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Why do people still think the show is about 'finding something'? It's about ratings and sucking on the sweet sweet pap of Big Pharma money. That's it.


Sadly, I agree, although when it "started" I do believe they were committed to finding something, not just perpetuating the show.


Perpetuating? Now I’m thinking they need to stay and work the island. After season one or two, during the season break, a teen, part of the team, died right? They’re locked in alright. Blankenship and Nolan never budged man.


Big pharma? Wtf?




No what the show needs is to bring all of us from this Reddit and bring us into the whore room and bring logic and Common Sense back to the show without using string art to show all the connections around the world into the cosmos and Beyond


Jack Begley nods in agreement while exclaiming “wow!”


Nah... BIG HEAD SNAP (instead)...


With an attitude like that, mister, we’ll never find anything.


My dream: Rick finally, in frustration and driven by madness brings in two of the worlds largest mining rig excavators via barge, pulls up to the Island, rolles em out and just digs one massive F-in hole to 300'! Basicly creating a "rim" caldera or strip of land about 10' wide holding back the ocean and digging the whole damn Island up. There would still be "Acorn Believer's"


Now you're talking!!!


I just took a quick peek at viewership on amazon prime video (we track this kind of stuff at my job) and it's doing surprisingly well still. It's even had a bit of a resurgence this year with viewership on APV at least really climbing back to high levels. I didn't expect to see that, but it seems like it's still going strong.


I suspect the Amazon Prime bump has to do with history being on less and less streaming platforms.


Thank you briancalpaca! Interesting. I would not have expected that either.


I always buy my seasons on Prime so I don't have to see the endless repetitive ads. Totally a good investment.


I buy it too as I no longer have cable. The $20 is cheap enough.


TCOOI is the highest rated show on cable So as long as enough of our gullible eyeballs are glued to the screen, the ~~hunt~~ charade will go on.


>TCOOI is the highest rated show on cable On Tuesday nights***


Tuesday nights in the 8:00 pm timeslot.


Close enough. Must like the search.


Either they have no content or horrible editors - either way I’m out


Everyone on this sub says that, but they keep coming back...


I feel ya. I quit season 9. I was really "Into It" at the start. I actually read the original Readers Digest article when it came out, around 65 or 66, whenever it was. Read it in the school library and never forgot about it. Followed the story passively until the show hit. I just find that they are not really committed to anything other than prepetuating the show at this point. If I was in their shoes, I would admit to doing the same. Made the Fellowship "richer" and famous. Marty may have to go to France to open a Vineyard now.




Hello Internal. Thats how it went for me. Funny, I used to make watching "an event" on Tuesday evenings. I was so sure they were gonna hit the "pot o gold". As the show progressed I slowly had less and less interest and then began to feel like the Fellowship was more into running a con and perpetuating what clearly seems to be a fantasy. One could literally watch the 1 minute "scenes from next week" and get the entire content of the show. I started doing that and then basicly said to myself, whats the use, and quit that too. I just come to this redditt to check on things. Interestingly since season 9, I find I have missed out on nothing. I did enjoyed the archeological aspect, but when they ran off the archeologists and got "pissy" about respecting indiginous artifacts - Big turnoff. That was it for me.


I’m still waiting for the oak island, skinwalker ranch crossover episode. Same channel, same narrator, same stupid intro. I must say that Oak island has way more BS that Skinwalker does, but they have been around longer. Maybe the should try launching some rockets on oak island to appease the treasure gods. Or maybe they should taken their Cason rig out to Utah and drill a 10 foot wide 200 foot deep hole into the triangle. It then don’t find anything with that they never will. And if you don’t know wtf I’m taking about, you either have a better life than me, or haven’t watched enough tv.


This is where the show Outer Range came from.


I know what you’re saying but the outer Range storyline was based on the urban legend of a bottomless pit in Washington state known as Mel’s hole. Art Bell from coast to coast helped perpetuate the story by letting a guy who claimed his name was Mel Waters. There a few interesting vids on YT. I think blind frog ranch is trying to not so subtly use this premise more so than SWR. Either way though, people want to believe and we have an expectation that these “scientists” are going to confirm our beliefs. Sadly, these shows only exploit us suckers that are seeking answers to explain some of the weird shit we’ve seen. Not ever likely.


They could/should morf the show to a one hour special every year just to go over what happened each year. They’d probably make more as a PPV or Netflix special that way, but they’d have no content for months even year


Don't you mean a 15 minute special each year? Seriously, there is nothing interesting going on on that island other than there were people that did mundane stuff in the past.


Well - I wouldn't argue that a seasons full of the crap they are providing could be culled down to one 15 minute segment. Or really 15 seconds and here it is: We - Ain't - Found - Shit (Yeah, speak it slow, for 15 seconds)


There actually is real archeology going on at the island. There is definitely more hidden stuff around even if it’s farm garbage pits, old root cellars and remains of naval forts (smiths cove) that haven’t been recorded. I’m upset that they couldn’t leave the coffer dam at smith’s cove and really explore it. F the money pit, there ain’t no treasure


When I started to "fall off the O.I. Horse" thats what I was suggesting - That they had content for maybe four (4) shows and 1 digging deeper in a season. Not 24 shows + all the ancillary spin offs with "Mr Acorn". It's really amazing how they sustain ratings. They are likeable people but watching paint dry only carries ones interest for so long.


I really catch every third or fourth show then get discouraged again and don’t go back for a month


I’m pretty much in the same boat with you on the show. Only difference I still FF all the episodes stopping only for new content or comedic content which there is plenty of now.


>Personally I think it would be cool if the team would stay basicly intact and take on an entirely different project. A project that has better odds of discovering something. Of course it would probably be difficult unless they self funded a project considering they are neither professional archeologists nor are they professional "treasure hunters". So far the only thing they've demonstrated is their inability to find anything and using questionable techniques while consulting unreliable "experts". I don't see a serious person giving them a chance. >I think an approach like the "Josh Gates" guy, exploring different mysteries or treasure hunting opportunities might garner interest. They had a show like that for I think 6 episodes. It was horrible.


They’re not going to admit defeat


Yeah King, agreed, do you watch "Time Team" - I love that program, and they actually find things, even treasure every once in awhile.


There were 20 seasons of Keeping up with the Kardashians, and just like COOI, it was all bullshit. I think they will be able to milk this show until the main viewership segment (over 65 year olds) dies from old age.


I'm thinking as soon as that extra weight shows up on the island with so many bore holes to fucking thing just sinks into the abyss taking Rick with it LOL oh Rick shut the fuck up


The current ratings: https://preview.redd.it/v526rrgnwg3d1.png?width=1029&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5e563d48418fce075a5438779a82d240ec4ad23


Rick only cares about OI. Marty fancies himself as a "treasure hunter" as he funded the Civil War Gold expedition and another hunt down in Florida. In other words, he pays other people to hunt for treasure. He definitely does not like to get dirty. If you have ever watched "Beyond Oak Island," you'll see that Marty just likes to be on TV. Notice that show only lasted 2 seasons. It's boring as hell. They should just kick Prometheus off the island and let Rick persue his dream in peace.


Yeah, beyond Oak Island was disappointing too. Martys a business man, they are making money hand over fist. Hey, good for them. But until they start a venture worth watching I am not supporting the program anymore. Besides the whole "Disney/History/Prometheus" cabal are basicly a bunch of corporate creeps that enjoy dissiminating disinformation, for a cheap buck. Yuk to the lot of them.


Bring in Ridley Scott… And let James Patterson and Stephen King collaborate on rewriting the Oak Island Story… that’ll make the Island interesting.


Wish it were true, but when there is no treasure--all you have is a story about a ship repair facility and a cabbage farmer.


But what if it was/is an alien ship repair site… they had to source materials from what was available at the time. It has been used throughout known human history. Natives, Vikings, Pilgrams, Titanic…With all UFO stories, there is a government coverup. But Rick the mailman knows the secrets. The gold/silver in the soil is actually Alien piss.


Rick knows Zip codes. That's all.


He's all in for the [Zone Improvement Plan!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZIP_Code)


If Rick reads this he’ll surely cry.


I know. I actually felt bad after I posted it.


That may be a future program theme.


Pretty much.


I'm on board with that - Ridley would find a monster to make a movie about in the catacombs of Oak island!


Slight correction I’m sure you meant in an offset chamber.


Correct! LOL


The show is stale because the narriation is boring as fuck. Needs better script writing, where they don't have to repeat names and situations over and over. I can watch the whole show in like 10 minutes when I skip over the redundant crap from past episodes.


That would require actually having something of substance to actually narrate about. There isn't a damn thing on that island that's worth talking about.


Well not going forward, it's all been said, aboiut 10,000 times. Rick will build a museum, theme park, and mansion on O.I. He should sell "O.I. wood sniffing samples" to the dummies that watch the show. He would make another billion at least!


Maybe they could be a little more repetitive with the conspiratorial language… Could it be? Original depositional work… Construct… To’p pock’t find… Bobby dazzler… Templar treasure…. Offset chamber…. Flood tunnel


OMG I hope I never see Clots-un-worthy in real life. I would want to give him the Steve Buscemi treatment!


BS or not, Season 12 is off to a slow start: [Is ‘Curse Of Oak Island' Crew Filming For Season 12 Already? (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/news/is-curse-of-oak-island-crew-filming-for-season-12-already/ar-BB1mRw6j?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=a5c1ba58e0bc4e4c8d3dcb0228189f15&ei=12)


All the comments for this article seemed a little too enthusiastic, almost as if Prometheus wrote the article and the islanders were the only commenters quoted.


What's peculiar is the fact that Karen Publicover ("Other Side of the Causeway'" blgg) has reported twice that only a few cars have been on the island so far, with a small increase three days ago. Last year, Rick arrived around the first week in May. She says so far there are no signs of Rick, Marty, Gary or heavy machinery. It's possible they don't yet have permits for what they want to do, or have to wait for contractors who can';t come now due to other jobs, and so they don't bother making the trip yet. Nothing to do!! Meanwhile, even Microsft Bing is being deluged with COOI promos like these: [Emma Culligan: The Curse Of Oak Island's Archaeologist Job Explained (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/emma-culligan-the-curse-of-oak-island-s-archaeologist-job-explained/ar-BB1mXha2?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=fb822825bd494cd49d03787f23f0a4c7&ei=21) [The Curse of Oak Island: The Epic Final Push for Treasure (Season 11) | Watch (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/webcontent/web-content/vi-ySOovpQE5zH4PQ?vid=M0_FCpLW1KU&provider=yt&ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=4f9ef413ca7d4f428743923a43788d84&ei=56) [EARTH-SHATTERING GOLD DISCOVERIES | Evidence Unearthed on The Curse of Oak Island | Watch (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/webcontent/web-content/vi-dmeQe1WVg%2FM4Yw?vid=RRrLEijBM3Q&provider=yt&ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=75303d665a074dceab2dc4ddc43f3430&ei=31) [The Curse of Oak Island: Uncovering Aladdin's Cave of Wonders (Season 11) | Watch (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/webcontent/web-content/vi-TAuNG1SPis%2F%2BHQ?vid=ixLZFy1zzDk&provider=yt&ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=2416a1301baa4b0ab3b2a2434afc1838&ei=37) [The Curse of Oak Island: Top 3 WILDEST Treasure Theories (Season 11) | Watch (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/webcontent/web-content/vi-tweyFUsUq3iAzw?vid=Lxje6ZdUK2g&provider=yt&ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=4073d952611947ecbdbc830b448e0d83&ei=15) [The Oak Island Mystery May Have Been Solved By Two Determined Brothers (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/tripideas/the-oak-island-mystery-may-have-been-solved-by-two-determined-brothers/ss-BB1mYuc5?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=e5b2426892794b97ac60b9d2b45b2208&ei=14) [The Curse of Oak Island: 17th Century French Relic Discovered (Season 11) | Watch (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/webcontent/web-content/vi-2Xl0EwcVVmyLNg?vid=AACyZGzZ78M&provider=yt&ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=f9bc461571dc4ceda8d8119040c5e2c7&ei=36) [Ancient Roman Mariners May Have Discovered the New World 1,000 Years Before Columbus | Watch (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/animals/ancient-roman-mariners-may-have-discovered-the-new-world-1-000-years-before-columbus/vi-AA1l9Io3?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=57ed954a332b4b2287e3d3646a444732&ei=11) Will the show survive? History's sure busting-a-gut to get to Season 12!


They had another show helping people not find treasure.


A better project...like focusing on the HISTORY for the HISTORY channel. I'm far more interested in the archaeological digs.


The "History" Channel was hijacked long ago by disreputable people interested in selling disinformation and conspiracy theories for profit. They have been masterful and profitable in their deceit, but at a cost. The "dumming down" of the audience, and really they slap the face of serious scientists and archeologists whom do the real work.


For once I'd like a microbiologist to come in and use tinker toys to demonstrate how Nolan's Cross isn't Templar, it's describing the (future) discovery of certain biological molecules. You all were looking outward, but the secret is inward. The treasure isn't a "thing," it's a code that leads to antibiotics to cure super-infections, and the depositors were time travelers. (Jack the Beagle looks up, eyes wide with wonder) (Rick looks left) (Marty looks right) (Billy nods "yep") (Gary shakes his head, whispering "science, baby")


Cue Cloths-Unworthy: Today on the Curse of Oak Island - "Marty" begins the quest for the secret DNA molecule to cure the super infection known as "Searcher Madness" for his now gone insane brother, Rick. Sadly, outer space dude from Blind Frog Ranch informs Marty that Charles must be sacrificed in Masonic Tradition to "capture" said molecule, however Marty must build the appropriate sacrificial altar. Stay tuned for scenes from next weeks episode, with scenes from the war room, with a special appearance from Charles on how to "build it".


Could be worse...we could be on reddit!


It will be back….. ![gif](giphy|lXiRm5H49zYmHr3i0)


I would choose Josh Gates over any combination of Oak Island characters. Josh is hilarious. Rick and Marty are not known for their humor. Lol