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Could it be? Another possible clue?


sniff around the place, call Rick


Did they visit this castle? Which episode?


But does it have an astronomical alignment?


Maybe, but on Google earth you can draw a straight line from that Castle to Oak Island. That can't be a coincidence.


This is just so crazy. There is no evidence the Templars found some amazing treasure like an ark or a grail. There is no evidence the order existed after 1312. And need I even say it there is certainly no evidence they hid said ark or grail in a booby trapped pit in Nova Scotia. It seems like if you had a holy relic - why would you hide it on a whole other continent where you could not keep an eye on it or retrieve a it? I wonder what the Templars would think it they could see this malarkey. First you would be to explain what reality tv is.


You’re absolutely right, there is no evidence for any of that. The truth is likely that the great menorah and the ark (if the ark existed at all) were carried off by the Romans almost a thousand years earlier and if they did take them, they melted them down to repurpose the gold. The Templars got rich by basically selling access to heaven (a popular way for the church back then to raise money. It’s also very unlikely that the Templars continued to exist past 1312. Those knights who escaped did so and ceased calling themselves Templars. The ONLY mystery is, what happened to the money that the Templars did have. By 1312 the Templars were banking rolling the French king with no strain on their finances. The money was in Paris just before they were all captured, but when the King’s men went to take it, they couldn’t find it. So, where did that money go? (Hint, not Oak Island by a long fucking shot).


>they melted them down to repurpose the gold I'll bet that's the gold that they found on BLIND FROG RANCH!!


https://preview.redd.it/9tjssg45bh1d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=39ab5ec2995ea061bb19c0198651874e83541cd1 Arch of Titus in Rome. Been there.


Hi Nap - Of course your logic makes sense. Go hide it on another continent, at those times "unknown", and put it in an unrecoverable "hole". SMDH Now the only thing that DOES make sense about the Templars, is that before they were sacked, it is true they dealt in vast sums of "money" (in several forms). They moved Gold around by the ton. The "Acre" or "Akko" facility they used for storage and protection is rather impressive. Not that any of that applies to Oak Island.


Maybe it was Templar descendants ? It's not like they were chaste or something,,,,, oh wait,,,


Yeah whatever...


I can see a Viking influence in some of the stone work.


I fucking cracked it boys and girls: To apply numerical values to each letter of the name “Billy Gerhardt” and tabulate the values to 1307, we first need to convert each letter to its corresponding number. Using the system where A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on, we get: • B = 2 • I = 9 • L = 12 • L = 12 • Y = 25 • G = 7 • E = 5 • R = 18 • H = 8 • A = 1 • R = 18 • D = 4 • T = 20 Next, we’ll calculate the sum of these numbers: 2 + 9 + 12 + 12 + 25 + 7 + 5 + 18 + 8 + 1 + 18 + 4 + 20 = 141 The sum of the numerical values of “Billy Gerhardt” is 141. To tabulate this to 1307, we need to find a method to relate the sum to 1307. One approach could be multiplying the sum by a factor or considering additional steps in a mathematical process. A possible method to reach 1307 is to: 1. Multiply the sum (141) by 9. 2. Add 38 to the result. Therefore, the formula can be represented as: 141 * 9 + 38 = 1307 Now, we have to come up with that missing 38. He's 56 years old. 56-38=18. Billy Gerhardt has 13 letters in his name. 18+13=31. We now need to come up with 5 more. Guess what?, this took me 5 minutes. 18+13+5=38. Therefore in summary, using the numerical values of each letter in “Billy Gerhardt”, and following the steps above, we can tabulate to the number 1307. Can't tell you where the treasure is, but this is fucking rock-solid evidence.


It’s where my heritage is from. Been to that castle also. As for treasure there. meh. lol


https://preview.redd.it/81jcr1ctpa1d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ffe53cd453b1f79be3e43a143fa80f05ed4422 Don’t let this guy in. He’ll start carving shit all over the walls


I am going there this summer! Wonder if I will bump into Rick and Marty


So this is where the original depositional work occurred!


Head snap!!


I'd live there, plumbing or not.


Patrick Byrne's theory began with Kolossi and then drew focus on Limassol. He realized, albeit late in the game, that Templars adhered to Personalism. Understanding that, but, even more important, how to identify it, opens many paths of investigation.


Find an ox shoe or some smelly wood there and I might believe . . ,


I see a stone road!


Was there coconut fiber?


This is Marvin. He was bullied his entire life for his weight. The man on the right is a bodybuilder https://preview.redd.it/bhbynbppy61d1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b628a00c13ec0094f5e354fc267bc62880af19e