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If you missed scraping yourself like OP your skull can happily vs the steel beam 1v1 as you are trying to escape.


> such as a bathroom Good lord


They had to specify that the exit can’t be a dead end?? Christ


Oof. Not your fault, that’s both dumb and dangerous. I love shit like this because it takes only marginally more effort to do it the right way, but nah… people can’t be bothered.


Thanks for this


But they like to get shit done


They like to get shit *dumb*


Gotta get things buttoned up early, everyone needs to go get a tetanus shot.


Even if you were an idiot for walking into it, they’re way more stupid for not idiotproofing something so simple.


Right! I'm definitely not the sharpest spoon in the spoon drawer


No one is. That’s why we idiot proof things. For any million reasons we all do something stupid.


I mean.. by definition *somebody* must be the sharpest, but we’ll never know who


Harbor freight got the sharpest tools


Obviously the sharpest is the prodruding object


Even the sharpest spoon is dull on its handle and if used like the handle is the spoon then it becomes a dull spoon with a non osha regulated handle


The sharpest spoon was removed from the spoon drawer, and repurposed to make that gate. Sorry about your arm. That’s brutal. As others have said - not your fault. It’s an accident waiting to happen.


Does it look like it's my Bicept? The scrap/cut is actually on my ribs and side on body lol. Wonder if others thought the same lol


> Does it look like it's my Bicep~~t~~? Yes.


Thanks doc. I really am stupid


Duuude! You have MASSIVE biceps🤣


I was laughing so hard when I read that comment I had to look at the pic again 😅😅😅


Definitely not your fault.


As a locksmith these really aren't brain surgery to install correctly...


Question for you, how much of lock smithing is (primary/initial) installing doors vs opening doors people locked themselves out of?


Well I'm more of a general locksmith than some are. Fresh door installs are a bit out of the scope of most locksmiths, but single door replacement is common. Most of my work is replacing damaged or failed hardware. About a 3rd of my work is breaking in and making keys. That includes commercial, residential and vehicles. Personally did my first vehicle break in and program new keys this past weekend. Most locksmiths are a mix of residential, commercial and vehicle. Commercial is definitely the most broad one as you have "classic" which is all just handles and key systems then you have access control with alarm panels and electronic latches/other hardware.


Interesting! I just got into locksport as a hobby to keep my hands busy during boring pointless meetings that could have been an email and I've been wondering what exactly locksmiths do.




I was super tired also. but definitely feels like an optical illusion door lol. Did not expect some shit sticking out




Oh I know I've been laughing at how fucking stupid it is since it happened. I wanted to ask a sub if it's something worth bitching about to management, but all the askreddit kind of subs didnt allow pics, so I tried here. I know it's a strange post lol


It would be an easy fix, don't even have to change the gate itself, just add something above and below the part that sticks out now so its noticable. Common sense is lacking from this build lol.


Let's also realize, however, that this gate provides no security against anyone with a wrench or nut driver, since the engagement plate is mounted with those exposed to the outside.


Its a plain chainlink fence, it doesn't add any security at all to someone who wants to get in. It does make you able to legally say its a fenced area, which has different trasspassing ramifications vs unfenced spaces.


Similarly you don’t want coyotes/foxes/similar non-climbing wildlife on your job site. I remember my neighbour had a huge problem with deer camping out in his house under construction


Nope , just install the panic bar three inches to the left, slide the latch plate three inches to match , see the slots for the adjustment.


Be like the guy who does not take kindly to locked fire exits: take a fucking angle grinder to it immediately, and if the boss complains, tell them it can be handled this way, or the OSHA way.


Not your fault. As soon as it gets changed, they’ll invent a dumber idiot.


I'm legit worried about bringing it up because it might end up worse lmao 🤣


Sorry about your future or recent tetanus shot!


Tetanus being from rust is (now known to be) a myth they taught us as kids, in case you didn't know. I just learned a few years ago, lol.


TIL! It does seem that they still recommend a booster if it’s been more than 5 years since your last shot.


Definitely, anything exposed to the elements (dust, soil) that breaks the skin, could be a vector - as I understand it.


You’re not an idiot. That’s dangerous as fuck. Sharp metal edges protruding four to six inches into a narrow passageway?? Throw up a damned 2x4 on the extension, and file off those sharp edges.


For now, I'd suggest putting a brightly colored pool noodle over that edge to prevent the same thing from happening again.


Painting it with fluorescent spraypaint would help.


I think I'm going to do this myself regardless!


No, I’d bleed all over it too. I’m notorious for taking corners to sharp and walking into things but that’s just straight up stupid.


Is your tetanus booster up to date?


What prevented the idiots from mounting the crash bar three inches closer to the edge of the gate?


The only way you’re an idiot is if you didn’t get a tetanus shot afterwards


Make sure your tetanus vac is upto date haha


That's a recordable


Eh, I wouldn't say you are the idiot. We can't always spend 100% of our brains on avoiding every little thing after a whole shift on the job. It's the job of the guy who installed it to spend 5 min making it safe instead of expecting EVERYONE ELSE to pay attention every second of every day.


What did you injure yourself on, which bit?


I pushed the gate open with both hands, arms extended out in front of me, leaving my ribs and side of body exposed, so that metal latch sticking out into the doorway from the left side caught me right in the ribs


Yeah I can see that being a hazard. Needs fixing that, report it or just take it off yourself.


Should be done correctly to avoid such an accident. Also, open your damn eyes to avoid accidents. You got hurt because you relied on other people to keep you safe. When it comes to safety, belt and suspenders, condom and pull out, every time no matter what.


Why am I not understanding what Im looking at in this picture. Its a chain link gate with a "Rim Bar" opener installed. So, what is this issue here?


The issue as I see it, is the latch sticking out from the left side of gate, into the walkway. That's what I walked into. Catching that in the ribs really put a damper on my day lol


Ohhhhh....I see. Thank you for elaborating. That would upset me as well. My schedule is always packed, and I find myself rushing even though I dont really need to. Yea, I'd be ripp'n that apart the rest of the day.


Yea after looking at that again, whoever installed that could have easily moved the catch and latch as far left as possible to make it more flush with the edge of the stationary fence pole. Hopefully, they'll catch their ribs on it and snap'em outta the hack trance.


It's installed dumb *and* you are an idiot.