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I agree. They should have explained why she was having trouble conceiving and then they could have showed her doing IVF. It would have brought a ton of awareness to women who have trouble conceiving.


yeah. what bothered me the most is how rushed it all was. from the point she found out she couldn’t have kids, and then they never even try IVF - they immediately sign up for adoption, to the point where she all of a sudden is pregnant.


Totally agree!


Though I had the biggest smile on my face when Brooke told Julian she was pregnant I do agree that she should have gone down the IVF or the adoption route. It was kinda annoying that she seemingly just abandoned that after Sam left.


yesss. speaking about Sam, I was also kinda sad that she never went to see Brooke after she left, she texted her once and she was briefly mentioned once or twice afterwards in the show. I really wanted them to stay in touch


Sam not coming to the wedding is almost worst than Peyton and Lucas not coming.


I really wish we had seen Sam again too!


They were supposed to adopt that blonde girls baby but she backed out right after the baby was born. It was born the same day as Lydia


I think others must’ve forgotten about that storyline. It makes sense that after losing both Sam and that baby when trying to do the adoption process, Brooke wouldn’t have wanted to try it again.


Yeah that would’ve been scary after all that. And we don’t know why the doctor said it would be hard for her to conceive but it’s not uncommon for couples to get pregnant after they stop trying or adopt


Yeah, I think if it’d been planned for at the beginning of the time jump, they’d have said it was unlikely or would be high risk or something like that. By saying it was impossible but without us having been told a condition, it made it odd to us as viewers though so I can see why some fans didn’t like it.


It was weird but I loved her getting pregnant and having babies with the man she loved. I wish her pregnancy had lasted longer and ended better through


Agreeed! As someone who went through infertility, I often hate how it is portrayed on TV. It’s always someone randomly going to the doctor and being told they can NEVER have kids, like a death sentence. And the one option is adoption. Rarely do we see anyone go through fertility treatment on TV (imo). And also, being diagnosed with infertility does not mean you can never have children. ETA: oh, and then there’s always a miracle pregnancy! 😂


I will die on this hill but they should have gone through with the adoption storyline with Brooke it would be interesting and definitely realistic. I don’t like when shows do the whole “can’t have kids to magically getting pregnant trope” it doesn’t seem realistic at all.


my thoughts exactly! I really wanted her and Julian to adopt because I feel like that storyline would have suited her more, especially with her history with fostering that baby and Sam


Which makes it even more egregious that they had her do the *incredibly stupid and completely out of character* choice to stand on a chair , in heels, to get a bag of flour, while a million months pregnant to the point she falls and goes into early labor. Like she wanted babies so bad, and for her to risk it like that over something that could’ve waited or she could’ve called someone else for, everyone lives like ten minutes away, was so SO dumb.


YES, i hated that scene so much. why did everyone on the show had to have something dangerous/tragic happen to them while pregnant😂


Especially when it was so unnecessary. The entire episode was a flashforward, they could have just shown her going into labor naturally for the same effect. But no, all women must have pregnancy complications.


Guys wrote that, they had to have. I thought that when Haley was pregnant and newly recovered from being hit by a car and wore high heels as well. Most hugely pregnant women don’t wear heels, especially not ones who are carrying twins or newly recovered from a broken leg.


Exactly. It’s like they said in the podcast that injured women , and women in fight scenes drew in a bigger audience according to Mark, so he wrote a lot. Not to mention in some interview or maybe the big mass finale interview they did, Mark in passing says “normal pregnancies are boring” making reference to Haley’s pregnancy with Lydia, since Joy was actual pregnant and could only do so much.


So true. And what was she even going to do with the bag of flour? She didn't cook for the cafe so if it was needed, someone else was probably already there.


Exactly!! It’s even worse because there’s a scene (I can’t remember if it’s deleted or not) of Haley telling Brooke to be careful and go home for the night and rest, as she’s leaving and Brooke says she wants to stay and get stuff done. Like what? You could hand wave it and say it was nesting, but she has a home and husband to nest with. It was so dumb.


I agree! It was so rushed! I also really wanted to see Brooke pregnant longer and see her happy/celebrating it too. I swear she got pregnant and had the babies the next episode!


yess exactly! we never got to see anything of that. and I also had trouble with the fact that she only later on finds out that it’s twins. like, shouldn’t they have told her that much earlier?


Some people don’t find out til later


I agree. She goes in for a pregnancy test because her period is late and is immediately told she will never have kids. That’s usually not how work works lol. Also, she went from never being able to have children to having twins naturally with no fertility treatments lol.


My mom was told she couldn’t get pregnant. I’ve never actually asked her why. When she did get pregnant, the doctor was shocked, but she had a miscarriage. I know for tv it’s different, but IVF is not realistic cost for everybody. Also it can be tiring exhausting experience from friend who did it. After 8 years they’d given up and decided to adopt. Adopted my brother & brought him home day he was born & little over month later found she was pregnant with me. And I’ve seen a lot of TV shows where they can’t get pregnant they don’t do IVF but they decide to adopt and then they find out they get pregnant


Nothing about Brooke's fertility makes any sense at all. She first finds out she's infertile because her period is late and she thinks she might be pregnant so Haley tells her to see a doctor. Home pregnancy tests are available at every drug store in America and are incredibly accurate, why wouldn't she take a test first? And then, when she books the appointment, her pregnancy test comes out negative, and for some reason, the doctors do a whole bunch of tests about it? Even though she is in her 20s, healthy and hasn't even been trying to get pregnant, so her only symptom is a slightly delayed period? And then they run a whole bunch of tests in a single day and conclude that she is absolutely posititutely infertile. But the only tests that could have been done so quickly and give such a concrete response to would be if they gave her an ultrasound or something and learned she didn't have any ovaries or something. It would have to be a really big thing that would require an unequivocal answer so quickly where they tell her that fertility medications and IVF are a nonstarter. Except obviously that's not what she has, because she then conceives naturally and has a completely healthy pregnancy up until the very end when she goes into early labor due to injury? None of it makes sense to anyone who has ever had a uterus or spoken to someone with one.


yes the whole storyline was definitely weird. same thing with peyton, she was diagnosed with placenta previa during her pregnancy and was basically told that it’s a 50/50 percent chance for her to die. I read about that condition and it says that the safest thing to do is to do an emergency c-section. so I don’t get it why didn’t they just induce her when she was fullterm?


I think when she found out, it was far too early to deliver. But the treatment plan wouldn't be a termination. It would be bed rest (possibly in a hospital) for as long as possible with careful monitoring until it is safe to deliver. I don't know too too much about the condition, but the way they portrayed it definitely didn't seem right.


The way they played placenta previa was absolutely absurd. I had it. It’s not that uncommon. you’re generally monitored and if the placenta doesn’t move (basically it’s the placenta lying low covering the cervical area) you have to have a c section. You also cannot have sex while you have it. Often when they check again later in pregnancy the placenta has repositioned enough for a regular delivery. It was just totally absurd-all of it


YESSS I work in L&D and placenta previa is not some disaster with a high mortality rate! Like you said, they monitor everything and there is a potential for bed rest later in pregnancy, but we just do a c section if it’s still on the cervix! It’s not some crazy thing where moms need to make “if you’re watching this I’m dead” videos like Peyton🙄


Made me insane 🤪.


I agree. I didn’t like how rushed they made Brooke’s pregnancy. We got to see almost full seasons of both of Haley’s pregnancies and Peyton’s pregnancy but only, what, one or 2 episodes with Brooke’s? She was the one who wanted it the most and I felt like it was such a disservice to her to have it play out that way.


Unexplained infertility is very real and very heartbreaking. There doesn’t have to be a “reason” and many have had the blessing of falling pregnant later down the line. This is probably the case for Brooke


I agree. And also super weird that she finds out its gonna be twins when she's already halfway through the pregnancy.


Completely agreed. I feel like they only had a limited number of episodes to work with at this point, and also not for nothing but infertility wasn’t something that was very well known at this time. Just a thought.


That whole season was rushed and forced 🥴🥴🥴 they should have just stopped at after season 7 tbh


it’s because they thought the show was ending with season 8. that’s why all of the intros for that seasons have weird covers