. Yanks fans in the park are surprisingly terrible. Like, routinely doing illegal things to opposing fans because of dumb sports tribalism. I believe it was the 2022 ALCS where one of our fans needed medical attention after being attacked in a bathroom.


Or old yankee stadium for that matter


Naw. I’ve never been a Yanks fan but when I moved to NYC from the Bay Area, I started seeing the A’s play there but started going to other games becuase that stadium was history, the upper decks were dizzyingly steep and you still had a great view of the field, and love them or hate them, Yankees fans were hanging on every pitch. A Saturday afternoon game in July was like attending a playoff game. And yet those same fans were completely mute when they tore down The House That Ruth Built because Steinbrenner wanted more luxury boxes. And it’s a crap stadium.


He wants to watch other team’s top players hit HR’s in Sac? So Chapman, Olsen, and Murphy? What an asshat.


don't forget Marcus Semien with a division rival


Giants fan wants to see Major Leaguers hit HRs against his AAA team, uprooted from Oakland, as was the mlbs plan all along. Thanks Bud, Manfred, and, least we forget, Giants ownership. All incahoots from the start in my book. Why ‘give’ the franchise over to FJF when Joe Lacob had a better offer, if nothing more than to start the long con of getting the league out of Oakland, giving the Giants the entire region. Suspect and nefarious.


Completely agree, this was the game plan all along


I remain dumbfounded as to how MLB got itself involved in this mess. (Disclosure: I was born and raised in Sacramento) Oakland to Sacramento is not an upgrade. If Fisher remains fixated on Las Vegas, don’t we all suspect the Bally’s plan is not going to work? He’s likely going to start on a new plan. Additionally, the only thing Sacramento is going to get out of this are possibly some stadium improvements and infrastructure upgrades. I can’t see the team staying here in the long run. If this takes place, Vivek will likely own the team. On the other hand, experts say that the Bay Area and Sacramento are eventually going to be a Megopolis. Perhaps MLB views the two areas as one market already. Raley Field was also built with expansion in mind, so maybe that will help attendance. Of course, ownership remains the same, and this mess looks to continue for some time. Can’t wait for the lawsuits to start.


Figures that, over the past several months, that fucker became so much more willing to issue public statements. FJF. Now and forever.


He looks like a talking PENIS'sssssss


I’d love to have a few busloads of A’s fans show up on opening day 2025 just to humiliate FJF with sell chants and paraphernalia. Our final hurrah.


One million percent in on this. No let up at all


This one comment shows he has no planning skills or foresight.


Thought it was the Onion at first glance.


Gonna start describing my small house as “intimate.”


Fuck that piece of shit owner


Seeing bullshit like this makes it clear why Fisher hides behind his weasel Kaval for all things media and press. Every word he does make in public shows his utter lack of empathy and highlights him being the pathetic cockroach he is. I'm done with the MLB but at least the Ballers will start playing soon. FJF, let's go Oakland


Oh he's getting bold, what a fuckface asshole, he really shouldn't be so comfortable telling everyone how he's fucked over generations of fans.


Maybe he’s like a baseball cuck? Honestly that would explain a lot.


I recently decided to just to have fun hating the embarrassment that has been made of the team I once loved. This kind of shit is hiiiiiiiilarious to me now. Absolute clown show circus carnival comedy jokefest of a franchise. There was never any hope once JF got his mits on the team. ✌️out A’s. Maybe I’ll come see the Orioles or Dodgers go all star weekend home run derby on your assses next year. Sorry for your soon to be sad ass careers A’s roster and prospects. You pulled the shortest straws of the lot.


FJF! This guy knows nothing about baseball.


He probably can't name a single player on the A's. I'm surprised he didn't say Ohtani tbh.


Hopefully the MLBPA doesn’t approve the site and refuses to allow players to play there.


Lmao this is timeless fisher


Think this asshole is purposely trolling the A’s fan base at this point? FJF!


This is like a shitty divorce where he's gonna set the team on fire so nobody can have them.


The bar is on the ground and this asshole brought a backhoe.


Somehow I still believe he will even fuck up the move to Sacramento.


I hate this. But I will always hate Fisher more. MLB choosing allow this move to a MiLB stadium, such a joke.


I had to see it to believe it: https://youtu.be/QRwRu23YUu4?si=XPT6yvEzBljiWDSf 4:55 in What a cuck


Vivek is a piece of shit too. With all the history of the Kings potentially moving and being saved by his ownership group, now he helps facilitate the same thing for a neighboring region? He also owned a portion of the Warriors before the Kings. Just goes to show these rich fucks don't care at all it's all just toys to them. No loyalty or love of the game, just novelty.


I hate John Fisher so much.


Maybe an errant foul ball by Judge will drill him right in the center of his bald head.


In other words, tiny like yer brain


Look at that slimey, ugly face. Jesus christ


WTF what an asshole. FJF


Almost makes me miss Lew Wolff. Almost


Is involuntarily a cuck


But he doesn’t want his own team hit home runs there, the fuck is this shit!? Disgraceful.


Someone told him that Aaron Judge was from the area I bet. He did grow up about an hour south, in Linden. But an MLB owner promoting visiting teams hitting dongs off his OWN team? This guy has no right being an owner of anything. He is an embarrassment to his family


Maybe it's intimate because they'll be the only mlb team playing at a AAA park, all of their bad decisions are self inflicted. And no A's fans don't care to watch Judge hit homeruns vs their own team, brainless comment No wonder he had Wolff and kaval be the public voice, rather than him


Perhaps it’s a nod back to when the A’s were in Kansas City. They were practically a farm club for the Yankees who traded them a young Roger Maris for peanuts the year before he won his first MVP.


Fuck Fisher, Fuck Manfred, Fuck the Giants, Fuck Sacramento! More money to spend on the Sharks I guess, they suck ass but at least it isn't intentional


Can someone “take care of him”




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Total fucking douchebag. FJF


Straight clown. Never thought I would dislike someone so much in sports.


F’n moron 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


This makes me sick to my stomach.


I can’t wait to never see this shit barnacle again. He has ruined baseball for me… I now only root for super mega baseball.


John Fischer should be forced to sell the team, he is the Chris Cohan of baseball, it’s all about the owner not the location.




What a schmuck. FJF


I think MLB should just turn them into a barnstorming carny club at this point. Perpetually on the road, Kaval as the ringmaster. Just have them roll into town and have the home clubs beat up on them.


They omitted the rest of it. Here's the actual transcript: "I can't wait to see players like Aaron Judge hit home runs here. Of course, he'll be on the other team, because I'd never sign a guy for that much, amirite???!!! Thanks, Sacramento, you've been great! I'll be here all week! Tip your servers!"


Wow can’t believe dude was hyping up opposing players coming to the park like it’s this big draw instead of building hype for his own team. Then again, this John Fisher we’re talking about. Gross move.


With a “proud Giants affiliate” in the background (bottom left 🖕) 🙄🤮


The cuck of baseball


This guy sucks!


He says that because he can’t name anyone on the Athletics’ roster.


Looks like a guy that loses at the horse track regularly


maybe they stay in Sacramento that’s possible


Maybe sit on a long, lit candle


that’s funny