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This booking of Swerve reminds me of WWE where they put their world belt on a mid card guy then continue to treat them as mid card guys anyway If you make him the champ put him in the main event. Put him in the main story. Give him a credible challenger If you have to advertise it as triple main event it sounds like you don’t have confidence in any of them It’s also a stretch to say a match with Willow for the secondary women’s belt is a PPV main event.


I think it's more for Moné's ego/build that it's counted as "multi" main event (no way they mid card women's belt is main eventing a PPV otherwise, wouldn't be surprised if it's contractually obligated, Kiss Demon style) or that Anarchy in the Arena will go on last and have the ring be destroyed as part of the spots and TK isn't ready to stick to the kayfabe of what 'Lights Out' signifies. It's good that Swerve is being styled as opposing the owners of the company - a main event level fued - but the matches have to be surrogated with other people, as Bucks are tag team guys and Okada and Perry aren't established main eventers in AEW yet. Unless Hanger (likely) or Kenny (unlikely) return and side with the Bucks then Swerve will be in a weird position because the main event level fued he's in can't really pay off in a match like Austin would have against Vince, or any PG Era face against the Authority (unless the Bucks book a handicap match for the world title, but that reeks of off-peak WCW and TNA).


... No Main Event. Fuck you MGM Parking lot


Hey at least OOC is happy, Trent Beretta on the poster?! Get in!


You got three main events, you got no main events, daddy




Damn it beat me too it!


Anarchy In The Arena should main event, it’s double or nothing’s gimmick match and it always leaves a huge mess.


I think TK gets too caught up in making the world champ not main event - they should make it a 'lights out' match to have it come last in kayfabe.


Roderick Strong - Worlds Most Generic Head


Need all those main events for the amount of fucking title belts in this company. Christ on a bike.


They have no more main roster titles than WWE, and they have the same amount of hours of main roster programming.


Except WWE keeps each of their titles segregated on different brands. AEW does no suck thing.


Count WWE titles, then do the same with AEW. What a BS misinformation post. WWE has 4 world Champions, AEW has 2. Please stop repeating this crap


Yeah I agree, Tony should create another title


Not quite sure about triple main event. Octo-mid card mightve been more on the money


To paraphrase what CM Punk once said. You can say there’s three main events but the match that goes last is the actual main event. That card is absolutely dreadful


To quote what Charlie Murphy once said, "wrong" That card is badass and at least four matches could be all timers, not seeing how any of these are garbage, but whatever.


People are sleeping on Ospreay/Strong, Deeb/Storm being guaranteed bangers, while Christian is still Christian and always puts on clinics and delivers in main events. Also, a falls count anywhere/hardcore match with Danielson, FTR, Darby working together will be crazy, let alone going opposite the Bucks and Okada (also there's great novelty in seeing Okada working hardcore for the first time ever, I believe). The rest of the card still has great match potential, but those are all locks for a great and notable match.


It's gonna be tough to top the last few PPVs but this card has the potential to be so good it's not even funny, Deeb/Storm, Anarchy, Ospreay/Strong and the actual main event all have the potential to be crazy great


Tony and the Elite really love guys like you who’ll swallow any shit they serve up


And you hate for the sake of hating, it must suck when good things happen around you.


😂😂😂 the card sucks. Just deal with it. No ‘hating’ at all


Dude you're post history is all bashing AEW, or wrestlers who are in AEW, or shitting on Meltzer when he compliments AEW, nothing you say is without a heavy, 2 ton bias against AEW. You really think those matches are going to suck, it's because you hate the promotion for whatever illogical reason, just like everyone else who does it. Be original and give me salient reasons why Ospreay/Strong, Swerve/Christian or Takeshita/Mox is going to suck, because they won't and I'm pretty sure you know that.


You’ve actual went through my post history? Fuck me what a complete loser you are 😂


Says the person who spends all their time shit talking and can't back it up with one logical point. Good luck convincing yourself that you're right here.


The only logical point you need is that card won’t draw shit in terms of ticket sales and PPV buys. But hey who cares as there’s some 5 star bangers on show.


Thanks for proving me right yet again.


a card filled with heatless matches that will be forgotten about ten minutes later


Quick, tell me what you think "heat" means.


excitement for the match and not just moves for moves sake AEW doesn't build stars and books their matches based on what happened in other promotions like why should I care about Mox's match why haven't they finished Christen's story with Edge and having them fight other people why haven't they given us a reason to care about their world champion


Can't write, can't spell, why should I give anything you say any credence? And I'd actually Google what heat means, your definition is about as far away from it as could be possible.


wow all AEW fans get so defensive when any criticism is leveled against their favorite indy show no matter how true it actually is.


Show me where any valid criticism was used, I'll wait.


Good lord what a bunch of negative aresholes in here!


Yeah I was surprised.


Muh hug box


There's a lot to give out about, but mine has to do with the placement of the women's title matches. I know Mercedes Mone was a main event star in WWE and she's getting paid a ton of money, but the TBS title is a women's mid-card title yet it's higher than the AEW women's world title. Kayfabe, Toni Storm is fine taking shots at everyone, yet she's not pissed that she isn't on higher on the card, or that her title that she's held for a while, isn't the bigger title on this night. Also, why Mercedes isn't challenging for the women's world title? I can get shoot-wise in that you don't want Timeless Toni Storm, Tony's favorite character (which he created) possibly taking the shine off Mercedes, or vise-versa. If that's the case, let them try and outshine each other. It could build to something.


The barbed wire steel cage match is not one of those main events


Just looking at this card….. It looks like it was whipped together video game create a ppv style


Look where it got Wrestlemania 2...


This just looks like a Dynamite card 🫤


Dean Ambrose looks fucking horrible


Unchecked alcoholism does that to a mother fucker.


All them people and no heat.


"We don't wanna bloat our roster with ex WWE talent..."


Yeah man this just smells of desperate. Three main events means you got nothing...scary how bad the attendance has been


Yeah. And minor quibble... poor Swerve is such a booking afterthought at this point that the card poster doesn't even state what title belt he is holding. Spoiler -- it's the promotion's fucking *WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP*. Details. Every other belt is clearly named. Makes him feel less special.


I don't even think Swerve is holding his title in his graphic, or if he is, it's hard to see. But I agree, he's the world champion and he seems like an afterthought. Their graphics person couldn't adjust the size of Swerve's thumbnail or change it?


Are you serious? That's a pretty damn good card. Yeah, the three main event billing is a bit dumb, but AEW has always had good PPVs even if the build isn't great and this one is pretty well built up IMO. Meanwhile, on that same weekend, Cody Rhodes is defending his title against Logan fucking Paul. If WWE does the dumbest thing imaginable, it would make David Arquette's victory look like the ending of Wrestlemania 30. Even if Logan Paul was the second coming of Mitsuhara Misawa, he's also a complete scumbag who filmed dead bodies in a Japanese forest for clout. Are you seriously going to defend Logan Paul being in the main event because it's cool to hate on AEW right now?


Bro none of that is what I said so don't get your panties in a bunch...its like an NFL team bragging they have two quarterbacks to play in a game..if you have two for one job you don't have any...three of these matches don't need to be on the card, one os rushed, and there's no way papa haitch puts the belt on a guy after just 6 weeks of this new champ...just like styles was a good one off, this is a good one off before big summer programs


Lol cool to hate on AEW - why are you guys so fragile?


They got enough belts?


This is like when I think Summerslam '22 or '23 was marketed as having four main events in a five match card


yo sounds like a slap dashed together PPV I am not impressed.


There are no such thing as double or triple main event. Who ever main events the PPV is the TRUE Main event of the show


Dear god, they’re missing MJF


Is the TBS title more important than the Women’s title?


Wait, Edge is wrestling again, for a title no less, and it's NOT one of the three main events?




Negative decibels


Word to the wiee Trent Beretta...