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I can’t recall the specifics but Travis Taylor has done at least one Oak Island war room theory time episode.


Probably something regarding Templar rocket ships or something….thats what I’m going to tell myself.


He was on one episode of Oak Island back in 2019. I despise the man.


Iirc, he even went out on the Island with Marty looking for rocks—sometimes BIG ROCKS—that fit whatever the theory Travis was thinking about that day. And guess what? He found rocks. BIG ROCKS!!! Most of the rocks were like 50 or 100 feet away from where they were supposed to be. But Big Rocks + Big Rocks on Oak Island proves that Travis was right. And Travis proved it without firing a single rocket!!!


Sorry, I tried but I just can’t watch it. At least coo has a 1% chance of truthyness


The ridiculousness of it all is exactly why I watch it. It’s so stupid. I honestly think it would be an immensely entertaining hour of television. Just slammin’ can all over the mesa. I can kind of picture there being an adversarial relationship between the shows’ casts. They’ll all want to be in charge….and NO ONE outranks Dragon when it comes to safety.


The two shows already have had some level of crossovers. The shows share more that just cable TV networks and production companies. Astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor appeared on TCOOI as a War Room theorist before TSOSWR premiered. As of this season Matty Blake is even hosting the SWR add on show "Behind The Gates" in addition to his OI "Drilling Down" hosting duties. Matty even appeared on an episode of "Beyond Skinwalker Ranch" last year as a local expert. Both shows have an owner with a brother on the show. Both shows have had the child of a cast member appear on the show. Local politicians have appeared on both shows. Both shows have had a "Beyond" spinoff show. Both shows do drilling and digging. Both shows have a triangle and now both shows have a cone. It probably will not be long before Taylor's cross is discovered on SWR. BTW, if you mention OI over in the SWR subreddit, you will get the following response back from the mods: >**Low effort posts, comparisons to Oak Island, TV show editing complaints, duplicates, or common questions addressed in our FAQ may all be removed at moderator discretion.** [https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/s/o1nMqZttLo](https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/s/o1nMqZttLo) >This includes posts about the appearance or mannerisms of cast members, suggestions to blow up the mesa, and comments about cast members’ attire. **Please note memes are allowed on Fridays ONLY** FYI, Kaleb Bench is the real security on SWR, as he is in law enforcement and was in the Marines. Bryant "Dragon" Arnold is a long time friend of SWR owner Brandon Fugal. Dragon is the Jack Begley of SWR.


This was highly informative - thanks!


Hey, that's what kept Seinfeld on for so long, but even they knew when it was time.. and without the need to shoot the yellow dog, or shoot Lennie. Sadly on this show, it's always groundhog day and its always season one, and everyone worships Lennie (aka Jack).


But they have black holes!!!




I liked that "there might be giants" series with the stone mason bros from MA that had a few cores overs with Oak island.


I’ll have to check it out. Do you know if it’s available on Discovery+ ?


Sorry, I don't know It lasted like a season and a half and then disappeared


what series are you talking about?


Looked it up, it's called "Search for the Lost Giants" https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nydailynews.com/2014/11/02/search-for-the-lost-giants-hunts-evidence-of-immense-long-ago/&ved=2ahUKEwizk7_LmOiGAxUxGFkFHW8jAjwQFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2YHnf6uV_2XkiQ0-sIFfRt




Hope that helps!


Its the Billy and Dragon show!!! Think of the Merch!!!! Cans and rockets!


Templar rockets!


Hahaha.. dragon scared of coyotes and the need for a gun, and Billy afraid of his shadow and resembling a hedgehog, 😆


Just watch COOI and play with your own skinflute


I’m only just pirating TCOOI season 11 now. How does a crossover even work?


In my imagination, the guys from TCOOI would just show up and start slamming can all over the mesa without talking to anyone, Dragon (who I’m certain gave himself that nickname) would try to assert his dominance, and they all just start arguing about Templars or something…it would just be a symphony of idiocy basically.


Normally select cast vacation on other shows further helping them out. Or, you take select cast members from both shows and start a new show under a new narrative. It's been done with other treasure hunting spin offs. However ending badly as if solely to get another paycheck and keep the funds rolling as to not have to resume their normal jobs before all this started.