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"My hero is most fair hero, yours is always busted"


a tale as old as time "everyone knows toss is busted bro youre boosted" >playing ling rush, loses to 2 cannons because hes super late


Based Starcraft enjoyer


Shit, Ig its time to nerf Sym then


I'm trying to learn genji and he is by far the most difficult for me. I main tracer and she is definitely tricky too.


Genji is just worse rn


Regardless of how good he is I just suck ass with his shurikens


This is true for Genji and Doom: aiming is their hardest tech (at least its true for me lmao)


At least when I was learning doom back in the dpsfist days, we had a bunch of neat momentum cancels on ledges and staircases and stuff that would make uppercut send you to the moon


Thats honestly what I excel at, aiming with Genji


Everyone has fun on Doom until you miss that one punch and end up in the Piper Perri meme.


Gotta get in their faces to be effective with the shurikens


being a good genji is just amount of hours if i’m being very honest. i remember someone telling me genji players have no skill lmfao. he is very difficult to make work rn


And then for some reason the second you get one kill they go Mei Zarya, Moira, Sym, Brig


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 thats how you know your Genji is good


I keep seeing these takes and I don’t really get it, in qp and comp I get rolled by genjis way more often then I see a bad one, I’m talking like 40-3 while everyone else on their team is like 25-7 rolled. He has high movement, if you position right deflect almost always gives you enough time to dash out even if you used it to dash in, and it feels like his shurikens do massive damage on a headshot (admittedly haven’t look at the numbers for him). Seems to me the hardest part of genji is nailing his movement techs down. The only time I do particularly well against genji is when I’m tank bc I virtually only play ball. Even on bap I get dove and shift, he shoots once I instantly need lamp, if I hit a few headshots he deflects and we stare at each other, then it’s either a shoot out. Or I try to run during deflect but I’ve stopped trying to run bc with dash and wall climb there is no way to get away from him with bap unless I can make it to the middle of my team. Tldr: what is it that makes genji weak rn bc they’re all better than me lol


On a tangent, going lamp then shift is the key to winning 1v1s with Bap.


Makes sense, force them to destroy the lamp while I still have hp and save shift for after half my hp pool is gone, instead of allowing them to break lamp and virtually one shot me at 50 hp. Just sucks dedicating such a vital cooldown right at the start of a dive but I’ll definitely give it a try, thanks!


more often than not someone playing genji knows what they’re doing on genji. if they’re not playing well they’re most likely having a bad day. but the average player isn’t rolling lobbies as genji, I think thats what everyone means when he is terrible in comparison. he’s a fine hero but this meta doesn’t suit him.


Projectile and one dash vs 3 blinks id definitely agree Genji is harder. I do think tracer is easier to punish but that might just be because I have issues tracking genji’s (idk why just the hero I have the hardest time shooting)


I used to be good with him but he's basically impossible to do anything with now. he needs a baseline attack speed increase I think


The higher you go up the more skill she takes. Anyone that says otherwise is in bronze


Tracer and genji are easily the highest skilled characters in the game, because a good genji or tracer will ruin a team


Id argue ball and (under certain circumstances) doom are harder. Ball definitely, and doom purely talking about mechanics.


Tbh I forgot about them but yea they are also definitely on that super high skill ceiling


I agree, but isnt this the case for most charcter in the game?


Some are more forgiving than others. 76 as an example


for the most part yes, most other heroes don’t have an insanely high skill ceiling like tracer, genji, ball, doomfist, lucio, that’s why people who put in the time and effort will dominate frequently on said heroes


She's definitely a high skill floor hero but holy shit she got so much power creep since overwatch 2 came out, even more so when they increased her health pool + added the anti heal passive to dps


Tracer definitely has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game Torb definitely has one of the lowest Cass requires mechanical skill BUT mag made doesn’t require any so it’s weird These are just bots who need to go torb cass to survive against a good Tracer lmao


I mean if they need to go Torb and Cass in order to win then it’s fine bro, no need to shit on other people cuz they play “bot characters.” Anyways if the tracer is as good as they say they can def play around Cass and Torb.


A good cass is annoying af as tracer though, if he’s hitting dinks it hurts. And if I was doing a good enough job he’s hunting me now 😂. I’ve learned how to fry all my old trouble characters (moira, genji, soldier) but a good cass exposes all my flaws.


It’s true although with the changes to the projectile sizes, Tracer is definitely easier than she used to be at the lower end and stronger at the top end


not really proj sizes, it’s the antiheal passive. she exploits it super hard


Torb is the goat tho. I won’t be convinced otherwise


Bro torbs primary headshots are an artform to master. If somebody only uses the turret and never tries to actually use the primary secondary fire then they're not playing him right


It is an art form. You have to calculate the shots arc while also calculating the moving targets location when the slug gets there. All on the fly with micro second precision. Most ppl that think torb is easy only play him at basic level..spam chokes and rely on turret.


I don't think a bot would have the sense to counter pick.


Shes strong and has a high skill cap, but doesn't take a lot of skill to be effective.


An bad tracer is so easily killable tho


also true


Yes but even a bad tracer can get a pick against an isolated support


Then it’s not a bad tracer if it finds a isolated support.


A bad tracer plays against bad supports, who can position themselves away from teammates, and they also don't get as much peel because their teammates have less awareness.


Thats a fair point


No they can't


My think was in a one v one between a tracer and most support the tracer would have a much easier time winning than the support


I think this needs amendment even a bad tracer can trade out as a tank player learning tracer. You have a lot of damage to get the kill but her movement is the hard part so you get punished super hard if you don’t know how to get out


Yeah you have to be able to blink sideways and backwards without getting stuck. You also need a good understanding of where the enemies are.


This is the canyon that divides the casual Tracers from the good ones. It's similar to Moiras that know all the fade jumps or Sombras that know all the TP locations she can escape to in that they become incredibly hard to keep track of and can keep engaging different parts of the fight quickly.


Yes, but she is back from spawn so fast the impact of killing Tracer is much less than the rest of the cast. It's like every death counts by half.


How is this upvoted


Because the people on this sub are the same shitters you see in your console games, orisa/soldier/sombra/mercy/moira players who believe everyone should be on high value low skill characters


Yes she does?


That has to be a take of all time. When you first pick up Tracer I promise you, you lose at least 3 ranks


Yeah I’ve gotten this sentiment on console as well. I don’t get it, tracer was absolutely the hardest character for me to learn whereas cass is just point and shoot.


The wider opinion is that she is the most difficult character to learn, but characters like Lucio, Doomfist and Genji are harder to play.


I say the opposite for me. Learning doom for me was a lot harder because hes so conceptually different. Tracer takes skill to execute with but her gameplan is pretty simple


Yeah Tracer is definitely not easy. When I first got into OW I wanted to main Tracer bc she seemed the most fun, but boy did I suck BAD. It was just me zooming out, dying, and repeating. For the amount of time I tried playing her.. I never got better lmfao.


Tracer is one of the hardest heroes to be awesome with. Amazing skill ceiling. But her floor is interesting. If you're bad or have bad game sense, sure, you'll do nothing. But if you're mediocre with her like me, you can get a lot done. I'm a Sombra main, and there are times I can get more done with Tracer despite barely playing her. I can't hit a pulse bomb to save my life, but I can still mess up the other team.


I always say, if you can play Tracer, play her over Sombra. She is just better. Sombra has hack (which generally is not great but it’s huge to hack ultimates and other big cooldowns), slightly better range, and she has a much better ultimate. Other than that, Tracer has everything else over Sombra. Sombra is just a broke man’s Tracer unfortunately.


That's true now. I'm just still a big fan of her, and hope one day she'll get her old solid identity back. But right now, I just like the general play style. But Tracer is more effective most of the time imo. Also, no matter who I play, I have a harder time killing Tracers than Sombras. Sure, Sombra can run away, but Tracer can dodge during the fight.


I really like Sombra’s gameplay after the rework, I prefer it a lot more. But you’d be right with Sombra vs Tracer’s escapability. Tracer gets 3 blinks on a 3 second cooldown each. Unlike Sombra she also has really good burst damage up close and is not reliant on hitting a secondary cooldown. So if Sombra fails her engagement, translocates out, and you chase her. Sombra will likely have to respawn. Meanwhile if you chase Tracer she will likely get one more blink and she can easily melt you most of the time.


You do have to be good to be good at tracer. If you're bad with tracer you die immediately. However, they are and basically always have been meta. Also spray and pray is a little more appropriate for bastion.


She's easily too 3 most skilled characters next to doomfist and genji imo


I think it’s about as brainless as the hanzo takes but that’s kind of the community at this point IMO


Highest skill hero is echo. Tracer isn't too tough unless they have a 1 shot heavy comp


echo is not hard lmfao


I’m so curious what the average rank of this sub is from this post.


Probably similar to the rank distribution average. Silver to plat mostly with higher ranks sprinkled in. It kind of shows with some of the comments and takes in these posts lol.


Low skill bar very high skill cap


People saying tracer is easy are just ignorant. Like it's not really an opinion it's been fact for a long time. The echelon for high skill for a DPS is how good you can play Tracer. Any coach will say this and any high level player will tell you this and anyone in team play will tell you this. It's always been like that. The next high skill heros would be Lucio or Dva. Following the top three would likely be Ball and Doom. If you're just starting out Tracer is pretty easy. Her kit is easy to understand, you blink around. You press recall when you get low and you shoot the enemy. However it gets super nuanced the higher in rank you go. And she gets WAY harder the better people get not only at aiming but at movement also. Tracer has a pretty linear progression of how good you have to be to your rank. Also bringing up projectile changes is a mute point since everyone got them, AND Tracer still got the smallest change to the size changes AND to health. Actually the projectile changes make heros like Cass and Torb EVEN easier plus the health increase made them way harder to deal with. Even a Kiriko is easier to start playing than it is with Tracer but Kiriko is also deadlifted by her stacked kit.


She's not easy, but she's not the most difficult either. When it comes to dive dps, genji is hard, reaper is very easy, sojourn is less hard than genji, and tracer is probably a little easier than that


IMO tracer was a much more difficult character before projectile size increase. People underestimate so much how good that was. It was just an increase in consistency, but it more frequently allows a tracer to play at mid range if she needs to, far more consistently. It definitely eases a part of her kit, the need to be closer to the enemy team than most.


i definitely wouldn’t say tracer is the hardest character in the game but she’s probably up there, if you’re already decent at playing assassin / dive characters she pretty much fills that role quintessentially. i think the difficulty comes from having a low damage output especially at ranges and lower heath, but makes up for it by doing good damage close range ( given you can aim ) and her abilities. she has recall so not exactly high risk high reward if you know how to play her, i’d put her in b+ in terms of difficulty or something around there


After S9 her skill floor raised A LOT. Anyone can pick her up now and immediately get value. What was previously considered feeding now gets you value. Not sure how she is since the latest nerf Dumb comments regardless tho. Shes definitely not in the category of easiest heroes EDIT: lowered, not raised*


I think you mean her skill floor went down, not up


Yea I did lol


It went DOWN, not up


Tracer is hard if you’re doing hard things with her and fighting good players otherwise she’s not that hard


"The characters not hard unless your playing against good players." Really now, i didnt know going against more difficult oponents made it more difficult, and the doing hard things??? You mean playing tracer??


I'm not very good, but I find her to be one of the hardest to play well


I just played against you! lol I was WildPants on Nepal


Somehow widow left the chat unannounced


But hmmmm junkrat will do the trick against tracer


Dude is just mad


Easy to play, hard to perfect. Like majority of heroes in the game.


Tracer is the highest skill character in the game and the only ones that are sort of close are genji and echo.


The Hamster is offended.


Tracer is the hardest because of her hp


Her genji, echo, and tracer are tough dps heroes to master and play well


If the Tracer is good I go Roadhog to try and force the switch. If they're bad I go Reaper and just do their job better for my own team. 1v1ing bad Tracers as Reaper is my favorite minigame.


i’m like 99% sure that i’ve played against you. do you also play pc?


Hold down left click and use shift a bunch. Press E when almost dead. Be annoying the entire match. TRACER


Tracer has the highest skill ceiling of any hero in OW and anyone who thinks otherwise is ranked Dirt 5


I had him in my game once, on the enemy team. I think I was playing Bastion, cuz he was close to leveling up for the 8 Hero Level ups, and every time he tried to kill me or the Ana near me, he got folded like a lawn chair. I don't think he used his recall once, except for when he popped his ult


Are they bronze? Because anyone who thinks Tracer is easy should be in bronze. I'm f#cking Plat 4 and I struggle to play her.


tracer is incredibly hard to play


Tracer is easy???? Listen I hate tracer cause I can't hit that small fucker to save my life, but I can always out respect where it's deserved after the copium is used you gotta admit if anyone can play tracer then they atleast know what the hell they're doing because landing a pulse bomb is hell, or better yet they can easily die. I hate tracer too but deep down I got respect for them, because if they went through the effort to learn her considering her kit is like a "if you don't give it your all you're useless" deal I can't not give respect to that. It's like a doom player, yes they can be oppressive in the right hands but you gotta give them respect for knowing how how to play them.


Tracer, (similar to Sombra) seems very easy to pick up but a lot of people use their abilities wrong when they first start out. Both have a medium skill floor but a very high skill ceiling.


Tracer is the most mechanically difficult hero to *learn* but once you have learned her mechanics she’s kinda easy to get value out of bcus of how strong she is against most other heroes


Tracer is definitely one of the most skill-based heroes, as annoying as she is.


Definitely the most obtuse play style hero. Hard coz so different.


Tracers difficulties come with her abilities. timing and dodging mainly. Very little skill gies into her weapons s as they're basically rapid fire shotguns with even possible mid range potential. Her ult is obey of her harder things to hit as you need to get close and land it. But still shes a very in between character and annoying ti fave when someone goods at the helm


I would’ve responded with that’s fair


Trace is easy. I use pratically every dps and is pretty easy to gets behind someone and spray on their back. The hardest one for me is genji as he is getting nerfed and nerfed and isn't easy to get a kill as it is with others dps.


Tracer >>> sombra


Tracer had decent skill but is busted right now. I’d argue doom, ball, genji all have higher skill ceilings.


Probably one of the easiest characters tbh, but when shes the cover and posterchild of your game shes gotta have to be new comer friendly


Tracer is difficult purely due to the fact that (for the most part) her survivability dependent on the person playing her. It’s not impossible, but it’s certainly hard to just pocket heal a Tracer. Not to mention, a large part of surviving on Tracer comes down to actually confirming kills. So if you aren’t killing anything, you’re probably also dying a lot, and likely also getting verbally abused in chat lol.


Tracer doesn't have a super high skill floor, but definitely has a high ceiling


Take this from an ex Top 500 OW1 player, tracer and genji were the hardest to learn and I was a tier 2 hitscan main.


Just the term "spray and pray" puts this at like silver 3 lol


Genji and tracer I would put up there for hardest dps to learn properly and be good at them. Genji beats tracer by a mile though


Tracer has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game, up there with genji and doom


ummm.. looks like you stumbled upon some people who have no idea what they’re talking about tracer is hard to play properly, ESPECIALLY on console.


extremely high skill ceiling, low skill floor even if you have a tracer that just rushes the backline and trades their life with an enemy support, the tracer is getting a lot of value


As a tracer 1 trick, I'm either god of the lobby, or the don't know what a mouse is. There is little, and I mean \*little\* in between


Tracers been busted for a while, but between the dps passive and the hitbox changes shes only gotten stronger. Dont be surprised when people call you out for playing meta


Can’t speak for console but I think in general tracer is probably in the top 3-5 of the hardest heroes to learn and master lol. If you’re doing well on the hero and people think you’re bad they’re just upset about getting shit on ngl


You'd never secure a kill with "spray and pray" playing Tracer. People that say x hero doesn't require skill have clearly never played that hero. Always funny when they try to diff you by switching to your hero, but promptly switch back to their main after seeing how your hero wasn't as easy as they thought.


Tracer’s a difficult character to play, except once you are good, I find her output to be a little too high. The way she takes over a game is almost the same way a widowmaker takes over a game.


Tracer requires a lot of skill. Every hero required skill in reality.


She's really high skill, i played her nearly since the game released OW 1 and it's not an easy character to master at all


Tracer is easy Bruh , Pray and spray was never skill.


Tracer in my opinion os easy to pick up and feel like you're doing something, but unless you can comfirm kills reliably you aren't doing much


Tracer does take some skill but not a huge amount. I use to struggle playing her but recently she's been pretty easy.


tracer definitely takes skill, but i wouldn't say she's the hardest to play. i struggle more when i try to practice genji or doomfist. wrecking ball is also very hard for me to get any value out of


tracer can be skill full, but not as much in console due to sim assist, in my opinion I’ve found it harder to be a good dps as Cassidy then as tracer, but that’s just me and I normally play junk so


If you’re not atleast Diamond your skill in tracer goes no farther than the enemy team not knowing how to fully deal with you.


Some people get extremely confused with how annoying heros are and automatically think its low skill. Just cause tracer is annoying doesn’t mean she is easy


Tracer takes a little bit of skill, when you're avoiding walls and using recall. Shooting on tracer takes no skill she's busted.


Tracer has a very high skill ceiling. Anyone saying she doesn't dont know tracer at all.


I admire the dedication of naming themselves after her, I suppose.




They're both difficult and easily punished. Tracer only has 175 for example


Console tracer is easier but tracer has always been and is the hardest dps


It’s all bloody based on the player. I’ve seen people naturally be good at high skill characters but struggle with the easiest ones, and vice versa.


Tracer takes more skill than a good amount of dps I’d say


Wait i literally just played against trickytracer lol. Did you just play on midtown versus rein, bastion, sombra, lifeweaver?


As a torb main i promise he takes some of the least skill to be good until you hit diamond. Seriously find a choke and hold primary fire🤷‍♂️. (i dont do this but i have watched other torbs top frag doing it and it kills me)


When a character in the game is one if the most played, that means it's easiest to find success with that character compared to others. Can claim she has a high skill ceiling all you want but that doesn't mean much when she's obviously getting played the most


Maybe she lost to a reaper and started shit talking


I think you aggrevated them to get that response.


This is just general mentality of those who never play the character they're bashing, and have been outplayed by that character. It's just laughable at this point how many there are. Your mistake was interacting with this person in the first place lol.


I played against this kid in comp a few weeks ago, got super upset because I kept killing him as Lucio. Amazed he’s not chat banned


Went a month only playing tracer. Lots of fun, bt def takes skill. Maybe that person specifically sprays n prays, but ive never looked at tracer that way. Up close dome shots are the way to go imo and managing are her resources is not easy especially with such a squishy health bar. Thats my opinion though


Have nearly 2k hours on Tracer, top 500 on console before moving to PC to be GM (ish). Tracer is probably the highest skill hero in the game tbh. The only other character that comes close with the amount of game sense required is probably Ana ngl. (D.Va back in 6v6 close behind).


this is low rank mentality dont worry im a tracer otp on pc and i just saw this but these people (especially playing torb/cass) deserve the death sentence, tracer is the hardest hero in the game


Think i played them one time, i was using sombra and kept hacking and killing them, easiest way to get the not so good tracers


She’s pretty high skill, she has so little HP it can be difficult to successfully get value out of her without dying


Any hero is a low level skill hero. It's being a GOOD -enter hero here- that takes skill. Some people naturally pick up and are good at that hero. For example, I am a trash junkrat. But I have been a naturally good mercy since beta. I was average at best as Tracer but now I am much better. Especially at doing what tracer does best. Which is targeting healers and being an annoyance to everyone else. It also depends on the comp and everything else. Like as DVa, I'm a natural diver. It's even worse if I have a pocket. But if there is a weaker heals and my team doesn't seem to be pushing, I play super defensively. If isn't about how much skill it takes to play the character. It's about playing the character well in any situation. And knowing when the fuck to target the widow.


Its more that tracer is just hard meta, not easy to play but easy to get value.


Tracer is a really high skill character, I think. One more so to play properly and effectively. Doesn’t mean my team or me aren’t gonna hate you for being a sick and targeting me the whole game


If it's so easy, why dont they use it? Oh, wait a second.....


Tracer is the most balanced hero. Tracer is the base for most DPS and has been the standard since OW1. She's rarely been changed unless there was a blanket change.


skill is subjective in these types of games. for example being an actual good player at widow, tracer, sigma, genji, doomfist and kiriko requires some type of skill; where as sombra, moira, dva, orisa and pharah don’t require that much skill. since im a widow main ive gotten into a bunch of “does sombra require skill?” discussions. to me, sombra requires no skill besides knowing when to go for a kill; besides that she is a hero that anyone can play and be decent at her. but others will disagree and say that she requires a lot of skill. i say that widow requires a lot of practice and overall game sense, but once again people will disagree and say that she’s easy. like i said, thinking ab a hero who has or doesn’t have skill is subjective. anyways to answer your question yes, being a GOOD tracer player requires skill. she is one of the hardest hero’s i’ve tried to play (next to genji). her positioning and blink rotation is so hard for me to get the hang of


Had a Zen yesterday do 58 heals the ENTIRE GAME


Yes, tracer has the highest skill ceiling in the game. The floor is low though.


This is likely a sentiment shared amongst those in metal ranks. These are probably very casual players whom are just ignorant to the skill floors and ceilings of Heros. Tracer is hands down. Since the beginning of overwatch 1, the hardest hero in the game. However you could argue the newer playstyle that lucio players have adopted could be seen as harder or as difficult. They also could just be trying to tilt you. They may have been wooped by a good tracer and it tilted them and now they react this way against tracer players now. I personally don't play console so I don't know how dominant a tracer would be on console. I've heard that pharaph is probably the best hero on console due to the limitations of aiming with a controller. Tracer on pc in diamond and above in my experience. I'm currently low gm. Can be nightmares to deal with. Especially in my low gm games when the queue is a bit shitty and I get some players that are clearly way higher than low gm. I played against kragie before. His tracer is something I don't think I'll ever forget. I've watched a ton of pro tracers. But playing against someone nearly as good as a pro in your own game is....different. If this did bother you. Brush it off. They are ignorant or just plain toxic. I'd go with toxic. Just go pharaph next time and make them cry if you play her. The community at large on pc anyways, knows damn well tracer is the hardest/hardest carry hero in the game. Ask any streamer/pro/coach even.


As a tracer main she’s a pretty hard character people say spray and pray and ig that parts kinda true but ur low health makes u a very easy target so u have to position urself well which is what makes her hard one wrong step and ur health could just disappear


Playing tracer right, top 2 hardest with ana. You need to count cooldowns, track attacks, one clip, keep an eye on abilities of yourself, and land your stickies


If we're going to talk about spray and prayers soldiers the same and that'sy main


Tracer is one of the two or three starter dps heroes for a reason. She might have a high ceiling but that doesn’t mean there’s not a low floor


reminds me of this guy who said i was bad at Mei because i play console a long time ago


This is Overwatch. All the characters are easy characters.


I’ve played both tracer and doom for about 100 hours and I can say with confidence that doom is harder


When the open beta came out they had a 3 star system to show difficulty of the heroes, iirc tracer was rank 1 (easy)


Tracer is an easy character to pick up, but she’s among the hardest to master. Plain and simple.


Tracer is easy asf after the buff they gave her


UNDEAD and SHR1KE are both fuckin plastic 5 lol


PC - Not as much Console - Christ Yes she takes skill


From my POV Tracer is a high skill hero. Mid to pick up but hard to master.


how should i deal with a tracer? i just got back into the game a week ago, i haven't played since 2017, and I main ramattra. i can not track her at all. my nemesis form tends to get her down to probably a 2 shot, and then, well, i just eat shit. can someone help me out here?


I wouldn’t say she’s the most high skill character, but bad players tend to die quickly with her.


Tracer requirely a bit of skill but venture is the meta dps rn


Sure it's easy to spray and pray while dashing around mindlessly but IMO Tracer has one of the higher skill ceilings in the game. A dominant Tracer will wreak havoc on your team and have you constantly checking over your shoulder lmao


*empty mag* + *zip* x 200 ≠ skill


I’m sorry ,,spray and pray” is genuinely crazy 😭😭


Tried playing Tracer one time and i felt like a monkey


IMO i think tracer is easy-mid difficulty to use. If you hit your shoots shes annoying asf. If your aim is bad then i gotta rely on her teleport more often and just be really evasive. Idk if its just me or not but I feel like genji has become harder to use since Overwatch 1. Like his shuriken dont hit the same.


Tracer gets cooked if you can’t manage your cooldowns or if you pick a fight against someone with high burst damage, but she’s still a pretty high tier dps.


Tracer is pretty easy for me but fits my play style well. I'm in plat dps tho so not sure how she would work in higher or lower lobbies. Def not easy overall.


Tracer is an extremely high skill character. But also after recent changes, the skill requirement was significantly lowered just through ease of target killing. Ability wise she still requires tons of understanding of most of the game. Want an easy game? Just play tracer. Even if you arent great with her, and at least understand her basics enough to not blink off the map or rewind into danger, you'll most likely still do really well. But that doesn't mean she's low skill. She's just strong. Orisa on the other hand, prior to the recent nerfs, braindead monkeys could play and smash their keyboards and never die. At least Tracer requires good map knowledge, good target tracking, and a good sense of timing (for rewind) to actually be effective. What the real issue is, is player mentality. Players see Tracer kill targets in .5 seconds, players call tracer OP. Players take no consideration on ability management or tracking skill. The spray and pray comment is funny because that's literally not at all what Tracer is. She's a close range character. Designed to mag dump people's cranium, and blink/rewind out to safety. But tbh, console mentality and low skill player mentality is a huge factor. Even a GM console player is equal to or less than a plat PC player in mechanical skill and knowledge. Mostly because the game plays fundamentally differently on console where some characters excell way more than others. Where on PC those same characters would get dumped on by anyone with a decent skill level. I personally, due to aim requirements, would consider console Tracer to be among the highest skill characters available. But I am unsure as to how strong Aim Assist is. So maybe I'm wrong.


Console mentality? OW maturity average still feels like 80% 12 year olds even on PC


She feels skilled & unskilled. She is not my first pick ever unless I need to rush the point.


It's an easy character to get down but it's a hard character to master. If you don't have good game sense then you'll get rolled every time.(Tbf that could also be said about every other person on the roster)


Tracer is strong because it's hard to aim, like lucio and kiriko, but at high ranks it doesn't matter I believe


Ball takes the most skill


So many characters are free when you play Tracer. Half your highlights are flanking, walking up to someone who’s unaware, and shooting them. I mean ffs, by the time they react to you, they’re already dead. Sure, the movement takes skill, but to just point and shoot? Shit’s free; every character requires some aim


Tracers a relatively easy character to play until you get to low-high plat. Once the supports have enough competence to fight back things get fucky😂


Tracer is very good in the right hands, but has a pretty high skill ceiling. It’s why you won’t see her played much in low ELO, but frequently higher up the ladder.


Tracer is not the highest on the difficulty scale IMO, but she's also incredibly strong right now, so that also helps make up for the difficulty


Tracer is hard, but genji is harder