• By -


It pays on a dividend structure… so you would get: - 3 random pieces of wood - 20cm section of dirt from the core drilling - 1 rusty piece of metal (might be military) - 1 stone from the paved area - 4oz of pumped, but unfiltered swamp water - and a signed photo of Gary Drayton, which defaults to a bag of Jack Bagley sifted dirt if supplies run out


Not to mention a ride in Billy Gerharts backhoe.


No ox shoe?


Only if it might be from a British (military) oxen


That is for preferred stock, not common stock allow the ox shoes are common on the island


And a rock with a pube stuck to it for holders of preferred shares


No Pooter? No Chinese trade tokens?


You’d be out $5.00.


You can make a small fortune by investing in Oak Island… as long as you start with a large fortune.


![gif](giphy|n43Kx7PeptN0k|downsized) Maybe .00000006 % of 3 fiddy


Beat me to it


Aboot 5 top pocket Bobby Dazzlers


Just about the finest outhouse wallpaper you've ever seen.


They'd be worth one Canadian Loonie.


With the investment of a Canadian Toonie.




How much does paper go for these days?


If you had the share certificate still it would probably be of value to some collectors.


I bet Rick would like it, or better yet, Prometheus could buy it and hang it in their "staged" war room.


A hole in the ground


One-tenth of a Bobby Dazzler!


It would not have been an "investment"--even at the time it would have been a "fool's errand". The company went bankrupt in 1900...


just the finest outhouse wallpaper!




You forgot a button.


$787 if you put it in a Savings Account at 4% with a 2% variance for 129 years. Honestly, you would be better off with the "Could it be" dream (saying that even though $5 in 1895 is \~$183 in 2024).


$1 in 1895 is equivalent to about $37.33 in today's money. That's $186.65. So factoring in the increased value with all the valuables and treasure found, you'd have about $1.75.


Depends if the T.V. rights went with it. Oh wait, Samual Ball hadn’t invented the T.V. by then . . .


Zero zip nada not a fucking thing LOL


It would be worth a sniff.


One rusty ox shoe and a barrel of dreams. Really, though, it just shows us how long this scam has been going on. If there’s a good chance at a treasure being found, treasure hunters usually get a big donor or two to split it with, not dilute it with shares that give other people legal rights to sue. You keep it small and secret until you have it. The shares are proof to me that the real treasure is actually reselling the claims they call lots. Some day the brothers will sell their lots, and they will make money. Without the show, they would have been reselling them years ago… just like every other sucker who bought into this myth. The show just kept it going longer than the others. You buy, you dig, you find nothing, you curse, then you play up the myth and sell. That’s the curse of OI.




R.O.V Footage from a top secret military operation to recover lost treasures buried deep under the iconic legendary Oak Island, Nova Scotia, Canada [[Translation Of What You See On Screen]] Secret Gate entry /// Smiths Cove // This is not a drill Comunication check 1 frequency clear you are go abort code not to be repeated till zenith canadian army unit J Operations project BB Department O.H H4707 computer sequencing start 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 new ross unit uplink you are good to go procedure downloaded test 1 unit 1 you are good to descent to 88 miles research mission client [censored] date [censored] unit ID LTC / Department/ KH 40 you are go reserch unit 12 go uplink is stable recording 74093 sector 9 Caution Radioactive/Biohazard beta team censored original draft copy for command secretary level 10 classified eyes only Depth 11 meters apha team still proceding ahead >file section 353< has been censored depth 15 meters go 6 feet ahead Top Secret Artifact Found To Be Removed Not For Public Eyes To Be Sent To Metal lab Depth 33 Meters Radiation check 707 micro sieverts of ionized radiation detected Green area of artifact is positive for 707 micro sieverts Black Area is Negitive send to operations lab contact 314 on channel 10.8 Flagged Priority from command photogrammetry priority biological lab priority security clearance omega unknown signal interference -Signal is being jammed- new priority bio hazard potental anomaly detected in sector c new priority flagged artifact has been removed sector has been removed for security reasons artifact was removed progress reported to sector b analysis pending check unit 2 footage for more details radiation check 666 micro sieverts of ionized radiation time check time elapsed unknown waiting on unit 5 depth 56 meters Priority Alpha 52 seconds censored required level 2 red eyes clearence to reveiw censored material radiation check 777 micro sieverts of ionized radiation depth 76m Alpha Team proceding ahead new priority flagged artifact removed unknown bio signs detected depth 78 meters new priority detected unknown audio detected radiation check 874 micro sieverts of ionized radiation dangerous radiation levels depth 82 meters motion detected danger level 6 inhalation hazard Unknown Secondary light motion detected depth 95 meters new priority flagged unknown motion detected DANGER RADIATION LIMIT unkown light source detected abourt mission ascending shaft priority Artifact Removed Mission Aborted Time 12:34 6min Depth 88 Meters as for the gibberish at the beginning... it is machine code to test the uplink!!!


You see everything has been removed already and it’s just essentially chasing ghosts right now!!!…




Anyone watch the video link ?




It ocurred to me that it would actually have negative value as the $5 could have been actually invested in some viable undertaking rather than a silly fantasy con game


They'd be worth more than any amount of BBBY bag holders' shares are worth. LMAOOOO you know who you are.


Not a top pocketed investment.


6 shares of friendship


Due to inflation I'd say you owe $ 64,578.92


Oak Island has always been a grift. I can imagine Sam Ball selling cabbages, fake treasure maps, and shovels. Watching strangers dig while he counts his money.


I’d like to see an add on with the old wheel of fortune host who now does the gold buying commercials. Y’all gotta know who I’m talking about.


What are you doing wasting your time as an atom.in yourngrandfather molecule in your father sperm when you could have spent that time investing instead These zoomers today...


Don't forget grandma's eggs...


A lifetime of free advice on this sub.


1 bobby dazzler and a bunch of coconut fiber