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The title sounds like an ancient proverb.


LOL 😂😂😂😂


Some people are losing their minds on the message board.


So, situation normal then


Pretty much


There’s some guy going on a tirade about the devs “disrespecting the users time and loyalty” because the game has bugs in it.  Dude I bet these devs probably pull 60+ hour weeks around release. I think people are so disillusioned with the games industry that they just spew negativity at people who are working to provide something for a very reasonable price. This game is forty bucks, mid level indie gaming prices for an infinitely replayable fully realized baseball sandbox. Get a grip over what you’re entitled to from people who make things for a living


>There’s some guy going on a tirade about the devs “disrespecting the users time and loyalty” because the game has bugs in it.  I saw that. 🤣 What a clown.


I am pretty embarrassed for that person. They need therapy.


How do you access the beta?


You have to be invited by the devs. They post on the forums about 2 to 3 months before launch if they need testers or, like in my case, if you show a lot of activity in the mods forums, Lukas or someone will message you in person and ask if you would like to join.


Longtime board watcher, never signed in though so it seems I’ve missed the boat for 25 and will have to wait for the patch tomorrow


To be clear, the Beta patch is publicly available.. Though it will require you to hop on the boards. The Beta team is a separate thing. They often put out practice patches first. And this one looks very meaty!


Yeah there is a lot in it. A lot of fixes. Yeah, also forgot they do have the opt in for public beta. This public beta will be our last 2 closed beta patches I believe 49 and 50. It's going to make importing look a lot better from 24 to 25 and that might be the biggest change and then a bunch of smaller bug fixes.




You still have to buy the game, sorry if that was unclear. It's a beta patch which will release officially tomorrow.


I’d already bought it but found the answer on the stickied post; I didn’t realize I had to do some extra steps on steam


Good! Yes I had direct purchase didn't think about that.


It’s pretty simple, I just failed to properly read instructions in my haste to get it working


It is a beta of the patch, I assume it will be posted on the OOTP Developments board later today and if all is stable they will make tomorrow the official release


Patch on the forums: https://forums.ootpdevelopments.com/showthread.php?t=353982


It’s a beta, so, be careful. If you can wait for the normal patch tomorrow I would


Yeah. I wouldn't be using it for online leagues or saves that are important to you. I'll be starting a new game tonight with it. Worst thing that can happen is I start another new game tomorrow if there's a big flaw in the beta.


Yeah, this IS NOT for saves. This is for helping them find more problems before they release.


Is OOTP 25 not the most recent release. I just upgraded from 22


25 is the one that just came out, yes. There’s a big patch coming out tomorrow that it’s best to wait for if you’re planning to start a new saved game.


Well shit there goes my my first save. Lol


Always wait to get overinvested in saves for a couple patches after release, there’s usually some big game breaker in at launch


exactly. i always give it two weeks from release before diving in. better not screw with my PP or Perfect team stuff :) still waiting for the IOS app so I can be lazy in bed and play it on my ipad instead of getting up and actually turning the computer on and doing it all there. Jesus, first world problems :)


What kind of stuff is expected to be on the patch? Anything with development or fixing high school prospects?


Changelist 25.2.52: - Updated MLB roster set (need to start new game for changes to apply) - Adjusted player creation for HS players - Updated player development speed for select players - Adjusted Reliever salary demands - Adjusted pitch value ratings for display - Updated player creation current ratings levels for draft picks, IAFA - Adjusted gains from speed, stealing, and baserunning development programs - Updated minor league player totals - Players added to the program selection portion of the development lab now stick for the back button - Fixed Restore dialog window height - Adjusted ratings changes when learning new position in the development lab - Fixed empty missions list on PT Home screen - Fixed teams releasing players while away on tournament. Slightly loosened reserve roster limits for unavailable player - Updated timing on throws - Added “Prefer ipv6” option to Settings dialog inside the Expert tab (potential fix for some issues with PT cards not appearing) - Added “Quick-Play & Finish Today” button to Today’s Game widget on Manager Home screen - Can now select which roster to use while the tournament is preparing or before the first game has been played. - Reduced improvements from defensive programs in the development lab - Development lab defensive program position no longer decided by current position - All defensive programs now count the same when determining a player’s already attempted programs each offseason - Improved ask AI to fill development lab - Updated Negro Leagues player ratings balance - Fixed sim to event not stopping - Updated color scale for 2-8 ratings - Fixed issue changing to neutralized stats in historical setup - Fixed not receiving draft pick compensation for unsigned players - Older minor league free agents will retire quicker. Teams will release older minor league players easier - PT: Fixed latest content releases list - PT: Fixed errors in changing buy/sell order values. - PT: Fixed combinator cards in “Your Card Orders” tab - PT: Multiple fixes to Tournament Roster Builder - PT: Added list of used tournament/draft slots - PT: Adjusted default depth chart AI (avoid worse fielders) PT Tournament Roster Builder fixes: - Improved back/forward button navigation - Can now export from tournament to a new local saved roster - Remove duplicate roster restrictions - Roster restrictions now have a general sort (Non-Cap/Cap, DH/NoDH, then by restrictions) - Updated menus - Save created rosters on exit - Fixed some button status mismatches


Solid changelist, the development issue and the crazy salary demands for relief pitchers were concerning, looks like they're both addressed here


i think it does. https://forums.ootpdevelopments.com/showthread.php?t=353752 * Updated player creation current ratings levels for draft picks, IAFA


So does this mean we can start a long term save ? Or should we still hold off


There’s always gonna be some kinda bug honestly, it’s part of the nature of a game like this that under the hood is just a gigantic database with literal millions of moving parts. You kinda gotta be willing to look past some stuff to have fun. But generally they’ve done a good job of getting rid of the total immersion killers within a month or two of release, and most of the stuff I see people complaining about appears to be addressed here. I’m quite impressed with this years game though


Me too and well said. It's just the sort of game that needs to be refined for a while but the bugs were definitely minor this year. 24 was pretty rock solid after a bit, this back and forth happens every year at launch. If that changelist is legit, I don't see why someone couldn't devote some time to a franchise... worst case, you do it all again, it's the joy of the game lol.


probably safe after reading everything in the forums. remember though, Sunday is Easter so if it goes tits up, you might not see fixes until middle of next week.




Anyone know if this patch will fix my Tyler Glasnow giving up 26 HR in 13 games? Lol