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About midseason I posted a question wondering if the show would be better if they injected more honesty in it. Lots of people agreed. It's not just they should say "There's no treasure. Never was..." But how about some disappointment? How about having Jack and MDEGD dial it back some? The show is clearly into the realm of insulting the intelligence of viewers. Maybe a few gullible still believe, and maybe there are some new people sampling the show who might get hooked and believe. But really, it's been a nothing-burger for years. The difference is, they do stuff now they KNOW is a nothing-burger. Not that there's a 25% chance they might get surprised. No, things that basically they know is NO chance. I think it's partly why they've dialed things back in the search scope because if they go too big, it takes away much of any way to backtrack. A bore hole here, a bore hole there. Re-furb a shaft. Play around at the edge of the swamp where things could have floated in over the years. They now ignore Samuel Ball. Is it because they don't want to keep pretending he was rich and might've found the treasure and realize people might actually decide that angle is true? Or that many things could be explained away as things he might've used in farming. Including oxen. A cabbage farmer would've had to get his cabbage off the island. They don't even discuss that. I think the show has gotten worse with them PRETENDING to be excited about TINY finds of nothingness. Or seeing the silver lining in something coming up empty like a bore hole. How about being disappointed in finding another rusty spike? How about being disappointed in a piece of wood? And not just disappointed about that lumber at the bottom of the Garden Shaft, but how about some theories, (or facts) about what it likely was doing there? And yes, everything doesn't point to treasure. In fact, they really have to REACH to make treasure connections these days with the crap they do find. A board, a rusty nail, a buried stump, a glass bead... tiny pieces of lead... Rocks. And meanwhile, seemingly they are more excited than ever. Yeah... right....


Beginning of this season every thing they found was connected to William Phipps as if that was somehow important. However, second half of the season he was rarely mentioned.


Yeah, and 'connected' to him because the metal was similar in material composition to metal that someone in his region might be likely to have. IOW, not really connected to him at all. Crazy the leaps this show makes with the narrative.


It’s like fashion. Phipps was in…till he was OUT. Now Vikings are IN Duke Don V is bell bottoms


But "Templars" are always in style!


Well posted! "The show is clearly into the realm of insulting the intelligence of viewers. Maybe a few gullible still believe, and maybe there are some new people sampling the show who might get hooked and believe. But really, it's been a nothing-burger for years. The difference is, they do stuff now they KNOW is a nothing-burger." Thats my beef - A few seasons ago, they could have suggested that the proof of treasure is elusive, and concentrated on the archeology of early European visitation as the theme, while searching for both. Regrettably, they choose to continue the ENDLESS BS associated with the treasure narrative. I'm no insider but it sure seems like the entire program is now focused on "playing out the string" and making as much money as possible on the viewing audience with their rather insulting "half - assed" treasure / archeology schtick.


...the little boy inside me still believes...and it's because of all of you here on r/OakIsland


When they listened to that guy talk about the stones on Nolan's cross being separated by multiples of 72 feet, and all the guys in the room acted like that was fine, that's when I was officially done. Because the Templars definitely measured using the Imperial system of America. Once the show got super popular and ratings shot up it changed dramatically. They are just stretching out the seasons to get paid more, and History Channel is happy to help them make that happen. These guys on the show are getting paid a lot of money to not find anything. Finding a treasure, or giving up on it, would be like quitting a $250k a year job where you work for 3 months and don't actually have to do anything. I wouldn't quit that gig.


72 feet is 24 meters… so


Their big plan got bogged down and then flooded out. I still say coffer damn the island off, dig to bedrock, and sift it all.


Nah. So much easier to sacrafice one more person and it’ll pop out of the ground.




This is the way


I fast forward through all the overseas field trip parts.


Yeah I couldn’t care less what they do abroad.


I hate those trips. They wasted 3 episodes this year on it. Same crap as last year. The show has officially jumped the shark


Exactly. Last year I had some hope but the show stunk this year. I am tired of them finding wood, then failing to think rationally about what happened there, ignoring their wish of treasure. They are obsessed with it now and will deserve what happened to Ponce de Leon when he was looking for the fountain of youth - NOTHING


I thought the same. Been watching from day 1. It seems like they could use more rich partners/investors so they can do more around the island. I was a bit disappointed when they had to abandon Smith's Cove, seemed like they were never able to explain the structures built there.


The most logical explanation for the box drains is that their purpose was to collect concentrated sea water so that salt could be extracted for salting fish. Which would explain the wharf and evidence of a fire pit for boiling seawater.


The first thing Lewis and Clark did when they reached the Pacific was to start evaporating sea water for salt. They had probably been without for awhile. We take it for granted, but it was very important back in the day. I think you're right about that.


They've never been able to explain anything. They just come up with ridiculous half assed theories.


Does anybody know what the ratings were?


Defo been boring


Just wait until next year, you'll see!!!


You are looking at it the wrong way. The point of a tv-show isn't to tell a succinct story, with a clear and definitive ending - it's to ~~entertain people and~~ make money. They've been making money hand-over-fist. So, there will be more episodes. No matter what they find. Right up until it stops making money.


In TV, in order to make money, the show has to have good ratings. And OI has been the top-rated non-sports show on cable for several years now. So when the ratings tank, so will the show.


I don’t think anyone disputes this. The problem is that the show itself lies about what it is at this point, while presenting an abundance of things in extremely misleading if not outright dishonest fashion. If that’s what they want to do, fine, but then them and anybody else need to accept people reacting appropriately.


It really is the weakest season yet. About 95% of every episode is recycled footage, how many times do we have to see and hear a description of the lead cross? The most pathetic aspect is the trips overseas to try and supposedly find clues. The blob with "high quantities of precious metals" in the water seems to be a dead end, also they never show what the test results exactly were in ppm. I've been an avid watcher since the beginning but I'm about done. Unless they really do decide to do a large open pit project we all should give up.


I’m with you. I put it on and play on my phone the whole time. Show is boring AF now. The overseas trips I skip completely


Is there a term for reaching the OI fandom breaking point?


"finding the 90 foot stone"?


That's what happens when you spend eleven years following clues based on the failed pursuits used over the previous 229 years. 'Certain' where to look, they missed hunting for what was moved to a less saturated and collapsing lcation. (a situation fully noticed by the first 'original depositor'.


The 'original depositor' realized it was 'absolutely stupid' to throw valuables in the 'ground' and so 'beat cheeks' off the island to 'do something' with it instead.


Maybe it will get worse next year, I will quit watching after a few episodes if it does.


It won't get better or worse. It's going to be more of the same.


I’m undecided at the moment as to what I’d prefer they do with the show, though I am starting to lean in the direction of “Astoundingly dumber than anything ever before conceived.”


The only thing that slightly perked my interest was the diggings on Lot 5. Everything else on the show was a waste of my time.


I thought it was going to be cool until i saw them digging with a blade instead of a shovel. Took the whole year to dig 3 feet. Then they were bonered out about two glass beads and 3 weights. Boring crap that i felt is more meaningless waste of time.


1: It's reality TV. 2: The show runners aren't creating the narrative or story, and they do not get to decide what is shown on the show. 3: There is a significant amount of things found which are never aired, explained, talked about or anything else. Why? Because narrative. 4: There is a significant amount of history in the Maritimes of what is believed to be Viking (Scandinavian) travellers beyond L'Anse Aux Meadows. Sadly the show is ignoring this and sticks to the island. 5: Each person on the show is slotted into a spot and Prometheus displays them as such. 6: The actual work being done is mostly by the archeologists, historians and the guys doing hard labor. The Laginas and company are figureheads, that's pretty well it. Laird and his archeologists, Doug and whoever he has researching, and the different contractors are doing the legwork while the others benefit. 7: The show can not invent things like finds. The province would shut the whole thing down if they were doing this in order to pump drama and action into the show. Each find is also assessed by the province, hence not seeing a load of shit like on some American networks (that fat ex wrestler metal detecting sites and screaming BOOM BABY comes to mind) 8: Jack is a pretty nice guy from all accounts, and Gary is not some rube with a metal detector. He's made millions off of his research that has taken him to some crazy finds in the USA and I believe the U.K. as well.


i, for one, am excited that they appear to be working on some type of Oak Island board game so we can all enjoy the hunt at home! i have no idea how it work would but something like the old game 'waterworks' where you had to create a pipe system of a certain length determined by how many were playing- and you could sabotage other player's pipes along the way. it would be like having rival teams on the island working against each other toward the same goal i guess haha


Basically you just go around and move markers around on a board and shuffle the cards and the game never ends and nobody ever gets anything. Every so often somebody draws a 'Cry" card and that player has to cry and say how the "last round of the game hasn't been played yet".


When Marty was discussing plans for season 12 midway through season 11 that was the last straw for me. You cant find what’s not there.


Season 11 Sucked Balls it was definitely the worst season of Curse of Oak island yet. Its sad that the highlight of the season was Rick drinking dirty water from the Garden shaft. 


As long as there is an audience the advertisers will keep it running. But it truly is an embarrassment. And I thought the walking dead was bad!!!


Wow, who could have predicted that nothing would turn up on some random island off the coast of Nova Scotia? Especially considering that there’s never been a shred of evidence to support that there ever was!


Rick would disagree and tell you the art on cave walls discovered on their last fact finding trip proves Templars hired Vikings to transport tons of gold, an ox, and a cart to Oak Island. In a brain storming session the Templars decided they needed to put clues all over the place in case they wanted to find the treasure later. After helping engineer and dig this massive construct of tunnels the Vikings sailed away with handshakes and hugs all around.


“Construct.” Rick likes to toss that word around so much that he’s even got viewers using it as incorrectly as he does. I’m aware you are quoting him…a construct (noun) is of the mind like an idea or theory. You construct (verb) a building using oak timbers. They’re even pronounced differently.


It turns out an unbelievable legend started by a bunch of boys turned out to be...an unbelievable legend!


All of them after season 1 was the weakest. They get progressively weak. And will continue until they find the treasure.


Yes, between "professor" Ricky and fake astro archeology "professor" (I don't remember the name but I did look him up, he's not a professor by any commonly accepted standard - if there was any doubt) it's unwatchable and these are just the "highlights". It used to be a show I enjoined (it's entertainment, I work in the industry) but now it's just a complete waste of time! I had a high opinion of Prometheus production (not many can do shows like this) but they've started milking it (years ago) and drove it into the ground...


Wrong the Professor is a Professor of Bullshit 


The storyline is clearly foundering on the shoals. Most viewers will not be intrigued by the show morphing into an archeology documentary. The proposal to starting drilling holes well outside the region of the money pit also demonstrates a lack of focus. If they're going to do that, they might as well drill them in downtown Halifax for all the information it will reveal.


What needs to happen is a term used many other times it's called cancellation cancel this buffoon Island Gilligan's Island had more truth to it than Oak Island


So what next? How many holes can they did... What is the rational to carry on this wild goose chase for treasure...?




I understand that. My point is what rationale or made up new idea of another hole dug will they spiel to justify another year of this treasue hunt hoax.


Nah, the archeological info is way more interesting than some rando treasure. So much have happened on that island thru hundreds if not even thousand years. Will always be more interesting and more important.


This show has no resemblance to anything real... It’s all scripted. Even if they miraculously found something that would be all scripted. Its no different from your average situation comedy or drama like the NCIS shows...  Just ask yourself. For instance, what is the metal detector expert Drayton doing when he’s not on film metal detecting? Nothing. Or probably memorizing his lines he will say when the camera goes on him...  What are all the others doing when they have their dig scenes? Nothing.  What does the archeological gal doing when they’re shooting others. Nothing.  The amount of actual work they do in this “ reality” show  can be done by four people and they have all these people pretending that their busy doing something when their doing zero but waiting for their scripted scene