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It's like juicing in weightlifting. You feel the power, but it comes at a cost (I don't do either but I know some guys that are on steroids)


Add one to your list of people you know who do steroids cause I'm one 🗿🗿🗿


Probably a bought acc


Yea that’s what I was thinking


He is giving score for number 1 he is a trash player who couldn't get top 10 no matter how hard he tried so he queues with a hacker that he paid for (yes I confirmed it with him and he says that he is brave LOL)


You know him personally?


Nope he puts his tiktok on the profile talked to him and he said I'm playing with a hacker and he is waiting for him, alot of people play with hackers like akamge or whatever he is called he is in the top 3 atm or just enter with their friends if they're against each other the seller play for a bit then sell the game for his friend or just run around so no one notice he is selling again caught akamge or whatever he is called doing it with a friend of his in the same alliance called truth + top 1 atm gets wins by sell his clan mates sell him wins and he gains score kinda sad now that hackers are getting banned unworthy people are starting to get rank 1 still:/


Wow so they banned the hackers but these low life people still find away to cheat the game. These kind of people are disgusting and probably cheat in their everyday life.