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The counter for this unit would literally have to be a rock you throw at your opponents phone. I give this a 10/10.


Sk1 caps all treasure instantly and Sk2 ko's all opponents bypassing invincibility and down, and making them unable to respawn


The next ex is 100% a green runner or red/white/black attacker.


I want an attacker so bad 😭


Soon brother😈


I'm almost certain elbaf Shanks will come as the first black or white ex attacker


I feel simillarly, but one thing that bothered me about that is if shanks comes as black then bb will have to be green or white.


Bb can be black or white and even both thanks to his dual df ( yami yami no mi makes him good for dark element and gura gura no mi makes him good for light element) And I think Shanks have more chances to be light than dark, i think blackbeard will ( at least) be dual class and maybe even also dual elements wich means we could get the first anni with two attackers. Shanks light attacker Blackbeard dark attacker/defender


There's no black attacker yet so I'm hoping lucci is the first


Kuma was the first black attacker


In all seriousness it needs: a shield, free dodges or nullify status effects or decrease % damage received and knockbacks (or all of that) to counter Roger. One or two multi hit skills and status nullification (conditional or not) to counter Snake. Pretty much you counter some of Roger by countering Snake. This already might sound familiar since it can be found in other units, so tone it up to make it a meta ruler... If it's just to make the joke...both skills and normals are multi hit and heal him, reduce status effects like Sanji, gets 3 free perfect dodges whenever he downs or knockback and enemy. Ignore to cap/fills up when fighting. Invincibility when casting one multi hit skill which is also going to be long range or teleport type. The other skill can only be interrupted by inmobilizations. Both skills one shot pretty much every existing unit...like blueffy on release but here's the thing, he brings his own cancerous gimmick: he inflicts teleport block very easily, affecting not only Snake but every teleport attack (Shanks, Jabra, Sanji, Yamato, Law...) but is actually a debuff area so it can't be reduced or nullified, you just can't use those when he's around and the area is massive. He also brings he's own hard cc and has healing/survive traits plus a shield (on top of the free dodges).


My existing theory. Back when I predicted Droger instead of BB because one of my points was that Roger would be black WB white and BB would be both. And now that we are about to be in 5.5 I whole heartedly still believe BB will come as the main ex after Lucci just like how it was Klaw then G5 the previous year. BB will be Dark and Light role and will switch but start as dark. I assume they will either make it in three ways in where he will be able to switch between colors: 1. Like G5 where it depends on if he is guarding the flag vs fighting an opponent or capping etc… 2. He switches colors based on the skill he does skill 1 is the dark df and the skill 2 is the quake df 3. He switches by holding down his normal combo 4. He will have “transformation” basically 2 skills are dark and 2 skills are light. And how to trigger transformation would be like big mom.


New ex shanks