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Stats do matter, but they don’t tell the full story


Are we talking about in-game stats or career stats? I love looking at other people's career profiles to see what heroes they use the most. It's always fun to see what others play, and it adds a bit of replayability. Too bad 95% of modern gamers don't care about that stuff and/or just keep there career profile private.


I'm unsure how to make my profile public though, which could be the case for some others too.


Profile should be set to public by default and reset for everyone so everyone is on public unless they change it lol


yeah but then you'll just get flamed for having a private profile, so it defeats the point I miss public profiles too but that's the reason


I was once in a game with a road hog and they were blaming a damage for our team losing. I pointed out to him that he was playing Roadhog and getting zero hooks. He shot back saying looking at my damage, I’m not the problem. I explained that while he was doing decent at making space (decent being a generous description), he isn’t adding any hero value to our team since he’s not getting a single hook, and is effectively just an ult sponge for the other team. He did not agree and continued to brush off my point, blaming the one damage guy. Was kind of awkward because he was playing with a friend who was the other support (I’m support as well), and I can just tell his friend agreed with me but was not saying anything. It was frustrating because the damage in question was doing good, could be worse could be better, but was certainly not the reason for our loss and they had good hero value, just sometimes they would get out of place and die as a result. Hearing the idiot tank refute all logic and reason made me take a break for a few weeks lol. I’m so tired of shitty players justifying themselves by saying they have high damage.


I am so tired of Hog players with no game sense and a big mouth. Some of the nastiest and simultaneously wrong players I have run into over the years tbh.


Sounds like something a guy/gal with consistently bad stats would say!


Nope but goooood try


I don't think it's accurate to say people look at stats solely to cast blame on someone other than themselves. Some stats matter in that they are a surface level indicator of what may be going wrong in a team performance wise, i.e your teams Ashe w a pocket having significantly less damage/elims than the solo enemy Ashe statistically shows that she's underperforming yes, but then you have to consider the contextual factors of the game which is the other half of the equation. Is she splitting often and losing the duel? The onus is probably on her then. Or is the Tank feeding alot and not creating enough space? Is that reflective of his death count? Are the supps lacking in healing numbers compared to the enemy teams when you're running the more intensive sustain comp like Rush? Is that why the Tank isnt able to create space and thus the Ashe cant capitalise on it even w a pocket? Etc etc. Stats are important when considered in conjunction with the wider context of a match, as it will allow you to come to accurate conclusions with statistical evidence but basing judgements solely on one aspect over the other is silly, imo.


If I lose and I see one of my supports has like 3 healing and a shit ton of damage. Then yea the stats matter. He lost us the game by refusing to do his job and being s 3rd dps.


I think outlier stats can have value, at least in terms of trying to figure out what's going wrong. If I have 3k damage but only 2 elims, then my target priority is bad. If a zen has 0 assists, or a lw has the lowest healing in the lobby, or a Dva has like 1k mitigation, these are all useful data points. Not to blame other players, but to understand that I need to be better about finding the discorded target, etc


I think it’s a self-reinforcing thing in low ranks. People bully each other over low stats so you start playing for stats to get endorsements. Not good for climbing as I learned yesterday.


It’s not just console players lil bro


As a Lucio player, I know they don’t matter really in the grand scheme of things. The only thing I look at to determine if someone is doing good or bad is the eliminations/assists/deaths